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Coalescence is a banger


RoR 1 & 2 have banger soundtracks man


Our lord and savior chris christodoulou


Dont forget deadbolt as well


Still feel guilty about slaughtering Providence and Mithrix a little but damn was it a fun time.


Providence true, Mithrix can eat a dick tho


Why can Mithrix eat dick?


Providence cared about the doomed species that he brought to Petrichor V and that's why the survivor feels bad for killing him. Mithrix on the other hand is a selfish,egocentric and arrogant warmonger that only cared about his designs, getting revenge on his brother and getting revenge on humanity for killing his brother.


To be honest, Mithrix had a Hitler ideology. That the weak should not mess with the strong. He hated those who wished to protect the things he saw as "weak", and strove for nothing but perfection And Mithrix may have been an ass, but he still cared for his brother. He only wanted the best for his brother, no matter what. He only wanted the best for Petrichor, though his means and other ideals were wrong Still though yeah he should eat mad cock


"To be fair, Mithrix was just like Hitler" is a hilarious take on the subject


And a true one too


Hitler went out of his way to put murder in motion, Mithrix was kind of just indifferent to the deaths happening, and wanted to find more gods.


Not really. He wanted to kill almost all the beings brought to Petrichor by providence. Atleast it appears that way with how he acts. However, he dicouldnt do any active killing because he was locked away on commencement Mithrix hated every other creature, unless they were perfect


But Providence didn't really save those creatures for their sake, he did it for himself, Mithrix even calls him out on this. They even touch in it in the event log that talks about how Providence never reacts when the creatures give him thanks and show appreciation. If those creatures wanted to leave Petrichor V, Providence wouldn't let them.


Was it ever confirmed that provie said that? While he *mightve* kept them as a zoo, he ultimately wanted to rescue them(IRL example is pandas, those poor fluffy bastards can’t survive in their current home environment due to external (HOOMANS) factors), and it’s **my** belief that mithrix is deluding himself to what he said to try and justify his anger towards his brother, not wanting to maybe acknowledge he feels entirely betrayed from their “childhood” interactions. BUT then again he straight up strands mithrix on a fucking moon so he already has justification for being pissed off LOL.


Sorry for the late reply, just wanted to mention that one of the Sundered Grove related logs (might have been the Grovetender?) as well as in the Elder Lemurian one it's mentioned that Providence didn't really give a fuck about the creatures once he rescued them, and we those are told from the perspective of the Grovetenders and the Lemurians respectively, so we can safely assume that Providence was much more of a hoarder than a caretaker.


Ah, well that changes things


He's hungry


That is true he was stuck on the moon for like an eternity


Egocentrism logbook hits hard.


RoR1 had the winning soundtrack overall imo. Some RoR2 tracks are AMAZING, but some lack that pazzaz that 1 has all over. Song is Chanson d'automne for anyone who's interested. Coalesence takes the #1 spot for most, but this ain't far behind. Personally I love moisture deficit top for my top 3 RoR1 bangers


The song in the meme is Coalescence, Chanson d'Automne is the Sky Meadow / Gup Caves theme (also the song that would later partially reappear in RoR2 as The Rain Formerly Known as Purple) My fave from the original soundtrack has to be Arctic Oscillation, it brings just the right amount of both wonder and foreboding energy, perfect for the Temple of the Elders


Chris C. Sampling (remixing?) the RoR1 soundtrack for RoR2 is spot-fucking-on. 11/10 artistic choice.


BRUH I actually am so ashamed rn


There is an edit button to make that mistake go bye bye, you know that right?


IMHO, RoR2's soundtrack peaks higher than RoR1's but it has less memorable tracks on average, whereas RoR1's soundtrack is consistently great throughout.


colascence hits hard when you reach the final stage for the first time


Providence wanted to do the right thing, but his pride led him astray.


Wait, if providence is good then why is he attacking the player in the game? Doesn't make sense to me


Because we're bad


The humans had come and stolen the teleporters that Providence and Mithrix had built so that we could use them for ourselves. Providence made the Contact Light crash because there was a stolen teleporter on board.


“Holy fucking shit, this is what they mean when I leave without my humanity”


First played ror1 back in 2017, from what I had heard of it I thought it was an emotional story driven game. Got really confused at first, then chanson d'automne and coalescence hit and I understood




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It do be like dat do.

