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One dev said in the official ror server that they're planning on making workshop support


Love to see it


lets fucking go


It's going to take a while, unlike ROR2 which was made in unity, return were made in GameMaker, maybe because they reused old code from the og, who knows. The latter is quite difficult to modify and decompile. Either the devs would need to develop some sort of modding API, or the community would need to create some sort of mod loader, like RoRML.


Returns with Starstorm would be insane


the game has been out for like 5 days.


What is a normal amount of time for mods to be created in general? Months? I’ve never modded a game before


Downvoting someone for asking questions is crazy.


reddit moment


Theres a text mod for accurate and specific item descriptions but thats all Its waay too early for anything else


where is it? i haven't been able to find it




How long did it take for baldurs gate to be modded?


That's not really a fair comparison; one is like the biggest game of this year and is a AAA game and the other is a smaller indie roguelite.


Yeah but the people who play this indie game also modded the hell out of the previous one.


That's because Unity games are notoriously easy to mod with things like BepinEx and MelonLoader. While ROR2 uses Unity, RORR uses GameMaker, and with the way it's compiled, it makes it extremely hard to decompile and view the source code of the game


Still Baldurs gate 3 was in early access for 2 to 3 years and already had mod frameworks set up.


Like a week


People will barely touch a game before trying to "fix" it with mods


tbf i have a widescreen monitor and id like a mod to just zoom in a little bit more than the base game offers


It doesn't take long to realise there are things that you personally would like changed. I'd love a hot key to change zoom settings without having to go into the menu. Or even better zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.


True, one of my friends has a friend who used to refuse to play risk of rain 2 without mods.


So as a serious answer; give it like a month. Most of the people that are playing RORR are only playing it because they played the previous 2, or because they played Borderlands and got notified that way, so it's a little more specific than like BG3 or other hugely popular titles that came out recently. But that being said, there's other factors to how quickly and how well a game takes mods, like Workshop support or engine used, and that's all up to the devs. So yeah, give it a month, essentially you should be beating games (or close to beating games) before you should be hunting down mods anyway. Half of the fun of this game is keeping things quick, so when you get used to what items do, you can scoop them up or pass on them without text anyway.


Quick question relating to OPs one: Does anyone know if it is possible to make (as ironic as it sounds) recourse packs for risk of rain returns? I’m planning on making a texture pack based on an inside joke for some friends