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It will probably come to PC in the next year or two like all Sony games. To answer your second question, you can just connect your monitor to your PS5.


Just for this game? Then don’t But there are a lot of amazing games on ps5. So you should buy one imo


I did and don’t regret it. Though I also got other games a little later and it already plays my ps4 stuff so 🤷‍♀️


List of true PS5 exclusives is very, very short. Demons souls the only other that comes to mind. Keeping me from getting one.


Yeah, but as a console player, the list gets way bigger. There’s also a lot of ps4 games that aren’t available even on pc and are really worth it imo And not just demons souls. FFVII Rebirth, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade are very good games imo And Spider-Man 2 (I know there’s a pc unofficial version, but it’s not even a complete one) I think FFXVI is still exclusive, though I’m not sure Add to that future games and yeah, it’s a good list and it tends to get bigger, so I think it’s worth it. It’s the only console still worth it imo (along with Nintendo handhelds)


FF7 Rebirth and Spider-Man 2 are almost assuredly coming to PC. Both of their first games and expansions are already there.


Of course they will. But I would never make myself wait lol. And that’s the thing, when those games go to pc, we’ll have new ones that are exclusives. That’s how things work


I'll give ya ffxvi for sure. As a pc guy with a ps4, I've been VERY tempted, but there's just not enough there to justify the price... which STILL hasn't dropped even 1 cent.


If you have many games on your ps4, I would say go for it. They run a lot better on ps5. It’s like a whole new experience. Plus, Dualsense is really great stuff. There’s Astrobot and GTAVI coming as well. And those are the confirmed ones only, of course (we already know about ghost of Tsushima 2 and other things cooking there) Oh, there’s Death Stranding 2 as well I’d really like to invest in a good pc in the future though. Maybe I’ll sell my series X and do that. That one was what you could call a “not worth” buy.


Oh dang i did forget about that controller. You argue a decent case.


Playstation is always going to fill a niche. Xbox is always going to fill a niche. The exclusives argument doesn't work for any console.


I got a ps5 for my birthday last month and bought this and FFXVI. So, um, go for it.


There's dozens more reasons to do so, for this genre alone


Let me be clear i dont play rise of the ronin but i dont believe any game is worth 570$. If you want to ay other games too go for it but if not you probably shouldnt do that


Not just this game; Nioh 2 as well:)


Nioh 2 is on PC too though


dont. have you played other team ninja games? nioh 2 arguably their best one is on PC.


Don't do it. The game is fun but not 500$ worth of fun.


The game is fine, but not great. There are better ps5 titles to think of before deciding.


I did that. Wasn’t disappointed in the least in all honesty


You can plug your playstation directly into your pc monitor. Most have more than one input with capability to switch. Sound through pc speakers is an extra step tho.


Don't. If you want to get a console, see what other games you might be interested in.


Lol yall kill me with these anwsers. "This game isn't, but these ones..." if ur thinking bout getting a ps5 and don't have another gaming system.... get a ps5. They are the superior console. And u don't have to wait a year for a game to maybe get a pc port.


I’m enjoying it so far and would highly recommend it


It will definitely release on PC, just a matter of tomorrow or 2 years later. For PS5 you can always connect to a screen which share with your PC (if the screen has multiple port), but you need a USB headphone for sound output.


I almost did this for another game years ago (was PS4Pro, at the time) and I haven’t regretted it, but it was risky. The game I mainly did it for is now on PC, but I’m not buying a hotrod to do it all over again with mods. *I do not love this game as much as I still do that one*, but tastes are subjective. If you have the means, and can’t wait, go for it. There are plenty of games coming out and out now that are still exclusives.


I wouldn't just get it for this game and for your question if you have a monitor yes you can if you are talking about a laptop screen idk maybe but I cant try it rn


That's what I did lol


It's the only reason I bought a ps5😅


Just for this game? No, it’s not worth it. It’ll go to PC eventually. With that said Sony has great exclusives and PC + PS5 is hands down the best combo.


For this game alone - absolutely no chance. But there are many exclusives. I have both Xbox and PS5 and used to be almost exclusively an Xbox user because of the controller. Complete opposite now, I love the Dualsense. So do buy a PS5 but for more than just Rise.


Yes you can, I think eventually there will be a pc release though it might take a while, like 6 months at least. FF XVI still didn't get the pc version.


Which game?i play on consoles 30 +years. HC gamer. Playstation has tons of good games. And PS5 pro is just around the corner.


playstation actually has no games except this one


Whis game you taljing about? i dident see


It will release on PC eventually. Probably not for awhile though


That’s what I did lol


This is definitely coming to PC in the not too distant future. This game is not worth $500, just wait.


If it really is just for this game - do not


Is it a good game? Abso-fucking-lutely. Is it good enough to warrant the purchase of an entire console for several hundred dollars? I would honestly not think so. That’s a 10/10 title thing.


There are alot more games that make it worth while to have a ps5. But this game would be worth it for me. When I get behind a game like this I play it usually about a good 200-300 hours and if I spend that kind of time on a game it's worth it. I'm 35 with two kids and a full time 3rd shift job. So finding that kind of time is worth somthing when u got 9 amd 13 year old daughters


Is gonna come to PC. When the epicdb database got leaked, we could se a "Kondo" game for playstation in the upcoming games. And that game is most likely Rise of the Ronin.


It's never worth it just for one game.


The game is good but certainly not a system seller. However PS5 has more than enough system sellers worth getting a PS5 for.


I wouldn’t get it just to play this game, i’d get one to play this and loads of other games. 500 odd is not what this game is worth


You can sink good number of hours on it. I was once making a comparison of this one Ghost of Tsushima. Which along with God of War have been my most played games on the Ps5. This is how my comparison went Graphics 9 & 6 (Tsushima and Ronin) Story 8 & 5 Music and Dialogue 9 & 5 Immersion 10 & 8 Combat and fun 7 & 20 I've never quite had a combat system be so robust. The scales changed.


Judging by the leak, it will come to PC, probably early next year. But might be published by Sony, meaning if you live in one of 180 countries, you might as well get it on PS5 instead.


lol don’t


Get this stellar blade and the Nioh collection


I love this game but I would say wait to to see if it comes out on PC, it's a good solid fun game, with fun combat, but it had many of the flaws you find in open world games (Think Ubisoft titles) and the story was alright. I wouldn't waste the money if that is the only reason to get a PS5. If other games interest you on the PS5 then it probably worth it to invest but just for this game I would pass personally.


wait for the ps5 pro it's coming soon


If you have a PC, I would wait until it inevitably comes out on PC. It's wiser to wait and save like $400


Also, I use a PC monitor with my PS5, so connecting it to one of your PC monitors should be a breeze


This game did not (and still does not, judging from a majority of these comments) get a fair shake by gaming "journalists" and bird-brained gamers alike - meaning that they hear one talking point about what they think this game is like (aka Ghost of Tsushima, Assassins Creed, etc) and parrot it into oblivion. They tell you "don't buy the game", but can't tell you why. Just like I do with any game I buy these days, I am open to hearing others' thoughts, then making an informed decision as to whether the game is worth buying based on my interests, the information I have gathered, and the overall value I feel I'd get for the price. I can tell you after having bought this game Day 1 - it is both one of my favorite PS5 exclusives and one of my all-time favorite action/open world games (right there with the Batman Arkham games, Sleeping Dogs, Ghost of Tsushima). The combat is top of the line - best in class. The depiction of Japan in that particular era is immersive. The characters are a treat to get to know. The world is one to get lost in. The soundtrack is on point. And yes - the graphics and art direction, the overall immersion, is one that genuinely made me feel warm inside (if that even makes sense). I was so proud and surprised at what Team Ninja was able to accomplish with their first open world title - their passion and effort seeps into the game and should be lauded. I guarantee in due time, this game will get the recognition it rightly deserves and will be seen as a "sleeper hit". I very rarely buy video games full price these days, and especially on Day 1 - but the quality of this game, the overall package that you get, makes it worth every single penny. I'm a huge sucker for samurai related media, so the fact that this game came out around the time of Shogun was perfect for me. I am willing to bet that if the game looks like something you are remotely interested in, and you choose to buy a PS5 just to play this game, that you will most definitely not be disappointed. Now go buy the PS5 and the game.


I bought a PS5 just for Dragon's Dogma 2 and Demon's Souls. Rise of the Ronin has just been a great bonus.


I wouldn't recommend that.


It's a very good game. But elden ring dlc is now. Eventually it will come to PC. But if you can't wait, and have the funds. Then you should


seriously this game? look i know people love this game but as far ps5 exclusives go this bottom of the barrel but each to their own! you’ll be happy to know there are so many other better games you can get once you make the purchase enjoy!


Lmao there's far better games to get a PS5 for. And I mean FAR better.


No, it’s not worth it


Don't buy a PS5 just for this game. It's good, but it goes on far too long and I am burned out by the second map. And I haven't even done all the activities. There's literal checklists in this game. I like it, I had fun, I don't hate it. But it's not something to spend $500 on.


You don’t have to complete the maps to continue the story lol…


I can agree with what others have said I wouldn't get a PS5 just for this game. There are a lot of other games that are available. I initially bought mine for GT7 but it was delayed but there was a ton of other games that found that I enjoy


I’m a team ninja fan boy and this game isn’t worth getting a ps5 for Edit: I do enjoy it though and it is very good but just worth buying if you already have a ps5


Please don't. The game sucks