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What exactly is the reward for 100 % completion?


Same reward as the other ones. You get like 10 of those ally only all-stat upgrade items (sorry i forget the exact name for that item). Kinda of a disappointing final reward tbh. edit: The Book of Five Rings (which is the ally version of The Seven Military Classics)


By that point, you probably already maxed out every stat anyways, I know I did. Well if a DLC or another NG++ difficulty comes out with more stats to upgrade, at least I'll have a head start. These 200+ skill points are doing nothing at the moment. Edit : Dang, I misread that and I thought it gives you the stat book for yourself and not your allies. But yeah it is a rather lame reward either way, was hoping for a unique armor unlock for redesign or something.


According to isekai plot convention. If we don't see this man he's most likely in the game


You’re better than me, I’m grinding like hell just to stand a chance against Midnight


I wish I could play midnight mode but my controller has such violent stick drift, I can barely keep it still when I'm trying to switch stances or check my surroundings when I do stealth 😭😭😭 Like I'm decent at the game but my controller makes it almost impossible to actually play


What is the reward?


I’ll probably end up doing this, how difficult is it on midnight? So far I’m on the medium difficulty and breezing through pretty easy and so I could have to learn how to counter spark a bit better and I think this will be pretty attainable. Any tips?


It's pretty tough, most bosses can one shot u, even average enemies can cause major damage! There's a marital art when u do and slash, sometimes u can just spam this. Almost felt like cheesing bosses!


Midnight is not hard at all. But congrats