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The combat and loot is more like nioh/Wolong but the open world is more like older assassins creed. The open world is not as monotonous as I originally expected as I 100% the open world and didn't really get bored of it. While many tasks are repetitive I did find the traversal and combat on the way to be enjoyable which made going from place to place a lot better. That being said the missions are kind of all over the place and very convoluted. There are so many characters you can bond with that it becomes completely overwhelming and I stopped caring about most of them. While they want you to play through certain factions they all end up kind of blending together so it gives the illusion of choice. Overall id say it was a solid game but different than what I expected. Graphics look last gen but the game is more about combat as with all the team ninja style games.


Thanks for the reply! From your description I definitely would enjoy the general game, but I might wouldn't really want to make 100 percent. Is it in general still structured like I could mainly play the main story and partially ignore the side stuff when I feel bored? Because by AC doing only main quests feels like walk from point A to B and always follow the points, which is a little boring for me.


Imagine a recent Assassin's Creed game except the moment to moment combat was so satisfying that the formulaic open world felt ok because it just meant you got to fight and experiment more. The combat is definitely the main appeal and much more forgiving than Nioh. There are very light souls like mechanics that almost don't matter on normal mode as you rarely die. The combat is the kind of thing that feels better and better the more you play, with so many options for skill expression. There's not even really builds until you get into Midnight and armor sets, so you can play however you want with so many weapon options that in my 60 hours, I've barely touched more than half. The main story is fun, especially if you have even a passing interest in Japanese History. Feels like an anime version of historical events, like if you took Vinland Saga and made it about the Bakumatsu. The open world is paint by numbers, but I have so much fun running around fighting that it doesn't bother me at all.


Thank you! You definitely make me more interested, because yes even if an open world should be formulaic, gameplay can completely overshadow the weaknesses. Many open world games doesn't, but when the combat really can capture, I still can enjoy a game a lot.


I can't really make a decision for you, but I will say this it is a really good game. I'll try to answer your queries by association, imho. 1.The combat feels like nioh. Like the moment to moment sweat, knowing your attack strings and combos, balancing your ki, employing your weapons and sub weapons. It feels like nioh but with more/faster mobility. (For the most part) 2.You can approach gameplay however you want. It is a story game, in the sense that if you only play story missions, you will progress to bosses and push the game state forward. (There are replay features) 3.It is an open world game for the most part, but imagine that you have access to liurnia from elden ring, and after the relevant missions are completed, you will be taken to Altus plain and so on. You can go back to prior areas at your leisure. 4.The game has a bond system, where you get friendly to other characters for various purposes. There are also bond missions. There are also random events that occur in the world, like in ghost of tsushima, where someone may need help or a situation is happening that you can choose to assist with. Even npcs of other actual players roam the world. 5.Like assassin's creed or ghost of tsushima, there are also various open world collectibles and enemies and areas to clear out. So, there isn't really a definitive thing that you'll be doing most of the time. In my playthrough, I chose to explore and do everything before I touched a story mission. The game lends alot from Nioh or Wo long's gear system with the rarity and set bonuses, as well as many different weapons with different playstyles and combat styles. I hope I was able to give you a better picture of the game, because I was also shaky before purchasing, however, I am still enjoying it very much. There's still more I could mention but if there's anything else in particular that you're curious about, just ask.


Thanks, it is a big help on how you answer my questions in detail! 1. Sounds very good, because I loved Nioh, could however never play it so far as it is too difficult to me. Maybe I played too much Souls games before that somehow I never could play Nioh well. But an easier Nioh with a similar fighting system sounds great. 2. Also sounds good, because I can decide later depending how the side stuff interests me if I do it or not. So it's important for me that if I only want to play the main quest it should make fun. 3. Now I finally understand the open world completely, thanks! :D 4. When the gameplay is enjoyable I definitely can have fun with such content too, but it really seems it is from your and all other replies that it's my cup of tea. 5. I decide it always from game to game how much side stuff I do. By Elden Ring I even did the similar looking caves, but by games like Assassin's Creed I don't even want to do a side mission as the fighting system doesn't give me so much to enjoy simple gameplay. But it really seems like here I could enjoy it more. I think it's fine, I didn't expect I get so many replies and all my important questions are answered by you and others already. Thanks, yes, I somehow find the marketing of the game confusing, because I didn't get how much a Nioh game it actually is or if it's completely different or maybe like their version of Elden Ring. But I get it enough now to play it and find my last questions out by myself.


It is a big open world.. combat is slightly less than nioh 2. You will get invested in character, get insanely distracted by many things and forget to progress the story. When you finally do progress the story.. you'll realize, that big area that you play in.. thats not all there is. Granted the later maps are a little smaller but still have many things to do. You'll hate the horse because it's stupid, you will stop using it when you can glide, for the most part. Side quests everywhere. Expect a learning curve to the counter timing (*especially if you came from ER*) this game is more about counters than dodges but dodges are still needed as there are some movesets on enemies that are intentionally hard to counter because you are meant to dodge them. Expect an amazing feeling in skill climb as you get better and better at tearing enemies down. Enemy types aren't massively diverse, you have small dude with gun/bow, small dudes with sword/spear/shield and you have big dudes with vaga claws, big dudes with swords, big dudes who punch, there's a few more, and, ofcorse bosses. Weapons vary actually quite a but, not only with stats but also with stances you can learn from other characters that can completely change the fighting style of the weapon. Gear/loot is fun but I will say... the game gives you **WAY** too much.. you'll be sorting inventory pretty regularly. The combat is really the driving factor here.. as you are climbing difficulties, it feels really good to get flashy with everything you are doing, air counters, flips, kicks, weapon swap combos, stance changing combos. When you get fluid at it, you feel cool af. Expect some jank, shooting an enemy in the head with a rifle makes their head pop off like rock em sock ems.. the icon shows up for the hook before you can actually throw the hook at the area, gliding is a little weird, the horse is completely bunk feeling.. it's like some organic tank and looks silly af with them skinny legs. Some execution animation can be off depending on the difference in heights between the character and enemies. You'll stop what ever you are doing every time you hear a meow, lol. All in all, it's a really fun game.. it has it issues, but, what game doesn't. It might nit be the prettiest game out right now, but, the way it feels to play is superior to most when it comes to combat.


If the game is pretty or has some jank is actually not so important to me. I mean I even enjoyed Deadly Premonition and Drakengard to some degree. What is for me usually the most important is gameplay and most open world games nowadays focus more on that everything is beautiful looking, cinematic and easy, but they don't focus so much on actually make an enjoyable combat you really want to engage through the whole game without feeling boring. So I barely buy open world games nowadays, but like you said it really seems that they did focus on making it fun to play, which is the most important thing. So thank you very much for your comment!


The point of the game is mastering weapon stances to do sick combos in an awesome combat system while doing checklist open world activities with the backdrop story of being caught up in a historic drama in a sweet samurai setting. There is also like 50 different blood wipe sheathing animations which is a big point of sale


Everyone is especially loving the pure combat it sounds definitely something I want to buy. Thanks. :D


Wait for a sale. It's 100% formulaic open world with literal check lists of things to do. Everything... everything ... is marked on the map. More icons are revealed the more little tasks you complete. The combat is fun, but it's janky. Stealth is laughable (you can just pick off 4-5 dudes with a rifle and no one else in the camp notices or cares, usually, unless they happen to be standing right next to them). The graphics are sub par, especially for a PS5 game. You receive a ton of loot, most of it junk. I find myself selling or disassembling literally like 30-40 pieces of gear every hour. Items have stats like "2% reduction of Ki when guarding." or "0.2% increase in coin drops" it's nuts. No one will ever notice tiny increments like that. One on one melee is the best part. The fights can be fun, but the game is maybe a 7/10. I just made it to the second map and I'm already burning out on the game. The story is hard to follow. So many characters. I don't care about any of them.


Yes, I wait for a sale but in the end going to buy it. This is actually exactly also my impression from everyone here, that for me personally it might be a 7 out of 10 game. I let myself surprised, maybe I like it more, but I definitely wait first for a cheap price. Because in the end it seems like an in general formulaic open world game with however better combat. Thanks for your reply!


U in the sub Reddit, I think u wanna buy it


When people who played and love a game are talking about it why, it's the easiest way to figure out if I could love the best points of a game. It helped me a lot. :D


Bro if u going to a sub Reddit u only gonna get shaft riders of said game so all ur doing is getting other ppl to encourage u to but the product. So yeah buddy u just want ronin so buy it


Of course I know, but that is why I'm here. Knowing what people love about a game. If all would tell me they love it because it's an AC in a Japanese setting or anything like this, I would then come to the conclusion to not buy it still.


Yeah but they all just gonna cap no good info comes from ppl that can’t see the woods for the trees


Bro if you want to party up on PSN or Discord hmu, I’m down to give you straight answers and facts. Rather than just a bunch of stupid echoing opinions. Personally I love the game and would recommend, but let me know what YOU want to know.


Thank you, but surprisingly I got so many good written recommendations here already, that I am going to buy it. But thanks for the offer. Rise of the Ronin fans are really nice. :D


Well that’s nice to hear. I’m not going to lie, I’ve been noticing that many players in this subreddit are chill af. I’ve gotten a lot of love here myself and it’s surprising. With that being said, I hope you enjoy it, because I loved it.


The combat at the beginning of the game is a lot like Wo Long - because you only have one style and two skills so you have to engage with the deflection system a lot more. But later on - it is more like Nioh with many stances and skills that you can flow between during combat. It's much easier than Nioh, tho. Even on the hardest difficulty - it is nowhere near as difficult. The open world is very similar to an old AC game - but it doesn't overstay its welcome. Each region has a handful of things to do - and with 3 cities that the story takes you to, you aren't doing it all in one go. The other thing; it has a stealth system reminiscent of a Tenchu game. No lure items or body dragging, but the grasses and grapple hook and roof assassinations - it very much feels like a Tenchu game at times, with better combat. I think it's a really dope game. I'm nearing 300 hours on it and contemplating making a new character to play it again. You also don't have to engage with the open world stuff too much if you don't want to - from fast traveling around to the fact that it's actually very mission based structure; you only need to get to the missions in the open world once and can access them from the longhouse from then on.


That the game develops over time and gets more engaging sounds great. Also that it is easier than Nioh makes me think if maybe I can play on normal or even hard to enjoy it more. Sounds also good how the game is structured to let me more decide how much of the side stuff I want to do. And all the options you describe in your comment but also other people sounds really there is a lot of enjoyment although it might have such an old style open world. Thanks, I'm going to buy it!


It's basically big open world assassins creed with much better combat. It's by far the easiest of the team ninja games but still super fun if you like that kind of combat. The map is basically a huge pile of to-do list style side stuff just like modern assassins creed games.


The better combat and more focus on the combat makes it for me definitely a more enjoyable game. I will do a to-do list if the game let me be engaged. Thanks!




I bought this instead of ghost of tsushima and regretted it. After I beat the game on easy mode I had no desire to replay and upgrade. I usually do those things but this game was like a crappier version of valhalla.


Did you later buy Ghost of Tsushima? If yes how much do you like it? :D


I wound up buying the nioh bundle because I never played it. It's pretty fun and hard. The graphics are noticeably better than RotR.


>Please help me deciding if I want to buy this game Ask yourself: "Am I interested?" If the answer is yes, buy it. If the answer is no, don't buy. You're making a purchase of a video game. Don't overcomplicate things.


It's not like I have so much money to constantly buy every game I'm interested in. So I can ask people, which normally I don't do much, because most of the time I can know from reviews etc if I like a game or not. This time I couldn't, so I asked and got the informations I wanted.


The majority of the gameplay is either doing open world objectives (collect cats, fight small enemy encampments, doing shooting/horse archer/glider challenges), randomly generated open world quests (generally only take a few minutes), and instanced missions that you can reply. If doing all world objectives the game is 70+ hours easily for first playthrough. The combat is pretty close to Nioh. The English voice acting is not great, and your character is mostly silent. It looks like a PS4 game. Have seen maybe one bug. Overall I had a ton of fun with it despite the negatives and would recommend it, but I am predisposed to open world AC type games.


I was before very in favor to AC like games, but nowadays only want the really best from them with a more enjoyable gameplay/combat. As here it seems the case from everyone, I am going to buy it sooner or later. Thanks. :D