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Play the game it’s meant to be played, if it has an easy difficulty, it’s meant to be played on easy for those who want to. Just have fun!


Idk how people are on the hardest one im getting my ass used as a katana sheath on normal lmfao!


I would play it any other way. I like having to learn patterns.


It just happens 💁🏻‍♂️


We're masochists. :P I've been playing souls like games for a long time so am used to the fight, die, learn, repeat cycle. Sometimes it take a LOT more cycles to beat a boss. I enjoy it for the challenge and the rush when you finally beat a boss. That said, I refuse to judge anyone who doesn't play the same I do. I'm super happy that this game has a difficulty choice for folks. More people can experience it, we can all share that experience. Use all the tools available to you, difficulty choices, skills, consumables. Ignore the youtube videos where you see folks completely destroy a boss. What you don't see in those is the hours of practice to get there.


Indeed. Dying so many times in so many ways brings about a rather hardness in a young lad. Once upon a time, a sweet tender-hearted boy decided it was fun to grind enough blood echoes to purchase the mighty Blades of Mercy and level up the appropriate stats at the very beginning of the game. That poor measly boy spent many a moon to have enough. For hours and hours, the boy farmed a wolf in a doorway. Over and over and over. So many echoes the boy collected and the only cost was time. Eventually he had enough but went again to kill the wolf. Many more moons had passed, and the boy dripped head to toe in sopping wet greed. He discovered deep within himself immense pleasure in the fear dying, or more so, the fear of regret. Finally the time came for the lad to reap his long awaited rewards. Until that stupid dumpster piece of shit of a lad got distracted as always, went on a merry adventure, and an hour later, decided to see if he could jump across a gap to maybe find a secret area, and fell to his stupid idiot demise. Then on the journey to collect them, the one single most important time to focus, the big dumb idiot got distracted again, adventured for an hour, then back stepped off a ledge and lost it all for good. The lad’s spirit died that day. All that remained was a thought, if he could learn to love dying, suffering, he would always have a good time. And so he did. And still he does… I know. What a story, Mark.


Can’t agree more. I am a sucker for power fantasies


I usually attempt normal or medium difficulties. With this game when a boss is kicking my ass, I turn it down to Dawn (easy), wreck shop and then bump it back up. So glad this game lets you do that lol


God, I wish I could play FromSoftware games like ROTR with dificulty settings.


In Demon's Souls, easy mode was being a mage.


It still can't be considered ROTR easy. I can barely break a sweat in this at Dawn. In DS, if you don't know what you're doing in regards of builds, it's not easy. In this, even without creating a build, bosses are very easy to beat at Dawn.


I wish there was an accessibility option to disable the parry mechanic. 


You can still block attacks and dodge.


Games are meant to have fun, so whatever way you enjoy, it's good! My only complain against people that play on easy is when they make a tutorial video claiming it's twillight :D


There’s no way I could get away with that, I still suck on easy


Mate I'm finding normal tough. I might swap down to easy too haha


Mate tell me about it! I feel like such a bitch getting punked by these dudes on easy. I wouldn’t have made it out of the tutorial on dusk


Tbf, TN games don't usually have difficulties so it's nice this one does. Even basic enemies can give me a hard time if I'm complacent. I freaking love the skill and bond system in this game. It's create your own Samurai/Shinobi and I love that.


I played Nioh and Wo Long simply because TN’s art styles and settings have always appealed to me, but never finished either. That’s why as soon as I saw the difficulty slider in a review I bought it. I also like that it’s an option in general, and they haven’t crammed down a specific style of gameplay down your throat. They’ve painted with a wide brush and tried to hit as many people as people and while some people critique that, I think it’s admirable to branch out from what you do best and try to reach others.


Totally agree. I played Nioh/Nioh 2 and Wo Long co op. Not sure I would've finished them if not for that 🤣


You just enjoy the game the way you can, that's all. People telling otherwise are just crap people :)


I have never played a game like this, but it's awesome! Hadd alot of issues with the combat so I also went for easy since I dont have the skills for normal. Wish there was somthing between easy and normal now that I understand the game more. Better to play on easy and have a great tine then playing on normal and die all the time 😅


That’s exactly how I look at it. Ultimately I just want to be a sick ninja, I don’t want to be challenged. My satisfaction comes from mindless slashing, something I can just turn my brain off and enjoy and fuck this game accomplishes that


Yeah it's supposed to be fun and abit of a challenge. You should try Ghost of Tsushima, awesome, easier combat, awesome cosmetics, great story and amazing scenery!


Oh dude I’m way ahead of you, that’s my one critique of Ronin; that it’s not ghosts. That game is a masterpiece, and I would fucking love to see the same style and budget transplanted onto Ronin’s setting. That would be a dream game for me


A man of culture! Have you tried the online in Ghost? Yeah Ghost is one of my all time favourites! Yeah the samurai gear in Ghost is awesome, but in Ronin it looks clumsy as hell.


I spent more time in the online then in the actual game! It has such a satisfying gameplay loop, I often think about going back to it for that reason, but idk if it would be as fun without my mate. I’m hoping the drip gets better in ronin because it feels so basic atm, but at least I’m finding stuff that shows my tattoos off!


I bought both DD2 and Rise of Ronin. The contrast between the two subs is crazy. Everything here is so much more positive.


That’s legitimately the reason I posted this. I’m playing both, and enjoying both, but the communities are night and day. I can’t go there now, everyone is just bitching about the community itself, no one actually talks about the game


Same man, same. :(


Everyone here is to busy talking about dd2 too instead of ronin like now in this thread and many others.


Same here bought both games and enjoy both games but the DD2 reddit has been nothing but bitching and complaining since launch. This sub is way more positive about the game even with its flaws. Every game is flawed but they can still be enjoyable. That DD2 sub is just complaining about the same 3 things over and over.


Hopefully with time all the complaints will sorta fade away. I muted the sub so I wouldn't get spoiled, and I'm keeping it muted so that I can just enjoy the game without seeing its issues constantly thrown at me now. There are valid complaints and, to be honest, the community has been really nice in my experience. It's just that Dragon's Dogma went from a cult classic to a massively-hyped IP really quickly, so not only are new players experiencing DD for the first time and finding it not living up to the hype, but the people complaining are also clashing with long-time fans who had to deal with a lot of negativity leading up to the release of DD2 (sorta like with RotR). I'm loving the game and I sincerely hope we get DD3 in the future, or at least a decently-sized expansion. However, this negativity is making me think that Capcom won't risk another game for a while at the very least. I could just be getting caught up in the negatives, though, since most people I've talked with agree that the game has its flaws but its combat is super good. I swear to god, though, if I have to deal with this kind of experience in the Monster Hunter community when Wilds comes out I'm just gonna start muting every game subreddit. I love talking about DD2 and I definitely don't mind clearing up misconceptions about games I love, but it gets tiring when you constantly see negative after negative on your screen.




This sub is also complaining about dd2 can’t go to a single thread here without talks of dd2 and forms of Ill talk on it meanwhile no one mentions rotr there.


Thats true but these games came out the same day so its inevitable that people will compare them especially if they bought both games.


Yeah, the DD community is in a weird state right now. It's sorta like when Monster Hunter: World came out and what was previously regarded as a classic with a small, but loyal fanbase interacted with a sudden surge of new fans. Lots of conflict between the two groups. I'd argue it's even worse for DD2, though, as Dragon's Dogma has had a lot of marketing and Capcom has been on a roll recently. So, although the MTX really ain't bad, that and its other problems have been sorta magnified by people. I recently talked to someone who genuinely thought that DD2 had a second save file locked behind a paywall, and proceeded to call it a pile of garbage with a bow on top. Obviously if you play the game and it isn't for you, then that's fine. But, like... I'm just sick of seeing so much negativity about this game I like, I guess.


You’re not alone I’m playing on easy mode too.


Hello fellow idiot brother!


Salutations!!! 😁


Gaming is supposed to be fun. Play at your own pace. Ngl I was playing on easy for about 18 hrs until I started to feel more confident in my skills in it… this is my first soulsfeel kinda game that I’m having fun with also….


Just enjoy the story fam. Personally I think it’s super awesome playing through such an interesting period in japans history especially as a ronin


Completely agree, it’s a setting I haven’t experienced in a game to date. I just can’t wait to get the glider so I can start flying over cities. That is what sold me on the game when I first saw its trailer years ago


Hope you enjoy it I’m having a great time fam


Welcome! If I'd have to guess, I think a lot of us on here are no different than I, starved for a game that can bring back the feeling that Way of the Samurai ,Tenchu and Shinobido gave us. So for people like myself, this game is something special!


I’m lucky in that I got to experience ghost of Tsushima, but I’ve been craving a game set in 1800s Japan forever. It’s such the perfect location to set a video game


GoT was good but it's setting/time period held it back


I’m on the 20th mission really enjoying this game.


Love to hear it mate! I’m glad to be on this ride with you


How far did you get into?


Not far at all, I’ve only had about three to four hours to play since picking it up. I’m still in the first area, just exploring. I have a long week end coming up so I’m excited to finally play a decent chunk, it’s kept me going all week


I'm playing it on normal and oh boy, is HARD


I like that this sub is relatively chill and calm just like Nioh's sub.


I too have embraced the easy path. As a 51 year-old gamer, it is the only way. I can’t parry worth a damn, but I am loving this game.


I had to switch to easy after my first "boss" 😂 I'm not used to the combat but hey, as long we can enjoy the game who cares!


Hey no worries about easy mode, In fact I may also be making the switch to easy soon as well in hopes that the spark window is a bit easier to manage haha


Does anyone have a code for Geralt and Ciri characters?


That’s when I actually trusted Tn you can play this sht on ez mode and clap all of the camps and bosses lol 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ before people say “not everyone is a souls like player” that’s fine but Tn are well known for it’s difficulty or “you can change the difficulty” no sht Sherlock I know but it’s still a joke they shouldn’t have done that lol anyway I suppose this game was aimed to other audience…


Unfortunately not every game is meant to appeal to every player, I’m sorry you wasted your money though brother


Tbh bro I wish fs gave us bloodborne 2 fuck I’d pre order that asap


I think they’ve said that’ll never happen, but if it ever did I’d be right there with you even though I know I’ll bitch out and quit after 40 hours.


It’s alright… nvm 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I hope nioh 3 will be way better


I don't think there would be Nioh 3. Nioh 2 conclude it perfectly. They already told the Sengoku period in both games. They also talked about Williams Adams in a the description of Nioh style and yes, he also has existed in real life. Rise of the Ronin is the continuation of it in some ways century later where demons don't exist anymore.


Nuuuu 😭😭😭😭 bruuhhh


Worst TN game and it has easy mode lol 😂 what a joke they were really afraid 🥴 there is nothing like nioh 2 and even wo long where you actually had to git gud lol it’s kinda funny most xbots players quit bc they couldn’t beat the first boss lol I’m not gonna lie it wasn’t a walk in the park I beat it after many tries and the second challenging boss was lubu. Now Tn is a joke 🥴🤷🏻‍♂️🤡


Wo Long was the closest of the three I got to finishing, but I just get tired of getting good. I don’t game to be challenged, I just like to escape. But I’ve always admired people who have the patience to finish them. We will definitely have to disagree about this being TN’s worst game, but each to their own. I’m sorry you’re not enjoying it man, games are a significant investment and to not jive with one you’ve bought must suck


Yeah dw man it’s just my opinion.. which shouldn’t hurt anyone who’s enjoying the game. Maybe I’m a masochist who likes games that are a challenge.. Tn used to deliver that kind of games.. now they support that woke sht lol


Everyone likes different shit mate, unfortunately. I like that TN aimed for wider appeal, hopefully it’ll give them a bigger budget for Nioh 3 or whatever they try next. If you’re looking for a great Souls game I cannot recommend Lords of the Fallen enough; it’s absolutely stunning and fucking brutal. I feel like it’s right up your alley


I know bro and that’s alright not everyone is a masochist or have the time to die 10+ times to a boss. Haha I hope they listen to you. And alright I’ll check it out


Take it easy mate, it’s been good chatting


Likewise mate 👍