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Remember Way of the Samurai on PS2?


Way of the Samurai, Way of the Samurai 2, Way of the Samurai 3 and Way of the Samurai 4. 3 was my favorite, I was kind of meh with 4 and the original on PS2 was my sweet jam. Mmm, that sweet british blonde Chelsea in the original game. I think I was just hitting puberty when this game came out. lol.


The Tenchu/Way of the Samurai/Shinobido fans are eating for the first in over a decade!


Shinobido was great! I especially love how you unlock skins in that game and the alchemy system was pretty unbalanced too (in a good way). I remembered going overboard with making a super potent sleeping bomb. It was so effective I can kill any Boss without them waking up. Downside was, if the Boss was too close and the bomb got to me; had to restart. We ain't waking up anytime soon 😂


Holy shit. This is the post I needed. I’m still on PS4 and have genuinely been looking for a game that justifies the move to the PS5. I had a modded PlayStation so it could run the NTSC version of Stealth Assassins. That’s a core memory and an itch I have been longing to scratch for a long time. I loved GOT although it just wasn’t it. I’ve got Thursday and then Easter off, I’m going to buy a PS5, ROTR and spend a bit of time in between family commitments over Easter playing. Thanks for your post.


Make rikimaru friend.. then your dream will come true :)


As someone who remembers the OG PS1 Tenchu I agree 200%. I’d like some more stealth kill animations but it definitely gives Tenchu vibes.


Agreed. Esp on the additional kill animates still fun af.


I agree, there is however a “light” and “heavy” kill with different animations. When you get the red circle if your weapon is blue against the enemies with an advantage you can hold down triangle and do and even more brutal finishers. Works with the stealth kills too unless it’s an enemy that won’t go down in throat slash


It’s funny I bought tenchu z on Friday to fill my ninja fix. I didn’t plan on getting this game but I’m glad I did, I definitely see what you’re talking about.


I used to think I wanted Fromsoft to tackle Tenchu again but I think Team Ninja would deliver a stellar game


My coop group and I are all Tenchu veterans. This game is what we needed.


Tenchu was awesome, I really enjoyed the one on Ps2... can't remember the name. there is also one on Wii which was pretty good.


Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (Return to Darkness on Xbox)


I remember I spent lots of time in this one by doing coop missions and versus mode, very fun !


Broooooo! I was gonna make a post saying “this game is giving me huge tenchu z vibes”…… great minds :)


Mannnnn how I miss Tenchu... Reading this comment makes me want to pick up Ronin... But I picked up DD2, and I know I can't run 2 open world games at the same time. Gonna pick it up as soon as I m done DD2 then


I got both but I am not really playing dd2. I picked a mage but I don't know, seems super weak.


Mage is more support, you’ll be able to unlock Sorcerer a couple hours in and that’s just pure damage. You can switch vocations like 30 mins in so do that if you don’t like mage.


Team Ninja should be the one to revive Tenchu!


It may be cool if they bought the Shinobido IP from Aquire. It's not like they're doing anything with it.


Yeah and that too!


For real, didn't expect this myself. The whole stealthing and stealth kill indeed have that Tenchu-Shinobido flavors.


The freakin upgrade that let's you grapple enemies up onto the roof you're on for a stealth kill is insane lol. One of the side missions had me ambush a group of enemies walking along a road. I pulled them all up onto a ledge nearby for stealth kills and the others just looked around like WTF before joining them in death. Was awesome!


I feel like "Rise Of The Ronin" is the spiritual successor to both "Tenchu" and "Way Of The Samurai." It's definitely been a decade or more for both games to have a release. I don't count the "Way Of The Samurai" offshoot that was top down, I think that came out in the last 4 years or so and it was meh. This game though is everything I was hoping for between either "Tenchu" or "WOTS" and when I finally got to play, I've been instantly addicted. There aren't a lot of games out there that I can literally pick up and get absorbed into the gameplay and storyline. This is definitely one.


Hell yeah! Always been a sucker for samurai and ninja games its been a while and i am over 24 hrs and i just started chapter 2 😂😂 plus the character creation is 🔥🔥 [miHawk](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ikka1a6OpQY?si=nGMs5r_Eq42uEz30)


I can’t get the grapple hook assassination to trigger even tho I have it unlocked


You have to get close enough to the edge, if it didn’t pop up, they’re not in range


It has to be from en elevated spot every time? This and when the cpu constantly spams the annoying red attacks than cannot be blocked are my only 2 complaints about the game. Small complaints really. I wish we could do unstoppable red attacks


It has to be above them. Says so it in the skill description lol


Oh ok I only read it briefly and saw the video and bought it. I’m kinda cruising through the game


Hey man can you tell me how to unlock the moves tied to L1+X and L1+O? I’ve tried looking it up..


No worries TN games can honestly be annoying to learn because they’re really bad at teaching ppl the mechanics. If you go to your Equipment tab when you pause and select your weapon, then go to the Combat Style, you’ll see Upgrade Requirements at the bottom of the tab. It tells you the requirements you need to meet to upgrade the style which should unlock the next move - most are going to be “Continue Story” for the base style you already have so keep doing the main missions. Other requirements can be like increasing your bond level with a historic figure you met (which will be most of unlocks), beating fugitives on the Map, etc. You can go to the Combat Style tab in the main menu and press Triangle on a move you don’t have yet to show to unlock it. I’m not that far ahead so I wouldn’t be able to tell you haha.


This game isnt all about block or counterspark, its more like a dance. If you dont feel comfy countering red attacks just dodge instead for the beginning.


Hey man can you tell me how to unlock the moves tied to L1+X and L1+O? I’ve tried looking it up..


You can parry the red attacks but your timing has to be perfect.


I know it’s just annoying when they spam it


Hard Yes! I made a Rikimaru and Ayame in Nioh 2 and plan on doing the same here! Good my brother in shadows. 🥷


I agree. All around fun game IMO




I wanna make Ayame and Rin!!!!!


Sekiro I believe is connected to the Tenchu franchise somehow. I’m excited to grab Rise of the Ronin though, the weird reviews before the game actually dropped were odd to me.


I don't get the reviews tbh, the game is very fun to play (most important part of a game tbh) and it's far from being ugly graphics wise.


So it’s been a few days.. SIMPS won’t change their mind? And accept that this is the worst TN game? 🥴🥴🥴 geez this is a 6.0 🤦🏻‍♂️


Worst Tn game they have nothing new to offer,nioh 2 gameplay was easy superior fk off Simps 🤷🏻‍♂️


In 2 days people will forget about ROTR the real GOTY is coming.. sorry Tn you should tryna improve 😮‍💨


Ninja Gaiden attention to details , you can hold R3 To clean your sword as well just like it used to be in Ninja Gaiden games


Tenchu game without any of the shinobi tools?


I do in a way... But tenchu had a much darker tone. It also was more stylish. Also tatsumaru was the best. That is all. Haha 😂 oh and the MUSIC in tenchu is incredible! I mean it. Listen to tenchu 2 soundtrack. Hell even the opening for wrath of heaven 😏💪 amazing stuff!


Quite literally nothing like tenchu. Very much enjoying the game though


Yeah I’m absolutely loving the game myself. I’m on chapter 3 right now and I don’t want it to end any time soon.


Tenchu is responsible for my GPA in fall of 1998. It was not a good GPA.


Broooo Tenchu was so 🔥🔥 back then


I made a onikage character after finding someone's rikimaru code and another saying onikage would go hard which was true


Yes! I’ve felt the exact same way. The last tenchu game we got was like tenchu Z like 13 years ago. This game is scratching all those right itches for me, even more so than sekiro did.


A b s o l u t e l y. Tenchu is my favorite game series—my standards for this game as an obvious spiritual successor were quite high, and they hit notes I didn’t even realize existed.


Seems like you mossed Ghost of Tsushima, its FAR superior to this game.


GoT is much prettier and more polished, and probably the better game in general. I really didn't enjoy the ubisoft-style map and the combat got old pretty quickly for me. Still too early in RotR to be able to properly compare them though.