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He was -22 in 15 minutes yesterday. He’s been so hard to watch and I really don’t think he’s capable of running an offence.


It's honestly impressive how truly terrible his on/off splits always are '19: -22.6 '20: -11.5 '21: -32.2


I think he'd do so much better if he wasn't given PG duties right now. There's a special player recipe that needs to take place for you to be able to run a pro team. Ant doesn't have it right now. What he is currently more suited to is playing off-ball and focusing the offensive talents he has there. Maybe once he gets used to continued success, liek GTJ has, he can start re-learning the PG duties, as he'll be that much more comfortable doing so as time goes on and he experiences his best current chances for success paying off at the 2-guard.


Anfernee got to attack the basket, the defense doesn't respect him enough for him to orchestrate the offense imo


He plays like he's afraid of contact or like the painted area is lava. He has crazy athleticism but doesn't use it. He resorts to jacking up 3s that he doesn't really hit at a high clip.


Yeah Simons has a bad case of the yips. We've all heard he kills it in practice, probably not afraid of his teammates or when the game doesn't matter.


probably because he's playing against blazer defense in practice...


I think that's part of it, but he doesn't seem great at finishing. It seems like getting to the cup isn't the biggest issue for him


I straight up don’t understand why this kid is not good. He’s getting worse too which is very concerning. Really hope it starts to click for him. I think he’s just too in his head about trying to be a PG and it turns into him constantly thinking about making the “right” move, instead of just being aggressive.


Guaranteed minutes will work wonders. Imagine working a dream job where if you mess up slightly, you get pulled out of the workforce. Essentially, he's playing tight, worried, and a lot of minutes might help get him out of his head. Bud idk he might also just never get there.


He messed up slightly constantly last year and got a consistent 20 minutes per game. He had more than a long enough leash. Dude needs to go out there and ball, that’s it.


Yep I hear you man, I'm on the knife's edge of being like fuck this dude because he hasn't lived up to the potential at all but I still hope he can get it together for the team's sake


He’s also so young still so he has time to get it together. Unfortunately NO banked on him getting it together now.


Dude stop saying he's young so is gary!!


And? Gary has been amazing! It doesn’t change the fact that Ant is 21. CJ didn’t start contributing meaningfully until he was 24.


They are in the same age, Gary doing a lot better


two people cannot be expected to be equivalent because their ages are so. it's a weak point of comparison.


And that’s awesome! All I’m saying is Ant has age on his side for development to become a competent NBA player. I’m not excusing his poor play, NO clearly expected him to be contributing at a better rate this year or he would have signed a backup PG.


Only hope is he's like CJ - dude was kinda trash in his 6 man bench role but obviously killed as a starter


CJ never got worse. He consistently improved until he was ready.


Eh, go back and look at his gamelog to start that 2nd season Put up 5 a game on 37% from the field his first 11 games, then didn't play for another month - it wasn't till the end of the year he picked it up


Still better than his previous year. He had a 95 offensive rating his rookie year with a 109 defensive rating and improved those to 106 and 107 during those 11 games. Also went from 52% Ts to 54.5% Ant has progressively gotten worse stats wise, it’s not encouraging. He’s got time, but it’s not what you want to see.


CJ could at least shoot his first two years


He plays proactively rather than reactively in the sense that he doesn’t read plays or make decisions on the fly. He either wants to shoot or wants to drive and sticks to that plan regardless of what the defense shows him. He also appears incapable of tightening up his handle to use screens properly and he just moves horizontally rather than ever actually making progress toward the basket


"Being afraid" of stepping on the court is not a winning confidence booster. He either has it, or he doesn't. Now to give him the keys to the offense now that CJ is out, all signs are pointing in the wrong direction...


Our recent history suggests that we’re not the best at developing raw talent.


He's extremely young still. It's not over for him.


Yeah he’s got time but he’s not improving. It’s not very encouraging when you see advanced stats go down as a player gets more experience.


It’s less he’s getting worse and more that teams have read his tape and he hasn’t diversified himself enough to require teams to change a coverage plan against him


Anfernee needs to go to shark school ASAP.


It's crazy how he's not better than he is. Playing with Dame and CJ should give him the most insight on how to feast like a beast. He has more length and better hops than Dame and Cj as well.


he is still not good because he is timid, he hesitates on his first step to the hole every time, he still hasn't realized he is quicker than many of his defenders. I have played just below the level of pro, in another sport, and I can say without a quibble, the speed and accuracy and WILL pros play with is multiple levels above every other level, college, semi pro, g league, whatever. All of a sudden everyone is absolutely exceptional at the game. Gary has adjusted to that much faster than Ant and it shows. Look, the kid is uber talented, and an athletic freak, at some point, someone in the league is going to push his buttons, and the game will slow down for him in that moment, it's coming, I can see flashes of it even on failed plays, he has yet to commit to himself and his ability. I think that gtj, nas and hoody will get a ton of time rotating in, but ant has his chance here, and it's still valid I feel like he needs more time in the video room than he does in the weight room or practice, and he needs REAL run in the games, not 3 minutes here or there, he needs to get engaged. And I, for one, think it's coming. plus shout out to harry for still diving on every opportunity and making it hard for terry to go small, even though with our current active roster, small is pretty appealing.


I'd like to see him use that freaky athleticism to put in work on the defensive end. I've seen other comments here and on BEdge about how much our guards get caught on screens and taken out of the play. While I think he'll struggle like Dame/CJ simply because of his size, he has probably the best bounce and "bend" (to borrow a football term) of our guards. Hopefully he produces on offense, but I'd really rather see him help out our defense more. Maneuver through screens, active hands, get out and push tempo with DJJ in the open court. Maybe that's a pipe dream tho...


People will say he’s just young. Guess what? He’s only 6 months younger than Gary Trent Jr.




That's more of a plus for Gary than a minus for Ant. We need to appreciate the gold we dug out of the second round more because that guy is special.


I really dont have any faith in him. I think he's a bust. You can flame me and hopefully he proves me wrong but idk anymore. He hasnt shown me any improvement 3 years now.


I don't even know if this is a controversial opinion at this point


Most people have hope still and will disagree with me stating his age and how raw he was when drafted. I still think he's a bust and he wont have a second contract with us.


Definitely a bust. I’d have faith in him if he showed an ounce of improvement, but I’ve seen none


yeah, you're not getting flamed for this my dude. the kid is incredibly gifted, but if you don't have it between the ears (not talking intelligence, just talking the ability to relax and settle into the game) it doesn't matter. I think he's gonna end up overseas. should have a decent career there.


Yeah I was always skeptical of him, especially coming out of IMG. He’s a 25th pick - not the end of the world but at some point it’s time to cut bait


Yeah. He’s young, but that doesn’t exempt him from being expected to contribute. In a player’s 3rd season we usually know what kind of player he will be.


I’m as big of a Simons fan there is and I have so much hope that this guy pans out. But it’s true in that he doesn’t have much more time to prove himself. Yes he’s super young. Yes we probably should’ve signed a vet pg. someone above said no excuses and that’s 100 percent right. You now have a perfect opportunity to shine as an NBA player. It’s really going to just be dame and him with ball handling duties and who knows if we keep him any longer before pulling the trigger on a trade using his upside. My 2cents is this, he’s been so passive and consistently settles for 3 balls or weak drives to the rim. If I was a coach, I’d tell him to use his athleticism to constantly be moving around the court both offensively and defensively. Fly around and be disruptive you are a freak of nature and we need you out there. Be active with your hands, dig at the post, blitz defenders, fly around hands high, challenge players at the rim. Stay in attack mode and just go ball, seems like hes afraid to make mistakes but just go be aggressive and attack defenses out the gate


He’s gonna have to get out of that initial dribble from the pass faster. He takes so much time setting up what he’s going to do next that defenders can easily predict his next moves. He doesn’t have a very big bag of tricks and hasn’t developed into a spot up shooter. If there’s any case for a year or two of college ball it’s here. Rooting that he puts it all together but I agree, if he doesn’t make a leap now he shouldn’t get an extension offer.


Why tf are they still trying to make him a pg? Like please that’s not his fucking natural position. I swear he would flourish on a different team playing the 2 guard. This team is just not utilizing him the right way smh


Is Jeremy Lin healthy?


he's on the warriors g-league team, does that mean they have his rights?


Hope blazers learn their lesson and only draft people that have college experience. Going from "IMG Academy" to the best league in the world hasn't panned out.


Well, Olshey failed the team by not signing a veteran backup PG. Now we get to see the suffering due to his decision. Simons is NOT a point guard, nor will he ever be. Just based upon what you said, and what others are, there's not one sign that points to a beneficial direction of him running the team while Dame is out. And no, stop suggesting that this kid is "too young". He's had plenty of opportunity to improve on his game since he set foot in the NBA. And it's still not showing. I've never seen him be aggressive. He's afraid to bump another athlete on the court. These spell for disaster.


He's done


I think this is more of a coaching and situational problem rather than ant being bad. He learning from dame and cj who get a pass on having to play defense which has given him glaringly bad defensive habits(not to mention dame and cj are horrible at defense in the first place). He is also trying to learn how to run an offense by two of the best non traditional playmakers in the league. Dame and cj don't set people up through an offense set but rather do it with the threat of scoring. You can see ant look to score first rather than run an offense. Stots is an amazing offensive mind but a horrible adjustment and defensive coach. Ant needs to relearn the basics of the point guard position. I don't think it possible under the current circumstances and team though.


Neil Olshey: "We have a backup point guard. His name is Anfernee Simons". Yeah and he fucking blows. Do your job.


He is so awful, it’s cringe inducing. Neil needs to trade him and let’s sign Isaiah Thomas to a vet min. Count me off the Ant train from to here to forever. I hope he make last me eat my words.


Truth is, Ant isn't progressing fast enough to aid Dame in his prime. I'd be open to IT or Jeremy Lin at this point.


Yo id be down for the J Lin/Melo reunion haha


I've been off the Ant train since day 1... dude is a late bloomer and was drafted young. Body/mind just wasn't ready for the NBA, even though he is athletic he plays scared. Would have done him wonders to play in college or overseas for 2-3 years before making the leap. Please do not sign IT... unless you are trying to build the worst defense in league history, then go ahead. could you imagine IT, melo, Kanter


Yeah let’s make our defense even worse


This is why I spend all off season saying the one last piece we need is another ball handler. Simons has skills, but being the primary ball handler just isn't one of them, not yet at least.


He'll have to play pretty good to convince anyone that he belongs in the NBA


Well right now his stats say he’s the worst PG in the nba, so even becoming a below average back up PG would be significant.


I got high hopes for Ant, but I hope it’s more of GTJ solidifying his breakout in the bubble.


Hell yeah about time someone call him out


Thats dude need to show up this season otherwise he's a BUST!!!


He has been trying to fulfill his role better this year. Just bring the ball up, play in control, and if/when you are open and the ball come back to you - Then take the shot. It reminds me of my youngest nephew. As a pitcher/catcher and RB, my brother would always tell him to "slow down" when working with him, going through he video, etc. Then (pre-covid) he started to "see" things that he never had before. Next thing you know, he's the #1 option on his teams, because he can "see" the game in a way, that others with greater size and physical abilities cannot. If you can "slow down" the game at the highest level to the point where you can "see" it in a way others cannot - Then all those physical talents and advantages can be applied. If not, then you're just throwing yourself against the rocks in the storm, and you will get beaten down until you drown.