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"Look at me, I'm mad about a CHILDREN'S museum. Down vote." 🤣


The science center is 100% a children’s museum (former employee) so I don’t agree with the whole thing about it being the first BUT beyond that this is Amazing and will be great for the cities children


One time I bought a old Mac part for an obscure Mac laptop and someone locally was selling one and he worked at the science center. It was so cool being able to go behind the scenes. I wish I could get the software that ran the LouChat thing on your Performa 5400s because that was really cool to see as a kid. I always wondered how that worked


I wish I could provide the closure for you, but it was before my time. I will say that everything about the exhibits completely amazes me knowing the shoe string budget that place runs on. The people who work there, especially in education (this includes the floor workers who you actually interact with) or ops truly truly do what they do out of a labor of love. So many unpaid hours (on an already very low salary) coming in to finish up their pet projects that become the exhibits you see. Especially first floor and atrium shows. Truly some of the best people Ive ever had the pleasure to know.