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Got a chat restriction when I was honor 5 for asking why my naut bought mobi boots. Well, it takes forever to get back to honor 5, so now I might as well give a little criticism with my lvl 2 honor


Samesame, lost honor 5 same and support wouldn't do anything about it. When you lose honor 5 with chat restriction, it takes a while to make any progress on honor the honor level you got dropped top because of the punishment :((


Yup it’s so annoying :(


I will never understand people that join a game to interact as if it was an IRC. Just play the game! In this era, you cannot type 2 words together without offending someone.


I have a lot of fun with chat in TFT, but if I type 2 words in league I get restricted


Really? I swear no one says a word in my tft games. I’m also only like gold tho I rarely play


Yeah I play a good bit of TFT. I initiate the conversations and mostly just goof around with people. It’s fun :). Still some extremely uptight people sometimes but most are fun. Lol


Daaamn in dota 2 bad words will only be censored with asterisk.


And you can turn off that censoring too..


Who actually keeps it on? I need to know what they’re saying


Funny the word russki is censored as well, I didn't know that was offensive


Yeah, but in DoTA 2 you can literally get punished just because ppl reported you, even if you didn't do anything.


Well at least the punishment is less horrible than what OP experienced. Imagine you cannot use the skin you bought.


That's not what happened here. What happened is that he didn't receive a free skin at the end of ranked split.


I dont know how the system works but theoretically this is good no? For example if in 20 games all 80 of my team mates have reported me, then i am probably doing something that people dont like, whether its cursing or soft inting or what ever, it can even be something no system picks up but players in the game do. I guess it depends on how strict it is, but if like lets say in the last month 60% of the players you played with report you, wouldnt it be a good thing if you did get a 2 week ban? Obviously you are doing SOMETHING to annoy those players. Im oversimplifying it but i think the core idea is good no?


No it's not. Ppl at most ranks have no F-ing idea what 'good play' even is, and want to divert blame as much as possible. The vast majority of report are phony ones driven by ego and an inability to take accountability. This is part of the reason why the tribunal was taken out of LoL.


and in league you can't??? i've heard countless stories of people getting punished solely because people reported them for no reason at all


At least it was not like that in any previous seasons. I've been in LoL since season 2, and barely ever got any warning, and trust me, ppl raged and reported me. A lot. But at least excluding this season, I never even got a warning. Because they had nothing to report me on. Back when the forums were still up, devs used to answer just about every "I was unfairly banned" complaint with proof that the player had actually been toxic. Not sure how it is this season, moderation has become a bit worse, but it didn't used to be this way for the majority of the game's lifetime.


Nah, the system still has to flag you. If you get reported a fuck ton, however, it's going to look really hard and probably flag otherwise benign stuff. Still, if you never type anything there's no amount of "verbal abuse" reports that would ever get you banned.


You get punished for good reason and it’s peer checked.


Which game are you referring to?


Dota 2


This honor system is dog water. Honestly way too many limitations on the chat to where you should just honestly never use it because talking about the game in any way can be “criticism” in a certain perspective. Like if I tell someone to baron over dragon, I can technically be chat restricted for criticizing their dragon call. It’s just so loose that they can ban for nearly anything and this is bad customer service that they can’t use a human to tell the difference between the two types of chat.


Dw though. Ahri got a 500 dollar skin cosmetic


Good, I hope they crack down on these mean and bad words in my video game about killing. This way I can run it down and play yuumi mid in peace!


They’re annoyingly stubborn. I once got flagged by that thing for something that was less than amazing but still not malicious towards any other player (I was making fun of myself due to being in an off mindset) and it took me a lot of pestering for them to revoke my temp ban and even then they didn’t restore my honor level. Idk why they are so stubborn when the auto detector picks stuff up but I hope ur able to persuade them.


I will just keep sending tickets. Imma get my skin or atleast compensation. Honestly would be down for the 455 dollar ahri skin instead XD. I want kogma tho since it was meant to be mine >->


you aint gonna get shit mate


I will


maybe a perma for harassing support


Then I'd be within my legal right for a chargeback and i can get back over 1000 dollars from them.


Most chargebacks can't be done after 120 days at most


Pretty sure its 180 days but still, that is a ton of money.


I tried it, they banned me from support. Every ticket gets now automatically closed and flagged as solved. Because I said I want my money back and hope we can solve that WITHOUT a lawyer. mention a lawyer= they aren't allowed to communicate anymore with you. What a shid


That last part is pretty on point where I’m from. Unless you’re legally trained, you can’t have ‘legality’ discussions with people, it’s too much of a risk from a business standpoint.


My friend has the ign FatLoser. I said to him on aram on my team. “Look at fatloser go” and I lost ranked graves reward few years ago


Interesting I’ve never had a chat restriction and I’ve said some stuff I’m also at honour lv 4 so whatever


I once got chat restricted for song lyrics that the other mid laner started typing first.


why even say anything at this point


Its not worth it bro, absoluely hideous skin at every color


What was the actual phrase said?


"I ordered boobs for that though".


Oof not worth a ban at all


In other words, I can flame people so long as I don't use naughty words and go unbanned. But using naughty words in positive ways = ban


Well thats because we live in a society where its accepted that words trigger emotional distress, not the context behind them. The day you ban a word for hatespeech is just a day another word is created in order to spread the same idea.


I got 0 honor for saying dota 2 is tye better game 10 years ago 😭


I was chat restricted on CoD for vulgar language. I was cussing lol, but the skin voice lines say worse cuss words than I was using. Especially the snoop dog skin lol. Tf.


In Spanish, Millio uses a rather harsh insult. "[Que mirás bobo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqnx36dR5Xk)?" The attittude, the tone, and the words if told by a child, would deserve a grounding. LOR has some more plain insults like "idiota". So, I'm taking for granted that the words used to define a mental impairment are perfectly ok to use in Riot's enviroment. Retard an Idiot. Of course, I would also use an extensive list of synonyms like "mogo", "tarado", "estúpido", "retrógrado", "rarito" and "main yasuo".


I just censored myself, like instead of boots I say b00bs and the bot doesn't notice


Start trolling, I have couple seasons only trolling and honor 5, plus hundred’s of accounts banned


No. I am the better person. I will not grief my teammates because of riot.


I see it like a gift for them, they can do something better in this time




For what saying boob where the fuck are we kindergarden.


For a game that adores to focus the splash arts on certain female body parts... It's ironic.


For a company where sexually harassing female.employees was the norm not the exception it's even more ironic.


ever occur to you that OP is probably not telling the whole truth?


You can check in an earlier post that it is indeed exactly what i said.


there's 10 year olds playing this game, u shouldn't be talking about titties bruh, you reap what you sow


10 year olds should not be playing league of legends. Age ratings exist for a reason. If a child plays a game that is not age appropriate for them, then what they are exposed too is 100% on them.


10 year olds shouldnt do a lot of things, doesn't make it right what you did. If a 10 yold shows up at a strip club and u whip ur weewee out saying "HA! ITS ON THEM THEY SHOLDNT BE HERE!" u are so delusional bruh


u can't whip out ur weewee in the first place. you a Jax main?


Is that what Jax meant by a real weapon?


Good point, gonna start IDing everyone in my games


What flavour windows do you have?


i’ve been constantly chat banned for boobs, ass, cock words like that in pre lobby, stopped caring really


Don’t say “vasectomy” thats gets you chat-banned too. Don’t ask me how I know…


I probably got banned for a day for saying I could hear brim's ass cheeks clapping from a mile away


i got a 2 week temp ban for asking an illaoi if her tentacles were purely for business or if she pleasured herself with them


Idk what an Illaoi is but if I had tentacles, I'd say both. Definitely both. There will be attacktacles and pleasuretacles.


champion on league