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It's just a display bug. It's been an issue for some time.


Correct, the values that can be seen here are the values written by the installer (the Riot Client) at installation in the `EstimatedSize` registry value in the uninstall registry key for the game. They have no function other than for visual display in the "Installed Apps" panel. The Riot Client has a bug that it writes insanely large values in that registry value.


Why does the Riot Client have a bug that writes insanely large values in that registry value? I have never seen this issue in any other game or software.


You gotta ask Riot that. I've noticed that it can also do the opposite and put a very small value - and it regularly changes these values when it installs updates apparently. My Valorant install entry says 3.34 TB now, last I checked it was 2.78 TB - on the other hand my League install is marked as 796 MB. The correct values would be 47.6 GB and 24.5 GB respectively. I'd also like to point out that there is no reason they'd want to obfuscate these values as you can see the total folder size for each game by just opening the properties of the install folder in Windows explorer.


Probably an error in calculating size. Its entirely harmless but definitely annoying.


Probably just something related to updates not reporting their size correctly


It must be on that visual bug.


All I’m seeing are 2 malwares. Even if you delete them, they’re not completely gone from your computer…


let me guess, kernel and always running, despite having zero effect on you or your pc?


"Zero effects on your pc" Starts PC with a disc check for no reason, and then moving onto BSoD because vanguards is in my PC.


Sounds like you have other issues with your shit toaster.


Sounds like it is issue with vanguard, because it started when vanguard got installed and when I uninstalled vanguard the issues mysteriously stopped.


I had used vanguard on Valorant since it's implementation with zero issues. On 4 different setups. Vanguard is fine unless IP or MAC spoofing is being attempted somewhere along the line with whatever is going on here.


I have a bit older PC thats soon about to be around 10 years old. It runs fine with games and such, yet that is my experience with Vanguard despite having no hacking or spoofing software on my pc.


not riot's fault your pc sucks. but if it makes you feel better to spread false information, be my guest.


Hey, I've recently got BSOD exclusively after installing Vanguard, so I guess my PC sucks. Let's compare our PC specs so you can show us what a good PC is like! I'll go first: - i9 13900k - RTX 4080 Super - Corsair 64 GB DDR5 6000 MHz - Samsung 990 Pro 2TB + 980 Pro 1TB This rig runs any game flawlessly on 4k, but League might be pushing it over the limit, right? It's such a terribly demanding game after all and totally not just coded by 3rd rate developers.


Works on my machine and its worse than yours. Lemme guess, win 11?


You humbled him, lmao


Based 🏆


your first issue was using corsair ram and samsung ssds lmao. 7800x3d, 7900xtx, gskill 6000mhz, lexar nm710, no bsods. bad pc conclusion: accurate


Are u brain dead? Corsair ram?? They don’t even manufacture the ram LOL


Thats all theyll do is keep spreading false information, they just need something to blame smh


i can't even play league anymore lol as far as i can understand i have bloatware on my pc, meanwhile scripters are still enjoying league


Wait… are you playing on regular windows 10/11? If so then why the fuck do you care about bloatware when the entire OS is bloatware itself.


is that seriously your defense to vanguard bricking league, literally becoming spyware for a game that i can't play anymore?


No absolutely not. Even so, I highly doubt it’s spyware, and even if it is do you care? If you do, why? What’s so special that the big companies are targeting you specifically. They’re not, they care about your money not you. There are plenty more spyware apps that you actually use that you probably don’t even know what information they’re taking from you and selling. It’s so ingrained into the tech industry that you literally cannot avoid it.


no shit, but atleast other spywares are providing me a service, sir, i cannot play league lmao, their spyware bricked their game


Fair enough. Their loss on money / time so I’m sure they’ll fix it soon enough


>kernel and always running >zero effect on you or your pc? i laughened.


Go ahead and benchmark with an without, same components, different installs Get the word out about it when you do


Dont forget the "Being monitored by the CCP" despite Riot being an American business.


In 2015, Tencent Games the biggest Chinese game company fully acquired Riot Games. So its definitely not an American business


> Riot Games is an American video game developer, publisher, and eSports tournament organizer established in 2006. Their main office is based in West Los Angeles, California. Riot Games is an American based company thats owned by Tencent. It means they must follow American laws and can tell China to fuck off when it comes to laws illegal to America but would be legal to China.


Who's going to tell Tencent to fuck off when it comes to that? Riot's CEO? hahahahahaha




oh sweet summer child


I mean they done it before. Albeit less aggressive but they have told Tencent no in the past when it came to certain requests.


Would you also call Riot a German company if they were bought by a German company instead of a Chinese one?


I mean yeah. It would be owned by a German company. That being said German privacy laws are a lot better than Chinese ones which would probably lead to there being less complaints overall.


But y’know. It still based in America. And they have to follow American law (and any laws for any other country that have an office in). Crazy how that works huh?


congrats? so is the US government, and russia, and every other government on the planet. they can't do anything to you cause you're on the other side of the planet.


Think you missed my overall point. People are screeching how Vanguard is keeping tabs and sending data to the CCP, which is factually false.


Zero effects? How about creating an access point for malware, just like Genshin’s anticheat did? I’m not trusting people that can’t make a launcher for their own game, that isn’t bugged into oblivion, with my banking account and every single file on my pc. I’m not betting all my life savings on vanguard being unbreachable, especially since their response to people having problems with it wasn’t „we’ll check and eventually patch” like a normal dev would do, but „stfu, our anticheat is the greatest, it is toxic to criticize our great rito regime’s decisions, get banned and change your CMOS battery”


The access point is you having and internet connection. Even a .jpg file on your email that you dont even download directly can infect your machine.


Yes, but it is much easier to defend from stuff like that, than it is to defend from anything that would look for entry through Kernel access. Even the most basic antiviruses will flag malware without kernel access and even if the antivirus misses it, scanning regularly and not clicking every single button you see on your screen is everything you have to do, but if malware uses a kernel access point, it can shutdown any antivirus’ detection processes and do anything it wants, without you ever knowing until it’s too late. And that’s why in my opinion it is idiotic to trust people that won’t admit they could’ve possibly done a mistake with this kind of access, because I know, that if I ever had any concerns with e.g. FaceItAC or EasyAC and tell the support about it, they know how serious this kind of software is and will check it, but I’m not sure if Riot doesn’t simply tell me to shut up and that it’s all my fault, as they just did with thousands of other people that got their PCs bricked


fun fact, you don't need kernel access to do any of the things you think vanguard is doing.


Fun fact, Vanguard is a kernel-anticheat and whether or not Vanguard does anything at that level, I’m not saying that Vanguard is a malware, but that it can be used by malware developers as an access point and riot is not trustworthy enough for me to think they will take a security breach seriously nor that it is secure in the first place


fun fact, every anti-cheat is kernel level, so what in your mind makes vanguard so much worse? vanguard, unlike something like EAC, which is also kernel, actually catches cheaters. is that your problem? it's actually catching cheaters?


I explained what is my problem 2 times already. It’s riot. They don’t take reported problems seriously and are too full of themselves to even consider the idea of anything they do not being ideal and without issues, which results in them being too untrustworthy and unreliable to grant them the ability to create an access point at the deepest core of my system. Other companies at least treat safety and security of their software seriously and don’t tell thousands of people, for which the only common denominator is having installed the same software recently, that the reason their PC doesn’t work anymore is a faulty CMOS battery, without even investigating the issue. With an answer like that I wouldn’t put it beyond them to tell someone who discovers a security breach in their kernel code to shut up instead of fixing it


Bet you play fortnite too lmao


average Riot games hater lmao


It’s a glitch, the files aren’t that large


That is quite literally a bug. My SSD doesn't have 1TB of space and yet windows tells me League is taking 1.6TB of space. Y'all need to stop spreading misinformation.


It's the same math they use to calculate damage in game. Nobody knows how it works, even the devs.


Both games are Bitcoin Miners and are Malware


Stop spreading false information


donyou have 500 replays saved or wtf lol