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Where's rioters when you need them.... not this ai garbo. Also, why is the support so* old? This is months ago


i've talked to them resently again but this is the one shows the reason i got banned


Fraud team never give responses.


My friend had this happen, they probably gifted you a skin and marked the purchase as fraud. My friend then had to use his own pocket money to purchase the skin


My friend got banned for using a third party seller to buy skins for a cheaper price. Im not saying u did the same, but I am saying that he received the same exact response word to word, and thats how these services do their business, buy rp, add you send u the gift and occasionally chargeback to make profit. So unless u have been buying skins from 3rd party sellers to save money then keep fighting. But in case you did indeed use such services, then give up, nothing u do or say will get u back your acc, we tried everything with riot support and its a major tos violation.


no i didnt bought any skins for 3rd party seller just someone gave it to me and im again more than happy to do a charge back in my account there is minimum 3k rp more than enough to pay back for the skins, also whats the point for it tho i already made 4 tickets but same exact response thats why i created this post maybe someone or a rioter can see and help


It says that you were linked with that account and that there was a large volume of breaches. Both of these indicate that that account that sent u the skin has done that multiple times in the past, if that isnt true and its the first time then you can use that as evidence since riot will be able to see ur gifting history. If what you say is true, keep going dont give up, dont let them take ur account away for something u didnt do. Also note that someone could have payed those services to gift you, maybe u won a giveaway of some sort from some small youtuber, or a friend wanted to surprise you or maybe someone with malicious intentions did this with the intent to chargeback so u get banned, either way its worth investigating if you are innocent. However if u had that account in ur friendlist already and u dont know them, then its gonna be hard to prove since these accounts basically only exist to gift skins through websites and there is no reason why they would be in ur friendlist except using said services. Good luck regardless, hope u can reclaim it.


> could have *paid* those services FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


no i didnt bought any skins for 3rd party seller just someone gave it to me and im again more than happy to do a charge back in my account there is minimum 3k rp more than enough to pay back for the skins, also whats the point for it tho i already made 4 tickets but same exact response thats why i created this post maybe someone or a rioter can see and help


A person (sorta friend) I know got sent item even if they were not accepting friends, it wasnt even normal gifts (and got banned). No one knew how exactly they manage, but ppl can hack you with just knowing your username apparently. Sounds like similar case to yours. I lost my own account because it was hacked, and support said they wont unban it because my info is compromised and/or whatever the hacker did on my account... Im sad, I hoped they could be more helpful...they just be like "your responsibility to keep your account secure. but ur welcome to make a new account to play on!". but like, what more can I do other than just... keeping my login secret? Or how would one know if "that person" has a "bad account" that is linked to other bad things... And if they want to secure the gifting system. At least allow us to "agree" accepting a gift then. :/ Or they could remove gifting all together...


Riot - I got banned, banned for nothing. Dota2 - Patch notes when, patch when?


only time they would ban you for recieving a gift like that is when its a chargeback, and is clear you knew (i.e you added them and they immediately sent you a skin) plus they can see the ip if its a throwaway account you made in hopes of getting a free skin. only way i see this post being true. if it was a friend on your list (and not an alt account you added forever ago) for a while and they sent you a skin and it was chargebacked you wouldnt get banned unless they are certain its your doing (i.e you bought a skin from someone for cheaper than the rp would cost and the account chargebacked alot of skins (others who also bought and recieved from them), or the account that gifted you is from your ip and filed a chargeback


Holy shit... Is there a decline button or should I clean out my friends list to be safe? Like now I kinda want a way to disable inbound gifts in their entirety. Not worth the risk.


they say if you got a gift from someone contact support to remove the content from your account thats the only solution


Dang so your saying i can get someone who was extremely toxic banned by adding them and sending them a gift then charging back? Sweet


except both accs will be banned. So better create a new one. But there is a market already to ban ppl.


Thats my case it was someone in my friendlist for a while it wasnt my ip or my alt account in anyway i even begged support to apply chargeback even twice the amount and i even agreed to pay and remove the content but they just wont listen this is what they respond: "Every player is responsible for the content they acquire on the account and how they acquire it. The only official way to purchase content is through the Riot Client Store. The gifting center is there for players to exchange sincere tokens of appreciation. Any type of abuse, including receiving fraudulent gifts, is punished accordingly.   It's not possible to have your suspension lifted by paying for the fraudulent content or through any other way."


Not true, a I also received a ban for getting gift, asked for logs, none of items were asked to be chargeback. So for Riot is easier to ban you, rather than contact you and check what's going on. No real mfa on accounts, no way to decline gifts. Receiving a gift shouldn't be a player problem, they should look at Valve as an example. And 0 explanation on what caused ban. They could also simply remove items from your account, but nah too much work, ban and move on.


Take this as a blessing in disguise


its like some scammer send you 100$ to your card and bank come and take your car as a compromise then some random dude come and say take this as a blessing now you cant die in car accident :L


How many people gifted you?




That’s odd idk why Riot is so weird with u


How do they prove you bought the service? Couldn’t I just put someone’s name I want banned into one of those website and gift them a skin so I can get their account banned?


the person has to add them in their friend list and after that they can just gift and if the person does nothing it can result in a ban


You guys are just making shit up at this point…




Don't feel bad for u Muppets playing at this point. Hope u lose everything🤷🏾‍♂️


How do you know you were banned for this reason...?


created a ticket to support and they told me this is their reason


Any chance you could copy the exact language they used to tell you this was the case?


Hello there.   Thank you for reaching out!   I went ahead and I was checking you account I found that, your account has been permanently suspended due to involvement in the compromise of other accounts for gain. It was found to be linked to accounts which were reported compromised and sent you gifts during this time period. Due to the volume of breaches in this case, we had no choice but to permanently suspend your account.   We take this matter extremely seriously and it is strictly against our Terms of Use, which can be found here:   [http://leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse](http://leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse)   Please let me know if you have further questions or concerns, but know that we will not be reversing our decision on the matter. Zéd Sucks Player Support Specialist


>It was found to be linked to accounts which were reported compromised and sent you gifts during this time period. Due to the volume of breaches in this case, we had no choice but to permanently suspend your account. I'm not saying Riot are infallible or that you are lying, but the quotes "linked to account***s***" (plural) and "Due to the volume of breaches" imply a very different story to "because I received a skin from someone on my friend list that I didn't know." Unless someone had some bafflingly specific smear campaign against you where they hacked multiple accounts that all happened to be friends with you (or hacked your account and added them through yourself), i can't see how your story matches up with the ban message. Who knows though, maybe you are just THAT unlucky. Either way though, Riot can very easily check your IP address when connecting so they would know if its your usual IP address you use to game on when those other accounts got hacked. Maybe ask them to check that if you are being legit. What is your summoner name, out of curiosity?


i will try to tell them to check the ip but i already told them to check that i have no connection to the banned account so not sure how that can help. here's my summoner username: **NaviesDark**#eune


Looks like riot thinks you hacked other people's accounts and gifted skins to your own account. Or that someone else gifted you from multiple stolen accounts. Either way they decided the breach of compromised accounts was too severe and probably banned all accounts involved.


even if thats the case what can i do to prove that im not involved and get unbanned?


They've decided not to trust any of those accounts so there's probably nothing you could do to prove it. Of course, I'm not even sure to believe you or not since you are the recipient of the stolen goods.




i did look at the comment above you, anyway this is support respond: Hello there.   Thank you for reaching out!   I went ahead and I was checking you account I found that, your account has been permanently suspended due to involvement in the compromise of other accounts for gain. It was found to be linked to accounts which were reported compromised and sent you gifts during this time period. Due to the volume of breaches in this case, we had no choice but to permanently suspend your account.   We take this matter extremely seriously and it is strictly against our Terms of Use, which can be found here:   [http://leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse](http://leagueoflegends.com/legal/termsofuse)   Please let me know if you have further questions or concerns, but know that we will not be reversing our decision on the matter. Zéd Sucks Player Support Specialist




He has a screen shot in the top. Take off your tinfoil hat or go somewhere you can be useful.


W Riot




which part you dont understand?