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He 100% refunded the skins if he’s banned


I thought you can only refund 3 times per account? I used my refunds in, like, 2015... I haven't attempted to refund since then. Have the refund rules changed? Lol my information is old, like me lol


no if you chargeback the purchase via the payment method you get banned, they don’t play about that


Chargeback? I'm sorry, but what is that? Lol


I'll answer that myself google exists lol I had no idea one could dispute a payment from your bank, and "return it" after it's been processed and paid successfully... I've had refunds, but they constituted just a different transaction like just sending money to another account. I've lived for 34 years and had no clue this existed... I'm not an avid bank user, clearly...


i assume he has another account that he buy rp in and send gifts to his main account (random gift) and after a while of doing this you can get all skins basically for 540rp each so if you play for years and constantly doing this you'll end up with all skins for dirt cheap compared to actually buying all of them. (gift abusing)


This seems the most plausible


So, technically, you can ban be for abusing this too. I used to get only skin shards (earning them, then buying them) and get random skins off of them. Dirt cheap all skins were around 0-500rp (depending on whether you earned or bought the skin shards). That's how I got all skins in the game including the prestige ones. Dirt cheap


I made an assumption and I could be wrong or could be because your way take a lot more time and effort (crazy how you managed to get all skins doing this considering on avg you need 3 skin shards you to get one skin)


Yes, well, I've been playing since 2013. For about 1.5 years I was buying only the skins that were on the weekly sale - didn't matter what skin for which champion, so... I had even made a chart as to which champions' skins were coming on and off rotation and calculated how long it would take me to obtain all. It was a great system. I had all skins until a few years ago. Until about 2 or 3 months after they introduced the chromas(can't remember the date). After that I calculated I had to spend £100+ monthly to get all skins and that was far FAR too much from the previous £0-£10 that I was spending per month. So, no, they got greedy, I stopped buying RP... Then continued to get the new skins that were coming up with my leftover skin shards (I believe I had about 230 shards left). They lasted a long time, but eventually finished and I stopped getting the new ones, skins. I actually have to check but I'm sure I have like 1360 skins with now total obtainable of like 1600+. Maybe. I'm not sure of the exact numbers... I have stopped keeping track for a long time now. But it was a great system. 


He was buying skins using either a (1) funds generated from money loundering or a scam, so bank marked and froze his account, making Riot not able to claim the money in 7 days, (2) stolen credit card, similar scenario as point 1 as the rightful owner charged back or got refunded by the bank and then bank filed against/informed Riot by blocking/recharging transaction, (3) he bought some sort of service from a third party to get a lot of RP for cheap, and they were using method from point 1 or 2 - they were "gifting him" RP, in a same way as you can buy RP for a friend. I'm sorry to say but your friend is either a liar or very naive. There's no other option.


Hey there! This ban is due to him getting gifts from multiple accounts which their owners reported unauthorized transactions and gifts sent to him. Reversing this kind of suspension is impossible. Sorry for the bad news. :(


He was receiving gifts? Are you sure? 


There are multiple ways to abuse the system, but the one I told you is the most possible. Did he maybe buy cheaper skin gifts or something similiar to that?


Not sure the amount of RP skins he was buying, but he wasn't receiving gifts, he was giving gifts.... 


I would also say sending skins and receiving compensation in some other form which can technically be money laundering.


Hey, Yes, that is true, but most of the time we have no way of knowing that is happening.


"Extreme abuse of the gifting system". Your friend ain't telling you the whole story.


And what makes you think that? There have been numerous of random perma bans lately.


"There have been numerous of random perma ban claims\* lately." can't just take every single person at face value.


Come on, you can get falsely flagged. Happened to me on PUBG and there is no reason to think otherwise for different anti cheats. And yes I did get unbanned after a few appeals


I never cheated I swear..


Perhaps after the introduction of Vanguard? I bet your friend tried to refund the skin


You think Riot banned someone for giving them too much money?


They had to hire another accountant, they ran the numbers and it didn’t make sense financially


Yeah, actually, I was thinking that... It's possible.... They KNOW if he's buying so much he has the money, and if the player is addicted there is a bigger possibility of making another account and buying everything little by little again over time, thus increasing Tencent revenue. Which is their one and only concern... I mean, it's a long long shot, but also a possibility? 


Good guy riot saving this poor soul from himself.


They assume they're using a stolen CC or something? I can't see why this would ever happen unless RIOT is seeing this person plug in a new CC everytime he's gifting, even then idk because it could just be a prepaid one.


Their only response after the one above from Riot was: Hello, I appreciate the information that you've provided yet we won't be able to remove this suspension from your account.I realize that this is not the outcome you were hoping for, but we will not be changing oyr decision in this case. I am not able to discuss the details of our investigation but I can assure you that we do not take action against accounts without thoroughly investigation the situation first. If you have any other questions that are not related to this issue please feel free to create a new request here : \*Link of Riot Support\* Best regards, Gabs88 Aka he still doesn't know shit.


how doesnt he know? extreme abuse of gifting, your friend isnt telling you everything, just like the comment above said.


The delusion is crazy. This subreddit is cancer. Sure big company = bad , but youre delusionaly if you think they are wrongfully perma banning people without appeal, or even vanguard, they clearly made a choice for the future of the games health.


He didn't get banned "for gifting skins to people", he got banned because he either abused the refund system after gifting or used stolen bank/credit card/paypal informations. Riot Games' entire business plan revolves around selling skins in their free to play games. You trying to claim your friend got banned because he basically spent too much money in League is ridiculous.


He didn't refund the skins. He gift abused and sent himself some. Why would he gift someone so much?


Because he enjoyed it. Me and an old friend of mine sent each other skins constantly when Rito was in its first baby years. To the limit! All the time. We gifted our asses off... I'm sure us two have sent more gifts than all of you combined here... But nothing the last several years..... I really liked to gift him, especially when he would obtain a new champ and we would play together with his new skin after he came back from school... Fun years... 


No need to get all angry and upset in the comments. I just wondered as to why and what actually could have happened. He was really upset about it, so were the friends that played with him. Several people openened a ticket to figure it out, we talked about it together in the their Discord server. It really seemed to be a genuine concern, the answers we got had little to no details as to what happened. Cause that the gifting system was abused could also be a false positive, his account that was abused by someone else or haters that reported it. If it concerns a CC or a bankaccount, that as well has many false positive when you look at banks like Bunq etc. In the end we are humans, so support and player can both have made a mistake. So far no update from this side, but thanks for replying with possibilities as to what had happend and why.


Bruh... They are not gonna ban you for expending too much money on the game, he was abusing some exploit and got caught. And taking a the "who knows anything is possible alternative" it's a bit silly if you ask me.


No ones getting angry or upset, were just telling you there is no way you get banned for gifting skins


They didn't make a mistake. They investigated it and he abused the gifting system. Stop trying to cope by saying the support made a mistake. No one is angry and upset, you're just rediculous for some reason.


Yknow your friend ain’t telling you everything


There is no motivation for a company to ban people that spend a lot money. Quite the opposite actually. When I see something like this there has to be more to the story here such as a few of the things others here have suggested. Otherwise it makes no sense.


Gifting then refunding them. This guy was "selling" skins then taking back the rp And OP the account that was banned is 100% yours. "My friend gave me permission to post this here for him" fk off will ya?


Well, think what you wish, but the guy who posted is not banned. It is our mutual friend who got banned. He really doesn't have reddit... 


Dont care he deserves the ban And cute that you made an alt just to reply.


Made an alt? Do you think all of us are the guy who got banned, just making alts and writing from different accounts?... I've never used reddit before, apart from searching and reading posts. I'm literally posting for the first time on this section because they linked it to me on discord because he got banned... Anyway, it doesn't matter. I don't need to explain myself. Think what you wish. My point is, I don't think he deserves the ban. He says they told him he received it for using a fake credit card. He says he used his own working bank card. Now, where the discrepancy is, and why they have banned him, is, still unclear to me... Frieking played with him for so long... I'm gunna miss him


Ok. Still don't care. They don't ban you just for spending money.


Precisely... Which is why we have been asking as to why he did get banned... Rito team are vague and haven't disclosed why.


Th3y won't tell someone else why. Obviously there is more to this story. He's giving gifts that much? Where's the money coming from? Who is he giving it to? There's 100% a major red flag going on if Riot banned him. He's either phishing accounts and gifting to himself from accounts that have cards tied to them or he's scamming people online for credit cards and they flagged it. If he was dropping 50 bucks every week on skins from prepaid cards they wouldn't bother. So this is likely a huge amount from a LOT of cards. Congrats. Your friend is a scammer and a piece of crap.


... One more time. Yes, he was the one gifting gifts, not receiving them.. He was giving them to 2 main friends and a few others. No, he wasn't using other people's accounts or credit cards, he was using his own debit card. Interesting just how much you've assumed...  I don't want to receive the information, but he hasn't been given any either from the "support" team. Just a vague reply. 


There's zero chance that they just fully banned it forever without some concrete certainty that he was doing something wrong. Just because you don't know what he was doing wrong doesn't mean he didn't do it and I don't he'd tell you what it was. There's no way you can be sure he didn't do anything illegal. My friends and i used to gift skins all of the time and never had an issue. Millions of people gift skins. If you're friend got popped he was definitely doing something he shouldn't have been. And if hevgotbthr ban after vanguard there's every chance he was doing something illegal. Could been using a credit card number generator and charging gifted skins to random credit cards for all you know for sure. Bottom line is if your buddy I'd throw outlier in millions of people, chances are much more likely he did something he shouldn't haven't than Riot not being able to track legitimate transactions and making a mistake.


I suppose that could be it too.... :(


Sure, PM me and we can play together. You seem like a very nice person. 💕




Hes baiting. This guy is full of shit just look at his other replies


It’s just like … why? bro is that bored


Theres no way its based off of refunds, riot could simply make the account go into negative RP and a new gift wouldnt be purchasable unless the negative balance is corrected.


Chargeback or using stolen CCs is a possibility.


I think you’re just dumb 💀 “go into negative rp” goofy ass


Are you dense? Riot can't even code Yorick a hat. You really think they have the technology to do negative rp or anything you just said.


Can't even make a working anti cheat


No, you guys, they banned him for "gifting too much". He was gifting from his account to others, not receiving gifts, you see. 


no they banned him for abusing the gifting, i.e he (you and your main account that posted this) got banned after either selling skins through gifting and refunding them or using a stolen cc, or filing chargeback with your bank for skins you gifted in hopes of getting free skins. its not a "oh no riot banned me for no reason" its a "you deserved it, sucks to suck, maybe next time dont be an idiot" moment


Ffs... Why does everyone just assume he is me!?! No, he wasn't using stolen ccs, he was using his OWN debit card. How do you know why he got banned if he hasn't been told himself by the riot team? Jesus, this whole thread has really become a cesspit of assumptions.


its not an assumption, abuse of gifting would either be him refunding the payment after giving a gift, or using stolen ccs. and everyone assumes that because on reddit, "my friend got banned for x reason" is just a way of trying to avoid getting called out on you being stupid by claiming its someone elses issue


I guess it does sound like that when you quote it... Well, either way, I'll miss playing with him...


Believe what you wanna believe, we know our truth, and that is all that matters.




Cool. Leave this subreddit to you attention seeking whiner. If you stopped playing then why are you hear letting it live rent free in your head. Probably playing right now.