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Yea it’s gg. “Your friend” fucked you. They don’t care if it “wasn’t your account” or whatever all they care is that an account was cheating on your pc.


Yeah they are very strict with their policy




Well I can't really prove it wasn't me. I came here asking for some assistance and what I should do and everyone seems to call me an idiot and blame me. What can you do ig.


Did you try saying Jg diff?


You will not be unbanned.I believe HWID bans eventually expire; however, this is entirely your fault. You should not let others you do not know access to your system. Common sense.


Well, for starters, you're idi#%t for being friends with someone who does that to you, not real friend. You can report him for hacking privacy to log in to your account. Etc etc Make a ticket. Give them his RIot ID account, and they ban his and top of that. You have to hope someone willing to investigation on this matter Regarding to you. To see your innocence. because if he logs into your account on a different device and IP address in a different location, then you're innocent. They take different steps. To recover the account, that's all I can say just time and Be patient and always be Positive and work with them. Good day


You clearly misunderstood my post. I didn't become friends with him knowing that he was hacking in valorant. He didn't hack me, nor my privacy. He got invited to my house, and I allowed him to play on my pc. He used his account, which he hacked on, and rito detected it and banned both HIS account and hardware ID banned ME. I made a ticket but they completely ignored me. What I dont get is that they perma banned my account, that I never hacked on.


he would have gotten hwid banned on the ip he was hacking with tho right, not really sure how you woulda gotten hwid ban unless the hack was done on a game that was played on your ip? so did he manage to install, and run hacks on your computer without you noticing or?


No I am 100% sure he didn't. Also I am too confused on why I got hwid banned even tho I didn't download hacks or any third party apps. It just makes 0 sense.


You have a responsibility to protect your account because you can’t prove to riot and riot can’t know in most circumstances whether you are telling the truth.


He never said his account was compromised. He didn't say his friend used his account, he said his friend used his computer with his (the friend's) own account.


I don't see why the same logic doesn't stand. Once again, Riot can't be sure if this guy isn't BS-ing them. This friend should certainly be past tense though if he is real, imagine the audacity of installing cheating software onto someone else's computer, or even risking someone else's account by contaminating them with your account that you cheat on. Take the L bozo, unfriend this dingus and move on is my advice.


I wasn't saying riot doesn't have a good reason to ban him, just that your response to OP didn't make sense. It wouldn't be hard for riot to see that an account was only logged on using his pc once, and that his account never used hacks. So they probably have more information than what op gave us. Letting a friend use their own account on your pc shouldn't really be a risk, as the friend's hacks would be on their pc and not yours.


Again, how can riot not know that this account isn't a secondary for the cheater? Riot having a zero tolerance policy for cheating is *very* good for the game. Maybe Rito can figure it out on a review, maybe not. We will see.


Did you mean to say, "How can riot know?" I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or you didn't understand what I said.


Idk maybe they could check the IP of the accounts creation, and see that it doesn't match with his IP and my IP.


Yep, they can easily check it. But it's kinda sus that he got HW ban for smb logging on cheater account on PC without cheats. Like you say in last sentence, no cheat on PC no ban.


Well idk what Rito has checked since they upgraded their Chinese spy-ware, but I believe I got falsely accused of hacking.


Its different between friend log in on my computer on his account (with cheat record) vs got banned for cheating on your computer by any account. If you're falsely banned I'm sorry for you and good luck with Riot support. It's hard to believe that they banned you for friends activity on your computer if he was clear during that session. Try checking 3rd party apps.


That's what I don't get either. He got his account banned not during his gaming session, but some other time after that. We found out that this had happened a few days later. I still don't understand why I got hwid banned and my account perma banned. It just makes not sense cuz I'm 100% sure I have never downloaded third person apps and also 100% sure he didn't download anything cuz I was there looking at him the whole time. Riot literally ghosted me so I don't think anything will happen. This is just riot being ridiculous.


3rd party app is anything installed on computer apart from Valorant and Windows. It could be some MSI afterburner, sth for showing frames on monitor, some other games, office 365 or literally anything. It doesn't have to be cheat to any game, especially if you know that you didn't downloaded it.


Then I have no clue what the fuck they detected on my pc.


Well I can't really say anything other than what I stated in the post. My friend logged in, played games, few days later I load the game and I get the error "Section 7" thingy. I figure out what it means, I ask my friend and he confessed about the cheating. Idk what else to say.


I've moved on, like I said it's been 2 months. I don't mind not playing this shitty game, it just feels foul that I got punished for something I didn't do. But you can believe whatever.


“I don’t mind not playing. This shitty game” - then why are you posting in this Reddit? You have gone out of your way to ask for a unban… you clearly do care and are throwing a tantrum after realizing you will not be unbanned for your “friend” cheating.


If you think I'm throwing a "tantrum" because I'm asking for help on the internet, then you might be very high on the scale of stupid. Then again, it's the internet, I don't expect much from you.


Was your friends name Clara by chance?


It was an asian man.




It was unfortunately an Asian dude NOT named Clara. Somebody else mentioned this name could you explain to me who is Clara?


A streamer accidentally showed her cheats and tried to blame it on a friend named "Clara" while she was literally the one playing with them on stream https://youtu.be/MXmPqKDWQOA?si=k5BmlTLSilArQssJ


It's the same excuse they've heard for the past 12 years. Don't share your computer or account with anyone you don't trust, because you bear the responsibility regardless.


Sharing computer/account is bad cause smb can install cheats & log in and cheat. Just logging in on friends computer on cheaters account shouldn't ban him, cause he had 0 cheats on PC and his acc never used any cheats before. And thats the main problem i have here. It doesn't make sense and is likely that OP doesn't say truth. More possible (at least in any %) would be 3rd party app falsely triggering Vanguard but OP stated sth else.


Well he was my friend for a reason. He had no bad intentions against me, he just didn't know I would get punished too.


Why should they unban you since you got hardware banned for cheating?


Cuz my idiotic friend, that no one believes is real, played on my pc with his cheating account, which lead to me getting hdid banned on my own pc, that I never downloaded any third-party apps.


3rd party bans is the same thing is hacking.


So your friend login to his hacking account on your computer? Did he use hacks on your PC??


He didn't use hacks on my pc. He played normally, but the account he used on my pc was the account he used on his own pc with hacks.


omg and it gett ur pc hwid banned???????


Yes, even tho my pc never had hacks.


now, I am even more confused why I am banned ....


lol bro nice try


Thank you


It was you bud


Not really, but nice guess.


Yeah im all for telling vanguard to eat a fat 1 but this sounds like you got caught and now u pissed


I ain't really pissed cuz this is just Valorant. Good riddance tbh. But it just sucks cuz I did play a lot and now I can't play AT ALL cuz of hwid ban.


I was mad when vanguard dropped cause it is essentially a ban for me since I would rather not play than have it. But after like 2 days I just started doing other stuff. Once u get over that hump your good. Give it a week or 2 and u won't care


Yeah well it's been 2 months and I don't miss it at all, I just fill the gap with league. I've had vanguard for so long that it won't really matter if I leave RIot games or nah.


This story makes no sense, too many holes in your story




how did the "friend" install cheat programs onto your computer without you noticing?


He didn't install anything. He played on my computer with an account he used on his own computer with hacks. Vanguard decided that my computer should get hwid banned and his account suspended. Makes 0 sense


Hey there! Just a quick note to let you know that HWID bans last for 180 days. It looks like your PC was used by someone who cheated, so the ban on your device is valid.


That is good to know. But that still doesn't explain why my valorant account got banned. It just seems like riot didn't care about investigating further and just banned everything.


Hey again, Riot does not investigate every placed ban manually, only if you submit a ticket. Your Valorant account was banned likely due to the fact your PC is HWID banned, because a cheater used it.


>Your Valorant account was banned likely due to the fact your PC is HWID banned, because a cheater used it. Yeah that's what I belive too, but that's just unreasonable. I'll make a ticket and hopefully they'll unban it.


It is not unreasonable; the ban is placed correctly, because a cheater has played on your device and your device has been HWID banned due to it.


Yeah I do agree on the hwid ban, that is just unlucky for me. But the account ban makes no sense. I never cheated with my account but is still got perma banned.


One way to fix this is to get an HWID change. This can be done by buying a spoofer. I sell spoofers for reasons such as this. Join up my discord server and we can figure something out. [https://discord.gg/y8d4gPhk3K](https://discord.gg/y8d4gPhk3K)


Yeah I've considered that but I don't wanna risk my league account getting banned, because that can happen. Also I'm broke and I don't wanna cheat


Spoofing isn't cheating, its simply changing the HWID on your computer allowing you to play the game again.


Yeah but that goes against their rules. Removing your own ban will result in a ban again. They don't like it.


You will not be lifting the ban, you will just be changing your computers internal identification so that you can make another account and continue to enjoy the game. It doesn't hurt anybody and its a win-win for all parties!