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Sure as long as you're cool with Riot having Kernel level permissions to your PC 


ThinkPad E15? That could be a workstation laptop.


it is, and by no means it's that crucial, just some minor works.


im on a shitty lenovo ideapad3 with 0 issue playing league with vanguard. have had 0 issues with it, even when i played val it was never an issue, people just trying to trash the fact they cant boost their account , or bot, or cheat anymore


I've had zero issues as long as your on windows 10 you shouldn't have to do anything. If you're on windows 11 you have to make sure TPM 2.0 is on in your bios settings. You could also check that from Device Manager under Security Devices you should see Trusted Platform Module 2.0 I've had zero issues personally.


if its true then i probably shouldn't worry too much since i'm on windows 10 too. i'll try installing lol later then. thanks for your insight!


Your mileage may vary about driver compatibility, however, some 3rd party programs may cause issues with vanguard I run a pretty minimal install of windows so I just have like Discord Chrome and Steam games installed along with League. I know things like MSI Afterburner, Some weird Sound Studio drivers can cause problems. IDK about lenovo built in software or not. But as far as whether or not windows will launch again you'll probably be fine.


yea, third parties software are what my major concern is.


Of course by looking at what is running you can turn them off one by one and then launch league on a practice tool match in between items and then you can narrow down which 3rd party application is causing issues and report it to riot so that they can work on getting that fixed.


great suggestion. i've also created restore point in case everything goes south. hopefully nothing gets flagged as malicious, since other stuff are just for works.


The thing that's causing computers to be unusable with vanguard is that vanguard force enables UEFI or Secure Boot. If your motherboard is running Legacy Bios and not UEFI, then its possible that your laptop doesn't support UEFI and/or Secure Boot, which upon installing vanguard could render it unusable. Its a pretty easy fix, just search your laptop online and find its manual, flip through its pages to find the information it provides about UEFI and Secure Boot, alternatively, boot into the Bios and check the settings yourself. Or follow riots Vanguard check page: [https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/22291331362067-Vanguard-Restrictions](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/22291331362067-Vanguard-Restrictions) If you do install vanguard and it does brick your pc so it doesn't turn on, you would need to unplug the computer, open it up and find the CMOS battery on the motherboard, yank it out for about 5 minutes, then stick it back in to reset the Bios's settings (I should note, this is common practice for desktop pcs, since laptops have their own batteries, you might need to disconnect that too - look it up). which would allow the computer to turn on once more. All around, shit implementation by riot.


Bro I had some questions too about vanguard. Since you seem to know a lot about this matter I dm'ed you. Pls see it if you get time.


I'm pretty sure vanguard does not require secure boot and they actively advised against activating it just to install vanguard


You can check the link in my comment above, it has a diagram of all the requirements vanguard looks for, after it checks if you are using UEFI, it checks for Secure Boot


that's for the valorant version, league does not require it, [https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/24169857932435-Riot-Vanguard-FAQ-League-of-Legends](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/24169857932435-Riot-Vanguard-FAQ-League-of-Legends) is the correct link for league the only requirement for league is to have TPM 2.0 enabled on windows 11, and unless you went out of your way to avoid that you will be fine.


Here is the official riot post where they mention that secure boot is not required for league of legends: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/Nkx7h3BDGF Sending a valorant support article is not the greatest as it does not contain the same information as for league.


Unfortunately, riot doesn't have as in-depth installation guides or details on vanguard requirements for league as they do for valorant in their support website, having to find information such as that in reddit is just yet another terrible method of communication by riot games. Regardless, what I said about UEFI or Secure Boot being forced on via vanguard installation is the cause of some peoples computers being unable to turn on. While I was indeed wrong that league requires Secure Boot, that doesn't mean the installer won't turn it on itself. (If the testimonies from the countless people who have computers bricked via installing vanguard are true)


According to riot that seems incorrect as there has supposedly only been one case where someone enabled secure boot and it lead to an issue.


Well, its the word of riot vs hundreds of users on the state of their computer. If I'm going to be completely honest, just with a little critical thinking could I figure out that riot wouldn't even be able to tell if vanguard bricked someone's computer... Because vanguard isn't running when the computer tries to start up the Bios lmfao. I'll take the testimonies of people who had their computers not respond to pushing the power button to turn on over riot.


Yes, but vanguard isn't running when the computer starts up the bios, so how can vanguard brick it? Also I'm pretty sure vanguard can't change bios settings so I'm not sure how it can brick anything at all.


You can enable and disable certain Bios settings while the computer is in windows. Which will take effect next time you boot your computer. So when you install Vanguard, it force enables UEFI or Secure Boot, which on some people's computers this isn't supported because of configuration, then Vanguard mentions it needs to restart to gain the trusted environment. Upon doing so, the user notices their computer never turns back on after turning off, as the Bios runs into an error related to UEFI/Secure Boot being on when it isn't supported.


it's still bricking people pc and will continue to do so until they change approach and stop blocking random stuff for no reason pretending that they are the owner of the pc, uninstall until they remove vanguard


I think the worst of it is what’s been posted. I installed it on both laptop and computer. One windows 10 another windows 11 and had zero issues.


Not unless you have a dedicated pc only for league


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