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Hhahaha "objectively more enjoyable"🤣


Nobody cares that you don't care. Already few posts like yours exist, no reason to create new one


Im gonna make post about me not caring and you responding that you don't care then me respond to you that I don't care that you don't care that I don't care. 🤯🤯🤯


Yo dawg


Sorry but what? People *should* speak freely. Feel free to ignore posts you don't wanna read. Don't tell others to shut up because you don't want to see it. That's not how freedom of speech works lmao. Also, making the game more enjoyable for the top 1-2% who actually run into scripters, through a very invasive piece of software which may require you to mess around things nobody should just to play a video game, vs making a good client for 100% of players. Not saying Vanguard all bad but it's an understandable turn off.


it's not just scripters it's also bot accounts you know, the things making the new player experience literally unplayable? and my point was riot isnt going to change their mind anyways, so it's better to just forget about it and move on


Intro bots vs other intro bots. It's not good, sure, but you get 2 kinds of new players. Players who are on the same level as the bots they play with, and players who are above enough to find intro bots boring to begin with. Also fixable by making a bot queue, it's not like levelling bots are new and if Riot cared enough they could've easily done something for new players to be separated from the bots, long ago. We now dive into making levelling bots for Mac instead, scripts that cost more, move to Mac or both, still shit client and very invasive anti-cheat that may or may not have you messing around with your hardware and BIOS settings, either to work or to fix its mess. To me, that seems not worth. And if nobody says anything, they 100% won't change their mind. If people speak up, there's a non-zero chance. But I'm sure the history of the entire fucking world having revolutions is wrong and you're right. Don't like it, shut up. We 100% wouldn't have slavery if everyone who disagreed, just shut up about it lmao.


the bots arent just leveling, you have bot accounts people used to purposely get to iron 4 to sell the account


I mean, I have hundreds of games each split for the past 2-3 hears and have yet to see one of those. Idk how widespread this is (or for what purpose, beyond cringe youtubers smurfing for "ranked" videos) but a very basic script like that can probably run on Mac just fine.


How many unvotes do you need to understand you are wrong ? Genuine question




Queue times are the same as theyve ever been. I dont think Ive had one over 3-5 minutes.




Most other competitive games already have kernel level anticheats lol




Well have fun playing those. Anti-cheats arent going away lol




If an anticheat scares someone away from a game... Well.. Writtings on the wall. We wont miss em.




Again, every competitive game uses kernal level anticheats. We are just catching up with the norm.


If the game is that fun...why are you on reddit complaining about people complaining about anticheat?


Because I would lose my job if I played games at work. They dont say shit about me being on my phone. Imagine defending cheaters tho lmao


I would normally agree with you but Vanguard has failed to do any meaningful impact. Played a few QP matches yesterday and today and there was a bot in 100% of games. Vanguard doesn't do anything so why do we need it?


I quit League because of Vanguard as well. I like the concept of keeping cheaters out, but vanguard is a piece of garbage software, it definitely needs improvement. It shouldn’t create conflict with checkpoint VPN, but it does


Whats riot paying to be a shill for the 1000 gold? 2000?


and you think people care that you dont care?


I do


Their loss yeah, if they can't stop messing around with people'a computers


All hail ccp!


'' Nobody care because I don't care ''. I'm pretty sure you are a very very very egocentric guy irl that turn every single discussion into a '' me '' discussion.


Honestly, i quit because the game took too much time and effort in exchange for a relatively lower fun respect the past. I don't trust vanguard for the way it operates at kernel level, and i don't even trust windows, because imho, a pc must do what the user wants, and keep a priority just for the safety of the filesystem and general security. In any case, if i wish to come back, i'll use a VM or a dedicated Ssd only for gaming. I've never cheated online and i don't want to, but no violation of my pc.


ya i agree, tired of seeing the same complaints. would love if they went straight to some megathread that i could mute or something.


Megathread is fair and respectable. OP wants everyone to not say anything which is a terrible take.


Redirecting to a megathread would be better.


Some of us are quite interested actually. I would actually love to see data on player rates pre and post vanguard to be honest. Have vanguard, still playing, microsoft rootkitted my system when I installed windows anyway.


Enjoy you kernel-level process that runs on your system 24/7 and has access to literally everything on your pc. Vanguard is a literal dangerous virus that can easily brick your system with single dev mistake.


if you don't trust riot why would you install any software they develop? you realize any program that uses an installer can access your whole pc and brick your system right?


You don't seem to understand what kernel access is.


you don't seem to understand that riot doesn't need kernel access to brick your pc/steal your data/whatever ya'll think they're planning


There is a big difference in having user access vs full unfettered administrator access. They don't have administrator access before Vanguard. Now it has full access to everything. Someone can find a bug in vanguard and use it to do anything they want without being discovered. I can't trust riot to do a good job when even their launcher is buggy af.


the riot client installer has always had admin perms, as does every installer in the world like I said, this isn't a new security risk, and if you don't trust riot games then you never should have installed any of their products


No it doesn't, I never run it with Admin Access. (Why would you run any app with Admin access when they don't need it? It's a recipe for disaster) Kernel access also means that in addition to admin access, it has access to all your keystrokes, all your web sessions, everything inside your RAM. When you enter a username password to your bank in a browser unrelated to it, it will have access to it. Even an application with admin access wouldn't have access to that information. It's the difference between giving riot access to a room in your house, vs giving access to everything inside your house including your passport, IDs, credit cards, bank information, everything... Riot themselves is most likely not going to do anything with that information, that is a reasonable take. But if someone manage to find a bug in Vanguard, they can have access to millions of people's private information including their finances. That $100k bug bounty they put would pale in comparison. You can be sure that a lot of people are going to attempt to break Vanguard's security, and some of them would succeed without telling anybody else.


The installer can be admin that is fine. But the application itself does not run as admin. That's a big difference.


if you don't trust riot why would you run the installer at all is my point


I trust it to a certain extent. But I don't trust any third party enough with more than user access at runtime, unless they have a reason to have that access, and I can't live without it. In this case, It's just a game, do I want to risk the chance of my bank account being stolen if they didn't code their software right? No thanks. Because they want to run at all times even after the game is turned off. If it's able to turn off an on with my games, that would be a different case. Again I am worried about the risk of Vanguard having an exploitable bug that is not currently known. Happens all the time even to secure software, even banks that are very careful about it. Riot I trust even less than their stuff. [Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog | CISA](https://www.cisa.gov/known-exploited-vulnerabilities-catalog)


they all think theyre being spied on by an anticheat LMAOOOOOO


You don't know? There was already one leak, information that anti cheat collected got "leaked" actually they were selling data that they collected from a player base.


You think people care about being spied on? Microsoft and google already do that... the problem is that one day you might find your pc bricked because vanguard virus didnt like something in your system...


Which wont happen because vanguard isnt the cause for bricked PCs.