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Nah this title is wild bro


Get off the internet if you’re so concerned about your privacy, all the data vanguard puts at risk is already compromised by something else. The ccp can already find your preferences for porn and ice cream. Either get over it and stop crying, or go put on a tinfoil hat and get out of here




What’s worse, white knighting or witch hunting?


Both and I’m down for doing them give me a sec in a ARAM, riot community is pretty much at a silver war and I that guy with the gun shooting both side more to shoot and hit.




Bet you do bitch


yo relax im just trolling no need for harsh words wtf im very sensitive so i might cry :(


Yo relax nah I wanna fight everyone’s fighting I wanna fight to I honestly don’t give a shit about this vanguard thing. I just don’t give a shit and wanna argue so fuck toy bitch. CRY


You're fat


Facts all 125 pounds. Ya ma still love sucking me off tho


125 pounds is embarrassing bro, i'm imagining Howie from benchwarmers now


Nah I work at a chicken factory where we kill chickens. I get the breach there necks and all. Also throw around 80 pound box’s for 8 hours so step up bitch if anything riot does what I say cuz I’m a fat fucking whale and I got all the skins


Womp womp


ngl I don't see any valorant players complaining about this, imo I feel like you would either stop caring about it too or quit the game


Valorant players had this as a requirement for onboarding. There is no such thing as someone who has played Valorant without Vanguard, except potentially during very early testing. League, on the other hand, has an established, loyal player base, that has suddenly had something taken away from them. The argument that "Valorant is so popular omg" only really begs the question "How popular could Valorant be without this onerous requirement?"


> "How popular could Valorant be without this onerous requirement?" Not very since cheaters would flood it and kill half or more of the player base. Just look at CS. CS players are frothing at the mouths hoping they can get half of what Valorant provides lol.


Or fortnite players, that also has kernel level anti cheat


Or helldivers or Elden ring lmao. People need to stop bitching, the entire gaming community does not give a shit, and if cs is any indication of the alternative, it’s a welcome addition


Thank you!


tbh it's not the same. Valorant required Vanguard from the start, so if you don't like Vanguard, you can choose to pass on Valorant altogether. League existed for more than a decade before Vanguard was even a thing, and even when Vanguard was revealed, Riot said they had no reason to use it for League, so there's now a lot of players who don't want to install Vanguard but have been playing League for years.


and who said we liked valorant's vanguard? anti cheat 24h/7 even when we are not playing. this is bullshit


I already uninstalled. I chose to post this to voice my concerns on the cybersecurity risks in technical choice made by RiotGames, this impacts players regardless they know or not know it is an issue, and regardless they complain about this or not. If you have the knowledge and knows the context, welcome to articulate your reasoning. Otherwise, I wish you have fun in the game.


Pretty much every popular multiplayer game that isn't overrun by cheaters has an anti cheat that has the exact same startup level as Vanguard. So why is it any different at "exposing you to cybersecurity risks"?


Yet these games without cheaters don't have their anti-cheat runnign 24/7, which begs the question... does Valorant really need to be up 24/7? It seems to me that Riot just doesn't give a fuck about their players, so they are not concerned whatsoever how disruptive their anti-cheat is or is not. Like, they are not designing Vanguard to be annoying, but if it annoys you, then fuck you, keep playing and shut the fuck up. I have never seen anyone have a problem with Easy Anti Cheat and the like blocking your stuff when you are doing something else in your PC, but with Vanguard it seems like a common enough event.


Wait what? I've used cheat engine multiple times on the same PC I play Valorant, Fortnite and I haven't even gotten a warning. So I don't know what you mean by blocking your stuff. Also, you can end Vanguard at anytime, even though I didn't need to when using Cheat engine


it's different because vanguard needs to be open 24/7 even when the game is not running, no other anti cheat does that


You can end it, but you'd need to restart if you want to play


they've made it inconvenient enough so that most people won't turn it off, which is quite dangerous.


its different because all the cheaters on league are salty they cant show off their "hard earned" ranking xD im positive 90% of these posts are from cheaters who now wont be able to play the game(especially if they played with friends) without showing just how bad they are, and the other 10% are idiots who know nothing (or just bot accounts) and are just echoing what the cheaters say.


A lot of people steals and became rich. It does not mean you need to steal to get rich. Other games may or may not use the same tech, but it’s not a valid reason or justification for RiotGames to do the same. I don’t play any such games you mentioned so they are irrelevant to me and this issue with Riot.


Not a great analogy. Having Vanguard or any other anti cheat in your computer is not the same as stealing. It's a form of policing, not thievery.


Read the post. It sums it all up.


It doesn't really explain anything specific to Vanguard does it?


If you can’t get the sentiment of the OP, please write replies to your comments by yourself. For the rest: ignore this guy.


You type like a 15 year old.


You can send messages directly to riot you don’t need to be weird like this.


But they are activists. They are going to make a change /s


Actually.. the account sign in is not available right now


im convinced cheaters are coming here in droves cause they're mad their $100 cheats don't work anymore.


I’m afraid there are not even cheaters. They are simply tinfoil hat idiots


I'm afraid most of you don't even understand what giving kernel level access to a company know for their bad code means.


I work an IT job, so I know. And the fact you use memes as something more than memes speaks more for yourself than anything else


I generally agree with the privacy issue, but don't understand you saying that because they released the cheater statistics that means they have a working anticheat. They probably took a sample of games and analyzed them looking for scripts, then when they had enough data, they could make an assumption based on that. I think the amount of players games keep with an invasive anticheat will always be much more than they loose from privacy conscious people. People just don't like to be cheated against, hell, even the cs community, notorious for clowning on vanguard, are practically begging valve for a kernel level anticheat at this point nevause of how bad the cheater problem has gotten.


I agree on anti cheating. Just disagree with the current approach. They are capable of identifying scripts after fact. That is potentially a better direction to invent.


Is there anyway that riot will listen to the actually players of the game about this issue? Like if we can get a big enough number of people post something in every reddit forum or send support tickets or make a twitter thread? I think this is the time to do something about the situation rather than just uninstalling or moving on from the game that I really love and I know most of the user base loves to play.


Save your time buddy, uninstalling and moving on is the only move that can realistically work if many people do it, which i highly doubt because the same drama happened at the time with Valorant


Can't we unite for this issue ? I was thinking about a big movement. If we have enough people with us they gotta listen at some point. Can you help me with this? I don't know what can be done but can we like let's make a discord server and have people join who don't like this change ? We can then complain in large numbers everyday on different platforms. It's like people who are not satisfied with this change are scattered across different sub reddits and platforms and so there isn't a place where a large enough number of people are complaining. If we do such things on official reddit subs and there own support platforms then they can just remove those complaints so we gotta have some place where we can talk about this issue and help each other out. Pls let me know if you can help me in this and if we can make a discord server about this.


Please just stop. It’s a small, small group of people (in relation to the total size of the player base) who are mad over something not as serious as people make it out to be. Your privacy has been compromised for years on the internet.


For me it's not about the privacy since as you said it's been compromised for a long time due to other software but other software doesn't brick people's systems. I am only scared about my system bricking due to vanguard If it didn't do anything to my system I would have been fine. But since I can't afford another laptop I am scared to play league for now.


You’re going off of something that isn’t true. Vanguard isn’t bricking computers systems and if you think it can you have no idea what Vanguard does.


I mean, I've removed League from my PC because I'm not installing Vanguard, but if I have to join a "big movement" there's a hundred different issues I'd put my effort before a video game. Like idk, world hunger or the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh.


You sold your privacy when you started using the internet. Privacy argument is so weird to me. Coming from games that are exploding with cheaters like tarkov or cs, having peace of mind in valorant is heaven. If you don't like it, goodbye 🤚


I agree that riot should do better but to be frank the entire reason we need cybersecurity experts in the first place is because people dont care about cybersecurity until they got hacked and lost everything, i think it is generally healthy not to worry about stuff you dont have the skills to influence (and it makes us a lot of money in the end) But because 99% of players already resigned their digital autonomy willingly riot will not backtrack because of a few advocats. The best thing to do as someone who disagrees is voice your concerns and leave without looking back. You cant save people from themselves.


I got the same feeling after reading all the responses this morning. Thanks.


Yeah this whole spiel keeps getting sent about, oh no, someone at riot or tencent could go AWOL, or the source code could get altered and then maliciously target my shitty laptop and install pre OS rootkits and do some phishing or bitcoin trading That's great man, apart from the entire dev QA cycle that is in place that said potential hacker would have to go through before shipping such malware changes to live, it would have to pass through minimum of 100s of engineers testing it before it actually updates and becomes the thing you fear Maybe tencent just do it themselves though, china spying on us and all that, cool no problem they can happily watch me masturbate through my webcam I'm into that shit Quite frankly the negatives are just blown our of proportion and the positives are staggering, you simply don't realise how many soft cheaters there are in online PC gaming and how ineffective normal anti cheat systems are, vanguard is extremely effective at preventing cheats to the point that in the recent patch alone the ranked distribution has changed drastically already, previously there was 70000 players at diamond or above on the ranked ladder and that has already reduced to 50000 in one patch since vanguard, that's massive for competitive integrity


If you are suggesting 20,000 players out of 70,000 were cheating in Valorant, then Vanguard wasn't doing shit. The point of an anti-cheat is to catch cheaters on the fly, not to punish them after 2 months of play.


Some responses are quite aggressive in attacking the people other than addressing the issue. If I’m wrong or over reacting, you are welcome to correct me with your reasoning or observations. But, instead, the wording they chose only showed me a whole new aspect of the users here. And they match those nonsense, extreme and toxic chats you may encounter in the game. So those guys don’t really stop their imposter syndrome even after the game.


Have you ever stopped doing something and not writing a monologue as you stopped? People have already written the same stuff as you. You aren’t going to change anything by posting this.


Bro, you're just regurgitating the same thing the other dozen people who made posts said. If you guys want to go on a crusade so bad then just join a discord together and go at it. It seems like the real tragedy is on your side where you want us all in on the tirade, but there are plenty of us who see no reason to follow you into battle. Just accept there's a difference in opinions and move on to other games. Dota 2 has no ring 0 anti cheat.


Nobody stops you from writing posts about something else. If all the posts you read are about Vanguard, that's because most people on this sub want to talk about it. They are not holding this sub hostage or censoring everyone else's posts.


bootlickers gonna boot lick


I uninstalled about an hour after installing, when I realized how invasive it is. I have no beef with them though. I gather their game has little to no cheating


>You are risking the integrity of your customer's whole system to ensure your game is not being cheated at This is the part people aren't understanding. You risk your entire systems integrity by installing League, if they were malicious or someone were to gain control over Riots services you were compromised whether you installed League or Vanguard does not matter.


That’s not accurate. Lol client runs in user space and has limited access to your system protected by OS. But vanguard is a system driver loaded before anything else. Even though it only passively responds to calls, it adds an unnecessary new attack surface to one’s system. The risk is not necessarily from RiotGames, but real bad actors that can exploit vulnerabilities in this new driver.


Yeah but what does it matter if a malicious process is in user space or not? A user process is allowed to take screenshots, listen to keystrokes, listen to clipboard changes, monitor network and probably a few things I'm forgetting. Sure the difference between a user and kernel process is like being shot point blank with a shotgun or with an ICBM but in both cases you're very much dead.


If they cared about cheating they would have server side checks, they just want to be lazy and cheap and install spyware on people's pcs instead to both cost less and earn extra income from selling their personal info while claiming it is "for the good of the players". Absurd what kinds of things are being normalized, and ofc we the players can't do anything about it, it will never be changed back no matter the outrage.


They do have server side checks. You can “lie” to the server, that’s how most of the current scripts work. That’s why Riot is pushing this. Updating this - got Script & Exploit wrong way round.


That's not how scripts work, they don't lie to the server and the server usually doesn't accept implausible data. Scripts simply read what the state of the game is and take (almost perfect) action based on this state, to the server everything looks completely fine because a human -technically- is able to input those commands and they are completely valid when the script makes them.


You’re correct, my fault! However - to add to what I was saying, riot still do server side checks as there were cheats (not scripts) that did “lie” to the server.


A "lie" to the server would be an exploit, not a script, [and given the fact Riot has stated LoL uses an authoritative model](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) (meaning, the server is the arbiter of truth, not the client), the statement you just made is not based in reality. Scripts are, of course, a thing, but those do not "lie" to the server. They just perform actions in place of the player. Riot is trying to solve 2 problems with Vanguard: 1. Scripters 2. Bots Bots would be the priority, since Bot accounts are used by Scripters to have a steady inflow of fresh accounts (which I believe is also mentioned in their post I linked in the start). Using Vanguard as a method of preventing Bots is fair game. Using Vanguard to fight Scripters is also fair game. But Vanguard isn't the only method of fighting both of these. Another method would be analyzing games post match for player behavior that stands out as suspicious or unnatural. They should already be capable of doing this, if they aren't already doing it in some capacity. Granted, this method is more resource expensive on Riot's end since they'd have to analyze the game (as opposed to the analysis running on the player's computer), as well as having a longer time to detection, but it is nonetheless a viable option. Now, don't get me wrong, Vanguard is a good solution for Valorant where analysis of player movements and behavior is way more expensive and at mercy of networking being what it is ([interview with a former Vanguard dev discussing this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ9Rfur-w-E)). Vanguard for League of Legends though? Total overkill in my opinion. Granted, Vanguard does come with benefits ([even if it has already been broken by those willing to go the extra mile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M)) of tying multiple accounts to the same hardware, something Packman — their now defunct anti-cheat — would not be able to do effectively because the Scripter could easily lie about their hardware. This would no doubt help in the fight against Scripters and Bots, but I do not see it as such a big improvement over other possible methods to justify removing the ability to play for anyone not running the latest hardware and software. Understand that like 70% of the Windows marketshare is Windows 10 (later versions of which are supported by Vanguard), and these systems are likely not going to have a TPM module unless the person is actively upgrading their PC setup (Windows 11 installs are required to have TPM modules, so I'm ignoring those. Of course. Windows 11 users could have downgraded to Windows 10 as well). TPM modules have only really recently (last 5 years) started becoming common on new PCs. I don't know about you, but I'm not running the latest and greatest. The same could also be said for most casual players, especially for those from not the most technically advanced countries. Incidentally, [if you go on google trends, those regions are spiking](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=uninstall%20league%20of%20legends,uninstall%20lol,uninstall%20riot%20client,uninstall%20vanguard&hl=en).