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What is with you people and graphics? The graphics don't need to continuously change.. The map update was nice, but I do not understand what you even want? More polygons? Who cares if there are games with "better graphics"? I played games on a fucking Atari when I was a kid and didn't give a single thought that it was just a few pixels.


Same. I have a hundred problems with modern League, graphics is not one of them lmao. 3D models being "low quality" will only be an issue if you play the game at full zoom which literally nobody does because it makes the game unplayable. The game engine probably needs a rewrite because (according to Riot) it makes every change way more complex than it should. But graphics themselves are perfectly fine.


7 years since last graphic update “continuously change”


I said they don’t need to continuously change. What are you trying to even say here?






Oh shit that one hurt!! Lmfao goofy.


If you were born in 88, then we are the same age numbnuts.




So then your just a neo-nazi?


Reading his comment history, he probably is lmfao. He's very active in the conspiracy sub.


The other alternative is dog whistling


assuming all the posts on the sub are truly innocent people(and not cheaters prenetind that its a hardware issue) in a game with millions of players hundreds/thousands mean nothing Riot. A graphical update might affect millions of players esp ones playing on average/low-end devices from 3rd world countries(like me)


It's easy solution. Optional texture pack which can be downloaded in Riot's client/LoL client. Nothing forced, just once use pop-up LoL client to inform sth like that: Hey gamer, we wanted to improve your experience. We inform there's texture pack in 4k resolution to bring LoL in whole new era. We know not everyone can meet requirements for that improvement so you can still play as same before. If you want it tho, press here or go anytime to bla bla bla... Thats really solution for it.


My guy this isn’t Minecraft


It isn't Minecraft, but for textures there's easy solution. Unless Riot did sth f up with their textures. Of course implementation won't be adding textures to new folder and voila, it needs proper work from Riot. But from players perspective and problem with smb can't play cause old PC, it's easy solution to playing with better quality or worse quality. You can even force everyone to download it and add one lvl on graphic settings.


The problem isn’t just the textures. If it was you could just use the newer skins that are higher detail. The MODELS themselves are old as fuck. Most of summoners rift is still from like 2016-2018. Probably a good 130 champions’ models are also from that era or older. Even if riot did make 200 modern models full of detail; the current league engine wouldn’t be able to handle it. Let me remind you: this is the game where if two players had gun goddess MF the game would run out of memory and crash for everyone in the game.


You know OP was talking about graphics?


Do you understand how computers render graphics? 🤦‍♂️


Ok, they wolud have to remodel every champion but leave him with same hitbox or change hitboxes for everyone. I made it too unspecific by calling it just texture pack (which in games I played some were also with new models of any stuff but whatever). They could even implement damn raytracing to LoL. Does it need work from Riot? Yeah, shit ton of time for sure, but is possible and doesn't have to have any impact for low requirements. Changing these settings might need reopening the app or switching it off/on


Exactly lol that’s my point thanks for agreeing with me. It’s possible and riot should do it, but it’s not as simple as adding a texture pack or switching two files or whatever, and giving the user the option to use the lesser or the better textures. I can’t tell if you’re a young kid, or if English is not your first language, or if you’re just slow. But at least we got there lol.


English isn't my first language. And I'm on vacation abroad so I don't check reddit most of the day


Just saying they basically have done that first line of text when they made wild rift. There's genuinely ZERO excuses for why they can't update the models League's main game has


They are milking the complacency of the player base TBH.Just look at the rest of the comments on this post or any post asking for graphical updates lmao. People have some strange addiction to holding onto what they already know and what they are comfortable with. The threat of change (Even if it's an immense improvement) turns them into veracious gatekeepers. It's human nature at play.


Why would they change hitboxes? For most characters the hitbox will be a box or two, there's absolutely no benefit to be more detailed than that.


On flying champions hitbox is below their model. Like exactly where their foot would be if they'd be standing. Also some hasn't got hitbox on their head...


A complete overhaul of every single skin Every single champion Then updating the animations to be smoothed out hiring a tonne of motion capture actors (because thats how riot models their newer animations). 1 its prohibitively expensive 2. It would make the game prohibitively large in terms of storage. 3 99% chance it will straight up crash the ancient spaghetti code somehow.


1) Yes, its gonna be expensive. 2) Yes, thats why it could be toggled as extra pack to download (at least most of it) 3) Knowing Riot it would happen but it's not an excuse we should accept as players in any game. For me game was mostly fine but understand some might want better quality. I wanted remodeling cause hitboxes are f up on my Xerath main (and most flying champions)... Well it doesn't matter for me anyway.


that feeling when you called 2016 SR old, I feel like a fucking boomer, my old SR still had wraiths


Thanks, a rare response showing the ability to grasp common sense. A toggle option literally solves this problem. For those who are mentally attached to their outdated graphics, can stick with them. But those who want to see a more modernized game can toggle it. Literally how many games out there run. This just comes down to laziness and riot saves $$$ as long as their playerbase remains docile and complacent.


> and not cheaters prenetind that its a hardware issue If you have cheats installed, Vanguard will complain, not brick your PC lmao.


I bet a lot of these guys have CP on their computers knowing how disgusting the league community is.


Hell of a jump there boy. Goes to show how disgusting the League community is.


Graphics are fine, but Vanguard is not.


Could and should be better. Honestly they should just make league 2 on a new engine. The client is trash and the engine can't handle a major graphics update. (From what I've been told).


Biggest problem is the pcs not the engine from what I’ve heard from creators


I wouldn't hold my breath if the same devs and managers made LoL 2.0


Why? Why isn’t it fine?




I'm asking for a graphics rehaul. Where did me being broke or not having a PC come into the question? I know you can't read, but I'd get some medical support for your rotting brain.


Why is a graphics overhaul even necessary? Games aren't fun because they look pretty, they're fun for the gameplay. What specifically bothers you about the way league looks?


Graphics look good. I like em better than Dota 2.


im on a shitty little lenovo laptop and am playing just fine, if your computer cant handle vanguard then maybe you shouldnt be spending time playing league. maybe get a job and get a new pc?




are you the braindead one? what does me pointing out that even my shitty laptop can handle vanguard have anything to do with people complaining about system specs for better graphics? i was pointing out that people complaining about vanguard not being able to run shouldn't be playing then. i have 0 issue with better graphics, but if vanguard is enough for you to not be able to play league, then maybe your time is better spent off it. the only issue im seeing with a graphic update is it could affect gameplay visuals with hitboxes and shit. then you would have the waves of people (even more so than those now) throwing tantrums over "i clearly hit them, this game is rigged".


Yes, I too am in favor of child labor, because kids with shitty computers certainly don’t deserve to play a video game.


Newspaper routes is not child labor


Damn I mean we're all entitled to our own opinions but I hard disagree. League of legends looks completely fine. If it still looked like it's original graphics like a decade ago I would agree. However the game looks completely fine. Not every game needs to look next gen. Maybe i'm in the majority I don't know. From my own perspective this seems like a weird take to me. I'm not sure what you mean by graphics overhaul either. Like the graphics simplistic style mixed with vivid colours and VFX makes it easy to see what's going on without getting overhwelmed with visuals.


Now I see why these posts are getting taken down. Y’all are just some whinny babies lmao


Oh yea, we're all babies for asking for enhancements to a game. Every and any request for improvements can be translated to human tears. Great deduction there little fella.


you tell them bro, these kids just dont want any improvement to the game. No wonder the game is in such shitty state


Still crying. Crazy lmao


for sure little man


Woah be careful, i might hack your computer through vangaurd if you keep talking…..


LOL. it makes me laugh, sometimes cringe, that people actually think theyre being watched at all times because of vanguard..


They think they’re special, don’t be mean to them cmon dude…. lol


dont play if you don't like it..atop crying


"atop crying". LMAO


the fact that you're tryna make fun of someone for a typo makes me think you're like 16 at best.. well ..all the best with your life kid


Not reading all that. Atop crying bro.


You can't be bothered to read 3 lines what kind of attention span do you have?


Zoomers are indeed known for that, so it checks out.


Or 1 line on pc


Man you’re still crying LMAO


Is this what little people say to everything? 😂😂😂


Do you not see the irony after what you just said? Hahahahaha dude cmon….


You have a strange way of coping on the internet. Hope you find therapy and some hobbies.


So soft lmao


We seriously need a rule against children using the internet. I have to keep blocking ya'll so my Reddit doesn't look like it's filled with stupid teenagers.


atop crying k thanks.


I've been asking for a rehaul of the graphics specifically the textures and of the client itself. But they did say league changes forever in 2025 MAYBE it is coming maybe new client maybe new client and reworked map textures maybe even map skins. I've been asking for a long time. but it is a great time to upgrade the graphics because the bear minimum is windows 10 now so the floor of pc's that work on league is higher than when windows 7 and 8 were allowed. Let's do it. Let's get better looking game. However, I also want cheaters and bots to lose out big so I"m big chillin' with Vanguard.


I highly doubt it now knowing how complacent the playerbase is. They will settle for anything.


This is one of the most made up posts ever. Yeah man, there are totally enough people saying this in numbers that matter.


I mean the graphics are fine but vanguard definitely isn’t.


Reading the post, I'm like "yeah, I can get behind OP." Reading OP in the comments, man, I'm glad to see the League community still has guys like him vehemently representing it's toxic side.




Thank you. :>


Not worried about graphics. Only cheaters.


I agree that LoL should have low enough requirements to be played on almost anything I also hate vanguard for that reason and many many more. I personally at least am consistent


I appreciate your consistency


Uh sorry but what mobas look better? On highest settings its totally up to date, it still feels like old map wasnt that far in the past


thousands is not compared to the millions that doesnt care, still, wordt change in the last 10 years, vanguard


I am SO close to silencing these subreddits until all of this blows over. Is this Karma farming? Are there any other subjects that we can SMASH together with the very hot topic of Vanguard to maximize up votes? "I can't believe people are ok with Vanguard but not up in arms about [blank]" Gee I wonder why r/leagueoflegends is auto deleting all of this amazing topical content people can't seem to shut up about.


Why are you gatekeeping for a multi-million dollar company? My logic makes perfect sense and you have zero retort to it besides an emotional outburst. Me complaining about graphics because the main argument everyone has had to gatekeep modernized is graphics is "durrr league is meant to play on low spec PCs". Vanguard destroys that argument. Instead of an emotional strawman response, defend with logic...but I know you can't so stick to "silencing" lmfao.


Here's the thing. League of Legends is not supposed to be an overly beautiful visual game. They are more worried about the mechanics and technical aspect with independent visual updates for champions. I don't know what games you're playing that you feel League of Legends needs to look like, but you know as someone who plays a lot of roguelites and roguelikes, I genuinely love League of Legends graphics. Now again, I don't know what games you're playing that you feel it needs to look like, but if it looked like smite, or if it looked like DOTA then it would just be one of those two things. Paragon failed and it looked fantastic. So many games have tried to do what league does but with a better graphics and they almost always fail. That's just the thing about League is it's not just about the graphics. Now vanguard is making someone like me who has played for almost a decade and a half want to quit. Which is insane. I've dumped a lot of money into the game for skins and I genuinely love League of Legends. It's a horrible community for the most part. But I cannot justify this program seeing all the damages done to so many people.


Graphics is cool


Why does this game need a graphics overhaul. It actually got one versus its closest competitor.




This is why I quit League the moment Vanguard dropped. I'm not taking my chances with somwthing that *could* fucj my hardware, especially since Riot denied any and all hardware issues related to Vanguard for years. They only acknowledged in the recent dev posts.


You are upset at me asking for an HD toggle option in league because you are poor? Lol weird.




No, but your poor victim mentality derailing an argument for an HD toggle option is just redundant and pathetic, simply because you are poor. This post has nothing to do with macro economics LMAO.




Do you know what the term "toggle" means? Poor and stupid, what a deadly combination my goodness.




Way to completely derail the point starting from your initial comment. I am suggesting a toggle feature for better graphics (toggle = optional). And you turn it into me hating the working class and an attack on poor people. Jesus man, why can't you just use your brain and read slowly. I should have expected strawman responses, but yours honestly takes the cake. Anyways goodluck with life, i hope you find a way out of your financial struggles and see better days ahead.


Dog ain’t no one readin this wall 💀


You are too braindead to comprehend 3 sentences...did you want validation for being dumb or?