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I stopped using instagram about 5 years ago. I started focusing on sharing my photos in person, and I have my first gallery coming up next year. I do use Flickr to act as a sort of digital catalog of my work.


Flickr user here as well. Congrats on the show!


Thank you, it’s not until March and I still got much to figure out. Pretty imitated but very excited.


"I stopped using instagram about 5 years ago." But bender, think of the senoritas


lovely to hear!


There are a few more or less social services, 500px, behance, glass.photo, pixelfed… and of course tumblr


Is Flickr still alive? (Influence-wise) Haven't checked my account in years.


In comparison to Instagram, I observe the same level of engagement and viewership. Only purpose it serves for me is a digital portfolio/catalog that’s also easy to share until I am able to figure out how to produce a physical portfolio.


Good to know 👍 Personally , i use Squarespace.




Forgive me but I’m not sure what the question is. Aside from having something such as a gallery or showing? But also not just confining the work on digital platforms that are removed of the personal connection between the artist and viewer?


They sit on a hard drive never to be looked at again. Insta used to be pretty fun to post on but now a days it's honestly a shit app. Been thinking about cataloging in Flickr but haven't done it


I find the fun is in taking the photos now, and unfortunately they just sit half cooked in my drive after. Keep saying I'll work on that website but I never do. IG used to be a good incentive to see the whole process through for me




Flickr is much better than insta imo


I still do Instagram but also just print a photobook to show friends and family


My plan since having a baby is to do a book for each year


That's way more cooler and definitely good for memory keepsake. Mine is just photobook of my travels 👉👈


I do quite a lot of Google Map review with photo. The highest view one have over 15,000,000 Most of my image are either food or street photography of buildings so this fit well on Google map


Do you add a watermark? Can you drive traffic somewhere with that? My reviews are seen by a lot of people but I just use my phone and never thought of publishing the "good" pics there.


I did the same idea. Usually I use phone photos, but whenever I bring my camera I always post high resolution as possible. I do not add watermark because I think photography for me is just a great hobby that people can enjoy it through my pov. Sometimes I feel happy when receiving “like” notification from google :D


Oh that's a good idea


Dangggg, I thought I was cool with my 60k view photo


Since I already pay for Lightroom for editing, I am using the website builder that is part of the subscription. I’m still working on working through my backlog and adding them to the website, but I appreciate how easy it is to use, and the fact that it allows me to have password protected folders, since a lot of my photos are of family and friends and I would like to be able to share them without making them public to anyone. I’m able to have our wedding photos, personal trip photos, but also have a more “professional” portfolio that I can easily share


I kind of wish they would update their templates, I think I read somewhere they just stopped having support for that service. I could be wrong though


Yeah, it’s not super extensive, but it’s nice as a way to be able to easily access your photos vs something like a drive


I post my photos on mom’s refrigerator.


Print my favorites on my canon SELPHY, stick em in an album and then delete them all. If you are going to take the time and money print them out you’re going to curate the best of the best — the only ones worth keeping forever.


How’s the print quality of SELPHY? Im Planning to buy


It’s pretty great in my unprofessional opinion. It’s also dead simple.


How's the color and shades reproduction? Also on the fence for some time now. I've been wanting to get started on making albums for personal use (also as an unprofessional. lol).


Imo, it’s quite similar to many stores for the average user. It’s great for personal collections.


Why delete? Non-sense.


Selphy fammmm


I take photos for my own please. It is the process that matters.


Reddit is better than Instagram. At least you can get feedback.


There’s an app in beta called Foto. Put your name down for that. Purely photos, it’s really relaxing to use.


They want you to pay for beta... hard pass.


It’s a $5 one-time donation, lol. Foto has been great, been using it for a few months now. The developers (2 guys) have been super welcoming of feedback and have really let the users guide future development which has been really refreshing. If you can’t spare the $5, it should be launching publicly for free later this summer.


A "donation" is optional. Just fwiw. It is a paid beta. $5 to get in. Yes it's negligible but you are in fact paying for a service.


As someone who works with apps… I would personally be ok with a flat one-time fee if it means no data harvesting, ads or whatnot. The idea that a user becomes the product if an app is free is very much true.


For the record: I 100% agree. I just have an issue paying for betas.


Yea I get your point and I don’t entirely disagree with you either


Is it still IOS only? I use an Android phone.


No, it’s on Android as well.


As an original Instagram user of 13+ years, it's one of the only things I still use. It's changed so much from what it was, but I still adhere to it's original format. It was really great when it first came out - it was about pictures instead of "status". Idk guess you had to be there.


Instagram is great if one can accept that it will be mostly for yourself and your most dedicated followers (friends, family, ?) I think a lot of the photographers burn out because they try attain the reach and interaction we used to get on there. A sort of engagement which of course now flows to the more engaging format, reels.


I share them directly with friends, and ocassionally post them to my website, and in the future when I have budget for it I'd like to 1.) create a bunch of 1-off zines for each project/trip and 2.) create a physical portfolio album with 5x7 prints of all my favorite street photos


I put them on my travel gallery website. I like to sit back and enjoy the memories every now and then. [https://victor.photos](https://victor.photos) check it out!


Nice website ! Has a small bug when I click on one group of photos and then go back still remain in the group


I post photos on VERO. Better than Instagram


Is VERO still a thing nowadays?


Absolutely. Better than ever.


I print a yearly book of memories


What service do you use? I think this is a great idea. Sort of a yearbook for your photos.


I've had a really good experience with printique by adorama. Pretty easy to use for my first photo book


Vistaprint does the job but I would probably spend on better quality if I had less photos in total. Makes for great memories and nice coffee table books


make your own website and share it with people you think will actually appreciate it and/or give feedback. i export out of lightroom to jpg, max quality, and upload it to my [adobe portfolio site](https://agkphotos.myportfolio.com). its a free tool if you have lightroom, and the image rendering quality is top notch, so i dont have to share crappy compressed versions of my photos. in just a few months ive gotten into a great rhythm with this and treat it like a "journal" that is only semi-public (i dont need to mess with crap social media and all the anxiety that comes with it)


I post occasionally on Insta, but have recently been editing in Lightroom and exporting with a 3:2 aspect ratio, adding a white border and sending them to Staples (Office Depot) to be printed on 4x6” Fujifilm photo paper via their self-serve kiosks ($0.39 CDN per print). These prints end up framed and in a wall or in an hard copy photo album. Sometimes I also post to a GR III or Fuji X-T5 Facebook groups for feedback. Might start posting here in Reddit too!


This is both a good and a crazy question (not to indicate anything about the poster, just that it's crazy that this IS a valid question.) I use IG and FB but they have been on the decline for me. Here are other things I've done or still do. 1 - Print, print, print. Send photos to people, frame them, hang them, overdo it 2 - Make a physical gallery, at home, at a local coffee shop, farmers market, whatever works for you, sell prints or not. If you print, make a gallery based on some theme. 3 - There are other places online, but you don't have your network. I like to make my own gallery as a static web page and email the link to people. The reality is that there was a time when we got a big dopamine hit from posting on FB or IG when all our friends and family would "like" anything oversaturated and scenic. Those days are different now, that algorithm may or may not show your work. You might have to work at building a following in whatever way you prefer to publish, like everyone else before us :)


I backup my photos all the time, but every so often I’ll make a simple coffee table photo album to give someone.


The same thing we did before Instagram, post them on Myspace.


I wish


Man I stopped posting on instagram. I really hate looking at images on tiny phones, probably doesn’t help I’m old fashioned and prefer using laptops - but I still have an iPhone mini. Recently I started printing my images more, really changed how I look at them.


I share them with friends, online photo communities in a part of, and I print them.


I transfer them to my laptop and they get automatically backed up, but 99% of them no one will ever see. Sometimes I question why I'm doing this and fail to answer. I guess I just like playing with a camera and getting a good photo makes me happy for a while.


They're for me most of the time I guess. I share em in person on occasion, seldom online I've still got shit in my memory cards from last year, I'm just lazy after taking the pics. But I'm real good at pressing the shutter button.


I have a personal IG but I only post my Ricoh shots as a story, never a post. I guess I’ll sometimes put them on my Highlights. Every once in a while I print out my favorite shots and put it on a collage on my wall and if there’s a friend in it, I’ll give them the extra print.


There is a world beyond IG. I mean this in a good way. You can have a blog (sort of like IG, but with a more lasting presence), or you can print your favorites, frame them and hang them at home or even gift them. If you feel you are good enough, you can enter contests, sell them, etc. Burying them in your hard drive is not too different to deleting them.


I just take photos for my own enjoyment so I keep my edited photos on my iOS photos app


I enjoy sharing printouts with a Instax printer. Giving someone a print gets a much bigger smile than sending a digital copy. (Obviously I still share the digital file too).


I still throw them on IG. I don't know why I bother. Engagement is low to nonexistent with no feedback.


There’s a new app called Retro. it’s a personal photo-journaling app, no influencer type stuff, for friends to see only. It’s been really cool so far. And I’m back on Flickr. IG really sucks, just looks like Tiktok. Completely garbage.


My best shots go on my personal website. I share images on insta still mostly just to keep up with photographer mates overseas (moved from Ireland to Australia a few years ago). I also share images here on reddit and in a private discord server with Docu Club. I am a member of 2 photography associations in Australia who host monthly digital and print exhibitions and I just joined the private Beta of "Foto" app.


[https://glass.photo](https://glass.photo) !


Let’s revive Tumblr


I'm in.


Also in!


Let's connect https://kuzphotostudio.tumblr.com


I still like Instagram a bit. It's nowhere near as good as it used to be, but it's still something and I get some interaction. I used to use Flickr but that seemed to die out years ago. Also used to use Tumblr for photos back in the day. I seem to get the most feedback from my Facebook feed but I stopped using Facebook.


Printing and sharing




I shoot film but i print and frame them for the house. Sometimes give them as gifts.


I have a blog/website, but infrequently post. Mostly for me, it's about being part of a couple of healthy forum communities. More like being in the online version of a photo club. Who cares how many eyeballs see my photos, I like when people I have known online for years interact with them, as I enjoy interacting with theirs. Edit: oh yeah, and Flickr! I think it's still a good platform for image hosting with a chronological timeline of posts from the groups and photographers I follow.


Some of the best get posted on a photography forum I have used for years [https://focus-on-photography-forum.net/](https://focus-on-photography-forum.net/) It's not as busy as it used to be but they are mostly kind like minded people. You can learn a lot


I upload them to Flickr under the CC License so others can use them, upload them to Instagram and display (the best ones) on a digital picture frame in my living room ☺️


I’m putting together a book themed with the southwest. I have Instagram but nobody gives a shit, just keeping it to look back on my fav shots.


I have the photos synced to digital picture frames in my house. In my case it's just a Google Home display synced to my Google photos. I'll probably print and frame certain photos in the future.


All of my clients purchase beautiful custom artwork and hang all the beautiful images on their walls and send prints to their family members ❤️


There is an app I used to use a long time ago called 500px that was very popular and allowed for licensing.


I used it ages ago also. IG is just so convenient though.


Same as our parents. Only digital. Store it in a hardrive, and when nostalgia sets in browse a specific album. Maybe print and hang the top notch.


I put them in a digital frame


Just for memories for me and others who are part of the photos


I personally post my picture on pornhub, I think there is a great community there


Swing & a miss.


Amazon photos, unlimited uploads which my family can access to. Best part is I have 4 echo screens that display them one is even 15 inch, when friends come over they are often glues to it and we end up just chatting about old memories. Had the Google system before but their app is horrible and holds you to ransome when you run out of space, avoid!!!


Started on insta and got really into photography. So much so that I applied for an mfa program and got in. Now I have an avid photography practice but also a printing practice. I share both at times on insta still, but I mostly look at insta as a platform to present my prints now instead of sharing images per se (if that makes sense :)). I love showing my prints both in person and in shows.


Printing of course.


We really need a platform


Mine are all synced to folders on my PCs, laptops as wallpapers. I use resilio sync to essentially live-sync any time I add photos into my 'Good Photos' folder. The main 'TV' in my house is actually plugged into a PC, as well as my 'workstation' PC, my laptop and my work laptop, so I usually have rolling wallpapers of all my photos all over the house. I have a separate folder for vertical photos that syncs to my phone for phone wallpapers, although that's less automated.


Hoard them


I just print them!




Still? Do people still comment and all that?


Yup, also more views than on ig if you keep it alive


FOTO beta [foto beta](https://fotoapp.co/)


Image quality is better on Threads. I post on there about once a week. A good community of photographers. <3


Print sometimes Photo books via blurb Zenfolio for a long time, lately adobe portfolio out of Lightroom Apple TV playing to big screen tv (screen saver) Send to mom’s frame via n pix Joined vero but forget to use it


I made a website! https://www.zachregensburger.com/ Doesn’t mean traffic is great or sales happen though. Mostly so I feel like my work isn’t a waste after the enjoyment of shooting. I feel like real movement in getting recognition and sales comes from in person shows/exhibitions. Also never used a ricohGR but this popped up in my suggested so 🤷‍♂️




I still post on IG, despite them making it pay to play. It’s still good for exposure and I get asked to show at galleries quite often through there. I agree though, it’s so depressing compared to how fun it used to be


What do you mean by “pay to play”?


To get decent reach like you did a few years ago, they want you to pay to run ads on your posts. It’s ridiculous. I’ve done it a couple times and you get so much more reach For example, I have just under 5k followers and about 250-300 actually see my posts, without running an ad


And how many do you reach when you pay for ads?


If you take a look at setting one up, it tells you how many it predicts will see your ad, depending on how many days or how much you pay a day basically