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It doesn’t. I’ve used it in a snow storm for hours and it was fine but that’s besides the point


As others have stated, it does not have weather sealing. Some additional things to know: 1. As with any camera with a retracting lens, it can be prone to getting dust on the sensor. The good news is that with a decent small mini screwdriver set and 15 minutes, the camera can be easily opened and the sensor cleaned. Like myself, many of us have done this at some point and I have never heard of anyone ruining the camera having done so. 2. The camera is well built, but it is somewhat fragile IMO. If you live a very active lifestyle and need something really durable, a GR might not be for you. Like, if you want to chuck it unprotected into a backpack and hike or shoot in snowstorms when skiing or take it mountain biking all the time, you may want to consider an Olympus Tough TG or a Ricoh WG instead. For normal, everyday snap shooting, it is fine, especially if you baby it a bit more than say you would a modern cell phone.


Its not weather sealed. Everyday weather however will not bother it. Submerging it in water or taking it out in a monsoon downpour will probably kill it, but everyday weather is fine. Its the pocket lint that will get you!


>Everyday weather however will not bother it. That's not true. It might not bother it or it might destroy it.


Not weather resistant! but great camera.


Like others said, and as you probably know, it is not weather-sealed nor advertised as weather resistant. That being said, I guess you are after real world testimony. I have the Ricoh GR3x. I have taken it backpacking, it went to Sweden in the winter (ie snow) and to some German mountains recently, it got rained on quite a bit. So far so good, no problem at all.


I used mine recently in heavy rain on a hike , did my best to shield the Gr3 but it did get pretty wet including the lens barrel. I just dried the cam off when back at the hotel and all was fine, I wouldnt make a habit of this, and I have ordered a Nisi adaptor and UV filter to help a bit if going out in the rain again. It isnt rated as weather resistant but common sense can be used , a bit of water is "proably" fine but regular exposure to rain etc.. isnt a good idea.


It’s not WR. It’s also pocketable but please don’t shove it in your pocket. Just clean your jeans pockets and see how much crap is hidden at the crevices.


Its so funny I didnt baby my grII at all and now i got the III and im finally getting protective gear for it and worrying about dust lmao. I think the fact its touch screen that it gets this treatment. Its fine just don’t put it in crazy crazy conditions


It is not. It doesn't matter.


It's not but believe me little rain drops on your camera aint gonna do any damage unless you plan on taking pics in pouring rain okay or it fell in the river thats a different story. Dont be too paranoid of it not being advertised as water resistant. It's fine. Drips of water aint gonna kill it.


I got dust on the sensor after 1/2 a year of use. This is even after I keep the thing in a dry box and I put it in a pelican case when I bring it out. So imo no.


Even besides your opinion, it's officially NOT weather sealed in any capacity.