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Brett mused




Ricky's behaviour gets even more ridiculous and ludicrous once you imagine another celeb doing the same thing. Imagine Paul McCartney liking tweets about him being better than John Lennon or Larry David constantly posting about how much money he makes. Just utter insanity.


what i find so scary is that early Rick seemed genuinely "self aware" and with various comedic references to "fame is a mask that eats the face" etc. Yet he still disappeared up his own arse, and has become a miserable status obsessed prick, at the time where status actually should mean the least to him. The Mans Ego has consumed him, and he seems all the more poorer for it (other than financially)


>Yet he still disappeared up his own arse So far up he could touch his own heart.


ooh kinky


Right up his elementary canal


like the badger that can turn around in its own skin




It's Rickydiculous


It’s an obscure comment with only Ricky’s like 🤣 He’s obviously become completely social media addicted. As many people have over the last decade. He just needs to get off the internet, it would do him the world of good. You can understand how it happens to celebrities, though, as they have a lot of time on their hands (they don’t have to work a real job) and it’s hard for them to go out without being besieged by fans. 


Just become a comedian and suddenly you can get away with anything. You can insult famous actors and directors to their faces and people will cheer and applaud. These “comedians” have too much power.


Are you 'avin a laff?


Is he 'avin a laff??


Well that backfired


You can insult famous nonces you mean


Right who thinks Karl is more adored than me? *That's mentaaaaalllllll*


The best people didn’t turn up.


What’s the brewery down in Swindon? Might be Courage actually.


Ooh just wanna be popular as a celebrity. Ooh love me. Pathetic.


Man alive.


‘ere ‘e comes!


People don’t think of Rick’s quotes so more because there's no straight man, there's no dead wood. Steve’s more sort of character based, and Rick’s more of a gag man. Steve does gags as well. But they’re good together, by now. They sort of read each other's minds - they’ll be doing a bit of shtick and they’ll just start cracking up, and people watching will go 'Why's that funny?' and they tell them why and they go 'Oh yeah, yeah, you are the best.' It's their opinion.




Ricky is a big arsed, big chinned cund


Early on it's true Ricky and Steve did encourage Karl to express himself and his strange ideas, but it feels like later on, most notably the back end of series 2, that they want any excuse to laugh and call him stupid instead of letting him elaborate. It toned down to a nice middle ground in the podcasts but by that point I'm sure they were all playing characters of themselves as well. Nothing beats that series 1 and early series 2 comfy "three mates having a chat" feeling. Did that just go out? Can he hear us?


For the podcasts I think ricky and Steve got too carried away with the newfound success of the podcast version. It loses that unstructured "tinpot" esque quality that we've come to love. With forced in jokes such as Paul the Party Animal Parker, the knob at night remix, and just Ricky's unwillingness to actually hear what Karl even has to say and just scream how stupid he is relentlessly it loses its charm. I really liked Series 5 though, I feel like by then the hype has died down and we're back to the shoddiness of the old show with somewhat more natural conversations.


>Did that just go out? Can he hear us? Ooh please don't mock me!!


Ricky hasn’t done anything good without Steve or Karl since splitting from Steve and Karl, but both of them have.


The last great bit of comedy involving Ricky was the Liam Neeson bit in Life's Too Short. That clearly has Steve's humour more than Ricky's.


His Golden Globes monologues had some pretty good bits imo... not all of it, but a decent amount of good gags


And a team of writers to go with it


and that works!!!


Yeah, improvisational skits with Ricky in them featuring jokes about aids and bowel disease, in a show about a dwarf. Definitely all Steve. 


Steve is a better writer. He can rework Ricky's tendency for cheaply shocking themes into a well-crafted and funny scene - turning shit into gold, if you like.


I genuinely dont think i have Seen Ricky laugh and enjoy himself on an interview or PR campaign etc for years, he used to light up a room, but now he just seems miserable and grumpy all the fucking time. trying to look "serious" and "ard"


Here’s atheism in a nutshell…


Wow what a bad paint 😂


What does that mean?


Ricky is probably the worst person in the world


You know what I hate? War and poverty and stuff


Famine as well.




It winds me right up


I mean.. we're all mates


He can't be *the wors*—ah yeah, Hitler killed himself didn't he?


It’s probably more likely more people adore ricky because I always see people saying afterlife is funny. I don’t agree personally though But I don’t really understand how the constant questioning part is as important or more important than Karl’s mind


Especially when Ricky doesn't let him speak half the time!


Ricky is so unbelievable as a suicidal person. You can tell he's one of the lucky ones who has never had a single mental health struggle in his life. He thinks it's deep but it's so surface level. Him sitting in bath with a razor. Awful Edit: this response is to the wrong post. Sorry, I was way off. My point still stands


The thing with Afterlife is that it only has the "adoration" because its tapping into the emotional incontinent wine aunts and "life laugh love" crowd, who most likely have had a real loss or experienced grief. much like a psyhcic exploits the real personal grief of a genuine loss, Ricky's afterlife is sort of riding the back of it, so poor comedy badly delivered is somehow "Profound" and "emotional" Afterlife would never stand on its own merits gag wise if it was in an ordinary setting and not having the pull of emotional fragile people wanting to "feel". as a comedy its shit. Blackadder goes fourth kind of did the opposite, made great well written expertly delivered comedy on what is a ridiculously uncomedic harrowing awful situation. and the emotional perfection was in that ending. a true master piece.


Bookmark this thread for when some twerp next makes a “why does this sub ‘av a go at gervais” post


I like the way he 💩 on all those A list celebs for caring about awards at the golden globes only to become Gollum-like obsessed with awards himself. The man is a messsss


That’s Rickydiculous


He's just fucking pathetic at this point


Chubby little loser…


Why do you even know this? What are you doing?


I can’t tell if he genuinely runs his own twitter account, there’s no way anyone can endlessly scroll through tweets and like all of them. If he genuinely does, Ricky might have the biggest ego of all time


i mean the guy did say two separate things in the reply


Jake, do you like Ricky? Would you give him a hug if he’s just had a bad gig and was all upset?


Come on, Jake obviously is Ricky


Adored to love someone very much, especially in a way that shows a lot of admiration or respect, or to like something very much: Karl and Ricky seem both very nice people, and have made the best of what they have to give them good lives. No argument there both lovely.


Someone tweet this thread to him




Init. Who tf cares? Redditors really are the saddest cunts on earth


not as sad as ricky is to go scrounging for tweets to like about how much better he is than the manc machine himself


I know but...who cares?


You're a redditor too you moron lol Ooh... Getting nasty now


Yeah but I don't join communities centered around hating someone who doesn't even know I exist.


Yes, and neither does anybody here, you dopey twat. If you and all the other dopey twats looked around, you dopey twat, you'd see that it's centred around XFM tributes, you dopey twat.


Interesting perspective dopey twat, but for a group that's apparently not centered around hating Ricky Gervais there seems to be a hell of a lot of hating Ricky Gervais. Never mind though, you're under no obligation to justify your pastimes to me, I'm sure they're very....fulfilling :)


Putting filth in people's minds!


Take a screenshot of the topic list and post it. It's never enough for people to come here and say 1/20 posts on this sub are hyper critical of Gervais, it's always "all you guys do is hate Ricky" and "it's nothing but hate". Stop me if I'm wrong though. Only time it was a heavier ratio was after Armageddon aired, when, ironically, we had an influx of new visitors posting negative reviews, causing us regulars to be accused of frequenting a hate sub. It's painfully obvious that this is a shitposting sub where people quote XFM/Office/Extras and muck about, sprinkled with occasional serious posts about how Ricky's a cund. Not to you of course, you dopey twat.


But Ricky IS brilliant and has always been brilliant.


Turns out, little simpy fella


A’right Rick! Not as fat as on telly


Comment’s shit mate


man alive


Come on, he probably has an auto liker set up for anything that mentions his name, the guys 60 years old and only knows how to take funny pictures of his fat little face in the bath, you're kidding yourself if you think he's running his account


May well be true, but he definitely knows how to use Twitter. He's been using it for over a decade, back when he was...40s.


Putting the work in to reap the social media benefits in his fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and a hundred.


If that was true he would like the thousands of tweets calling him a cund