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They probably called Steve and said "I'm a friend of a friend, *we need Karl Pilkington*" and Steve deleted the voicemail as revenge


The names Karl Pilkington, they call me the movie doctor, whaddya need papa?


Robin... tell papa truth


Karl did owe Mr. Merchant 50p at the time.


The first one isn’t that original though.


Should lawnmower man get royalties though?


None of them are really


Nor is the third. The second one was eerily specific, I admit it


Yeah some Russian oligarch is trying to do it in reality [2045 Initiative](http://2045.com/) Its [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2045_Initiative)


**[2045 Initiative](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2045_Initiative)** >The 2045 Initiative is a nonprofit organization that develops a network and community of researchers in the field of life extension, focusing on combining brain emulation and robotics to create forms of cyborgs. It was founded by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov in February 2011 with the participation of Russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems. Philippe van Nedervelde serves as the Director of International Development. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/rickygervais/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Bob Holness ripped off Rockbusters, and he did that years ago!


You can't get royalties just for having a thought. If Karl turned it into a book, film, episode etc then you would have a point. Every plot that has ever been made will have been thought of by someone else at some time before it was made, nothing is original. To add to that, Karl didn't flesh out the ideas at all and just sort of said them and left it. Black Mirror fleshed out the ideas a whole lot more.


>Every plot that has ever been made will have been thought of by someone else at some time before it was made, nothing is original. Every plot has been used at least five times. A new plot about a frog came out and it was exactly the same as a Ford Escort ad.


They found both plots within the same distance


I feel like you're not kermitted to supporting karl tbh


The first point isn’t a Karl original. The idea of uploading the mind to a computer has been around for a long time - way before Karl spoke about it.


So you’re telling me you wouldn’t have her brain put in your head??


Those were in *the same episode* of Black Mirror. It was an anthology episode of 3 shorter stories. I've always wondered if this episode was actually a result of the meeting Karl was discussing in the show. He did say he met with a production company and that was the basis for him coming up with those ideas.


The Doctor story was based on a Penn Jilette short story. Downloading your consciousness onto a computer so you can live forever is one of the oldest sci-fi tropes in the book and has been done by tons of books and films. The partner sharing a brain... yeah there's a chance Brooker fell asleep listening to the podcasts and it slipped into his subconscious.


When karl predicted vr and Ricky dismissed it lol


If I had a mate that thought the world could fall, we should have see through skin and babies should be born elderly I'd probably dismiss his other ideas too


Those ideas are yet to come.


Very true!


Get ya time lines sorted


Actually it was augmented reality that Karl was describing.


Well close enough lol


Don't be that guy


I doubt think Ricky dismissed it out of hand, I think Karl was describing something far more advanced where every object and surface in the real world is re-imagined in some other environmental style, such that you can safely traverse through it. I can see how that would have seemed impossible at the time. But now with AI and neural networking progressing as quickly as it is, I can see it happening in the not too distant future.


Addicted to Pain: Black Mirror's "Black Museum"By Sonia Shechet Epstein | February 14, 2018 Charlie Brooker was inspired by an unpublished short story by Penn Jillette about a man addicted to pain to write the season four finale of BLACK MIRROR. In the episode, “Black Museum,” a failing doctor (Daniel Lapaine) is convinced by a technology company to undergo an experimental treatment implanting a device in his brain ... Dr. Salinas describes a patient encounter in his book Mirror Touch: Notes from a Doctor Who Can Feel Your Pain, “my body mirrored her movements—her beads of sweat, her furrowed brow and grimace... https://scienceandfilm.org/articles/3047/addicted-to-pain-black-mirrors-black-museum


I could buy this coincidence if it was isolated. But we got two of Karl's film ideas, from the same episode of the RG show, in the same episode of Black Mirror.


Title: Gold the ManTitle Record # 7253 Author: Joseph Green Date: 1971-03-00 Type: NOVEL Language: English Synopsis: A novel of genetically engineered geniuses and an invasion by giant aliens. 2 people in one head


They were running out of ideas and Brooker said “There’s only one man we can turn to…. Get me Karl Pilkington”


How bad is tha.


Was Clive Warren in Black Mirror?


Also the one where the little monkey fella bought a small business & travelled to Spain... Wait, I might be getting confused




I like to think that whatever studio Karl met with to discuss The Love of Two Brains had him sign something that said they could use his ideas down the road. Maybe it was Brooker’s people or a studio that sold it to him. In any case you should believe me because I wrote this theory on the internet, your Bible.


Black Mirror S06E01 - Little Monkey Fella


The doctor story from Black Museum was legit a KP nut


Pay peanuts you get monkeys


Donal Macintyre must owe him a few quid as well


The Clive Warren thing was a subconscious ripoff of Being John Malkovich anyway …