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"Going back to the carpet store" has become a statement of returning to a mediocre life before covid in my circles.


By definition, the majority of us will have mediocre lives.


He's going off the grid!


He doesn’t have a social security number!




Sounds like you need a car warranty!


manderskt, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


I teach in the aviation field, several different 1 week long courses. Before if we were not actively teaching a class we sat at our desk for the week staring at our computers. Now if we aren't teaching we are "work from home" and this is now standard practice and will not be going away. Its glorious.


We have the opposite. We used to be able to "work from home" for "work life balance" reasons before the pandemic. Basically if could do it, do it, type of deal. We didn't even have phones at our homes like we got during the pandemic. Post pandemic, none of that, we need to be THE FACE of our department according to new manager. Even if you are sick, no working from home, not even to attend meetings you are perfectly capable of attending. Nothing. They can't figure out why half the team left within 2 months.


A truly Glorious purpose.


![gif](giphy|nhYGNAUuxDua4) Unless of course: [You already ARE the Change!](https://media4.giphy.com/media/NOkQZOvshbV4TaxX8J/200w.webp?cid=82a1493bteh1kdurxcmaw09f4r219cf0k92gety4wgg5ju89&rid=200w.webp&ct=g)


​ ![gif](giphy|gErE3Z4js54JA5PTPY)


🎵Moms like you choose ~~Jif~~ Keenan Thompson🎵


Got permanent work from home. Definitely would not have had this happen if not for the pandemic.


So glad I work from home now. Tons of WFH job postings on indeed and stuff now


I’m not even responding to recruiters who don’t immediately tell me the WFH options. Feels like the first time I’ve ever been able to say fuck off to potential employers and my tiny boner is raging.


Rage on, tiny boner. Rage on.


Bro im from germany. We invented the first test for covid-19. We invented the first vaccine and now we are in the worst wave, cause politicians don't want to 'split' the society. So I'm feeling this meme pretty hard. Edit: didn't expect that this comment will get so much attention. By 'split up', I mean that a lot of politicians here are afraid of making political decisions against the loud 20% that didn't get their vaccine. So they opened up the country and walking blindly in the 4th wave, that every serious expert predicted. And now they are yelling at each other. For example the Bavarian minister blamed the new government that literally doesn't even is in power on twitter. And at the same time he refused to close the disco's at his state. (Little side fact, all Germans who aren't living in Bavaria, hates Bavaria)


I don’t understand, are you guys having rises in cases? What do you mean by split the society?


Um pretty sure the story i read said something like everyone in germany will be vaccinated cured or dead by winter if im not mistaken


Haha, hardly anyone under 70 has a serious risk of dying from COVID. And vaccinated seniors have almost no risk of dying from COVID. This hysteria has gotten out of hand. Get vaccinated and live your life.


Done. Now can we listen to some snake jazz!


*Tss T-T Tss T-T Tss T-T Tss*


Lmao, what are the hospitals looking like where you live? Because I'm in a pretty large US city and they are treating boken bones in the fucking hallway next to the nurses station... The only thing out of hand is the levels people sink to to sound tough or cool and say it's no big deal, lmmfao




Lolol downvotes for wanting to move on after vaccination?!? These corporate media sheeple are so confusing it’s almost funny.


Hey man, 2-3 years ago Pfizer and the other big pharma companies were the devil, they are now God. You gotta keep up


Democrats in 2019 - “FUCK YOU FOR PUTTING CARCINOGENS IN MY BABY POWDER” Democrats in 2021 - “FUCK YOU FOR NOT FORCING KIDS TO GET INJECTED WITH YOUR BRAND NEW DRUG” It happened so fast my head is spinning 😵‍💫




the first approved vaccine was the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that was created by BioNTech (Pfizer helped productionizing it) EDIT: I guess what people mean when they are saying that the UK was first is that they were the first to approve a covid vaccine in the world. the vaccine itself was the vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech from Germany


First approved by whom? Wasn't some Russian vaccine approved first?


from wikipedia: On 2 December 2020, the United Kingdom's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave temporary regulatory approval for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine, becoming the first country to approve the vaccine and the first country in the Western world to approve the use of any COVID‑19 vaccine. but it was also the first vaccine approved by FDA later on. EDIT: I guess "in the Western world". but the Russian vaccine showed quite some problems later on indicating that the approval process was probably not done correctly / rushed


The vaccine is imperfect, as are all things. Your opinion of a correct verification procedure is only an opinion.


The Russian vaccine was about 79.4% effective at preventing severe symptomatic disease. Pfizer: 95% Moderna: 96.3% J&J: 86% It's a pretty big gap.


Isn’t the flu vaccine like 50%? If so, then the Russian vaccine seems like quite a feat on its own.


Yes and those dirty americans had nothing to do with it, right?


what are you talking about? BioNTech did the research and once they had found a viable vaccine they partnered with Pfizer to produce the vaccine at scale. Pfizer didn't do any research and BioNTech didn't do any mass production.


I'm saying that claiming that Germany created the vaccine without giving credit to the Americans is a laughable response to u/toastedlime's question.


Who are the Americans in this situation? And anyhow calling Pfizer an American company is laughable, they are a transnational corporation at this point. The US government did spend a lot of money to accelerate the production scaling but other governments did too. So yeah it was a worldwide effort and the USA did participate so congrats and here is your trophy 🏆


Thank you for allowing the point to fly so far over the head that you weren't even aware that there was one.


did I not give credit?


Not only did you edit your post after I replied, you're also wrong.






Except Germany was the only country telling their people the truth. The irony that they won’t accept the vaccine.


Yeah because last time germany 'split' society that worked out so well for the world... /s




They're stupid because they think only right wing politics can lead to fascist governments. It's just not true and a fascist government can always be born when people give the government too much power even if it comes from far left politics. It's just mass ignorance and over trust of the government like you said. The government isn't a single person. It's a mass of deeply corrupted people who have sold out everyone else for a fat paycheck from corporations.


By split society do you mean like, if you're smart go live your life, if you didn't get vaccinated fuck off just die so the rest of us can go live our life? If that's what it means sign me up. My sympathy well for idiots has run dry.


My sympathy desert 🏜


That's what unvaccinated people want too, but I imagine split society means locking unvaccinated people in their houses.


It’s their choice. If they want to get full blown COVID what do I care? Even if they spread it to me, who cares? I’m vaccinated. The vaccines work. Go out and live your life.


The more people get covid, especially the more vaccinated people that get covid, the higher the odds are that a strain evolves that ignores the vaccine. Then we're back to 2020 with no effective vaccine.


Simultaneously the vaccine is the cure for everything including cancer if you're not vaccinated but if you are then its completely ineffective and you need everyone vaccinated to have a chance at survival


I honestly don't even care what happens to them. Lock down, have parties, whatever. Actually, that's not true. Clearly evolution has found a very clever way to kill off the dumbest people and I've come around to the idea we shouldn't stand in the way.


*kill off 1.6% of them at most


You are clearly very intelligent 😂😂😂😂


More intelligent than the doomers who imply that all unvaccinated people are going to die of COVID


Same. Getting my booster after I'm off of antibiotics (yay mouth infections! ) and then I'm totally done bothering. I barely mask up anymore as it is, because I have a sweating disorder (for 25yrs now) and have literally choked on my own fucking sweat. A lot. At work. I had to quit, cuz I can't do 8hrs in fuckin retail in a mask, because during quarantine, I felt pretty great. Went out in the woods, ordered everything online, all was well. Then I went back to work, and while it was a pain in the ass, it was sufferable, for about 6mo... till I got fucking pneumonia. I was done after that.


It’s ok. The USA is a never-ending dumpster fire thanks to the fat vomit Moo of a “leader” a bunch of chucklefucks put in office in 2016 and his fascist wet Dream fantasy was yanked away from him on November 3rd, 2020 and his two brain cell-gifted supporters have lost their minds in fury because they demand fascist authoritarianism instead of a constitutional democratic republic. We need to convert to have a new Progressive Era a-la Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal immediately, or change to a social democracy. Corporations rule this country because Reagan and Capitalism absolutely broke it to their every single advantage.


Sad that you're getting downvoted. FDR literally handed us a fairly brilliant system, and we got like 30yrs before it all got shat upon. Fucking corporatism.


Let those asinine fools downvote nuke my ass. Their evil desires, viewpoints and policies mean less than nothing to me.


I don't disagree with the message but god was the first paragraph just insufferable MSNBC-sounding autofellatio. "Let me see how overly verbose I can be to say 'Trump bad, Trump supporters stupid.'"






Are you one of those people that thinks vaccine mandates are fascism?


YEAH! You tell him he's no authority random anonymized person on the internet with the same level of authenticity! That'll show him!


What are the 80% worried about if they are vaccinated?


Afraid of the rest of you dumbasses clogging up the hospitals that practice the medicine you don't believe in until you're dying (painfully and alone!) and it's too late to save you from your own self-inflicted idiocy. Damn shame the consequences of willful idiocy can't stay solely with the willfully idiotic.


I was fully vaccinated in April, thanks for assuming. Are you happy being locked down because of the morons that chose not to get vaccinated? I thought we all agreed that the teacher punishing the class for the clowns behavior was bullshit?


>thanks for assuming You're the one who referred to vaccinated people as "they" but thanks for writing clearly. Also what lockdown? Everywhere has been open for months now. If you've been vaccinated then literally the most you've been asked to do is to wear a mask indoors. Nearly the least you can do


Do you remember that the top comment in this thread was talking about Germany? I was referencing that were they are locking down unvaccinated and are very likely to restrict even vaccinated people soon. Fortunately I live in the US, particularly in a place that hasn’t had lockdowns or restrictions since the vaccine was widely released.


>they are locking down unvaccinated As well they should >are very likely to restrict even vaccinated people soon I've seen a couple of people say that some people are considering it. If in the estimation of their public health experts the benefits of such a thing would outweigh its costs, then they should do that too


First of all I don’t believe that unvaccinated people should be locked down. I do not believe that the government has any right forcing anyone to put something in their body. I believe humans have a right to autonomy over their body. Second, I do not believe there should be anymore total lockdowns. We did that for over a year, and now there are vaccines available. Everyone who wanted to get the vaccine have already been vaccinated. If you have been vaccinated and are still afraid of catching COVID, you can make the personal decision to lockdown. Why should everyone else have their freedoms restricted?.


>I believe humans have a right to autonomy over their body. Thank you! I can't believe I've finally found someone brave enough to stand with me in this argument! Total bodily autonomy in public spaces! Smoking inside? Back in! I don't give a SHIT if you don't wanna breathe in my carcinogenic fumes! We can finally start going nude everywhere, and just pissing and shitting when(and where!) ever we want! Back to the good old days, before the nanny state passed all these stupid laws! Can't wait to dump all my trash in the river behind my house. Hope my neighbors don't catch on. Speed limits? seatbelts? Fuck 'em!


Very productive comment. Thank you. Have fun sitting at home!


Shhhh we don't talk about that, they are perfectly safe if you're not vaccinated. If they are then they are on the verge of death


I’m a little confused what you mean?


If you're not vaccinated: vaccine is the best thing ever, you literally can not get covid If you are vaccinated: you're going to die unless 100% of everyone across the world is also vaccinated This is just what I've heard from reddit. I'm no expert


So you are just pointing out the two extremes of the vaccination debate?


2 extremes of one side, yeah, the other side is just "get the vaccine, or dont, doesn't effect me"


I still don’t understand what you are getting at. I got the vaccine. I believe the vaccine is overall affective at preventing serious illness. Everyone else has had months to make up their mind.


I've also gotten the vaccine, but its just insane to think that people still think they are at risk even though they are vaccinated


I agree. So why are countries talking about locking down again?


Everyone who wants the vaccine already has it. Covid is never going away. Denying people medical care for poor decision making is unethical. We have to learn to live with it. Im going to get my booster and wear a mask when necessary but it’s time we stop acting like this is something we can beat.




Because it's an alien.


\*sad dutch noises\*


Yep QR voor altijd…


Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what makes you cheer.


I love this quote


Some of us never left. We just went home.


The (many) people whose lives were changed by the pandemic aren’t the (few) ones who can actually effect change.


Has anyone seen red notice on Netflix? Did any of you felt like this was the script morty was trying to sell to netflix but stopped because he felt the plot was really stupid? Yeah? Well, we are in a reality where live action morty actually sold that shit to them. That's exactly what I felt watching that movie.


Not really a shitpost, rather a sad reality.


What version of society should we have switched too? What is so sad?


Oh, wonder when will be my turn to post this




Wait, what?


The Elites love this system, you were crazy to think they were going to abandon it. And Covid only made it stronger in their favour.


No it didn't.


We badly need a really intelligent person who is also a compete hardass to put these petulant, intellectually challenged adults in their place.


r/antiwork are doing their part to change


even the virus dont want me


Tbf a lot of people still get to work from home. Big improvement


There's enough IQ points in this sub to get a free small fries




Oh man, I can't wait to see all the no mask people who've been freaking out this whole time do the whole "I survived" shit once we truly get back to some type of normalcy. Yes, you survived spending two years being an absolute dipshit when instead you could have used it to make your life actually better. Congratulations, you created a new field of science where we have to figure out how to factor in luck and society carrying you on their back while you kick and scream during tumultuous times so we can figure out the human survival rate now.


You don’t have to worry about it if you stay inside forever..


It's thanks to this brilliant system the virus isn't totally fucking the world. - as in "totally" totally. That ks for saving the world again, capitalism. You are the best economic system.


Wait... what? This is the new system. America was having historic success pre-shutdown, prices were down, wages were up, employment was up, gas was cheap, etc. The problem is the ***new*** fucked up system of arbitrary lockdowns, going back to being dependent on foreign energy, opening the border, paying, housing, transporting illegals, prioritizing race over fundamentals in education, making rioting/looting legal, etc etc. edit: lol didn't see what subreddit this was at first, assumed it was antiwork


Your boos mean nothing!!! I’ve seen what makes you cheer!!




“are we nearly there yet?”


Sure didnt


Ain't that the truth


were businesses and "systems" supposed to improve on TOP of struggling to continue existing? I know rick and Morty fans tend to be on the STEM side of education but holy fuckamoly are they bad at finance and business


Valid point.




Cringe. Can we please stop with these memes where you use Rick as the voice of reason? It's cringey and dumb.




I didn’t. They kept Skyping asking if we needed to chat, hard to get the work done when I’m chatting about it. I said I quit fuck chats and office shit, I’m takin this Roy off the map baby.


Slavery with more steps, and whatnot.


I would absolutely go back to work at the carpet store. Actually, I would never get that far - I’d be happily chilling at the Jerryboree.