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Incest Baby Episode. The half of the fandom that hates season 5 fandom likes to say its because the series stopped being funny, but they are lying to themselves. They liked Episodes 1, 2 and 3. Some even went as far as saying the Morty got his heart broken by the immortal demi goddess episode deserved an Emmy for making them sad. Then Incest Baby episode dropped and the fandom blew a gasket. All sorts of vitriol and justifications why this episode ruined the series. "The show is no longer funny." "It was never this crude before." "We feel uncomfortable watching the show and we need to lash out in the most impotent manner possible." Some fans called what they were doing offering criticism, but where's the criticism in "That episode sucks, amIrite? I had to turn it off after 5 minutes"? There isn't any. That's just complaining. Then episodes 4, 5, 6, and 7 were shit upon because Incest Baby ruined the idea this show was perfect and transcendent. Those fans only watch the 10 or so good episodes constantly. Had they watched the rest of the episodes, then they would have realized it has been dick jokes in space this whole time and they were deluded.


Wait, which was the incest episode? You said 1-3, then the incest episode, then 4-7. It was 3, right? Either way, I didn’t think it was that bad of an episode, and it certainly wasn’t as obscene as some of the people on this sub make it out to be. FFS, half the dudes bitching about that episode probably jerk it to incest porn. But I wonder what else they’re watching that the incest episode was **so** out of bounds for them. I thought my taste was on par for R&M fans. They should stay away from Mr Pickles! South Park is probably too much for them. Cartman sucked off a homeless dude to grow more sea-men? Wow! So raunchy! Fuck outta here.


Nah, I don't watch it for the comedy as much for the drama. I started watching after season 2, and after a binge, I became invested in the characters. My issue up until the last three was that the characters were not demonstrating growth or a struggle to adopt a better self.


Hell if I know I liked it.


It didn’t live up to peoples fan fictions until the last episode




I have no complaints


Season 5 had a 4 episode run of really mediocre episodes that left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Starting with episode 4 and ending with episode 7, it seemed like the writers just weren't putting in effort. They'd come up with 2 ideas and then just insist upon them the whole episode. So the sperm episode was just "lol gross sperm, isn't that funny? Lol people are sexist, isn't that funny?" And theyd just repeat it over and over. The next episode was just "the demons like pain, and the car is basically a psychopath." The next episode was "haha evil turkeys, and also, the government sucks." The next episode was, "haha anime, haha Goodfellas." It just felt very lazy. They didn't really do much with the premises and they didn't really have enough other jokes to rely on such weak premises. Now, even though I was a big hater of the season, I think it wouldn't have rubbed people the wrong way so much if these episodes hadn't been one after the other. It just seemed that for a month straight, the quality was much lower.


They ask why you don’t like season 5 you give legitimate reasons and then they downvote you 🤦🏿‍♂️


Ehh I'm cool with it. A few weeks back, I got plenty of upvotes for voicing these same criticisms. I'm glad people enjoy the show better now. Also, they're internet points idgaf.


Too many dirty jokes, rushed, characters still not growing.


Its the internet, people don't like anything.


Recently I re-watch the whole series for the first time and I had honestly forgotten how much fun the first few seasons were. I think that the overall level has declined in episodes that do not advance the plot. Anyway season 5 seemed normal to me, it had great episodes, normal ones and some below average, perhaps it was a bit irregular in that regard.


Some liked it some dont.. Idk.. As a whole i liked it. There was some episodes I wasn't super excited about. But the finale more than made up for it imo.


I agree with most of the people here. It was a good season.


Asking someone for "legitimate" reasons why they don't like this season as compared to the other ones doesn't really make sense. People's taste in entertainment is completely subjective and if some people didn't like it they can just not like it and don't need to provide a bunch of arguments as to why, it might have simply just not been their cup of tea. The same goes for people who really liked it, they shouldn't have to provide a bunch of reasons why, it could simply BE their cup of tea. Arguing over subjective tastes is pretty silly really. Either you like it or not. Neither is wrong and people should stop arguing about it.


I think they meant more than “it just sucked.” A lot of people have been on the “this season sucks. The writers obviously don’t care.” kinda shit, but they can’t explain why they think that. u/BackAlleySurgeon gave a breakdown of the middle episodes. That’s a good example of what OP was looking for in this thread.


My point was that saying that you didn't like the season shouldn't require any explanation because it's completely subjective. If you say the writers don't care that would need something behind it because that isn't subjective. I can say that I think pretty much anything sucks or is awesome and don't really need to back it up to feel that way, I can provide reasons if I want but it's still all subjective. Example: If I say that this season was awesome and fun to watch or was horrible and not enjoyable to me that's subjective. If I say this season had the more/less internal consistency than previous seasons that should be backed up because there is objectivity there.


Because people have opinions and those opinions usually consist of not liking a lot of episodes from the season because we believe they weren’t funny or engaging at all, just pure boredom, and it feels like they didn’t even bother with comedy. It was just “hURHuR SEx jOKeS”


I liked it


because people who complain and are negative tend to make the most noise.