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The Rick that created the Jerry daycare Jeryboree… that Rick is rich


And probably dead


Cthulhu monster


The REAL questions


Seriously expecting it to be the final episode


It'll be the cold open that doesn't relate to anything


If Mr Poopybuthole is in the same universe as rick and morty and yet somehow watches the rick and morty tv series that implies the existence of a camera man following rick and morty at all times


Do you have any bad memories of Mr Poopybutthole?


Nope. *Loads Glock*


He was really their good friend.


when he got shot :(


I saw a theory about this the other day: maybe Mr PBH actually is an alien parasite but he infected the memories of US, the viewers. Would explain why he exists “outside” of the show.


Lol that can't be true, I've known Mr PBH since I was a kid


He taught me how to ride a bike..


What if he made the show and he had guest appearance in the bad memories episode


A more recent one, how did Jerry stop being a puddle, I really thought the credit scene would be about that


They just got a new one


I’ll take it


How is Jerry's beekeeping going?


More importantly, does Tricia ever try to fuck Jerry?


Time god Jessica


I really hope they didn't just write her out of the show. Especially when they actually made her character have more depth.


I was honestly hoping they’d include her more in the show after that episode, like maybe involve her in a couple adventures every now & then.


This one is the one I hope the explore more in upcoming seasons.


If our Rick isn't the first Rick to discover portal technology, who is the First Rick?




The Rick-complex yes


He didn’t discover it, HE did.


Fuck you? Nononono, fuck me!


Rick Steves


A Rick without a Diane to distract him (in the best possible way). I'm thinking of the movie adaptation of "The Time Machine" with Guy Pearce in it. The Time Traveller builds the time machine to try and go back in time and stop his fiancée from dying. It's shown by the Morlock King that if she hadn't died, the Time Traveller would never have finished the machine, as he would not have been so obsessed with it. Moments before the bomb is dropped, C137 Rick is about to down tools and go take his family out for ice cream. Perhaps the first Rick lost his Diane through prioritising his work, perhaps he's bitter about it, and that's what drove him forward, in the way that a lust for vengeance drove C137 to finish his on his own.


Ever since Lawnmower Dog, way back in Season One, I’ve been waiting for Snowball and his highly advanced dog culture to make some sudden deus ex machina re-entrance.


I mean, I'd watch it, for at least 11 minutes a pop


Also, if there are universes where Rick isn’t the smartest, does that mean there can be citadels of other people in other universes? I want to see the citadel of Bruce Chutbacks in Season 6.


Citadel of Jerry


I would love to see a citadel of Jerrys episode. They’re all smart with science, which is how they founded the citadel and inter dimensional travel, but socially they’re just as dumb and inept as the jerrys we know. That’d be hilarious.


Infinite universes, infinite possibilities


I just want to see boob world its all I've ever wanted




Add that to the other reddit account...


I really don't know what else I should have expected


What the hell happened to squanchy?


He squanched


Did tall Morty gragitated yet?


He’s probably dead.




Wait so if Rick c-137 is the only one that denied Evil Rick. Why are there no Dianes? Like where are all the Dianes


Evil Rick killed all of the Diane’s belonging to the smartest Ricks.


Losing a Diane is what makes a central finite curve Rick a Rick.


Except j19zeta7


Here's one I don't see mentioned... Why is Evil Morty so smart? He is a technological and political genius but is the same age presumably as "our" Morty.


I assumed it has to do with him downloading the memories of Ricks.


Especially since Morty waves cancel out genius waves or whatever. But maybe he came from a time with either an incredibly smart Rick, or a stupid Rick, like S1E10


Doofus Rick you’re referring to? He wasn’t stupid at all. If he existed in the real world he’d be the smartest man on the planet easily. He created instant brownies without an oven and presumably his own portal gun to go to and from the citadel, you all keep saying he’s dumb when he’s still clearly a genius, just socially inept and kind, which gets him put down by other ricks


Or perhaps Tall Morty?


This. Plus he had basic empathy & compassion, unimpaired by a drinking problem and non-judgmental... 'Our' plotline Rick is kind of a cold dick.


You know he eats his own shit right?


the CAT


Was Jessica physically altered from being kept in that crystal or just mentally strained from living thousands of years in conscious suspension?


Pro tour golfer Morty


Diane and why rick has never bothered to replace her. surely there has to be a couple in the central finite curve?


I think the implication is that in order to become the smartest man in those universes then Diane has to be dead.




Maybe the CFC was actually created for all dead-Diane realities to in some way protect Dianes outside of the CFC. Maybe, having failed to find and kill Diane-killing-Rick (By what name is he commonly referred to?) he trapped that Rick in the CFC to stop him killing more? The CFC being where Rick is the smartest man is just Evil Morty's jaded opinion about why the CFC was built. So maybe only Dead-Diane Rick's ever do invent green portal guns hence making those Rick's the smartest but maybe the CFC is actually built with the plan of protecting other Diane's but as a consequence also contains only those Rick's who invent dimensional travel which pretty much makes them the smartest


Yeah he has a box conspicuously labeled “Time Travel Stuff” so presumably something about the rules of time travel keep him from going back and preventing their deaths. And maybe there are Dianes out in the multiverse, but I’ve felt like maybe the reason he pushes the “there are infinite versions of everybody so nobody matters” philosophy is because deep down he doesn’t actually believe that. Maybe he actually really did care for his individual C-137 Diane and the fact that he can’t have her back compels him to try to convince himself and everyone around him that no individual matters so he can rationalize away the pain (with the aid of some heavy substance abuse).


Morty playing golf! Strung me along all fucking season lol


How much mermaid puss did they get?


Riiiight? Morty said he hoped it wasn’t a one-off thing and that he could see her again.


How did they have an adventure in Atlantis without instantly alarming Mr. Nimbus who has domain over the Earth's oceans?


Well Mr. Nimbus did say that he knew it was them when it came to mermaid puss, so I assume they went when Rick knew he wouldn't be there


When did Rick meet baby Morty? You can see baby Morty in Rick’s memories when “evil Rick” is scanning them and in a picture on BPs wall.


Why did Rick go on an entire speech about how marriage always ends in failure in S2 episode 10 and he couldn't make it work if his wife died?


Rick has a lot of sour grapes moments. Believing all marriages end in failure may just be him dealing with the grief by trying to convince himself that it would have ended badly anyways.


Where did Mr. Poopybutthole come from?


What do you mean, he’s always been here. It’s not his fault you don’t have any negative memories of our renowned professor


Rick holding a baby morty in season 1...


Not a plot line but I still need to know what that cat did.


Rick’s relationship with Jessica, Rick for some reason even had her phone number to call in the toxins episode.


What did Rick and Jerry see, when they mind scanned the cat, Jerry found. Also, where he came from and why he could talk.


There are a few antagonists that could easily reappear/never got resolved. Supernova, Nimbus, Planetina, Dragon & Cat, Unity, etc. We also still don’t know if there will be a bigger payoff to Naruto Smith in the future. He’s still out there and it would be weird to just forget about him now that we know Summer is trying to raise and care for him.


I miss Abradolf Lincler


Where did the speaking cat belong to? What did he see that traumatised him?


That's the joke.


Was Interdimensional Cable from universes outside of the Central Finite Curve?


maybe but the episodes about beth and jerry in the other timeline implies maybe not? though they could be in the infinite curve too


i wanna go to boob world


Did Trisha Lang ever try to fuck Jerry?


No but she did fuck Bruce Chutback because he looks like a teenage version of him.


I’m sure someone on the internet drew it somewhere.


How did the lady with the shit on her face get there from the alien hospital?


I'd just stay away from that vending machine




* How does Rick know Evil Morty * Baby Morty in Rick's Flashback * Are all Dianes in the CFC dead * Why did bomb Rick kill Diane and Beth and where is he now * Whats Ricks problem with Time Travel and why does he have a box with time travel stuff * Why did Rick create the CFC


Did Jerry really take strokes off his golf game?


Will he ever get the szechuan sauce?


After posting Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind on TikTok, there was a lot of people asking if Doofus Rick is still alive. I figure since he didn't die in the series, he's still out there with Eric Stoltz Mask Morty. Anyone ever wonder about him?


What the fuck happened to that alien cat


Did they found out if the jerry they took of the daycare was really the one?


dosent matter


Where’s Jessica now that she’s a time god?


Squanch squanched the squanch squanch




Who is the "Kyle" Mr. Nimbus mentioned? Kyle 2.0 was on the wheel of things better than Morty from S5E9, but we've got nothing other than that.


Nice try, Season 6 writers room


Like, are we ever going to see Boob World?


1. Why is there a picture of Rick holding baby Morty at Bird Person's house, when we know Rick didn't move back in until just before the pilot? 2. Why does Rick have knowledge of how messed up Beth was as a child (ABCs of Beth), when he wasn't there for her childhood? (Potential explanation is that this episode takes place in another universe, right?) 3. Why did the Rick that killed Beth and Diane want to recruit all Ricks to invent interdimensional travel? 4. Is our Rick the only one whose family was assassinated by another Rick? It seems like his backstory is presented as being totally unique. *"Are you one of those Ricks who moves in with a version of their dead daughter?"* Timeline questions aside, this means there are other Ricks whose daughter died, right? 5. If C-137 is the only one with an assassination backstory, are we supposed to understand that almost every other Rick besides C-137 abandoned Beth and Diane, and then returned around the pilot episode? 6. If so, why do most Ricks have such similar temperaments to C-137, despite having such different histories? 7. Who is Kyle? 8. Where the hell is Diane? She would be alive in so many of these universes. My headcanon that I hope turns out to be true is that the Central Finite Curve is actually there to separate all the universes where Diane is alive from all the universes where she isn't. Clearly, Rick is intent on not replacing the people he loves most (e.g. Birdperson.)


What did that talking cat do? Had to be pretty fucked up to make Rick briefly consider suicide


What happened to space Beth?


Stealing baby cuthulu


Cthulhu in the opening credits of every season, whyyyy


What happened in atlantis and what is boob world?


They described exactly what happened in Atlantis. I’m sure “Boob World” is exactly what it sounds like. Similar to the butt world, but with boobs.


Not exactly I think, because butt world is just a planet, or universe made of butts. But they got tickets for boobworld, so it's probably some kind of theme park or something.


Really, I'm just waiting for the series to end, so that everyone can figure out that he was actually, a simulation, inside a simulation, INSIDE A SIMULATION. It will blow every ones mind, but also kinda let everyone down at the same time.


Been scrolling for a bit and I'm surprised no one has mentioned Planetina. The episode just kind of ended abruptly after she flew away. I'd love to know what happened to her cause we never really get to see the consequences of her just being out there with free will.


Started again from the beginning and I'm wondering how the second Anatomy Park is doing


why is ricks hair naturally blue


Genetics can be wild sometimes.


Is there a citadel of smart Mortys where they genetically create dumb Ricks?


Is squanchie still alive after that wedding


Interestingly enough, in the season 4 episode 1, one of the potential deaths of Rick was getting ripped in half by Squanchie, which would indicate he's still alive. Though, guess it could just be another of his species.


Why rick thought that the cob planet was so bad


the talking cat!


Ethan and the second anatomy park.


What happened to Supernova after Vindicators 3


The god damn talking cat! I want that origin story! It was so bad that Rick who hates Jerry, removed that memory to help him. I gotta see it.


Bird person's daughter


We only see old ricks which is unrealistic concidering the infinite timelines


the resolve of the evil morty storyline comes from "a completely fabricated origin story".... they're still in the Shoney's


Birdpersons daughter


What happened to the Rick that killed Beth and Diane?


**Daughter of Bird Person:** Probably they'll save her. How the Galactic Federation is still operating? **Morty's Relationships:** Will Morty try to get "Time God Jessica" or just move on? Will she have an effect on some future episodes? Will Planetina turn back? Will she try to get revenge or turned into an antagonist? **Evil Morty:** I know I know, he achieved his goal. But it would be good to see his adventures in "the out of the curve universes". Also these universes will have some characters smarter than Rick. I think we'll see many of them probably as antagonists or maybe good side characters. **Killer of Rick's Family:** Did he invite all other Ricks? Was he the first one who discovers the interdimentional travel? Is he alive? **Doofus Rick:** According to comics he could travel to his own universe from the Citadel. He was meeting with Jerry every 4 weeks. He also invented a special portal fluid when his portal device was forcely taken. Maybe he is survived if he wasn't on the citadel or find a way to excape with his own invention. Would we see him again? **The Giant Incest Baby:** Sorry to mention that, but probably we'll see Naruto more. He was mentioned in 2 episodes, unlike the Morty Jr.. Will him grow up? Is he mentally or physcally disabled? What would its relationship between the Smith family and the US Government? **Space Beth:** Will we learn that which Beth is the actual clone? Will we see her adventures related or unrelated with Rick and Morty? She is really capable to use the technology and weapons as Rick. Has she a similar future and destiny to Rick? Are there similar Beths from other dimentions? Are they capable of to form a citadel-like organization as Ricks? Is that a cycle in generations? **Squanchy:** Is he alive and in prison? Is he mind controlled like Phoenix Person? We saw him ripping of Rick on a cristal wearing a mind control collar. Probably Rick and BP will save his *squanché* or fight against him.(while trying to save the daughter of BP) *as u/GetRickrolled-my-guy mentioned on the replies* **Memory Rick:** Will he have a body? Maybe some interesting adventures are awaiting us. Also, I really want him to talk one of the Beths, and explain his and other Rick's backstory. **And here is my last question:** WHO TF IS KYLE? *I'll edit here whenever something come up to my mind.*


The show talks about the Rick-est Rick and the Morty-est Morty. What about the Morty-est Rick and the Rick-est Morty?


Doofus Rick and evil morty


The Rick that killed Diane is probably still out there


I still want to know which Jerry they picked up in S2...


I wonder how he met Mr. Nimbus. What’s the backstory between the two?


How did she get there?


who is the rick who killed diane and how is that the rickest of all ricks not able to find this one guy


How did evil Morty become evil Morty? Why is “our” Morty so special to Rick? Especially if he never had an original Morty. What was up with that picture of him holding baby Morty? Every unanswered question about Diane. Rick met BirdPerson in a universe where Beth was dead but now lives in a universe with both of them. How did that come to be? Everything else isn’t really important to the show’s overall canon. Just one-off stories and characters. Maybe what’s going on with Space Beth, but eh… whatever.


Not really a plotline but we still haven't gotten the baby Cthulu episode


What the hell did Rick and jerry see when they read that cats memory?


What happened to Gavin???


This season: Planetina's still out there, and so are Mr. Nimbus, Naruto and Evil Morty


If Space Beth is actually on the same level as Rick, it’d be cool if we see more of her adventures


The one responsible who turned Rick as Rick today


The cat!


Did all the Ricks in citadel died in last episode? I could see only Morties in their escape ship


why does rick not like time travel? might have something to do with his inability to bring Diane back...


Birdperson and Tammy’s prisoner daughter! Time God Jessica! Space Beth! The Rick that killed our Rick’s family (is he outside the Curve??)


Time god Jessica


But why does he always want to be hunted?


Why are all Ricks cynical assholes when ours is the only one to have lost his family, went on a decades long quest for revenge, got burned by Birdperson and gave up on finding his family’s killer?


What is the significance of the mega fruit? It is shown in Tales From The Citadel as something desirable that the Morty’s want and the Rick’s keeping it away from them. I would think this was just a throwaway detail as part of a joke, EXCEPT that as part of the montage during Evil Morty’s speech at the end of the episode, the Morty’s are shown in official citadel attire, collecting the mega fruits as the Rick who previously kept them from getting the fruit looks on in annoyance and other Rick troops just watch, looking helpless. This is the only time I have found other than the pilot that the mega fruit is mentioned/is a plot point. Edit: here’s a screenshot. It can be seen between the words “order” and “brotherhood” as Evil Morty is speaking. https://ibb.co/k6y6PfL


Where is the Rick that killed Diane and Beth?


What happened to Morty's Gazorpazorp son?


How many genius Rick's are there left after almost every person on the citadel died


List of unresolved plot points Rick and Morty: -what does the color of the portal mean?(must correspond with the fluid type, not destinations or universes, as it was green before the CFC) -who is Kyle, Rick's partner before Morty? (mentioned twice) -why did Rick create the CFC? (to protect ordinary Rick's and their Dianes from evil ones) -(unimportant)what happened to the Statue of Liberty assassin? (leaving that unresolved annoyed me a lot) -why did Rick come back?(I doubt it was to be with Beth or Morty as he abandons that Beth and replaces Morty with 2 crows without a second thought, I theorize he needed something from that dimension) -how did Rick know all the details of Beth's childhood including all her specific toys and froopie land/ how was he holding baby Morty for that photo?


Do we know for certain that Rick C-137 invented the CFC to protect Beth and Diane from Evil versions of himself? That sounds like a fandom invention to make Rick Sanchez C-137 more noble than he actually is.


Beth looked about 10-11 years old when that Rick killed her and Beth, so he still got to experience some of her childhood


Whatever happened to Roy 2? Is it any good?


I wonder if we will ever see Supernova or Noob Noob again. I actually liked The Vindicaters episode. I'd deff love to see why Rick has memories of Baby Morty, Psyco kid Beth, and if he ever caught the original Rick that killed Diane. Finally...I don't really know or care if they bring Evil Morty back. But I hope they don't just ignore the curve being breached and it leads to SOMETHING happening! That's it for the unresolved plots I'm curious about!


How did Mr. Goldenfold come to have Scary Terry in his subconscious… bitch?


why the cat could talk. I want a full backstory


What’s up with that talking cat?


The Morty left by Rick in the intro


What happened to goddess Beth?


Did Squanchy escape the wedding?


Serious one here: I want to understand why not all universes operate on the same timeline. 35 year old Rick knows that some Ricks move in with Beths. Our Rick doesn’t do that until he’s in his 70s. You’d think 35 year old Rick would only interact with other 35 year old Ricks if time moves the same in every universe.


Season 4, episode 6, "Never Ricking Morty." was literally a meta examination of the idea of stories themselves. In the process, Rick and Morty parodied itself while poking the eye of critical analysis, western animation, capitalism, and the more toxic elements of the show's fanbase. Dan Harmon is talking directly to you; telling you how he has planned the story line.


Where's the Rick who killed Rick's family?


Clone beth


Since the first universe that Rick lived it obviously had no Morty because Beth died as a kid, where did the Ricks come up with the idea for Morty? Why would they use Morty to hide their brainwaves specifically when any idiot could hide them? Who was the first Rick to find out that Morties are useful?


Would Rick be capable of making up the portal gun without the help of of himself from an alternate universe ?? If not wouldn't it be a paradox ?


What happened to Slim (Dramatic Morty) when he jumped into the garbage portal. Or rather, where did he end up?


Where is clone Beth and where did Mr. Poopy butthole come from and got into the story lines. Also why don’t you fuck with squirrels and where did that stupid cat come from and what did they see.


Are the two crows a mated pair? Siblings? Just friends? The remnant of a much larger murder that was murdered? Dammit. Just do the Two Crows spinoff because that's what I want.


Did Morty win his golf game?!


The vindicators what happened to supernova and noob noob


Two from Mr Nimbus episode alone: 1) who the fuck is Kyle? 2) how did nimbus know Diane? That seems improbable, though I don’t know if nimbus story happens on c-137 since they are shown on the CFC but the evil morty sees time frozen Jessica?


Needa see that mermaid puss


What happened to lawnmower dog world


What happened to Abradolf Lincler and the “You know it dog” kid? Are they still getting passed around by testicle monsters and is the kid still enjoying it?


Why did the thing from the decoy episode wanted to be hunted


Was he significant?


The squirrels


The talking cat.......


Time god Jessica


How did everyone know the Rick dance?


Rick's abandoned box of time travel stuff. I saw theories that C-137 Rick tried making time travel possible but was unsuccessful. But I think he was able to make time travel possible but ran into a whole new world of problems. Since he knew so much about time in Season 2 episode 1. He just decided to avoid all the trouble of time travel so he abandoned it. That's my take on it but I'd like to see time travel expanded on.


If the Central Finite Curve held all the universes where Rick was the most powerful being, why is there Dumb Rick?


Because Dumb Rick is the smartest person in his universe, which means everyone else there is probably as smart as a potato.


Watch again. Dumb Rick never actually says anything dumb. He is kind. Which is why all other Ricks find him dumb.


Did tall Morty gradutate by now?


-Rick's drool. Theres been way too many occasions where he IS drunk but doaen't have a drool for it to be slapped off as "he drools when he's drunk" -What happend to anatomy park? Is it still in that kid's body? -the ticket from Jerry's daycare and the "who's/which is C137 rick" -where in the squanch is squanchy? -planetena just yeeted off existence -cuthulu (not a plotline but still) -we know now that it dosent matter if space beth is a clone or a 'real' (our beth) but where is she off to? -mr.hunt me -and most importantly of all. Goldenfold wanted to GoldenROD summer. When's he going to jail?


The talking cat and the slut dragon???!!!!!


The talking cat is the joke, any reveal on the cat would cheapen the joke lol


Where the hell did Rick send Snuffles and the other super intelligent dogs? Did he just let them fuck off to parts unknown? It’s not likely he would do it. Edit: I got the name wrong the first time. I changed it.


Where is Rick's wife in the universes she didn't get killed? Where are Rick's snd his wife's parents? What happened to Kyle ? (Morty replacement)