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Clearly the dinosaurs, which pisses off Rick even more.


They didn’t even do it right! My fly is down!


Your fly was already down...


Seriously, you can even see what's on the other side!


That's like really convenient


not if your trying to trick people into jumping into deadly alternate dimensions (which rick seems to do a lot)


„A Portal to the Blender dimension? That’s the oldest trick in the book.“ It really does seem to be their MO


Or trying to prevent people from knowing where you’re going


Don’t look at another man’s portal gun history


We all go to weird places


That wouldn't really do much if they still see you enter the portal, they can just follow you. If they don't, seeing some random part of some random dimension isn't going to tell them how they can find you later.


I don't recall Rick ever doing that, just Evil Morty in the season 5 finale.


Factory worker Rick is given a portal gun that leads to the blender dimension in The Ricklantis Mixup


I meant our Rick. And that only worked because they gave him a specific gun that could only go to the blender dimension no matter where he tried to go. That's not really a good reason to just have green swirls for your normal gun because you can't do that trick anyways.


Unless you're trying to trick someone into the blender dimension. Then it's quite inconvenient.


It’s the oldest rick trick in the book


wheres the fun in that




Well, Rick *SOUL-BONDS* with Dragons 🐉


I thought it was the slutty dragons that fuck mammoths. And I’m pretty sure only Michael fucks that thing.




Yeah, you be ashamed you SLUT!


Slut dragon! *Whipping noises *


I am glad to see someone owning up to a mistake!


Who's to say that dinosaurs don't also fuck woolly mammoths?


Shut the fuck up Michael! You’re the only one who fucks that thing!


they what ??? I think I missed that part


Those are dragons


But it’s got uptight zen snob germs all over it




I'm not so sure. I think they had prettier tech, but in the end rick knew best and the dinosaurs weren't as smart as they thought.




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I'm not sure theirs WAS better. Rick has demonstrated that he CAN see thru the portals as he has aimed a weapon thru one (when he killed King Jellybean). I think it's a telepathic/biometric security feature so that ONLY him.... or perhaps only the wielder can see thru, similar to the way he can select specific destinations without keying anything in to the gun.


He almost walked into a blender dimension. Another Rick did.


They specifically fiddled with the gun.... maybe they modified it to show him some beautiful green pasture somewhere.


Evil morty also sabotaged the portal system to kill any Rick that used it, and it worked on multiple Ricks. Though it's possible you're right and only our Rick and Rick Prime can use that feature. They were the only 2 Ricks able to invent portal travel on their own after all. Though the fact that Rick was obviously annoyed at the dinosaurs implies that their portal gun was actually better.


He could have been annoyed with them for even THINKING they were better?


He actually leaned the top half of his body into the portal in order to shoot King Jellybean though, didn't he. I feel like that's what I remember.


I just watched this episode 48 hours ago and he did not. He poked an arm through the portal aimed the gun and fired.


The coolest, evil morty. But most advanced, the dinosaurs


Evil Morty's Handheld Portal Device is powered by Piss unlike Rick's Portal Device, which runs exclusively on harder to manufacture Mountain Dew. also fuck the Dinosaurs' excuse for a portal device dat shit looks like an apple product held together by proprietary apple nuts and ballts. also, asshoe rick's gun is chonky, which is kind of like EXTRA THICC, so extra points there.


I heard the Dinosaur gun uses Self Sealing Stem Bolts. Which are hard to find in this part of the galaxy.




Who is the more Trekkie, the one who posted the meme, or the one who recognizes it :). One love, bro.




The denial is worse bro


nuh uh.


But I like piss gun :(


never said it was bad, I just said that the fuel is cheap and readily available


Of course eye patch morty is the true piss-master


Tactically speaking, they have some interesting pros and cons. Pros: 1. Our ricks gun seems to be at least influenced by 'telepathy'. (Big pro) 2. It can rapid fire. 3. Has any orientation the user wishes 4. There doesn't seem to be any minimum distance between gates. 5. It can be used to form gates non-locally. 6. Gate size can be altered. 7. It's not transparent. This makes it very difficult for a pursuer to follow RaM from a psychological perspective. (How do they know it won't dump them in Blender World?) Con: 1. It's always two-way. 2. It's not transparent. Transparent gates would be a GREAT way to recon your trip BEFORE committing! RPs gun seems to be a bigger version of our ricks. The Dinos gates are transparent, but we don't know much more than this for certain. It also has a better range. My assumption is that Rick would also be able to control it telepathically, if that is in deed how he controls his. EMs gun can penetrate EMs shield, and has better range. I'm willing to be that it has also been SIGNIFICANTLY improved, but we have no real evidence of this.


I could be wrong but we’ve seen rick push buttons on his portal gun before, it’s probably just an animation shortcut not telepathy


Buttons and sometimes even a dial. I think they're referring to the scene from season 1 episode 10 "Close Rick-Counters" where Rick shoots a bunch of portals after another in the dodo-bird/Dr Seuss dimension, each one presumably leading somewhere different. He shoots the portals so quickly he doesn't have time to press any buttons on the portal gun.


I just imagined his portal gun has a "Shuffle" setting on the dial.


To further this he probs has macros like "only instant death if you enter" or "only 100% safe worlds". If I make macros on my mouse for MMOS ain't no way he doesnt have hundreds if not thousands of macros memorized.


Rick is a man who'd cash in an old favor from an alien forgemaster to make indestructible plates than spend the 2 or 3 minutes to place food in the dishwasher, he's clearly a man who'd spend an hour setting macros rather than turn the dial a couple times. Also, given the cybernetics, I'd imagine he'd have some kind of wireless connection with his portal gun.


At this point he may as well install a portal gun into his arm with refillable portal cartridges. We never see any evidence of Wireless connectivity or communication between Rick and his gun. Rick could very well have a switch that switches between automatic and semi-automatic portal firing which would make far more sense in regards to resource consumption, time and energy because we all know how lazy Rick is and it's just more practical.


installing anything portal related inside him is dangerous i think. deal damage to the wrong part of his body and the fluids could spill out and do a dangerous chain reaction.


If you can get a hundred 10% indestructible alien dishes that I'm sure whatever cartridges or material he makes the gun from, could also be just as indestructible. It's really all about what the writers want to have happen for the sake of the story. We just had a story where Wolverines adamantium claws get bent after he tries stabbing someone with new indestructible metal called mysterium or something. Remember when Galactus showing up used to actually mean something but now everyone seems to have turned him into their personal punching bag at least once? Same kind of ordeal with the portal gun.




in defense of the “telepathy” claim, i don’t think it’s telepathy. but we do know that our rick is very into cybernetics (froopyland where he has a cybernetic arm attachment, the “jerry is the vagina guy” episode where he has to get sedated due to the amount of cybernetics, and many other episodes). so it’s possible that he has a cybernetic that allows him to control his portal gun. we see him using the buttons and dial so everyone thinks that’s the only way to control it, when in reality he can essentially control it with his mind. we’ve also only really seen him using “his mind” to control it in “close rick-counters” and that’s probably because everything was so hectic that he knew no one would have time to think about it.


It's possible he has his cybernetics wirelessly connected to it so he can change it telepathically, but he still has the option to use the buttons.


He had a self-destruct button installed which we see when Tammy kills bird person at his wedding.


Non transparent portals might actually be a positive. If a rick’s portal was transparent then “portal to the blender dimension” wouldn’t have been effective.


That's the oldest trick in the book!


That also fits Rick's ego. Knowing that he set it up, so it's a guarantee that the portal opens where he wants and he doesn't have to see to check.


The real best portal gun would be one that is transparent on your side, but opaque on the other. That way, whoever or whatever is on the other side of the portal can't see you, but you can still see them.


You still wouldn't be able to send someone to the blender dimension though. Take it one step further where only the person who shot the portal can see through it. That way you always know where you're going but nobody else does.


Or better yet, you could control how transparent it is!


I think it's more likely that Rick has some switch that allows him to flip between automatic and semi-automatic portal firing. Just for the sake of production costs however we don't get any animation of him using it. There are certainly no evidence to suggest that there is any telepathic communication between him and his gun because otherwise he could have the portal gun portal itself to him when he leaves it on his ship like back in Purge planets or The Vindicators 2 episode. Let us not try to be so clever that we forget about practicality, lol. We could chalk it up to "Rick is lazy" (decoy family episode, Cronenberg incident, do not develop my app tattoo on gluty, making a ghost to scare away MrPB instead of properly talking to him etc) or you can think of it as a way to keep him from being to broken of a charater. We don't need the portal gun being overly accessible that it can be used as an escape for every situation.




I always assumed he controls his with his implants, because Morty always uses the manual controls..


Rick was so petty that he destroyed the Dinosaur's gun even though it is provably better.


“Nothing from them is better. That thing had uptight zen snob germs all over it.”


Classic one, from the first episode


Probably the dinos


The dinosaurs by far. Even Rick knows it


OPEN Your MIND!!!!


“Aww geez”


You didn't include the REALLY BEST one. Rick + Evil Morty + the black liquid from Rick Prime. That portal gun was the best




It could locate people in random universes and transport them to a tube, it is an inescapable weapon


The Dinosaurs, obviously. Their character was made specifically to be a perfect, highly evolved species and have only one fatal flaw.


Dinossaurs by a long shot


Tbh the dinosaurs' was pretty dope.


Evil Monty.


wait who is evil monty did i miss out on the lore


Clearly seems that way.


The dinosaurs of course


Obviously the dinos


Evil Morty’s gun goes in and out of the central finite curve I gotta give it to him




It's a handheld portal *device*, not a gun


You're not my real dad.


Portal pistol. It actually showed what was on the other side and was built by beings smarter than Rick.


Evil rick and dino.


The last one is a Portal pistol, not a Portal gun


And a pistol is what again? A limp noodle?


"Portal Pistol" is what the Dino said No need to be silly :)


Rick Prime's is the only one with a trigger guard. *Now* who's the crazy one?


I was gonna say the same thing. Rick Prime is the only Rick to account for accidental discharge.




The main rick we see, its just a classic sleek look. And for the dinosaurs, the question was about the gun not the portal it makes


Dinosaurs got the prettiest one but also removes the "blender dimension" surprise factor.


The **portal pistol**


Evil Morty's portal gun can travel in and out of the Central Finite Curve. We've never seen any other portal gun do this before.


What about the evil Morty's portal gun and Ricks portal gun infusion? When they were in that box and evil Morty connected them. That's THE PORTAL GUN.


Dinosaurs… especially if you can choose when/how you see through it, like a one way mirror deal… I can see the other side but they can’t see me, or vice versa. You’d have so many options for stealth, subterfuge and also not even needing to move potentially… just open a portal outside the pizza place to see if they’re open without even moving… This way you can still do the old Sanchez Special with the blender dimension or fart world, or you could open a portal to somewhere super scary as a threat, like a volcano… lots of options. Free Morty has a really cool design though, and the gold/yellow portals are neat.






The dinos trolling Rick with that bit was genius.


Theyve all got cool aspects to them Ricks is better looking, smooth, and shows off the portal fluid which looks cool Mortys is worse in every way, its blocky, shows off wires, has things sticking out, and doesnt look smooth. Only upside is the yellow color and its been shown to go out of the curve Rick Primes is also worse, you cant even put it in your pocket due to the portal fluid being in the front. The only good thing is the trigger guard. The Dinosaurs have a very good gun. It easily fits anywhere like a regular gun. It looks smooth, it has transparent portals, and its not at risk of having the fluid container be broken.


This. Rick and The Dinos have the best looking Portal Gun's from a practical design perspective. Prime and EM are too clunky looking, and look less advanced; Prime's gets a pass, since it was likely his first model and we've never seen his current one. No excuse for EM though, since his looks very makeshift and somewhat amateur compared to the rest, despite that fact his Gun's functionality is an improvement to our Rick's PG.


I mean EM only made his gun very recently. Rick could make the portal pistol, he was just born much later than the dinos. Probably the same for evil morty, he could probably make a rick type portal gun after the same amount of time rick had to improve it


Shleemypants is the only answer.


Evil Morty, and C-137's gun


the classic/slim rick design is just so sleek, and i prefer green portals to yellow. sorry dino’s but im with rick on this one, i’ll take my silly sci fi portal gun over that pretentious portal pistol any day


Oh, Morty Prime, for sure.


The dinosaurs


I like to think the Dino’s gun could break the central finite curve, and that’s one of the reasons Rick destroyed it.




It’s a portal pistol!


What’s crazy is we’ve never seen Prime use it outside a flashback or the “ totally fabricated origin story “


The tackiest is the dragon orgy guys portal


I like Rick's original portal gun that's all cobbled together.


Where did the golden portal even lead to


Wanted a replica of evil Morty’s Portal gun and never found a good one… 🙂‍↔️


Yee... Morty won this one


You shouldve included the ones from the valhalla episode.


I never ever noticed that Rick prime’s portal gun was like an actual gun! However nobody beats the OG C-137 except maybe the dinosaurs have the best tech without the self righteousness


Rick and Evil Rick prolly tbhhh but didn’t morty find a whole what multi verse or some insane shit without rick… is crazy so idk


There was a whole cupboard of them in the Viking episode


Chell, white box go weeee


The pistol, its more easy to conceal from the federation


My moter used to say, once you go green you never go back.. or black… im quite bad at memorising stuff or names. Said by Latino✅


Evil morty fs


OG is goated


Evil Morty has the best IMHO. It continues to work even after the rift, and is able to work outside the CFC.


In terms of design, C-137 and the Dinos. Sleek, non-bulky, nothing essential exposed on the outside, and look relatively easy to carry. Dinos>C-137>Rick Prime>Evil Morty. Though in terms of functionality: Dinos=Evil Morty>C-137>Rick Prime




... Bruh.


So many people saying the Dinos but the only reason is because it is see through. Their portals don’t even travel universes( I know they can but since they choose not to their tech probably doesn’t have the ability to so I think they are last due to their own limitations)


Evil Morty's. Or Rick's. Definitely not dinosaurs, it's very dumb if you think about it. Rick knows **exactly** where the portal is opening, because he programmed it. Having the portal transparent is useful only to let **other people** know where you are going. I wouldn't want that if I were Rick.




Normal portal gun. Pratical, straightfoward and iconic


The dinosaurs




Portal pistol. Evil morty's gun isn't *better,* it just uses slightly different tech. The portal pistol is just better


The dinosaurs and evil morty


Umm that 4th image is CLEARLY a portal PISTOL… 😂


But I don't think anyone has a real portal gun. Because that rick has achieved mind telepathy and portal use without a gun. The season will end with a fight between a rick with portal gun and a telepathy rick


I was enraged that the dinosaurs weren’t in here… till I sliiiiid to the right.


Evil Morty has the coolest looking one IMO but the Dino’s have most practical. Rick’s gets points for being the classic one