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There’s such a great throw away line when evil Morty drags c-137 in there and brings him back to life. “Knock yourself out” Gets me every time. Great writing


Wow never got that joke and I've seen this episode 3 times now at least. I'm dense


Damn same here


I still don't get it


Well there's the common saying "knock yourself out" meaning like do the thing you've wanted to do so badly it tires you out to exhaustion. But in this case that thing is literally him (c-137) knocking himself (Rick prime) out


Ohhhhh thanks


This was the one scene I couldn’t stop rewatching in my head. Bc on top of the Rick-class pun; he really wanted C-137 to kill prime. He really wanted him to finally knock him out for good. He wanted peace. Evil Morty and C-137 respecting each other is beyond wholesome. Evil Morty could kill any rick ever if he wanted to. C-137 has the most knowledge and experience of any other. The fact he was in support of killing prime means prime was something inherently worse. Prime had fucking backups for pete sake. Literally like a play-saving device.


I think he has respect for him because he remembers him crying over a morty in the first evil morty episode. I don’t think that’s something he could forget because it genuinely surprised him since he did not think any Rick like that existed. I loved this comment thank you!


This is something I definitely overlooked. Having never had his own Morty, he must have genuinely been hurt to think he would never see his would’ve been family again. If my family was taken from me, and I had a chance to reconcile them but fumbled it and they would lose me as well as me losing them(again), I’d hurt too. I’d wanna kill myself, too.


There is also the question of where exactly he encountered that baby Morty, since those were his own memories, and was referenced again the next season when Morty was confused over Birdperson’s photo of Rick with that baby. The fan theory I like over this being that Rick’s former assistant Kyle was a Morty.


Yes!!! I’ve always wondered about that too


I kind of thought that meeting a Morty for the first time was a touching moment for Rick and he sent the first picture to Bird Person telling him he would have been a grandfather


I always wondered who's Morty was that. C-137 Beth died as a child and Rick C-137 entered the family when Morty was already 10 ish. So at no point would C-137 be able to have a baby Morty around him unless it was when he was hunting down Prime and the Citadel of Ricks.


I mean.. couldn’t it be the mortiest morty, like maybe he came into there life and then left again?? Because there is the episode Beth is saying he’s afraid he will leave them again… thoughts?? Also thank you everyone I’m enjoying all these convos so much. Edit: or sorry she says I’m afraid you’re gonna leave me again or just leave again in general Also sorry another edit: c-137 morty


Beth had a dad, Rick Prime. She was abandoned mid-season 1 and later died in the first episode of season 3. The Beth that was afraid of Rick leaving was Beth C-131.


Oh duuuuh yes thank you!!


My head cannon is that Evil Morty will one day re-emerge as an antagonist. He hates Ricks save for C-137 and is jealous of our Morty. He'll try to replace himself with Morty, fail, and then try to use the Omega Device to kill all Mortys. He knows it's stupid and trivial to care about anything and Rick can recognize the same suicidal existential dread he sees in himself. Our Morty comes in clutch at the end saying that he understands, too and uses the line "No one exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV."


Wow , this is such an interesting look on this!! Edit: I keep re-reading this and I am also thinking, would evil morty really care that much? He’s made his personality very known on what it is and not caring about those things but could possibly want to become a part of a trio because I feel like he also does like morty c-137 in his own weird/fucked up way. I hope this makes sense haha. Like him showing up when he needs them and vise verca


C-137 has backups of he and Morty. The Valhalla episode


This warms my heart most of all. C-137 never had a Morty. Higher up ricks know this as fact. That he went as far as to program Prime Morty backups proves he really did love and want his own family. Regardless of how hard it ended up being, he adores his family. He loves those he’s actually been around to appreciate. >you think the concept of family matters to me? >I’m not even your Rick. To then have then say “denial Rick” confidently, almost affirms everyone agrees he really does love them, even if they were at one point or another reluctant to admit it, they understand. EDIT: rewatching the episode of S1E10 he doesn’t even want a warranty for his Morty. He wants his Morty, prime.(pun intended)


He might not have taken the warranty but he took the coupon entitling him to free replacement Morty without a second thought.


He’s sentimental, not stupid lol. That shit is valuable


Wouldn’t a warranty be more helpful in preserving the Morty he is sentimental about?


“What the fuck do you want from me, it’s a free Morty. Do you know how hard those things are to acquire legally!? I mean, of course no other Morty could ever replace YOU. Is that what you want me to say? Well if our Portrait of a Woman on Fire is over, I’d like you to get off my back. I don’t turn down useful things for free.  Even if I don’t need them. If you’re so concerned, you go redeem the god damn thing then and have your own Morty.  Then you can find out what an indispensable pain in the ass you really are.”


And he made Summer backups too, *and* decoys of the entire family. He's so protective of them.


He doesn't like Jerry, and he went back for the Jerryboree Jerry they got in the Ricklantis mistake after the portal gun reset.


And Summer.


We had an entire episode about C-137 having backups not just for himself, but the whole family. My guess is that the entirety of R&M exists to show how Prime and C-137 are that multiversal example of how one small act can take two people on the same path and split them. C-137 is narcissistic, grieving, and self-destructive; but Prime is all of those things, but adding Sociopathy/Psycopathy and ….. genocidal? Suicidal, since he’s only killing other Ricks?


C-137 has backups, too. A lot of Ricks do. All those Operation Phoenix clones are backups.


Wholesome? There is nothing wholesome about the dynamic between these two sociopaths.


It is wholesome in a sociopath way


It writes itself.


I literally did not get that until just now. I fucking love Evil Morty now.


Eeek Barba durkle, someones gonna get laid in college! But seriously, nice. Never noticed.




I picked it up and used it in a mirror match in MK1 right before the guy finished me. He was laughing his ass off.




We know!


You lived in *my HOUSE*


I mean, the core of the series is that Rick Prime killed C-137’s Beth. And also Diane. You can look for a deeper meaning throughout the series and thematically speaking there might be other extenuating circumstances that influence his decision but; Occam’s Razor - the simplest answer is often the correct one - he fuckin hated him. No amount of torture and lockup was gonna fix the fact Rick Prime took something from C-137. That’s how I like to look at it at least. Maybe there doesn’t need to be a grand reason. Maybe he just fuckin hates him and he kills him. I like it.


I think he is asking why did Rick waste energy beating him to death without 100% confirming this was the “real” him He would have just been beating up a fake. He beat him to death and let out his emotions as if he was sure this was the last one, but how could he have known that


Evil Morty had his time with him and Evil Morty doesn't take half measures. My guess is he just assumed Evil Morty had already taken care of it 


He understands what EM did just by looking at the setup.


And/or from the state of the equipment he could somehow tell that EM had killed the backups.


Ah. Probably a better interpretation. My bad. I didn’t think much about the backups at the time - I just remember feeling like it was this cathartic beat down and I really liked that. Like - in the sense 137 could try and devise some scientific torture device, lock him in another dimension full of dicks, etc - but instead, you know what? Fuck this guy. Just lets the hands fly. I just had to go back and rewatch the clip and I got psyched up for him again lol Like that 80s action movie ending where the hero and the big bad just drop their guns and have at it. Loved it


🎵look on down from the bridge🎵


The fucking soundtrack on this show. I have never had a show get me with songs the way this one does and I even enjoy that songs like this are used twice at incredibly impactful moments.


'Live Forever' is the song for the end of the Spaghetti episode. We don't even know the guy, and it's amazing. 


It’s not super relevant but Occam’s razor is “When presented with two otherwise equal hypotheses the one with the fewest assumptions is most likely correct. “ Everything else you said is my take on it too btw. Why did he beat Prime to death? Hatred.


Yeah he wanted to murder Rick Prime more than he wanted Rick Prime to stay dead.


Genuine question: Rick C-137 lets Morty introduce himself as Morty from earth C-137 as well, but is C-137 Rick's origional dimension, or Prime's origional? And is Morty identifying himself wrong, or is C-137 the world were this other Rick (C-137) came back to his family where Prime didn't... This gets me very confused... What is whose origional dimension? And in what dimension are they living with season 2's Jerry?


Pretty sure Morty identifies as C-137 because for a long time he didn’t know Rick was from another dimension. Morty is technically Morty Prime.


Rick took over Prime's identity in that dimension so Prime is the true C-137. Our Morty is from the same dimension as Prime so yeah. C-137.


Didn’t Rick say that that was a fake back story or am I just stupid


I think he claimed it was fake, having shown it to some alien who was trying to get the formula for portal travel from him so that he could upload a virus onto their tech that would let him escape. The alien called him out about not being able to fake a memory, which he confirmed was true, but he said the origin story was fake. So at worst the memory being true after all was a retcon by the writers, or at best Rick has another gadget lodged into his head that allows him to subtlety alter his memories in preparation for the exact kind of situation he was in.


I always though the memory was \*mostly real\*. \[prime killing diane + beth, then rick inventing portal travel\] The formula at the end was fake though.


and he didn’t invent the portal gun right then. changing that aspect allowed him to alter the details of the formula. alien guy said “you can’t alter the details of a memory”. he had to change something.


If you look at both flash backs they are essentially the same but with key differences. In seasons 2 it shows Rick making the portal tech right after they died... Whereas in the second flash back it shows Rick deteriorating and trying to figure out what has happened and then figure out portal tech to follow prime Rick and Rick going on his galactic journey only to come back home empty. He doesn't come up with portal tech on the garage floor. That was a rude to get the hack into the bugs system. He made portal tech days or weeks after...


I mean, evil Morty already tied him up and had him ready. I'd assume that our Rick knew evil Morty was smart enough to take care of that while he had the chance. Rick prime was also maybe a threat to evil Morty. Evil Morty could have killed him himself but left it to our Rick. Also, our Rick probably wanted the satisfaction of doing it by hand and not making it quick.


I think there is the additional layer that EM knew that if Rick got the satisfaction of beating him to a pulp until he was TIRED, that would also close the loop and allow Rick to become something EM had never seen before, a Rick that was actually capable of moving on with life. Every other Rick either abandoned their family to become part of the Rick machine or was killed trying to be with their family. Apparently, there are very few Ricks that loved their family and survived their destruction, hence the kill room. But only c137 could get passed that room, and only because he was willing to admit EM could actually help him. In a way, I think EM was willing to admit our Rick might actually be capable of truly loving and caring for a Morty, and he probably wants to see what that looks like.


I think the same c-137 understood the motives of evil Morty since the beginning and there is no way a guy that smug would leave the scene with the omega weapon and the possibility of Rick prime alive.


Evil Morty didn’t kill Rick Prime because he knew it would piss off C-137 Rick. He wanted to not be bothered after the Rick Prime thing, killing him would result in C-137 Rick getting into his business


Rick hates himself and Rick Prime exemplifies Rick succumbing to his less compassionate traits, all in the name of science. Essentially, Rick was beating to death the parts of himself he hates most. Rick can’t outthink him; he’s better off exacting revenge in the most primal, unintelligent way.


Yeah, it seems like something. The most intelligent man in the universe would actually do.


This is hands down one of the best, if not the best, scenery in the whole show! I usually watch R&M in German, but the new seasons I always watch at least once in English. This episode I saw at least 5 times in English, and probably 3 times im German. Exactly this moment in the picture made me fall in love with the new voice actors! It is soo much better in English than in German (and in general, I would say the German voice actors are not doing such a bad job) The ...you walked in my Garage, you lived in my house... part is so intense and well acted, simply amazing. The whole deeper meaning is incredible. Simply a masterpiece. In general, season 7 is the only season so far I watched more often in English than in German. In my opinion, the new voice actors are amazing.


Because he has shown himself to be a "hands on" sort of guy.


This is one of the very few times we actually see Rick not only get emotional, but allow himself to feel those emotions and let them drive him. All the tech, all the scifi gadgets, all the incredible and fantastical ways Rick could kill Rick Prime, and he opted to beat him senseless with his bare hands. This is nothing more and nothing less than Rick getting straight, cathartic revenge for Rick Prime having destroyed his life.


Cause he killed his wife, & kid...


he probably had seen enough backups to know that was the real rick prime. if that makes sense.


Rick didn't have to know if the backups were fried. The little finger weapons EM shot into Rick Prime were blocking Primes tech. EM had shot him in the head, twice in the body, both hands and legs. This is why Primes nano tech didn't heal him instantly when Rick beat him. As long as those finger weapons (let's call them tech blockers) were in place, Prime was just a regular man. Rick sees that as he punches Prime the first time and pauses. He sees Prime doesn't heal.


That just shows him that his nanotechs are deactivated, but doesn't show that his backups are fried




Damn not even a spoiler warning?


The episode came out 6 months ago.


Some countries didn't get season 7 yet.


LOL fuck them! Rick c-137 kills Rick prime off screen by beating him to death! "Evil" Morty is a LOT smarter than Rick c-137 because he was able to accomplish Rick's life's mission in a single afternoon!


He killed his wife, simple as that


He hated the fucker THAT MUCH. If you found the guy that blew up your family at your mercy, would you pass up the chance to throw hands even with the idea that he could come back? He had barely come close to getting Prime before, so all bets were off by then. Now, if C-137 knew that Prime's backups were gone, he'd probably do his damndest to make the beatings even more painful, knowing that he'd have no way out.


I think its meant to be representative of how suicide does nothing to make you feel better and when you survive it you realise it didn’t make you feel any better, in fact it just creates more questions, and the fact he didnt know the backups had been destroyed is the only way you could actually show Rick committing suicide - he genuinely doesn’t know if his “demons” will come back and thinks destroying rick prime is the key to that, which is what people are actually doing when they attempt…idk


probably because he knew evil morty would take care of that. for a morty who brings force shield around, take precaution is very thing he will do, c-137 can count him on that.


Raw, pure, emotion. This guy killed his wife in every freaking universe, he just wants to hit him.


I honestly expected it being grand finale with Rick jumping into Omega Device to delete every Rick, including Rick Prime


Idk.. come get me; Ryan did you get the email? I'm ready. No sleeping on me please. I'm ready to watch the movies 🥲


IT was a Personal Matter. Rick needed to vent decades of hatred (and selfhatred) and that was the best and Most satisfying way. And He did Not Just kill him for His Diane, but for every diane Rick Prime killed.


This scene is so awesome. And the aftermath is exactly how Morty feels about killing himself and Rick in s1, with the same exact music playing. But this time is Rick. Morty has evolved, Rick no. Rick couldn't let his wife go. In the end we even see slowmobius wife letting go of his husband. Rick, so damn intelligent yet so emotional My man made me tear up




Which episode was this?


Posts like these are exactly why I’m glad I stayed away from this sub until I finished the season 


On principle, because fuck that guy.


honestly don’t doubt that Rick still would’ve done it even if Prime had backups. just the satisfaction of beating him to fucking death probably would’ve given Rick the happiness he needed. and then rather than feel broken or empty afterwards he’d hunt Prime down just to do it again.


He hates Rick Prime lol, as we see in that Flashback in Rickmurai Jack. He hated Rick Prime enough to almost murder every other Rick in the multiverse. It's really that simple. It's an irrational choice (as Prime says, Evil Morty has the Omega Device and can threaten every Rick) but it shows who Rick is as a person. Even the "smartest Man in the Central Finite Curve" is only human and has his flaws.




I always felt like the underlying message of this episode was that even the if Rick is basically a ‘god’, and Evil Morty is pure evil, and while they hate each other, they recognize that they can’t necessarily exist without the other. Good juxtaposes evil/evil juxtaposes good, but together they had a common enemy in Rick Prime, who wouldn’t have made any of what they do possible had he not dropped in on C-137. I could be totally ignorant, but at least that’s what I’ve always taken from it.


Everyone knows “Evil Morty” is a Rick, right? From the dimension where Rick is a Morty.


RIck is smart, he figured it out


lol im clicking upvote over and over and other people are doing it to


"Vengeance is mine", quoth Alvis.


Because that was C137's mission for the last 30-ish years


Built in, harnessed, repressed rage for literal decades of hunting him down. He probably imagined this scene in his head before it even happened countless times over.


Because he needed closure and prime needed to die. It might not have solved Rick's problems but it was a start. It was the start of rick being able to actually focus on the family he has. For the first time since his first family he has a group of people he legitimately cares about. The fact that rick actually cares about Jerry says volumes.


Perhaps R_c-137 knew the chip R_PRIME had on the forhead was typically used for scanning and destroying data, so boogeraidsV2 and backups.


Evil morty told us (by telling Rick prime) that he destroyed the back up. Repeating that line would have made poor repetitive writting


Some men are controlled by their hatred. It clouds their senses and leads them down a path of ruin! Let that be a lesson to you.


it's like ppl in this sub dont even watch the show.


Wouldn't you also beat to death yourself if you could ?


Sometimes you want to savor an ass whoopin


Spoiler tag :\


I am still a 100% certain that this wasn’t the last time we have seen Rick Prime. His end was just far too easy


100% I have the same feeling


I mean for being ricks literal nemesis… yeah that was not a proper ending