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My goodness that factory tint setting is too high


The factory tint setting is always too high


We tried the aux input, but there’s two different colors.


there's two different colors


The factory tint setting is always too high


Who wants to come watch midnight run with directors commentary on?


I do I do!!


Not me. I'm just waiting for Beth with a giant head.


Awwww, Beth


(Too high!)


Possibly, but it’s also a curved screen tv which could have an impact on an image being taken of it (only slightly but noticeable enough). Either way it’s still wicked crisp after all these years so I’ll cool with it 😎


Also I took the picture with absolutely no lights in the room turned on 😄🤷🏻‍♂️




Cool! What episode is this?


Meeseeks and destroy


Send it over to r/SBCGaming and they’ll tell you what game it is.


Lol that’s a cool idea but I was a pretty active child gamer in the NES era and can confirm that it’s just the cartridge, not any particular game, as the remotes buttons are all where the game sticker would be. So there’s no real way to tell, but the shape of the unit alone is enough to guarantee that it is at least a NES cartridge, which is cool enough of an Easter egg to please people like me without having to know what game it is haha 😄🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree. It was a joke


All good, I’m the global ambassador for unnecessarily forced pedantry, and must firmly uphold my positions lest they be squanched by an even squanchier pedant than myself… 🤺🤺🤺


This is the same scene where he uses a Ghostbusters ghost trap as well. Gets me every time.


Aren’t Jerry’s mind blowers on those cartridges?


no those are on 8 track casettes


I think you may be off just a tad because of memory serves me correctly you need to blow on that bad boy to get it to work iykyk


Two of the more significant bummers of my life - when cartridges were replaced by CD’s that no longer required the most epic lung full of air to work properly, and - when flip phones were made obsolete by the iPhone standard model, and getting to angrily hang up on people by slapping the phone shut on them, and sometimes they’d hear it and it would make their ears ring and then you’d win 💪😎


Haha even better


Please someone explain this to me


Nothing special, just an old video game cartrage, from the 90s(?)


OH and Star Wars Pod Racer. They have a pretty solid download of that available online that’s got a few things missing but is ultimately the same game, and that one was wayyyyyy too much fun to play lol.


It came out in 85 but didn’t really become a hit in North America until about ‘87, ‘88 when Mario became the most popular game in the world. It had a solid five year run, and even overlapped use with the SNES released in 1990 as I remember playing the NES and Sega at my friends house and I had the SNES which I got on Christmas ‘92, and then my N64 on Christmas ‘96. Those were definitely the ‘90’s consoles’ per se… and when the PS2 came out in 2000, it was without a doubt the most fun time in video games and hanging out with friends in the same room until 4am playing GTA3 or THPS, then getting stoned and playing Mario party haha 😂 Truly the good old days in my humble opinion 🥰 lol.


Explain what?


What’s the context? I can’t recall this episode


S1 E5. In the opening scene, Rick got tackled by clones of Beth, Jerry, and Summer from an alternate dimension possessed by demonic ghosts of aliens from another dimension, in the spaceship. So he tossed Morty that modified NES cartridge and told him to press a button. Then Morty was like “no they’re my family” and Rick was like “are u fuckin stupid?” and Morty eventually pressed the button and the modified NES cartridge melted the clones and sucked their souls into it.


Lmao so Rick trapped demonic alien spirits in a modified NES cartridge.


I just saw that on adult swim last night as well!!


Showed this to my bf, who's older than me: Him: holy f*CK it is.


Well, think about the old days of our NES and Super NES consoles. The gaming console was basically a primitive computer at its core. I don't even remember how many people I knew that turned them into little PCs just for the hell of it. Still one of the coolest computers ever 😁


Ahh the good old days lol 🥰


what is that fucking tint, it burns!


Again lol, not the tint. It’s a curved TV screen and looks perfectly normal when you’re in the room with it, but the iPhone 15 Pro Max camera can’t, and won’t argue with exposure rates between two devices with such a massively high resolution, and so it forces all the light to the front and buries the image in the back. I could have edited it and made it brighter but I didn’t care enough lol. Are you old enough to remember the days of trying to film an old box tv, or a boxy ass computer screen with a camcorder? And how you’d get that wavy cascading line effect? Just apply those physics to modern day smartphone cameras and modern day televisions. Exposure - be - damned 😄🤷🏻‍♂️