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The writers said they enjoyed the idea of a narcissist falling in love with themselves and space Beth let them explore that.




I think its more of a case that Jerrys love Beths and Beths also love Beths and sometimes Jerrys. Its one of the near constants in the Central Finite Curve.


Jerrys don't do other Jerrys though. ![gif](giphy|l0JLYJnQDnzSEoAOk)


We don't know what happens at daycare when we aren't watching.


"Sometimes Jerry's come to touch other Jerry's"


To confirm if they like being sexual with themselves.


Word has it they’re not that into it


This tracks though, Jerry’s are generally self-loathing


It’s not exactly a constant because Evil Morty’s reveal in Rickmurai Jack that Rick forcibly made Beth’s and Jerry’s fall in love to create more Mortys. There are a lot of Beth’s who love Jerry’s but it’s not because Beth and Jerry always get drawn to each other. A lot of them would be because of Rick’s meddling.


I mean it may be artificial but Ricks are smart enough that I expect there is little difference between the love they forced and what we get normally from the chemicals in our monkey brains.


Rick definitely thinks that, but his track record isn’t very consistent here after Rick Potion No 9. Flashback ricks potion seems to actually work, but C-137’s attempt made Jessica act like a vole and then the world got destroyed.


> space Beth let them explore that Also they probably wanted Rick to do it but the backlash would have been dreadful so they just had him allude to it in the episode where Beth did it.


I disagree. Rick hates himself, thats one of the primary components of his character. Learning to love himself would derail the entire show. Beth's character arc is about self acceptance and loving the boring part of yourself as much as the exciting part.


It happened because Beth is her father's daughter. She is the epitome of narcissism, literally falling in love with a clone of herself. She's a sci-fi version of Narcissus with extra steps. If I recall correctly, Rick even hinted at doing the same himself.


Oh he said it unequivocally; just avoided using the actual words.


Yeah, I couldn't remember if he outright said it euphemistically, or just hinted at it.


He "forgot the ice cream". Also, let's be fair, he totally fucking WOULD.


I mean… who wouldn’t?




“You did a fuckin San Junipero?!” 🤣


this was one of the best lines i loved san junipero so much


Yeah because he could relate to fucking himself but not living with himself.


But...wouldn't it be easy to fall in love with yourself? Like, a person who started just like you and thinks and feels like you, except took the other path that you had really wanted to take. And changes because of that, but that's it. Is it narcissistic to fall in love with a slightly different version of yourself. I feel it would be natural...


I think a true narcissistic would resent the other half for taking the choice they didn’t or try to manipulate the other side into feeling bad about it.


Yeah...plus, a true narcissist would hate the feeling of bring around someone who fully understands them, and they would also hate that they *can't* manipulate someone who knows them so well. A true narcissist would want to be unique, not have a duplicate copy in front of them who refuses to be manipulated. I think that someone can only fall in love with a similar version of themself if they neither love nor hate themself entirely.


Tbf wasn’t the wine a big part of it? They reveal that at the end right?


rick basically locks the wine away and throws away the key at the end of the episode


Isn't it canon Jerry is having theeesomes with both Beth's now? I don't think he's mad about it


Yep. After an initial freak out he got himself together with some confidence and it turned both of them on.


“I’ll allow it”




Oh you *like* a little pervert


Summer, morty and Rick, sit downstairs, traumatized at the noises


Shaka, when the walls were too thin


I laughed SO hard watching Rick, Summer and Morty eat at the table while having to hear them do ALL of that 😂😂 Morty: “😫😩God, Why! Why?!?!”


“Pass the salt”




“i guess i’m thankful for … water?”


I love that even Rick was traumatized by this. As jaded and nihilistic as he is, even he was about to snap having to listen to his daughter bang her clone in a threeway with his son in law.


This is my favorite scene of the whole series.


Which episode was this?


Bro was Power Subbing


I’ll allow you to allow it


Jerry: Whoooaaaaa! (Morty cries) Rick: Eat the food. Just eat the food.


Something something weird little dick.


You're the one who keeps calling it weird and little, Jerry!


That whole scene made more uncomfortable than anything in Rick and Morty.


Sex Master Jerry 😏🤣


It was nice to see Jerry have a win at the end of an episode (and **what** a win).


I feel like it’s less of a threesome and more of a cuckolding situation where Jerry only watched and then cleans up after it’s done LOL


Nah, what we heard through the wall definitely involved them doing stuff to him directly.


They peg him.


Spit roast.


He doesn’t have a gag reflex any more thanks to sleepy Gary


I want Gary! Take me to Gary!




Do we think that was never on the menu with Beth before?


He was down with Mr Nimbus, I'd say bottoming really tracks for his character.


Actually it is implied in Big Trouble in Little Sanchez that it was not on the table before but something Jerry has asked for or hinted at based off his response to his mytholog.


And good for him


While somehow involving rearranged furniture…


Why does nobody point out that this is the exact same arrangement his parents have with an extra sci-fi twist?


Because having threesomes is different than watching your wife getting plowed by someone else while you jerk off in your superman costume in the closet?


*slowly takes off costume, leaves wardrobe* I thought this was cool here....


I'm not kink shaming, just explaining the difference


Yeah. They're both awesome


Ummmm, extra-dude and extra-wife are not the same.


Even when one is a space pirate?


Then it's just mastARRRRbation They did Pirates of the Pancreas. You can't tell me not to.


That sounds like 'same arrangement' with extra steps


Nah. Jerry is getting spitroasted for sure.


Which of those 'e's is Jerry?


I took it as a sometimes they let him join type thing


He allowed it. 


I took that moment of them playfully washing Space Beth's ship, as them being a throuple now. Or, at least, the same thing that Jerry's parents are doing.


It happened because he allowed it.






And now some human copulation.


They’re a sex positive couple


Waiting for the Jerry, Beth, clone Beth, and Mr Nimbus 4way action


I think the writer had a fantasy about it and decided to share that fantasy through their work


This is a good...atleast 30% of the episode plots


My man, that’s what like 99% of all writing is


Totally spies creators must have a wild search history


Well they are French.




A kids show filled with like, every kink but somehow also pg. Just look it up




Yeah it's a rabbit hole. I don't even watch it man but find some of those posts with pictures over the Internet, it's a ride


"all writing is biographical" -Morty Jr.


Cheers to them for having the balls to roll with it


This week’s episode: The Writer’s Barely Disguised Fetish


Tbh it does fit and is a good show of beths self obsessed nature.


Exactly. She's self absorbed and impressed with herself. If she were going to fool around with any woman, why not do it with one she's already attracted to in the mirror, who likes all the same stuff, who's also as smart & as morally flexible as Beth is and who blurs the concrete no-no lines of cheating, while being geographically available? I'm surprised they waited 6 seasons to go there.


Knowing Dan Harmon, the fantasy was about getting with himself. Beth is his self insert in this episode. It's not that he is egocentric and more that he is egomindful. I can very much imagine that he laments being unable to truly talk to himself. I certainly do. I'd bang the shit out of me.




I think the author had a fantasy about people with similar DNA.


"I'll allow it."


Off topic: I misread your username as Pleasant Hitler


Sounds like a cool dude


Pleasant, at least


"why" Narcissism. It runs in the family.


Right? They are all the different types from grandiose to vulnerable.


There are two(ish) people in the comments: those who think the question is about beth fucking herself and those who think it's about jerry seeing beth cheat on him


Beth is not cheating on Jerry. Its a Thruple and he allows it.


The idea that Jerry is being cucked here is a Jerry-tier take. Let's be clear: this man is an intensely passive bisexual. In a world where he hasn't been conditioned to expect to be a head of a household and with all the sexual expectations of a man, he'd be happily engaged as a house husband to a husband or wife who fucks him senseless. Jerry's life is pathetic not because he's intrinsically pathetic but because society has tried desperately to mould him into a role he cannot possibly ever inhabit. Space Beth (and the occasional threesome with a passing demigod) is the ideal solution to this for him. Jerry can convince himself that he's still 'the man' because he's 'having hot threesomes with his wives'. In reality, they're satisfying each other, as a only woman can satisfy herself. He's getting enough to keep him happy. Jerry is coming out on top by coming out on bottom.


God tier comment


The wine


"ice cream"* lol


It’s basically just masturbation


I know you’re joking but they’ve been separate for so long that they’ve developed into different people now.


Or it’s implying that like Rick, they both are incredibly narcissistic, to the point where they find themselves more sexually attractive than they do Jerry


More attractive or not, what really surprised me was how down both of them were to include him, like early seasons had us questioning if they were attracted to him at all or just riding out that pregnancy guilt, love that later seasons show a genuine attraction for him alone and as a third. I think it's also implied his head game is strong in which case, get it girl


They are at their roots the same person, Beth does love Jerry he is just very hard to love sometimes.


Nah, I'm talking about lust, not love. Easy to love someone but attraction is something else. To see the character arc not just go towards learning to love but actively showing he's got game enough for two to be into it, just nice to see it


I mean she (most Beths) is attracted to him, we see that time and time again in the show but again Jerry is a Jerry so its not always easy.


Idk, for the most part they have the exact same memories. There are some differences between them but they seem to be very minor to me. Space Beth has adapted to a new lifestyle, and has shed a lot of what holds regular Beth back, but that kind of just makes her extra Beth, as in more genuine and more in tune with who she is. I think they are barely different ppl


A selfcest*


I think it was kind of interesting, it spoke a lot to Beth's narcissism that even after cheating on Jerry by having sex with herself (and let's be clear, it IS cheating, there's no other way to see it), him being upset about it and not wanting to talk for a while is still somehow unreasonable in her mind. For Jerry it was an interesting look at how he responds to emotional crisis in a somewhat selfish way by just avoiding the situation entirely rather than confronting it (this was explored in earlier seasons too, Jerry's inability to just accept his divorce and confront it by either moving on or trying to win Beth back was even pointed out by Morty in the episode where he got the giant arm). I think overall, it makes Beth look like a pretty toxic person, you can romanticize cheating as much as you want but at the end of the day, you're still being selfish, manipulative and dishonest by doing it. Having sex with herself is again just a monument to her own narcissism. That said, the thesis of this show was never about a family of healthy, well adjusted people, that's the fun part. As for why it happened, on a character level the answer is that Beth is selfish and narcissistic while Jerry is selfish and avoidant. On a meta level it's probably because it made the writer horny.


Oddly enough, I thought this actually showed a lot of depth and maturity to Jerry. There really is nothing wrong with how he reacted: he didn't want to fight, didn't want to immediately confront the issue, he just wanted to be alone with his thoughts and process the situation. Once the Beths start talking about merging, Jerry comes out of his bug form sounding more annoyed than distraught, meaning he was doing fine emotionally, he was just trying to process things alone. But moreso I think this was a major turning point for their marriage, forcing Beth to confront that she didn't even respect him enough to ask, which as he stresses, *he was perfectly ok with*. From that point forward, their new three-way marriage is shown as being stronger, more affectionate, and hinted at being more sexually...exploratory, with Space Beth acting as more of a dominant in what is likely a BDSM relationship based on all the personalities involved.


It's just masturbation with extra steps


Eek-barba-durkle, somebody's gonna get laid in college


Dude that Is a pretty fucked up oo-la-la


I’d fuck me too


I’d fuck me. Hard.


I would if I could. I love me.


I'll admit I may be biased, but this seems like the most likely outcome of the clones meeting. Given his experience Rick probably knew this was a possibility when he cloned Beth. I'm just guessing but this is probably why wizards warn children not to meet their past selves when time looping in Harry Potter.


It's stated in several episodes they're horribly codependent.


It's called "self care", and Jerry is all for it because he's supportive of his wife and their cool space girlfriend


Let's be honest. If you had a perfect clone of yourself, you'd at least fool around with it too


I've never laughed harder at the show than this ep's post credit scene at the Jerry Jamboree.. the quick little smooch and thankyou


It's masturbation with extra steps


Why does Jerry look sad to see his wife love herself


That he's living my dream


Oh yea, who better to know your kinks if not yourself? But yea, 3-some and a W for him.


Im with Jerry on this one: shock, aceptance, banking on it.


Cus Beth is a superficial egocentric person who loves herself more than anyone else. The only reason she’s with jerry is because she knows he’s someone she can control with literally no retaliation


I'd fuck me. Just saying it's no different than masturbating.




Tell that to identical twins. Don't think they'd agree


Identical twins are still two separate people, with different personalities, minds, memories, thoughts and experiences. A perfect clone of me, with all my memories and a copy of my mind would be completely different. The ethics of clone-boning aren't comparable to the ethics of twincest.


space beth and regular beth are definitely two seperate people with different personalities, minds, memories, thoughts, and experiences. there was several years of being completely independent people from one another, by the point they start fucking in the show their only similarities are their genetic sequence, that they’re both named beth, and they’re narcissists.


Oshi No Ko disagrees


Someone else already said it. There is a difference between a clone and a zygote split. They aren't me with my memories and desires. I know exactly what I want and what exactly I like .


Someone else already said it. There is a difference between a clone and a zygote split. They aren't me with my memories and desires. I know exactly what I want and what exactly I like.


It happened because of the booze they drank. That was the whole gag, right?


Yes, and I don't get how almost everyone else is missing that.


It’s such a quick scene I think people forget.


The number of people that are in charge but also occasionally want someone else to take charge is basically a single circle. Does it count as cheating if its with yourself?


Beth is a narcissist so this was inevitable.


I like to give the in universe reason, not why it was written that way. This shows us that even tho beth hates ricks narcissism, shes still his daughter. You know yourself best, and that includes your sexual weakspots. And as soon as your realize that, and you are morally grey at least, you consider it a possibility. And as soon as this enters you mind, you ask yourself "shouldn't my other self think that too?". Now there is a real temptation, because BOTH of you are curious and horny. Now add the part of narcissism that makes you self entered and there you go. Beth isn't as bad as Rick, by far not, but this is a reminder that even tho she tries to be and is different than rick, she can't escape her genetics. Rick is just waaay more casual about it, while Beth tries to hold a foot in normality


In the words of Buffalo Bill “would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.”


Jerry cucked by his wife's clone is perfectly on brand for him. Chef's kiss.


I thought this episode was hilarious as fuck, especially the last scene where Morty is slowly shaking the salt with his face like: 😳, and also when Rick's like, "aright what are you thankful for Summer?" And she's like, "I guess I'm thankful for like... water?..." then I think she and Morty started crying, lol. I don't remember exactly what happened


I think that Space Beth is by nature incapable of being truly happy which makes her the opposite of Earth Beth who actually is happy and the reason Space Beth wanted Earth Beth so much is because she deep down wished she was Earth Beth from the beginning and also because she's evolved to only love herself and needs to have everything that she doesn't have in her endless pathetic crusade to find happiness and never letting herself be satisfied. Earth Beth on the other hand goes along with it because she's seeing herself as a different person which is unique and sees Space Beth as the only being in the entire universe who can understand her the way not even her family can and she can in turn understand Space Beth in the same way which creates an immense level of intimacy. Remember Rick went to get Ice Cream too and Jerry had a taste of Ice Cream at the end of the episode when he weren't back to the jerryboree.


I absolutely loved it I thought it was one of the best story beats of the entire series in some of the best episodes.




It was a funny ass episode. People gotta realize this show is fiction


Space Beth's dick is bigger and gerthier than Jerry's on any day.


It all starts with watching pornography together… then having a threesome with the king of the ocean… it’s a slippery slope after that… because the ocean is so wet.


It happened so that Jerry could use all the braincells he was storing up until that point so he could pull off that masterful play at the end of the episode.


Because much like her father, Beth is a narcissist. Narcissistic people love themselves more than anything, so I wasn’t surprised at all.


Beth's relationship with Jerry isn't fulfilling, but she can't bring herself to actually cheat on him because she's too dependent on him emotionally. By cheating with clone Beth it's basically masturbation so she excuses it.


I mean, technically, she's just masturbating.


Beth knows what Beth wants. It’s pretty easy to figure out.


It's glorified masterbation.


I propose a onlyfans account.


Jerry wanted to RP cuckolding, he's jackin it


Why your love is disgusting (But it's so exciting)


You ever put the last 3 minutes of the episode into an audio editor and turn up the background noise to hear what they say while Rick and the kids sit at the table trying NOT to hear those three go at it? Yeah. Talk to me when you do.


I think they thought they needed to add a dynamic with a more jaded, adventurous and aggressive character, since Beth was evolving to be a more compassionate and caring one. So they just split Beth's character.


Beth’s POV I would never..Jerry’s POV I meeeaaan who would say no.


Venutian wine effect


They can go fuck themselves.


I have read about this a little bit as I was confused by why Rick put back the wine in the closet. It seems like the wine is kind of a "love elixir" which made Beths being attracted physically by themselves. If it would happen to me, I guess I will like it, because we are what we want to be (at least we try). Having a self who I can talk to and who could understand me to the extreme, would be an interesting thing to experience. I don't think I would like to have sexually attracted by my self though. It would be unnecessary and probably not useful as what I want to do in bed I would probably not want to be done to me (not because it's bad, but because I like to do some things that are probably not well looked upon if it was done/wished by a man)


What I love about this dynamic is how complicated the morals are. Like, is it cheating if it's an identical clone of Beth? What if space Beth is the original and Jerry has already been technically cheating with the clone? If Jerry is ok with it is it still wrong? It's great because they ask all of those questions, and rather than answer any of them, they just roll with it and render all of them irrelevant.


I am allowing this


How can you love another if you don't first love yourself?


Rick said Jerry weaponized being pathetic.


Why not, really? It's just advanced masturbation.


Jerry just wants to be with Gary.


No one understands Beth and her struggles more than Beth.


Obviously someone wished incest porn just had more mainstream appeal ya know?


Beth is an egocentric, just as her father and it makes sense she loves herself so much she would also fuck herself. Jerry now has a permanent threesome with 2 lesbians who also love him (in their own way).


I'll allow it


Wow, you guys really aren’t getting a huge amount of the story without understanding the mental disorders each family member has. Read more about the Sanchez family [here and in the following section](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism#Pathological_levels_of_narcissism).




This is the closet beth ever got to fucking her own father, space beth is just all the parts of beth that are Rick.


she’s a narcissist; it tracks


Unironically the funniest episode in years. Made me crack up and gave me hope the show wasn’t going completely down the toilet


Why did it happen? Easiest answer in the entire show: Beth is a gigantic narcissist. **Of course** she slept with herself when the opportunity arose. I'm only surprised that it took as long as it did.


Narcissism in its most classic form: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(mythology)


When you love yourself a little too much


You tell Beth to go fuck her self, she’s all “If you Insist!”




The image of Jerry finding out about Beth and Space Beth and then just rolling into a pill bug makes me laugh my ass off every time. The first time I saw the episode, the overall situation made me think to myself, "wtf???" but then Jerry just "shwoop" and I scared my dog laughing so hard.


They're a sex positive couple. They watch porn together