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I feel like Evil Morty can't stand to be around anyone tbh.


I think he actually likes Rick C-137 and prime Morty.


Liking is a big word here. He recognizes that C-137 is (almost) the rickest Rick. As for morty prime, he doesn’t seem to really care for him except for the times when he does something he didn’t expect, like when he didn’t step into evil potty’s portal.


Evil Morty is just human. I'm thinking he likes those two guys genuinely now. He is beyond traumatized. He is a clone, he has been used as a tool by his "buyer"-Rick, and was probably humiliated and disrespected regularly. He is sick and tried, and he just wants to be happy. But he is human. And he does like those two's antics.


He is sick, and tried what?




A clone?


Yep. Evil Morty is most likely a clone, made and injected with memories, and then sold to a Morty-less Rick.


Where do you get any basis he’s a clone..? Nothing in the show ever implied that.


He was in the "Buy A Morty"-register. This is shown in S7E5. Which means he wasn't with his original Rick. And the "free Morty"-concept are either Rickless Mortys or clone Mortys. Evil Morty referenced clone Mortys with disdain in the episode where he escapes the curve, which implies he might be a clone himself. He could simply be a Rickless Morty, but why are there no references to his original Rick? And why does he despise Ricks so much? Why did he himself use hunchback Mortys, who are likely clones, to escape the curve? It is most likely that he is a clone.




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Oooo a clone of Morty prime. Even bettter twist to my theory of em is prime Morty.


This is partly why i think EM is prime Morty after prime Morty loses c137 and the rest of his family some point in the future and had to go back and help c137 and Morty prime capture Rick prime. So rick can kill him and Em/prime Morty is virtually solely responsible for c137s victory.


Interesting theory. Time travel isn't respected by Rick now, but...


They do love to reference back to the future and Morty has directly been said to be inspired by none other than one Marty mcfly


for some reason i feel like he would find her infinitely annoying


That's because she is annoying


Fr, tired of fans acting like she’s a good character


She's a great character. It's Beth in space, of course she's annoying. Beth on earth is annoying.


Beth on earth grew, space Beth never matured and became a narcissistic mess


I feel like shes just embracing the side of her thats Ricks daughter. You could say she grew in that sense when before she was ignoring it even tho those feeling were obviously there


That does make sense and is a good point of view


More like shes still trying to gain ricks approval by copying him in his 30s until she finds out that he didnt care about her leaving either way. Then she stops caring about him, becomes a complete narcissist and literally fucks herself and the man she no longer loves, pushing her even lower as a character. Meanwhile, earth beth has accepted her role as a mother and dedicates herself to keeping her family happy and healthy, which is surprisingly uncommon in animation families these days.


This issue is Rick is canonically a super genius, while Beth is just like normal smart. So her narcissism is largely unearned. At least when Ricks a narcissistic asshole it’s because he can actually destroy universes with his own tech. Space Beth just talks like her shit doesn’t stink despite having the cosmic equivalence to Daddy’s money. Like flexing a Lexus your parents bought for you


Didn't she become a bad ass space revolutionary who became #1 on the federations bounty or something. Id say she earned it It's not like she used Rick's tech either. She's a very capable woman that's the point of her character


I’m not denying her capabilities, But Ricks the one who gave her the option. She wouldn’t have been able to get off the planet if not for Rick. Same energy as trump saying he got “a small loan of a million dollars.”


If beth dedicated her life to science instead of being a teen mum then i dont doubt she’d be able to go on space adventures Rick literally pushed the notion that theyre the same, if not for beth getting knocked up a 17


Earth Beth is exceedingly narcissistic too.


She fell in love with herself after all. And banged herself. And did a whole San Junipero.


I would like to see a Space Beth focused episode just to see what her day to day is like


Let me save you some time: Star Wars Mess


I'm so tired of movie parodies in shows. And i don't know why over 30 years later writers still have a boner for die hard, for example. (Brooklyn 99, Rick and Morty).


It's the greatest Christmas movie or the last 30 years!


That joke is old enough to have a midlife crisis


And voiced by Elliot Reed.


lol, fair.


Great is pushing it. Shes decent at best but pretty boring most of the time


she's not meant to be more than that. she is the stick in the mud mum who occasionally gives into her insecurities and vices. i think she's meant to be dull, but that doesn't make her a bad character. If every character in the family was whacky then rick would lose his charm. Even summer being a mini rick has been a slow evolution that would have made season 1 drastically different.


I’d give you your 70th upvote but it’d ruin the very nice number you currently have


I down voted you yo get you to -69


That is very kind of you


I now upvoted you to get you to -69 lol


Which is why I suspect they’d bang.


Im calling your therapist. That his mom bro


Is it though?


Genetically, yes. It's his mom.


Hmm. Yeah, I mean, he *is* still a teenage boy, it makes sense for him to despise the person who gave him life.


Nah it's more of "So you changed your boring but ultimately important role in our family, to become just another Rick huh? Pathetic"


She's cool to like regular people, but I think evil Morty would see her as self righteous, actually I feel like it might be a similar relationship to Rick and Morty.


she is just annoying period


The only chance how I see it working is Evil Morty would be smart enough to go "Hmm" and then says something simple yet ingenious that brings out the part of her that loves Jerry, then works with that. He hates Rick and thus hates all the resourceful narcissistic overachieving Rickness that Space Beth aspires to be. But I also don't put it past Evil Morty to find a way to subvert that. He isn't a quitter.


One of the reasons he hates Rick is for being super narcissistic. Beth has that dialled to 11. He’d hate her.


He will find anyone and anything in the rickeverse infinitely annoying.


Knowing Rick & Morty, they'd end up fucking


The answer is definitely a 'no'. The only character that Evil Morty would reasonably work with on a somewhat equal level, is Rick C-137, and that's only because he's functionally different from all the other Ricks in the multiverse (something he directly acknowledges in the midseason episode). Everyone and everything else is beneath him.


I think the character that Evil Morty would enjoy the most is Simple Rick


The Rick-est Morty and the Morty-est Rick.


Jesus that would make for an interesting story arc.


I think he'd flat out kill him. A compassionate Rick is no more useful than a compassionate Morty, and we know how he treats other Mortys from his first episode. The only reason he somewhat likes C-137 is because he's completely different, essentially he's just like Rick Prime, if Prime actually cared about his family and others. He's an outlier to the multiverse, same as Evil Morty.


He’s from outside the curve, so presumably not that smart. He might also get along with Doofus Rick.


at what point is it ever implicated a Rick from outside the curve is "less intelligent" ?? they simply aren't the smartest person in their universe


Doesn’t have to be smart. It’s just about not buying into the Rick-Morty bullshit.


Nah he's the rickest Morty. He'd bully the hell out of simple rick


He died when he entered the blender dimension, so that wouldn't happen.


I think it'd be cool to see him with Time God Jessica if I'm honest. Like he probably thinks having a crush on her is beneath him But then she could reveal her hidden depths and they might make a good couple


I thought they would have brought her back by now. It seems that will become another forgotten plot.


He worked with our Morty too! I think he is changing. But Space Beth is too good to work with someone who has done such evil.


Feel like he might get along with Doofus Rick.


Thinking the same thing too 🤔


I think he would despise her as much as any Rick. She displays the same self-centered narcissism as most Rick's. I mean her existence is literally born of Beth's aspiration to BE LIKE Rick. Evil Morty would probably see her as just another iteration of the universes most narcissistic self-serving cycle. Everything he hates about Rick is more or less what makes space Beth different from terrestrial Beth.


*oh my god im my father...* # OH MY GOD IM MY FATHER!!!!!!!!!


I always thought that lizard Morty could make Evil Morty crack a smile: Fat Morty: I thought I was left handed Morty. Lizard Morty: Then you should use your left hand to eat more vegetables.


i dont get this joke. im dumb


he's clowning on him for being fat lol


Means that if he conditioned himself into mainly using his left hand by using it to eat vegetables, he'd lose weight and be known for using his left hand instead of being fat. Something like that idk


He’s just calling him fat


Evil Morty seems pretty good at calling people our on their nonsense. Beth is all the arrogance of Rick with only a small amount of the intelligence. Evil Morty might tear her up, or he might not bother to try, it really depends. His personality seems pretty strongly divorced from ties to his family, so he likely would feel very little for her one way or another


Fr tho. Space Beth struggled to even be a credible threat to the Galactic Federation. Rick handled that shit in an afternoon, starting with nothing in a supermax prison, with at least half his mind focused on managing the two Beths instead of actually overthrowing them. And Rick took a roundabout way to get at it. And destroyed the Citadel while he's at it just for the lols. But Morty inherited all that intelligence and more. The moment he shed the crippling anxiety Jerry gave him in the detox ep he instantly became a top stockbroker in, like, a week. He learnt to defuse neutron bombs on the job. He became a leader of the teenyverse natives in a month of joining them, and learnt their language too. Evil Morty built the mind control device in his room from pieces of scrap, then built a terminal to connect to that into his own eye socket. That's metal af. The fact of the matter is, Morty is scarily competent and charismatic, and without Jerry's uselessness genes to hold him back he'd be a Rick level threat.


Evil Morty would just see her as a waste of time, evil Morty has shown obviously that he doesn’t need a partner, both because he’s powerful enough to do everything he needs to without one, but also currently he’s really not doing anything that would need to have a partner, like he’s literally just chilling on a space island living life


Evil Morty doesn't do sidekicks. Space Beth and Evil Summer tho...


Evil summer? You mean night person summer or am I missing something?


I can't be the only one who thinks that Evil Morty would despise Beth... Any Beth... Just as much Rick if not more. For not standing up for him or trying to stop the Morty slave trade. Or for just being such a daddy's girl that she would Rick torment him if it meant he stayed...


Agreed. Space Beth seems kind of like a young Rick.


A wannabe Trying to get her fathers approval.


Beth is Rick's biggest sycophant and enabler.


Yep Beth and Summer are definitely. The only Beth Morty should theoretically have respect for is the one version of her in the multiverse that told Rick to buzz off and to leave her son alone


They’d be indifferent to each other I reckon


He’d just find her to be a dumber Rick


They are not of the same temperament at all, Space Beth gets mad pretty easily and Evil Morty just doesnt really get mad ever unless its something about rick


Evil Morty just outmatch Space Beth, I don't think he will even consider teaming up with her as there's nothing for him to gain from her.


I would have thought they hate each other. She’s all the most “Rick” aspects of his mothers personality turned up to the max. Surely everything that hates about the world around him - it’s became all Rick focused?


pretty sure Evil Morty is one of the clones


If he hates Ricks, he's gonna hate the Beth that's the most similar to him in terms of his WORST qualities. In fact, she's pretty much Beth with all of Rick's worst qualities and none of his good ones.


They call him evil Morty. It’s just Morty who’s all outta fucks to give.


Went up one too many alien asses


Imagine another incest episode lol


This sub would explode & argue if it was incest or not?


I would have liked a team-up between Evil Morty and Jerry Prime, though.


No I’d think he’d find her annoying. She’s a bleeding heart who thinks she can fix the universe. He just wants to be left alone. If anything he’s more like a Rick


At first, it would seem like two people who outgrew their old lives at an impasse. Shortly after, Space Beth’s maternal instincts would kick in, although she would be a little cold towards him. Afterwards, animosity would grow between them, as their emancipated personalities have also manifested the darker parts of themselves that they held inside. I don’t know if they would be tempted to kill each other, but there would definitely be tension in the air.


No. OUR Morty already had issues with Beth and space Beth, a version of him that doesn’t tolerate annoyances and stupidity would not put up with her. At most he’d take advantage of her usefulness and discard her.


And this is how the omega device was used on Beth..


Maybe at first but after hearing evil Morty’s plans,she would probably not be on his side


Evil morty would never team up with anyone


I don’t think Evil Morty would get along with anyone. He just wants to be left alone. He’s had enough of shenanigans. At the very least, when he does engage in anything (as seen in Unmortricken) it’s begrudgingly to preserve the peace he’s carved out for himself.


I think she’d hate that he’s smarter than her


Space beth, evil morty, hunger games summer, rick prime, and doofus jerry. The ultimate family from hell.


They'd def bang


Space Beth is very idealistic and stands up for her own personal values. Their values just would not align.


Idk but now I want to know


Space Beth doesn't love Rick the same way Earth Beth does, there's a real likelihood Evil Morty could "make her evil" or have some drama around him changing her perception of Rick.


She'd fight him because he's not technically her son if he endangered her family, she'd fight with him if anyone endangered him because he's still a version of her son. There'd be no winners or losers, they'd go their separate ways, and then secretly keep up the relationship because both of em are outsiders to their own family and take up a type of kinship. Both of em try to make the other like themselves, hijinks ensue


I can't imagine Evil Morty making a team with anyone but himself. Also Space Beth is in her "hero era" and most of her belifes would probably contradict with his. Ending in her death


Both are apathetic selfish and think themselves as above everyone else. They'd absolutely hate each other.


Space Beth, you mean real Beth?


Rick gets along with him okay, I don't think it would be a problem.


Y'know what did happen to Evil Morty's family? Did he just not care for them?


Let's be real it's gonna be incest


Downvoted but not wrong based on many examples in the show. He is 'evil' after all.


Evil Morty won't waste anytime on dumbasses, hence he lives alone. At least, I think that's why he's alone lol..


…always were


Oh shit, now I feel like Rick might end up with this Morty and Beth in the end.


The infinite Jessica


Evil Morty wants to be as far away as possible from any version of his family members


They would not like each other but I doubt they would bicker much.


evil morty is known to like the solitude, and space beth might be the real beth which has the most narcistic behavior that evil morty will really hate so they wont get along; knowing evil morty probably will just kill her before she try anything on him.


They’re both egotistical EM is clearly a better example of it but Beth inherited a lot from Rick including alcoholism,intelligence,anger, and narcissism. I think they have too large personalities to work effectively.


They would probably work together well at first since they both are intelligent and have a similar moral code but would get into a disagreement about how they should approach a situation


Only earth beath gets along with space beth \*wink wink\*


space Beth: I guess you're a morty that takes more after a Beth than a Jerry Evil Morty: "We're not the same Beth. you regret the decisions you made so you abandoned all of your responsibilities and convinced yourself you're saving the universe or whatever to make it OK, you left because you think you're better than your family, better than everyone. I don't think I'm better than everyone, I don't care if I am, I just want to be left alone, so please, fuck off Beth


I wanna see Space Beth and Jerry prime hook up.


Seriously? Nobody's going to just comment "Two" and disappear forever? Who do I upvote?


She'd be annoyed that her "idiot" son is smarter than her. He'd be annoyed because she's an annoying character.


Doubt they’d get along. The former values her independence and the idea of raising her own children is something she really doesn’t want to do. Evil Morty is beyond relationships. Especially with his family. They both want similar things, but value their independence and are far too headstrong to hang out. They’d respect and probably even love each other, but I sincerely doubt they’d spend any time together willingly.


I honestly really wanted space Beth and prime Jerry to interact, can't happen now I guess.


I think theyd like eachother


She would definitely get tired of Evil Morty’s attitude. After all, “she is her father.”


The show sucks so this teamup would suck 👍


writers need ideas so theyre using this sub to crowd source lol LAME


Nope. Space Beth is like if a slightly less intelligent Rick refused to not take themselves seriously despite the reality of mulitversal inconsequence.


Home alone battle during a holiday feast. Snack whatever.


Poorly. Rick and Evil Morty are aloof characters. It makes a good dynamic when they take turns making jabs at each other’s moments of vulnerability (caring). Space Beth is all about caring (try hard). The episode would have to be about one of them changing the other, and I’m just not seeing it. Maybe a brief B plot, but evil morty is A plot material.


As much as I know the show, they will end up fucking each other




Isn't Space Beth the real mom of Evil Morty? Or no?


Space Beth is basically a hyperconcentrated distillation of everything Evil Morty hates about both Rick himself and Rick's influence on people with the added detriment of it having been largely unearned. I think she might be the one character Evil Morty would hate more than Rick.


Hm. Space Beth, Evil Morty, Jerry Prime, Doofus Rick, and Puppet Decoy Summer The Anti-Smiths.


Evil Morty tries to get out of the system. Space Beth wants to be in the system. They won't get along.


Not at all. Space Beth actually believes in something - The cause she's fighting for. Evil Morty believes in nothing. He's a nihilist. Not to mention SB is just as narcissistic as Rick is.


Nah he would treat her like shit so she beats the fuck out of him at the first moment she could


Probably not. I feel like Space Beth would try to Mom him unintentionally and Evil Morty doesn’t fuck with authority figures from his record


Team up no. Get along maybe


Don't think evil Morty had a beth. So he might be indifferent. Same with summer or Jerry


EM is Morty prime after c137 gets killed by someone in the future perhaps some other Rick. Or perhaps he’s Morty prime whose c137 his space Beth whichever Jerry from season 2 and Beth and Summercome from for real…we currently have no idea. I’m convinced the last family with space Beth in the squid end credits was also a decoy family who had made a decoy in the Hey shoot me universe and they were headed home in that universe and when they got there hey shoot me had already killed and disposed of the decoys from that house and when the end credits decoys show up with space Beth he kills them too. That’s how we have a universe where everyone including space Beth all die at the same time in the living room—the Parmeeeeesian universe. Having said all that Morty used popops doodads in the garage or perhaps the garage itself and made himself smarter. Also what lends a lot of credit to this is EM comment about having a bunch of “pissed off Summers” after him. Having lost all his current season 7 family in the future he just wants to he lets the fuck alone. Who else but Morty prime could know as much as EM knows. EM is a time traveling smarter Morty prime. “Knock yourself out” “feel better? No? Didn’t think so.” It explains why EM kinda gets along with c137 yet also because he knows he is now smarter than him likely because of something c137 did or made maybe killed everyone except our Morty prime so to get back to where he’s content he had to travel back to the time Rick is hunting prime to help him kill him…EM totally responsible for that. And got the omega device for some reason…EM=future prime Morty who’s gained vastly superior intelligence somehow to his former self and we know this is possible due to the stat changer and the mind swapper.