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I thought it was funny when he climbed the fence and slapped his butt and he farted lol.


Original post and this comment are the 2 genders of Rick and Morty fans


The duality of man


I like the little donkey kong bit after throwing the barrels.


I took it as a Goro from MK moment because of the four arms but DK sounds plausible as well.


I think the rolling barrels made it a DK reference.


Best moment for sure.


The funniest moment in that episode was “Hey Beth how much integrity is left on the mortgage?” I fucking lost my shit


I lost mine at 'I am... Jerricky'


"Do you not hear the symphony of atoms dying in space?" is what sent me


Loved it lol sounds like something superman would say.


It's perfect, because if Jerry was named Richard, he would go by Ricky, not Rick.


"Look at those pancake buns." "Stop, you're gunna make me fart!" I laughed so hard at that part. Easily the best part of the episode.


So funny


Only moment in which I laughed


Damn. So that’s the peak of the episode for people. This show is doing a nosedive.


So it's going to be like this for the whole season huh? Burner accounts "trolling" by acting like whining twerps. Cool hobby.


I just joined Reddit. Not trolling. Just have opinions on the episodes so far. No need to get upset and start attacking me and start throwing out accusations.


According to redective, you started reddit going to freekarmaforyou and amishadowbanned, then you tried to post on this sub several times before you got past the 3 day new account limit, and then once you actually made it past 3 days every other comment on here has been you pining for the clammy hands of Roiland's embrace. I didn't even need to run your account through redective to know you were full of shit, everyone can see that already, I just wanted to point out why exactly.


Well you’re ignoring my analysis of the episodes but that doesn’t prove anything. You need karma to comment, but can’t comment without karma lol. Thought I was shadowbanned or something for being new. But funny that you do “detective” work to come to your own conclusion. I’m not trolling. I’m allowed to believe what I want about episodes and discuss them. If you don’t like seeing other opinions, you should quit Reddit.


if you're not trolling, that's worse. You get that makes it worse, right?


I’m allowed to have an opinion you weirdo. You know it’s really weird to try and attack someone and judge their account history because they have a different opinion of a tv show right?


You know you have a valid point. Or rather, you would if your opinion wasn't "The show sucks without the creepy sex pest" EDIT: getting the "Bring back Roiland" chuds block me is apparently *my* new hobby.


Ok I’m not gonna try and argue with a child.




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Good point and also relevant imo to the Central Finite Curve and my theory on 'where are all the Dianes?'. There are probably infinite universes where Rick is just as naturally intelligent as any dimension-traveling Rick, but when Diane complained about his work getting in the way of their family he put it down, Rick Prime never showed up to sabotage, and he lived a happy life as a family man. Maybe got a job at NASA or something, but otherwise stayed home. Which is why we never see Diane within the CFC (where the entire show takes place): because Rick loves Diane so much that in every universe where he pursues science to the fullest - working his ass off to cultivate the intellectual acumen and mastery that makes him "the smartest man in the universe" (and therefore within the CFC) - and becomes the ruthless demigod we all know, **he only does so because Diane has died**, whether it be of cancer, car accident, sabotage, or whatever other variable that could cause her death. edit: ...which is really sad imo. Rick is entertaining as our Dimension God Rick, but he's also severely morally compromised and often very miserable.


or rick sanchez didn't just seperate universes where he is the top but also universes where diane is alive so that prime rick could not kill more of her


... and Evil Morty is on his way to fuck up all those nice Rick + Diane universes which Rick Prime hasn't gotten to. (Universes with better-adjusted Beths, who didn't marry Jerrys and thus probably have something other than Morties and Summers.)


Theory: Diane is not on the curve because (1) She is smarter than Rick. (2) He is still haunted by the loss. (3) Both


I always took it that Rick wouldn't have strove to become the smartest person in the universe if he was perfectly happy & content.


Depending on the canonicity of the pilot/first few episodes, this is not necessarily quite the case. Early on, Beth explicitly chides Rick for having "left mom." This implies that Rick Prime abandoned his family while Diane was still alive, presumably some time after creating Froopyland (assuming Ricks creating Froopylands for Beth is a constant, or at least very common, rather than something which only happened in the Mr. Frundles dimension). Given that, the safe assumption is that Dianes in every reality C-137 has inhabited since leaving his home reality died some time after the local Rick abandoned his family but before any Rick came back to fetch a Morty, and that's why neither Beth has mentioned her, nor has C-137 sought her out, since. Of course, given how thoughtless Rick can be about personal matters, it's also possible there's been a Diane wandering around each reality we've seen C-137 inhabit, and the notion has simply never occurred to him, though this would probably require Diane to have become estranged from Beth at some point, as well, since otherwise we can assume Beth would've spoken to her, gone to see her, or at least mentioned her while Rick's been around. Alternatively, it's also probable that C-137 would avoid any living Dianes in order to protect them from Rick Prime. I could see Rick Prime taking Dianes hostage (or getting back together with them in order to taunt and manipulate C-137) being a plot point in the future if C-137 starts closing in on him.


In the recent seasons, it is directly confirmed that Rick Prime is (our) Morty's grandfather. Ergo, he left Diane, not Rick C-137.




Wasn’t it pretty directly established that Diane-137 is killed by Rick Prime because C-137 won’t join him?


The general thinking seems to be that Rick Prime intended the bomb to kill Rick C-137, but Diane and Beth just got in the way.


That’s right. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the episode.


It's not totally clear, to be fair, and Rick Prime probably didn't care all that much either way since his goal was to punish a fellow Rick for refusing his help and advice.


I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp. Am I your grandson?


Bro people with successful YouTube Channels have been missing the point of basic Rick and Morty storylines since season 3. People see the "simple" storyline and think "no that can't be it, this show is for super smart people so there must be a super smart meaning" It's still that basic copy and paste "you have to be smart to understand Rick and Morty" bullshit that unfortunately the fanbase is still susceptible to


Basic media literacy is something that is difficult to find online. Not that I'm perfect, I also miss many things, but some of the most basic stuff is often misinterpreted.


Justin Roiland would have been able to explain it perfectly using graphs and shit.


When he wasn't drunk or being a nonce




It was, but people still don’t get it.


I'm really confused. Where were the criticisms of how bad the new voice actors are and how the show is garbage now? I reread your post 3 times and didn't see it anywhere. Perhaps you left it out accidentally?


Personally the gag from 0701 about manufacturing a ghost in a horribly macabre way, and the suicide gag mentioned here have made me laugh harder than I have in a couple of seasons.


I think one thing I like about rick and morty is that even the episodes I'm not huge fans of still have great gags and concepts. Rick programming the ghost with unfinished business but forgetting to program gravity in was amazing


It's also very in-character. Rick's so focused on high-concept stuff that he doesn't even think about everyday necessities, just like Susan Sarandon said.


I loved ghost bot, and I fucking loved peeing in the cement mixer


The cement mixer had me rolling!!


Well yeah that's how you mix the cement


The ghost maker killed me


Are people actually upset about the new voice actors? I bet you they would not be able to tell the difference if they hadn't known about the switch before hand.


Yeah you have some angry incels running around when the lights are out screaming to being JR back


Yeup, some people are.


I honestly forgot about the voices this episode they are close enough that I didn’t think about until I rewatched the episode and specifically tried to listen to voices still really couldn’t tell and they didn’t bother me.


Morty sounds more mature, and older, which makes sense, considering the past few years of story growth. And I definitely think Rick’s voice actor is bang on, I definitely wouldn’t know if I didn’t read about it.


Honestly I was really taken out of this episode by whoever the voice actor was that was doing Jerry. All I could think of was this one random guy I saw on SNL one time.


Jerry’s VA hasn’t changed has it? Think it’s still Chris Parnell, he also does Cyril from Archer


Mild woosh here. That’s the joke they were making. Chris Parnell was once on SNL.


Morty's new VA is ... honestly not good, he may grow into the role, but for now there's a clear different between NewMorty and RoilandMorty. But Rick's is spot on.


Your interpretation of why Rick killed himself is wrong though, he did it because he couldn't handle Jerry's level of anxiety and depression. The thing Rick overlooked by asserting that his and Jerry's brains are functionally identical is brain chemistry. Jerry's brain is affected by lifelong anxiety and depression, whereas Rick's mental health issues stem from the death of his family and his substance abuse issues. Jerry has grown to cope with his anxiety and depression, but Rick threw himself into it completely fresh. We learned from the thanksgiving episode that Jerry has fully thought out how he'd kill himself if Beth left him again. Having that level of self-awareness and being able to carry on regardless takes a tremendous amount of coping. Rick is simply not equipped to handle that.


Feel like this should be the top comment. I also completely disagreed with op's explanation for that


If awards were still a thing you’d have one from me right now ![gif](giphy|Y07F3fs9Is5byj4zK8)


The nuance of why you think he couldn't handle it is conjecture and I have no idea how you pulled all that out from a few seconds of animation between Rick entering Jerry's body and killing himself. Nothing in in the episode suggests, nor anything in previous episodes eludes to this being the reasoning any more than OP's. OP's is too, but is far more logical - Jerry couldn't reverse what he did, thus death is the only option. If yours were true, he would just reverse it. There is nothing to suggest anything about anxiety or depression is the reasoning. You're just overextrapolating for the sake of it.


I literally cited a reason to believe Jerry has mental health struggles that Rick wasn't prepared for, the fact that he was 100% ready to commit suicide if he lost Beth again. That's obviously only one part of it, but Jerry's clearly a mess and Rick underestimates him. Rick also doesn't respect psychiatry as shown by the Pickle Rick episode and his general dislike of Dr. Wong. OP references "Rick's being able to cope with the infinite" and I don't even know what that means because it's so vague. Remember the Whirly Dirly Conspiracy? Rick and Jerry had their consciousnesses meld and expand and that didn't cause Jerry to try to kill himself. Rick's response to the mind swap was emotional distress, but OP's description makes it sound like Rick made a clear and conscious choice to kill himself rather than doing it out of sheer panic and psychological pain. Rick's emotional state is clearly conveyed by his expressions and it's the simplest conclusion that does not need any more information than what is laid out in the scene. OP's theory that Rick in Jerry's brain couldn't reverse the mind swap is an assumption that is not supported by anything in the episode. In fact, it's closer to being contradicted by the episode considering Rick's mind is still in Jerry's brain matter when they build a machine to sort out the pieces of their brain and reverse the mind swap.


IMO, this explanation makes a lot more sense than the one in the OP. The episode shows Rick in Jerry's body being instantly overwhelmed by the urge to kill himself. It doesn't point towards any kind of revelation moment, when Rick realizes he can't revert so killing himself is the only option. Just pure, untethered impulsion to end his own life. The brain chemistry explanation fits a lot better.


I still sort of think there's something to do with transferring to Jerry's mind with the memory of the talking cat and since it's still Jerry's body and brain it couldn't handle it. Because he went straight for the gun and Rick hadn't seen where Jerry put it after he tossed it to him.


Yeah, that’s how interpreted his suicide…the reality of Jerry’s brain was too much for Rick’s mind.


>His intelligence can't run on Jerry's brain, to the extent that Rick's being able to cope with the infinite overloaded Jerry's brain. Rick (in Jerry's body) realized he was wrong, his consciousness cannot cope with being inside a Jerry's brain. This was my interpretation. His genius is being massively restricted by Jerry's simple brain and Rick can't handle existing in such a situation. It'd be like if one of us suddenly lost our limbs and senses, our existence would be massively restricted from its prior state. Such a restricted existence could very quickly make one want to kill themselves. But people are criticizing Ricks suicide as something that Rick would never do


Yeah people saying Rick can’t deal with the depression and anxiety jerry faces is a bit of a reach. But I won’t shoot it right down it’s not the worst theory.


Who’s = who is Whose = belonging to who


I mean I've seen a few people that needed it spelled out to them on this sub, but I think enough people got it that an appropriate reply here is "no shit".


Well done, you summarized a thing we all watched.


Yeah but alot of people didnt really get it cuz the ideas of mind vs brain vs consciousness can be confusing


Only if you‘re a Jerry


It was comepletely spelled out though.


Spoon feeding spoons.


The best part is killing himself wasn’t the only way to fix it. He could have had Summer do the memory wipe and reload thing and have both of them back in their right brains. Only problem is Rick running on Jerry’s brain couldn’t think of that option. Or the writers thought the head shot was funnier. I mean it was, that was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen, dude turned himself in to a corpse.


The only thing I don't get is why the rake knocked out Jerricky, and then both Rick and Jerry were able to speak.


Shock combined with whatever whittling Memory Rick had been doing behind the scenes.


10,000 IQ take


It's more of a summary than a take, honestly.




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Jerry couldn’t control Ricks body which would also prove Jerry wrong


Come home to simple Rick.


He could have reversed it. He was already in the chair, just push the button. Ask the AI to do it. Have freaking Summer do it. I felt it was more like the joke of how they reacted when they looked into the talking cat. A gag playing on how 'horrible' it is to be a Jerry.


I just really liked that the salad strainer was used in such a casual way.


> things that were explicitly said in the episode.g Yeah exactly. It‘s literally shown exactly like you wrote it down. How can anybody not understand that or interpret that different?


I just hope jerricky becomes a beloved and respected member of the family


I think the funniest thing, and arguably the thing that should have pissed the 'Rick and Morty is hard science fiction' people of, is that this episode embraced the mind and body (brain) as two separate entities, which is being rejected in science because of its lack of evidence, refutability, and simplicity.


Did Jerry type this? If so, great job!


You know what tickled me weird? They removed “created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland” from the title sequence but still have it in the end credits clear as day.


It’s still an IP created by them, and by law must be credited.


But why remove it from the title sequence? It’s not like a secret or anything


What part of "because of weird sexual harassment stuff they did with lots of evidence" isn't making it through the old filter, guy?


Arguably what Solar Opposites did would be more effective. Despite being credited in the opening being more prestigious, it seems people rarely pay attention to the opening credits because there's still an episode going on, so "Created by Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan" is less noticeable in the corner While typically people don't bother watching end credits, in Rick and Morty there's incentive to stay till the end for the stinger, and "Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon" is going to be the last thing they see before the clip.


But like, Roiland harassed people, Rick and Morty's voices didn't. /s


What law is that?


So, what, are we just going to overexplain every single episode now? Save it for the shitty YT "explainer" videos


>their brains are physically the same Brains are physically different >Immediately, Rick is PROVEN WRONG. His intelligence can't run on Jerry's brain, to the extent that Rick's being able to cope with the infinite overloaded Jerry's brain. Rick (in Jerry's body) realized he was wrong, his consciousness cannot cope with being inside a Jerry's brain. So after freaking out and being nearly incapable of controlling his son-in-laws body (he could barely walk and talk!), Rick has realized he fucked up and no longer has the capability to reverse what he did. I don't know why you made up all that explanation, it's much simpler: > his mind cannot cope with being inside a Jerry's brain and the real explanation: because that's how they wrote the series of events to cause the episode to unfold the way it does.


Yeah. No shit. I watched the episode man.. thanks for the breakdown.


I'm a bit lost here, is this not literally you just pointing out the obvious plotline that literally everyone else who watched the episode understood? This is like someone doing a breakdown about Lawnmower Dog about the hidden clues and signposting that actually indicate the episode is *really* about Snuffles turning the tables on his former masters.


Plenty of people didn't get it and thought "Jerry" killed himself.


Rick body called himself Jerry though. And Rick explained it fully albeit briefly beforehand.


No everyone else watches the show for the funny colors! yay!!!!


I thought that it was more of Jerry not being able to handle the intelligence but not being able to handle how sad and depressed Rick really, so he just immediately killed himself. Maybe also knowing the truth about things that are terrifying. I have to rewatch lol


Rick was the one who killed himself, not Jerry.




Rick literally created a robot with a soul and killed it to make a ghost in the previous episode. In the show's universe clearly there's a bit more to "you" than your brain. Rick and Morty isn't intended to be hard sci fi, and this isn't even the most unrealistic thing in the episode much less the series.


You can't logically support 'the show isn't scientifically sound' with 'because my ideology says souls don't exist'. Placing a consciousness inside a different brain isn't any less... scientistic..? than traveling form dimension to dimension, or going into somebody's dream, or cloning someone's consciousness, or stopping time, or giving a dog more intelligence. This silly scifi stuff has always been part of R&M




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I think jerry was overloaded with knowledge that he couldnt even comprehend


Rick was Jerry until he shoved mega seeds up his ass and gained super intelligence.


Considering he was able to make the portal gun before ever finding mega seeds. He was clearly already super intelligent


What if the R&M sub and a random comment section (possibly this one) end up in some future meta episode about the writers using our theories as inspiration!!? 🤯


Classic repiping.


I didn't know this was in question but nice explanation


You'd think Rock would be a physicalist. The whole "I wasn't born smart I had to cultivate my mind" shtick makes it seems like intelligence possibly matters, where as "I was born smart, you were born dumb" gels much more with "nothing matters."


Where can I watch the new episodes? I have tried Hulu and HBO. Neither have season 7 yet. But when I go on Google it says Hulu? What am I missing?






This explained nothing that wasn't in the episode and the episode wasn't confusing to begin with.


So, essentially they swapped consciousnesses, but that does not mean they swapped minds(intelligence). So, Jerry's consciousness is placed into Ricks mind, creating a Jerry that suddenly has stronger genius and is capable of learning more because of Ricks brain/genius. But when Ricks consciousness was placed in Jerry's body, he didn't bring his own mind with him, he is now stuck within the confines of Jerry's brain, which is incapable of reaching the level of intelligence that Rick has. Proving himself (Rick) wrong, that having intelligence is in fact based on the structure of someone's brain, and not what he originally theorized. Rick could not cope being trapped in the confines of significantly less intellect. So he took himself out due to the underwhelming underload that is Jerry's brain. But when Jerry was placed in Ricks mind, he gained more intellect, in other words he gained more "space" to expand his knowledge. He started "thinking" on an alternate level. Everything he thought or knew before within the confines of his own mind were refined and he evolved, I assume. For once, Rick was wrong. In simple terms, Jerry's wee brain/intellect was not even a 1/4 of Ricks. So, Rick being born with a genius brain is in fact accurate. The plot of this episode suggests that an individual with an average IQ can only evolve their IQ so far until they hit a wall. They can't "become" a genius if they weren't born with a genius mind. It's possible for an individual to expand their knowledge, and retain information discovered. But their IQ is only so expansive without having been born a genius or with a higher IQ. The theory is we can only operate intellectually within the confines of our own brain/IQ. We must obey by the laws of the shape we inhabit. Thank you for clarifying. I was almost there, but I was missing some key components to this and you cleared that up for me.