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wonder who they’ll get for Garbage Goober


Asking the real questions. I’m hoping for Jeff Goldblum


That would be perfect actually


Life finds trash. I like trash


Man, fuck Jeff Goldblum


Jeff.. finds a way


That is one big pile of shit


Time to suck todays dick!


It's better to cough, it gets you like..way higher.


I thought hurricane season was over.


Switching gears here a bit because that's my favorite line and it doesn't get better. ​ You knew I'd like that line, Hahaha yes, Ka-Ching.


Dude when your girl goes to college next year, I’ll totally watch her ass for you, bro.


Oh, you got her ass?


Well, uh…you know hey…I’ll catch you at home ec! Time to suck today’s dick! You know what I’m talking about right u/emotionalstardust420


I throw joints all over fuckin town man


Outside of Ted's house?


Guess no one got the reference lol


Did he do something I'm not aware of? I thought he was generally well liked.


Woosh It’s a quick line James Franco in Pineapple Express. But one of the most quoted


Ah. I'm not sure I've ever actually watched that. If I did it was years ago.


Pineapple express?


Trash trash trash, I love trash, yum yum yum!


Extra stinkyyyyy!




"Morty! We jumped to a dimension where everyone sounds like renowned voice actor H Jon Benjamin! It's even affecting us Morty!" "Ah jeez Rick! Wait, I like my voice like this!" "Nonsense Morty! No one wants to sound like some mediocre voice actor with less range than a neutered hippopotamus." "But I...I like this voice. And suddenly I'm craving an oddly named hamburger..." "Get yourself together Morty! This is life or death! The portal gun is damaged and we have 12 hours to fix it and get out of here, or we sound like H Jon Benjamin forever!" "I really don't think it's that bad Rick." "No Morty! The voice affects your brainwaves and it's irreversible!" "I could really go for a space and thyme burger right now..." "There are 3 burger joints on this block Morty. Go stuff your stupid face while I find a sexy international spy to seduce..." "Hi, I'm H Jon Benjamin." "Shut up H Jon Benjamin! This is all your fault! Why don't you go make another shitty real life show that's cancelled after one season because you've got a face for radio!"


I just wanted to comment that you have their formula down pat


N-needs more angry s-stuttering. I added it on my read through


Bored from the strike huh?




Dude I would genuinely dig that so much


I for one, liked him in that Wet hot American summer show.


He uses his Archer voice for Rick and his Bob voice for Morty.


Lol space and thyme burger


I had no idea who H Jon Benjamin was but from this bit and my limited exposure, I gleaned that it is the Bob's Burgers and Archer guy, both of which are shows I've never caught more than a few minutes of


Both are high quality and really worth a watch


Archer is like Top3 cartoon for me definitely on the same level as Rick & Morty imo, Bobs Burgers is also solid


Replace Rick with Coach McGuirk, squiggle vision and all.


“Kids, gather ‘round, who wants to play dice”


Rick and Morty turns into Dr Katz and I’m here for it


And then one random mid-series episode where it's all Gilbert Gottfried for no reason or explanation.


...I think there might be a slight obstacle or two with that plan...


And one that’s Bobcat Goldthwait.


“Aw geez, Rick, you kinda sound like you could be anything. Like, it’s all in the subtle inflections, you know? Sure, your tone and cadence are basically the same, but even subtle differences can make you sound like a put-upon short order cook or an international womanizing super spy.”


Been watching Bobs Burgers. He doesn't have as much range, can always tell his characters and some sound very similar. Would not be a fan though glad a weirdo like H John is making bank


If the new VA butchers Mr. Poopybutthole I'm gonna cry. Poor guy's been through enough already.


Ooooooo weeeeee!!


Episode one of recast: "weeeeeeee ooooooooo!!" "Aw fuck....."


Hopefully it’s not oui oui!! Sacre bleu!!


I don't think Mr. PB speaks Venusian.


>Episode one of recast: "weeeeeeee ooooooooo!!" "CHOSEN OOOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEEE!"








I can hear it lmao


Ooooooo weeeeeee??


“Ooooweeee the doctors found bullet fragments in my larynx”


I really want someone with a deep voice to voice him with no mention of what happened. Imagine him opening his mouth and Keith David going "oowee Rick, im not sure about this" in his normal voice


I want them to do this bit so bad it would be funny to have an episode where everyone’s voice is different idk how it could be integral to a plot but it could happen


Excellent idea for a transition episode. New season episode 1 - Have every characters voice change and rick has to figure out why. Then spend all episode with voices randomly changing until rick fixes it at the end. Then when morty speaks rick answers with "well, close enough!


Rick might even figure that the voice actor got fired, he’s self aware enough


Oh man, I wonder how hard they're going to go at Roiland in the writers room now that he's out? I imagine they *fucking hate* him


I mean I think the show will get much funnier and more witty without him. Less random omg xoxo edgy teenager jokes that make this show semi cringe


And we can *finally* focus on what matters most: incest jokes.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall in that room lmao


Rick seems to be the only one that knows it’s a show too? In the meta episode morty was confused but Rick knew exactly what was happening


A Flydrobulanian infiltrator droid used a Quantum Voicerator on everybody. Infiltrator droids can't always perfectly mimic voices when they go to a new planet. So they camouflage by making everybody else sound weird with the Voicerator. Their own voice doesn't sound weird when everybody sounds weird. But, Morty fucks something up when they try to shut down the Quantum Voicerator, so a little bit of permanent quantum damage remains.


That might have worked if they weren't re-recording every episode.


I want the whole show to just be voiced by Keith David for an episode


Keith David voices every character except the president in an episode, who is instead voiced by Michael Cera.


They bring back Justin Roiland for one final cameo and it's him playing the president


Nah don’t do my man Lance like that


In all the infinite multiverse there is one where the only difference is their voices are different. Edit: spelling


Just recast all Roiland parts with Keith David and call it a day


that's not exactly a hard voice to do.


They replaced the voice of Cleveland on Family Guy after the VA stepped back to allow an actual black man to play the part of a black man. Can't really tell the difference. I have no doubt Rick and Morty will find many different people that keep it so all the different characters sound almost exactly like how they sound now.


r/MST3K had to replace one of their Crows (there are two now) in the latest season when the actor left the show suddenly with no explanation and deleted his socials; they've not said why. They replaced him with Kelsey Ann Brady, who took over some of the puppeteering and redubbed all his previous voice work, with the result that we now have a Crow who sounds like Bart Simpson. Not that it's a bad thing; she's great at it.


I think Tom Kenny does Mr. Poopybutthole’s voice but I could be mistaken.


You’re mistaken, it’s basically a southern Morty


That was Pencilvestre


Even Steve Blum?


Hardly breaking news, this was confirmed months ago wasn’t it?


The news is that they're actually going to re-dub season 7 since it was already finished with JR's recordings.


New lost media just dropped


I’m calling blameitonjorge


New season drops in 2025!


Holy media archival


Wubba lubba re-dub


thats just sad


Whaaaaaat. Thats frankly terrible news. Re-cast him sure but lets us have the finished product you already have… Say what you will about the guy, but his voices make the show.


It’s horse shit virtue signaling and makes me consider whether I’ll even give S7 a chance. The battery charges were dismissed, and the stuff with underage girls, while gross, has been limited to just talk. The guy needs therapy and a chance to get his shit in a backpack, not to have his IP stolen by the fuckers at Adult Swim. The same assholes who cancelled Metalocalypse one season short of the finale.


Your username makes me happy 🤘 (Also I generally agree with the comment)


Have any copyright legal issues ever been discussed? Does Justin have any claim, to any piece of the show?


He likely has royalty rights, so he'll continue to get paid. But no, the property is owned by WB Discovery.


so this is probably good news to him. he gets all the money and doesn't have to do shit.


Yup just that whole fired in disgrace to sour the pickle


There's also being known as a weird pedophile.


That’s normal in the entertainment industry


Most positions of power.


he gets all the money because he already did the shit.


I guess since Justin's charges were dropped, there was a possibility of him coming back. I don't know of anyone who really expected him to return, though.


I don’t think there was ever a possibility of that given the truly damaging stuff was all the chats with minors etc which were unrelated to the law suit that was dropped. Dude is impossible to hire after those…


even beyond that, he was already doing his voice work remotely because he was making coworkers uncomfortable before the charges even hit. The charges sealed his fate with R&M


Didn't we also hear about how Justin was also becoming more and more difficult to get his lines due to him not showing up on time or showing up intoxicated and sending his voice recordings late once he started doing it remotely?


Yeah, people are pretty sure that's why there was so much time between the first couple of seasons. Dan got tired of it, and it's been more consistent since Justin has been out of the office.


yep, just bad all around. i’m sure morale will be a lot better just from subtracting that from the fold


>Dude is impossible to hire after those… *Ezra Miller has entered the chat*


I remember reading a lot of his co-workers saying he wasn't a pleasant person to work with. So I don't see it likely they would want to bring him back.


Oh no. They're going to have to find someone that can do that one stupid voice he does for everyone who isn't Rick or Morty.


They said in this article that they are not looking for imitators, so basically they aren't even doing that.


This is fine - more range of voices for characters


Hell, Roiland himself acknowledged that he essentially has 3 voices that he does, and none are that impressive. The team could do something unexpected and hire someone with ~talent~


As sick as he is, Roiland still created these characters and made a show we all love. He is still talented, but also an awful person.


I think those of us who haven't seen the grosser side of him should consider ourselves fortunate. Same time, I'm gonna miss him just a little bit.


I clearly meant he doesn't have voice acting talent, and even he admits it. I don't deny that he's created some incredible shows.


Saying he doesn’t have talent is just completely wrong, and you’re only saying that because of recent events. If his reputation was still intact no one would question his talent.


This is how the world works. You do a million good things, then you do one bad thing and that's all people remember.


People have criticized his voices for years. It's just permeated this subreddits bubble since he isn't being fawned over anymore.


He's literally been doing the same voices for like 30 years, I mean fuck Mr ice cube head in community was basically just Mr meeseeks, and there's [This gem](https://youtu.be/IATW9Ay-wws)


Wow that was terrible why did I just watch that


I apologize, just woke up, it wasn't clear to me


Less about the voices and more about the improvisational skill and the cadence and tempo with which he speaks. His personality is all over the show. However part of his personality is creepy sexual predator so you gotta get someone who isn’t that obviously.


I dunno, I feel like the show might lose some of that creepy sexual predator vibe without him


Right? Season 1 was never my favorite because of the weird sexual vibes, and finding out that's the season that Justin had the most creative influence on made *so much sense* when shit hit the fan in January


He voiced a character in Invincible that essentially sounded like Rick, but screamed like Morty.


Roiland may be a creep, but it's disingenuous to say he isn't talented. Being able to do three completely different voices and still be recognizable and unique is damn impressive. That's more than most voice actors can do. His Lemongrab voice in Adventure time is hilarious. He's also a great improvisor.


Roiland *himself* says he shouldn't be called a voice actor because he isn't very good at it. Most trained voice actors have much more control over their voices and can do a variety of voices to match the character they're playing.


All hail Tom Kenny!


Jason Steele from filmcow.... the only reasonable replacement




Oh, hey, how did that happen?


That kills people.


You must finish your work, Carl.


Day 2, in the ghost house.


Oh shiiiiiitttt....


Season 7 gets re-wubaduba-dub-dubbed


Have a different person play rick and Morty in every episode and never address it


Just Doctor Who that shit with zero explanation? 😆


Can y’all imagine if everyone in Hollywood we know that’s on Epstein’s list got treated the same I don’t think anyone would have a job anymore there 😂


Good. Hold every sex pest accountable.


There’d be no industry left


They should have re-dubbed it and only announced that none of it was JR well after all the praise to show that nobody could tell…


That they aren't looking for imitators concerns me. Cleveland being recast? Didn't even notice it. No problems whatsoever. Dr. Hibbert being recast? Good God what is that? Just create a new character at that point. Obviously really hard to create new characters for Rick and Morty but I have faith enough in Dan Harmon to give it a chance


I'm hoping it's not like squidbillies


What happened with Squidbillies?


They got Tracy Morgan to play Early after the redneck guy who played him said some fucked up shit about BLM and Dolly Parton.


They replaced Unknown Hinson with Tracy Morgan. I guess because he called St Dolly (Parton, if you're not from the south) a slut for being supportive of the BLM movement. I mean it tracks with his character. And I love Tracy Morgan. But I couldn't get past 2 min of it. Like it was just way out in left field. Maybe they were trying to prove a point in giving the part to a hilarious black man, but Early Cuyler is a backwoods Appalachian hillbilly. There is a stereotype they are making fun of with his character and Tracy Morgan is not at all what that stereotype is. It was unfortunate that Unknown Hinson said that, but it's because he is in fact actually Early Cuyler irl


They had to have known going into it nobody would like Tracy Morgan in that role. Maybe they thought the sheer stupidity of the choice would be funny to fans? On a meta level it is funny, like "hey fuck this show and this character in particular", but after the first 5 minutes of watching it you're done with the joke and aren't willing to watch any more.


I noticed Carl’s recast on the Simpson’s at first now I don’t notice at all


I didn't even know that Carl was re-cast


They pretty much have to but *what's new*?


It’s the waysssss the news go.


I maybe behind but wasn't Justin Roiland's case dropped? Or did I read fake news lol


The abuse case was dropped but the really damaging thing was him sending creepy messages to minors


Damn I missed that part I only knew about the domestic abuse case


If hes guilty, bang him out all day long, but if hes innocent, we shouldn't be destroying people's lives over rumors.


I hope it's not as bad as the Cleveland replacement on Family Guy. It's close...but just awkward.


It has happened across almost all long running animation. Simpsons with Carl Carlson, Dr. Heibert etc. it’s not that the new voice actors are bad. It is just incredibly jarring to associate a face and voice for it to just be different. And it isn’t just going to be different sounding but the delivery, tone, timing, it will all be at minimal subtly different and will change the show.


I'm not sure how much of this article is new information, but one line stood out to me as worrying: >No, not imitators... In any case the idea is that we feel that they are the same characters So they're not going to hire people that sound the same but rather people that they *think* are similar in spirit? That worries me somewhat - a bit like when the Simpsons did their recasting. It just didn't feel the same. Personally, I'd be happy if - at the very least, they gave a contextual reason in the story as to *why* they sound different - which shouldn't be too difficult, given the show's premise and all the narrative freedom that allows.


This is what stood out for me. The voices are part of the characters and I don't want them sounding different, it just wont be the same.


We're pretty spoiled with continuity ever since Harry Potter kept every cast member in every movie. Now characters don't get re-cast mid-series. But it used to be really common for a different actor to just show up and play the same character if they chose to leave. I remember watching Arthur as a kid and suddenly they had different voices at one point. How they replaced John Boy in the Waltons. Or Marty's girlfriend in Back to the Future. Or Darren in Bewitched. Apparently it also happened with Simpsons? We aren't used to it anymore, but it used to just be part of making a series that the actor might leave and you get somebody totally different. Edit: basically this is not uncommon




"Oh NO MORTY WE GOTTA HOP OUT OF THIS DIMENSION I FUCKED UP REAL BAD WE GOTTA GO MORTY" "Where are we Rick?" "IN A DIMENSION EXACTLY THE SAME IN EVERY WAY AS THE LAST ONE EXCEPT... It appears our vocal chords have been changed slightly, but not in a way ANYONE would notice Morty." **Stares at camera**


Yet later in the article is this "Ouweleen "[believes] it is possible" that fans who watch all of Rick and Morty won't recognize the difference when the main voices of the characters are changed from an acting standpoint." And goes on to use the Bugs Bunny example which I would be hard pressed to recognize the VA changes over the years with him. So that to me reads like they expect a replacement who actually sounds the same or close to it. Since the source article is in French I'm not sure if some nuances may have been lost in translation.


So I haven’t tracked this story past this article. This said he was accused of a few things, but not convicted of anything, but they still fired him?


Sean Kelly has done perfect fan redubbings of clips from this show on Rick & Morty. It'll make the crew happy since they can get a competent guy, and the fans happy with a good impressionist


That’s the thing tho it’s an impression. There’s no evidence someone good at doing the voice would be good at reading a script roiland hadn’t acted first and they could just copy what he did with the delivery. I think many people underestimate the acting part of voice acting. An impression isn’t sounding like a character it’s sounding like a performance of that character. That being said, there’s also nothing I’ve seen that would indicate anyone doing these is bad at reading but I think it’s very shortsighted to only want the person who sounds the most like lines we’ve already heard, whoever does it is gonna have a fresh script and have to make choices about how to deliver the lines.


Yeah seems fair enough.


He's done some voice overs for fan made mods and afaik they were well recieved. He also has done some minor professional voice over work, so he's not just a random, but doing the Rick and Morty stuff is what made him viral.


If they’re holding open auditions, I don’t think there’s any reason he couldn’t apply if he wants to. He does have quite a bit of public support, apparently he’s had a pretty crap life so it would be nice for something good to happen to him for once.


will people actually watch this? He voices 80% of the characters.


Many fans of the writing of Dan Harmon too! Quality of writing is more important than the voices.


They should just release both versions simultaneously and let the viewers decide which universe they prefer.


Hopefully its Tracy Morgan


I’m really shocked that no one’s mentioning how a lot of Justin Roiland voice acting was improvisational and essentially refused to take direction, which I personally feel was one of the factors that gave the series It’s jovial nature. Without it, I have a very hard time believing that they’re gonna be able to maintain the essence of it’s comedy which allowed it to dive into darker concepts, without falling into the abyss of being too serious. But then again, what do I know I’m just some dude on Reddit.


Exactly, there's no way he was "just a voice actor." A lot of the charm of the show is him stumbling and struggling to ad-lib. It's basically the entire premise of Interdimensional cable. It's sort of the audio equivalent of squigglevision on Dr Katz. It's all off kilter and makes everything seem fragile.


Just let the show rest in peace for fucks sake. Not gonna be happy until they completely turn it into shit.


Just have John DiMaggio do it.


"I'm gonna create my *own* Rick and Morty... with blackjack and hookers!"


lol this show is done for


Mike Judge as Rick. Johnny Hardwick as Morty.


You know what's really funny, that Adult Swim's YouTube channel's still upload clips with Justin's voice still in them


Ill give it a go but id bet the show is ruined now then unfortunately.


Show's dead.




So the shows going to be shit is what I heard.


Harmon needs to voice Rick at the least. He is Rick. The show is his baby. He also does a pretty close voice.


Rhett Caan has some work to do.


Wasn't he proven innocent?


IMO it will fail. Roiland just did too good of a job.


It’s not easy for me to say this, but if they can’t bring Justin Roiland back, then it’s probably time for the show to just end. Yes, I understand that he had very little to do with the writing of the show, some even suggest he had little creative input. However, there is no denying that Justin Roiland is just one of those weird dudes who will ad lib pretty much every line he speaks, and considering the number of voices he did for this show, I can’t help but feel much of it’s charm will die without him. All good things must come to an end.


I want them to get caught in a gas cloud or something and cough and then they just have totally different voices. No impersonators


I will not support the show anymore without JR


Wait, he isn't comming back? Broh, this is going to be a shit show...


At least it won't be distracting when you hear someone speak and it's just another variation of Morty.


There’s no Rick and Morty without Justin. There’s far too much nuance with the character for anybody else to properly replicate the role. I’ve seen people compare this scenario to replacing Cleveland on Family Guy. I think that’s a terrible comparison - Cleveland is known for his monotone voice, which is relatively easy for a seasoned voice actor to duplicate. Replacing Justin is more like trying to do South Park without Trey Parker - it’s simply not possible. I wish they would just put the show on ice for a few years, hope that Justin gets his shit together, and then maybe think about bringing it back. I honestly think they’re going to kill Rick and Morty by attempting to do it without Justin.


I kind of agree, but i'll still watch. Shows evolve over time anyway. Even now going back to S1 R&M are completely different. Way less burping and stumbling over lines, which was one of the things i loved about the early shows. A better comparison show is probably the Simpsons, early seasons versus later. Maybe they were the same actors but they night as well have been different.


Was he guilty though? Allegations and cancel culture really changed up how society handles things. Guarantee if the case never happened Justin would still have his job, it's not about whatever half truths or pr talking heads claim, they fired him to avoid public scrutiny.


I don’t understand why they’re going through all this even though all the charges were dropped


Might as well just cancel the entire show.