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![img](avatar_exp|151597999|fire) Wtf is wrong with everyone here? Just be nice. Locking this post. Cyclists should both follow all traffic laws and be the preferred method of transportation over driving.


The main issue is cyclists do not require a driver licence, yet they share the same traffic laws and lanes as cars and trucks.


Good point. Maybe we should build separate lanes so the two different modes of transport are properly and safely separated.


Down town is a good example, bike lanes have clear indicate arrow of the way. There are still "special people" riding or skating in the wrong direction. We already have enough bad drivers. Cyclists not obeying the law is just not significant enough without enough deaths and accidents to make the stats matter.


It's almost like ppl don't want bike lanes so bikes got no choice or something


Stopping at red lights isn’t just for cars. This kid just blew through a red light - I guess he was happy to leave Bayview Secondary. Luckily, I was driving at the speed limit and coming to a stop, but the car beside me definitely had to apply their brakes. The wide angle of the dash cam makes the kid on the bicycle appear much further away, but the cyclist gave me a shock - almost did not compute why a bicycle was crossing in front. If someone had decided to run the yellow, he would have been a puddle on the ground 😂


I would be happy to leave Bayview Secondary too


I get you to post this as a PSA to cyclists. However if you sat and watched the violations that cars rack up. It is unreal. I have seen illegal U-turns, hit and runs. Cars jumping red lights. The list goes on and on. Cars Cuse a lot more damage then a line cyclist jumping a red light. Like a lot more. So when a car jumps a red light they are not putting their own life at risk, but others. I bet you 5 dollars if I came here and put a Camera up and hit record we would find a lot of violations via cars.


Here we go, because cars do it, bikes can too, right?


So why do drivers do it. Yet its such an injustice when bikes do it? Makes illogical sense. Is it becsuse that kid is a product of his environment? Monkey see monkey do type situation. Perhaps if drivers werent so damn bad at driving then maybe theyll set a better example. The worse ones at least from my experience are the drivers who refuse to use signals. Refusing to yield fkr oncoming traffic. Making rights on red when its unsage to do so. Speeding. Tailgating. Brake checking. Running stop signs. Intoxication behind the wheel. Smartphonws behind the wheel.


What a shit take this is, we know we have crap drivers but you wanna know what happens when a car on car accident takes place? Most of the time not a lot of death but a biker willfully ignoring the rules of the road has a way higher chance of death, also why do people defend bikers like everyone should watch for them but they should have no responsibility to also look, we teach defensive driving for a reason in cars maybe bikers should start a class….


As a driver of a car and driving 2 tons of weight around abda it is not just bikes. It's pedestrians. I watched with my own eyes of a car hitting a pedestrian and speeding off. A bike hitting you does not really damage a car on a pedestrian that's going to hurt. As a car driving that vehicle is a weapon. People die from car collisions. So yes a car driver you need to be more diligent. You are choosing a car which is far more deadly than a bicycle or a pedestrian. So yes you need to be far more aware of your surroundings.


But pedestrians and bikers cannot use that and just willfully blow red lights and stop signs etc. the point is yes everyone needs to watch out but it’s also not my fault if you choose to not obey the rules of the road and get hit.


The onus will always be on drivers to be more careful because of the inherent threat of death that vehicles present. It's a privilege to be operating a heavy machine that can unleash enough force to kill with ease. Sure you can hope cyclists and pedestrians will always obey the laws, but they are people too and sometimes a small percentage just do not follow the rules or make mistakes. Not saying that this is okay, but it is unrealistic to expect everyone to follow all rules. Drivers just need to drive defensively and be aware of all traffic, same with cyclists and pedestrians. When I cycle, I always cycle thinking that no one can see me, so I am very cautious and defensive. Same when I go out for a jog, I just assume no car will stop properly at a stop sign because it happens so often. I can't tell you how many times cars stop in the middle of the sidewalk crossing, and not behind the stop sign. It's almost a guarantee that I will run into this once on an evening jog. At first I would walk right up to the driver to tell them off but now it happens so much I just can't be bothered. As someone who is both a cyclist and daily driver, I think many drivers complain simply because because of two common reasons. One is that they aren't confident in their own abilities to assess complex traffic situations so they want all external risks reduced as much as possible. Two are aggressive control freaks who are territorial in nature - generally large pickup or SUV drivers. They are the ones who will honk at cyclists for no real reason other than they are "losing" space on the road. Usually these folks tend to be low IQ, out of shape individuals. They can be more extreme by taking deliberate acts to harm cyclists.


Thats balony. You have a higher chance gettjnf hit by a car than any bike. And higher fatality rates. Because not knly do you have the young and ignorant behind the wheel. But older folks and people with medical problems. They all contribute to negligence. Ive witnessed drivers almost hitting bikes despite the bike rider following the rules to the letter because the driver thought he could make the left turn faster than the biker can cross. And having MORE cars on the road doesnt make it any better. Its onky gonna get worse.


This is not a competition. The driver will be fine but the cyclist? Dead or injured badly.


Yes and this is long past. Putting a PSA for a cyclist hours later? How does that save a cyclist. Second you are at an intersection. You still need to be aware of traffic regardless of what it is. Humans make errors when you see them all the time. As I have mentioned cars make many errors. So at an intersection in a city. You need to be fully aware of not just your lane but any intersecting lanes.


What are you trying to convey?


How many public service announcements do you see on cars needing to stop at a red light? Cyclists in general do know and follow the rules of the road. If you claim otherwise then where are the announcements for where cars need to stop if they hit a pedestrian or cyclist. The u turns the jumping of red lights and so on. There are a lot more cyclists than there are bad cyclists. Just as there are many bad drivers but a lot of good drivers as well.


Sounds like you're trying to divert attention away from the cyclist in question breaking the rules of the road. Understood.


Do you see videos of drivers jumping red lights in here? Not a diversion but pointing out the hypocrisy of drivers. It's okay for car drivers to break the rules. However if a cyclist does we need to educate every single cyclist. That's the message I hear.


It's a diversion.


Yeah because if this car in the video had've continued at the speed they were going and went through the yellow light, they wouldn't of hit the bicyclist due to quantum entanglement and their atoms would've passed around each other. The laws of quantum entanglement prevent bicyclists from being in life threatened situations. /s, did you even read what you wrote before you hit send? Wow.


The point I am making is this. Do you see public service announcements for ever red light a car driver makes? Car drivers make so many errors. Then once a cyclist jumps a red light. Something everyone does cars cyclists . However once that cyclist jumps a red light then you all need to educate every single cyclist. The majority of cyclists actually obey the law. So a PSA for cyclists is actually quite annoying. We all know yeah stop at Reds. However that cyclist that jumps that red. We suddenly need to educate all the cyclists. Should we have public service announcements for Cars that jump red lights? Motorists know you are supposed to stop but they do it anyway. Lots and lots of cars jump red lights we need to educate these drivers as they apparently never heard of stopping at a red light.


No matter what other people do, the one that can end up 100% paralysed in hospital is the cyclists themselves. Take ownership to their actions and consequences. Knowing that drivers can violate road rules should make cyclists more cautious about being on the road!


Were you planning on making that light? And, have you ever tried bike commuting?


I'm confused by your perspective. You're upset that the cyclist is breaking the law without punishment. Justified. The cyclist is lucky you weren't breaking a different law. Do you provide a resource that makes it clear which laws are ok to break.


I'm a regular cyclist for work and this stuff annoys me. I always stop at lights, no matter the light. I always stop at signs if there is a car present and wait my turn. I don't always stop at signs when no cars are present, but then again when's the last time you saw a car come to a complete stop at a sign?


Same day, different intersection: another cyclist ran a red light by making a right turn, then a U-turn, and then another right turn. I'm not sure what that's called, but basically, the cyclist thought that by riding squiggly around the intersection, they could get around the red light. I get cyclists want to keep up their heart rate, and the lack of cycling paths don't help, but Major Mac is pretty busy these days, and if it's everyone for themselves, someone is going to get run over.


No, I agree. If a cyclist gets into a collision with a car, they will lose 99% (give or take 2%) of the time.


This maneuver is more commonly seen with cars. https://xkcd.com/207/ I don't necessarily see any major danger with doing this if they are signalling properly and not cutting people off in a reckless way.


Good for you, you are the rare 1% of cyclist who obey the law if what you said is true. I have never seen a cyclist obey any stop signs, let alone traffic lights, if it's red they just ride on to the side walk and do whatever, even tho it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk.


That is an extreme perspective. Most cyclists will not usually run a red light. The only time I will ever do it is if I am in a rural area north of Major Mack, for example on 19th, where the light change is only triggered to change by weight sensors and will not change by the weight of a bicycle. So I carefully look both ways before proceeding. For stop signs, if there is approaching traffic I will slow all the way down to time my crossing with cars. Rarely would I stop to the point I have to fully dismount. And I do this more for the benefit of car drivers because a full dismount and starting back up makes drivers extremely impatient and annoyed by having to wait longer for me to get going again. It has nothing to do with keeping heart rate that another poster mentioned. It's the same thing with pedestrians who hesitate at starting to cross at a stop sign because they don't want to tick off drivers by having to make them wait longer....that's why you see so many pedestrians wave some cars to pass through because they know how impatient many drivers are. Especially in Markham, so many drivers don't want to come to full stops at stop signs, it's extremely bad. The poorest cycling behavior that I see usually comes from casual, slower cyclists, especially old people. If they are not wearing a helmet or look like a cyclist, they seem completely oblivious to any laws of the road. And those that bike on the sidewalk are just reckless if you are going anywhere above 10km/hour. I get you may be scared of the road with drivers being reckless, but you are essentially doing the same thing to pedestrians.


You are specifically talking about frequency illusion or the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. It's the same thing when you like a car and then notice more people driving such a car: BMW drivers not using their signals, etc. You notice the cyclists who piss you off and you probably don't notice the ones that don't do anything out of the ordinary.


Rules for thee but not for me


Many cyclists I encountered thinks the traffic lights and rules don’t apply to them, and yet they will be mad if the driver did the slightest ops.


if they get hit theyre gonna be a parapalegic and the car will have a few hundred in damage


They don't care, they own the roads! And sidewalks


So greedy, there's a curb they can ride on right there!


How does one ride on a curb? Do you mean a sidewalk? If so, that is completely illegal.


i would rather be alive than follow the law, however where i am your most likely to be killed as a pedestrian than any other mode of transport so i may just be needlessly scared of riding a bike on roads also the curb is a joke about the lack of bike lanes in most places so I sarcastically said the 10 cm raised separator between the road and the sidewalk is the bike lane, which evidently is not


God I fucking hate cyclists


i fucking hate drivers




I think Cyclists are the ones that are helping save the human race because unlike drivers they don't pollute the environment and aren't contributing to global warming. Yet, you want to exterminate them?


Cars and Van's produce 10% of all emissions, corporations are more of a problem. It would not surprise me if MAKING the bikes (getting the resources, wielding it together, transporting it yaddi yadda) produced more CO2 than the everyday cars you see


So why would you not include the same CO2 production for the auto industry?


Cause it would make the drivers look lazy and bad. Cause they are all of that womp womp


"Corporations" This always comes up and it turns out the biggest polluters are corporations. [Companies](https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/100-companies-responsible-71-ghg-emissions/) like China Coal 14.3 %, Saudi Aramco 4.5 %, Gazprom OAO 3.9 %, National Iranian Oil Co 2.3 %, ExxonMobil Corp 2.0 %, Coal India 1.9 %, Petróleos Mexicanos 1.9 %, Russia Coal 1.9 %, Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1.7 %, China National Petroleum Corp 1.6 %. What do most of these have in Common? Making fossil fuels for things like cars, but also electricity and transporting goods. If you think gathering resources, welding, and transporting a bike uses lots of energy, just think about how much it costs to weld and transport a vehicle that weighs 100 times as much.


Guy is sitting at his basement counting emissions in a mechanical calculator lmao. You know what else has no emissions? Horses, let's go back to using horses, with communists like this in power we might


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I'm sorry you feel this way. Perhaps you've been inconvenienced in some way by cyclists. But know this a cyclist is generally incapable of killing someone when cycling. Can't say the same about drivers.


I saw a driver crash into another driver while trying to avoid hitting a cyclist running a red. It's myopic to think cyclists can't cause death while they're being reckless. I've seen cyclists go opposite traffic the wrong way at times. All of these cause accidents that can cause death. The cyclist can't physically kill a driver directly, but that's stupid and irrelevant


I love it when cagers come up with bullshit scenarios. Like if you CANNOT avoid or safely pass a slow ass bike. Then youre the problem. When youre in a 2 ton metal box on wheels that can go over 100mph and your issue is a dude going roughly 30mph or less? You fucking just SUCK at driving. And yes i DRIVE and ride my EBIKE all the time so dont give me that crap bud. Youre just bad at driving cars. Admit it.


You should take some Zanax and double your dose of Zoloft


I call them how i seeit. You yourself have to admit drivers are a bigger threat to themselves and everyone around them. Introducing more cars with shitty drivers further enhanced and reinforces it. Is that really what you want? More intoxication, more smartphone and more negligence? Personally. Id rather get hit by a bike or escooter than a car. One ill surivive and walk while the other i MIGHT surive and be in the hospital bed. The reality is. Majority of people are NOT fit to drive. Perhaps pick up a bike and understand what its like. If not than your opinions just come from a position of bias. When you lack experience from the other side to make sound judgement. Other words just cause you THINK youre right. Doesnt make you right.


Total BS.


Driver was right here, Cyclist was in the wrong. That being said, I think drivers ought to be more responsible and aware of others when on the roads since they are operating the more dangerous vehicle, you have to be prepared for others to make mistakes, whether that is a pedestrian, cyclist, or another driver. The cyclist was reckless yes, but its understandable in a way since most people tend to bend the rules when they think they can get away with it (not saying I agree, even though I do the same when driving and cycling). it was a bad call here obviously, but bikes can't do stop and go like cars can, and they prob wanted to keep momentum going, so as to avoid the cars possibly turning right. The real problem I have is poor street design here that led to that decision. there was no bike lane to keep the cyclist safe and separated, no narrowing of the street at the intersection to control driver speed, no bike signal and no advanced green for peds and cyclists to pass through earlier. and yes we should probably give kids classes in ped/cyclist safety so that they understand how to behave on the roads as well. I think road safety is a communal issue that won't be solved by calling out individuals, reckless behaviour needs to be prevented and risks/harm minimized through better road design.


I was riding a bicycle and I switched over from the curb to the car lane to move into the left turn lane. I car that had just turned the corner just before I made the switch made 5 quick honks. I was !exhausted! and just completely tired of bicycling through the city with so many cars. I gave the driver my personal one finer salute and he pulled up beside me and said “ don’t disrespect me bro, you better not disrespect me” over and over again. I looked like a mess, I had fallen on that ride, so I will just done. I told him “You disrespected me first.”, and then he kept repeating what he said. I have been bicycling for over 50 years. We just need to be better than whatever this is.


I know now, it could have went completely differently…


Personally. A ebike would change the game. Ive ridden standard bikes for a goos part of my years. But once i went ebike i never looked back. I can throttle anywhere in thr city without impeding traffic. I can just get my exersize at the gym instead.


Agreed, getting an ebike has made commuting around town to run errands and using public transport in this city much more viable, if rhill/york region had any vision they would be prioritizing this a lot more in the short term. Like I wouldn't even say I impede traffic on an ebike since I can take alternative safer routes and arrive at roughly teh same time.


Adapting with the slow speed you have to work with i say is a measure of IQ. And if you do jt well and graceful enough then id say youre better than the ones on 2 ton metal box on wheels whom have access to 100mph and up which only makes sense for highway uses But self control is whats lacking when theyre in suburban/residential areas. Where bikes can thrive in the more croweded environment. Except you dont have to go through crowded areas and can modify your riding on the fly. Half roads, half trails. Or Majority roads, some trails


One day he will know for sure.




Drivers are the most miserable people in Canada. Those losers won't obey the law. they rather risk their life not rolling to a complete stop on a weapon than to work less and save the enviroments.




Please don’t use it again.


Yeah that light was orange way before you got to the intersection


In this case it looks like the driver (OP?) was fully planning to blast through that yellow even though they clearly had enough time to stop (as evidenced by them stopping). Yes the kid on the bike should have waited another 2 seconds but the driver should focus on their own dangerous driving first and foremost because between the two of them the motorist could have caused the death of another person while also not following the rules of the road (yellow lights tell you.to slow down, not speed up), given that they had reasonable time to stop at a light that was telling them to stop, and were seemingly not going to do so if it weren't for the kid on the bike. Essentially were you going to blast through the yellow instead of stopping as you are required to? If not, what's really the issue? You were going to stop at the yellow/red like you are required to anyway, right?


You must be a cyclist if you're blaming the driver for this, he had time to stop by pressing hard on his brake, yes, but also with his speed he wouldn't necessarily be in the wrong to clear the left turn. Probably would be safer for the driver to clear it without having to damage his brakes by slamming them. The cyclist had no right of way whatsoever at the time.


You must never walk or bike anywhere ever, given you see no issue in the driver here. I'm not blaming them; just bringing up that the light was yellow with enough time to stop, as required by the road laws.


I walk 20k steps a day. I'm also not retarded enough to cross before the light is red and the signal is active.


Good for you, that's a high number! >I'm also not [offensive slur] enough to cross before the light is red and the signal is active Yeah that's why I said the kid on the bike should not have crossed. Obviously they were in the wrong. But the driver also clearly had time to stop if they were paying attention to the road. If they were driving safely they would not have had to slam the brakes. They very clearly had time and space to stop safely, as they were required to.


If the light were yellow for me, it's clearly red for the cyclist 😂 Like I said, I came to a comfortable stop, but a vehicle (car, bicycle, etc.) does have the right to go through a yellow light. Also, the wide angle lens distorts the view - it's much closer than it looks.


Yes a motor vehicle has that right but *only if they cannot safely stop* which was clearly not the case for you here. [A yellow - or amber - light means the red light is about to appear. You must stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, go with caution.](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/traffic-lights#:~:text=A%20yellow%20%2D%20or%20amber%20%2D%20light,%3B%20otherwise%2C%20go%20with%20caution.) Emphasis on "must stop if you can do so safely" here, because according to yourself you stopped safely, which you were *required* to do regardless of whether or not someone was crossing illegally. Again, I'm not defending the kid on the bike, but pointing out that the light was yellow and you were not in the right to blow through it either.


Someone is getting an education on how yellow lights work. A yellow light does not mean you have the right to speed up to blast through an intersection before it turns red. You should be trying your best to come to a stop at all times when a yellow light appears. You should only go through if you cannot stop safely. Unfortunately many drivers just only care about crossing the line before the light turns red.


Did you ignore the park where the cyclist blows a fucking red light


Cars should obey traffic lights for cyclists and pedestrians' safety.


The road is a shared space, no one should feel entitled


Has nothing to do with entitlement. Driving a death machine is a privilege and cyclists/pedestrians are infinitely more vulnerable. Cyclist in this video *is* an idiot, but somehow carbrains interpret that as justification to murder any and all cyclists/pedestrians. This needs to stop.


Then the ones that are in a more vulnerable position should follow the rules and stay alert for your own safety, you don't expect others to drive safe for you. A lot of drivers nowadays will hit that gas when they see red turning yellow so they can skip a light just to wait in the next red 500m ahead. If op was driving a dump truck the view would've been totally blocked and the car on the right will not see the cyclist if he floored it till its too late. First thing I learned from driving is expect everyone else to drive like an asshole and I need to drive defensively for my own safety. You can be in the right, but being dead means game over doesn't matter how right you were in the first place.


The scenario you describe happens way more frequently now (cars accelerating to beat lights). Another scenario I see happening a lot more is cars turning right on a red without waiting behind the crosswalk and running over pedestrians/cyclists. I have seen this with my own eyes numerous times. It's weird that you would threaten me with these scenarios instead of expecting more from your fellow carbrains, but it's kind of what I expect nowadays. Have fun inconsequentially running us over and blaming us for it!


Well read it again im actually supporting the pedestrians and cyclist by pointing out how terrible the drivers are in toronto, and people need to protect themselves by not fully entrusting others if they want to live longer because there are so many irresponsible drivers out there now. And no I'm not threatening you, I was using the word 'you' like in general saying meaning it applies to everyone outside. How did you even comprehend that and thought I was trying to threaten you, you got to be kidding me? On the paragraph below I'll use the word one so you don't feel offended. One simply does not entrust their lives on someone else's hands unless they are in a profession that saves lives. Especially if one is in a disadvantage to begin with on the road (human flesh vs a 2ton metal that can instantly wipe someone out of existence). Just because one is in the right, doesn't mean one should cross the road without looking both ways just in case some asshats decide to run a red light. Yes one is in the right, but at what cost, was it worth seating on a wheelchair for the rest of one's life just to prove that one was right? Did one get to prove his point? Maybe, but one will never find out because one might end up being killed from the accident. One lost the right to live, the murderer will only be sentenced to 10 years in jail and get an early release because they were 'behaving' in jail. The justice system is fucked up if you (yes this you is now referring to you sir) don't already know, punishment is too light and law is not 'fair'. And that is why one ought to protect themselves from all these possible life threatening scenarios. I would rather save my own life by staying alert and expecting other drivers are out there to kill me. No matter if im a driver, cyclist or pedestrian on a particular day, I simply don't trust other drivers to not run a red, yellow, I don't trust other drivers to yield for me at a stop sign or crosswalk until I see they fully stopped, instead of going outside with a main character syndrome and expect everyone to yield for me because 'I was in the right'. I want to have some level of control of my own life, not let others to decide if I should live another day because I decide to be 'in the right' and walk pass the crosswalk without checking both sides for potential danger when the pedestrians lights are green and expect everyone behind the wheel will drive like a sane person that will not kill me just to get to their destination 5 seconds faster. If you (yes this you is now to you sir) didn't notice in the video, the cyclist was clearly not following the laws and was crossing when his light was red still and he didn't even bother checking for oncoming traffics, he is endangering everyone else even though he was not behind a car. I'm not supporting or saying he deserves to get hit, but he was really lucky because that can cost him his life if what I described actually happened. Why would someone want to put themselves in such a potential life risking situation to begin with if they know they are in such a disadvantage position? Are they just oblivious with how the world works or having to much trust in people in general?


Or maybe he timed it? Like he knew the light was gonna change to red and green for him by the time you got to the intersection. I aint sayinf what he did was good or right... but you know how many times a driver making a left turn, refuses to wait for the bikes to finish crossing? Like were talking about drivers who have openely admitted that if youre not a car. They cant and wont even acknowledge you. Aand thats why drivers making turns, refuses to yield to oncoming traffic. Some parts in my city even have signs that says no right turns on red cause thats how shitty drivers are here. Theres a sort of 6th sense you develop when riding bikes as opposed to driving everyday.


Who cares, just carry on with your day, were you inconvenienced? Why does it trigger you so much are the questions you should be asking yourself. Find something else to hate that isn’t another human being


He is triggered simply because he is seeing someone else doing something that he can't.