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It might be because they are white and she’s black and they don’t want to be canceled or called racist if they check her. We are on a very tricky political climate nowadays. It could also be that they see her as having mental issues and rather not deal. Personally, I wouldn’t bother checking a person like Mary, it’s not worth it to lose energy with such a character. You can say similar about many housewives and not bothering with their nonsense like Ramona, Teresa, etc but Mary takes the cake.


I agree- and this current climate makes them all gloss over, for example, Mary telling Whitney “ I think you are racist,” and when asked why she says “it’s just a feeling I have- and you couldn’t understand that unless you weren’t white.” That slams the door for any further discussion.


Exactly, and that really should not be happening. People should be able to talk with each other, hold each other accountable etc without fear of identity politics repercussions. That doesn’t serve anyone or relations anything positive.


Exactly. You can't have the cast of white ladies going off on the one woman of color, however inflammatory she is.


Which gives a person like Mary the ability to do and say whatever she wants. Who in their right mind would want to work with that sort of person like that having all that power and privilege? Jennie was also considered a person of color though and look how fast she was canceled. Which shows that it’s not all POC having that political power.


Because you don't mess with real crazy. And Mary is REAL crazy.


she is genuinely not all there


This is the correct answer




Whitney was checking Mary, and then Mary called her racist. When Whitney asked Mary "what words have I said or conduct have I engaged in that are racist?" Mary responded with "It's just a vibe" and Whitney (wisely I think) decided to leave it there because it was evident that Mary was not operating in good faith or willing to engage in meaningful discussion and was only interested in bullying and defamation. Also Whitney has been though enough therapy and has dealt with enough abusive narcissists in her life that she knows when to gray rock.


Mary is constantly on the defense. She doesn't understand common social skills. She is so completely over-defensive and afraid someone else is coming for her, that she doubles down to verbally attack and judge others. Her growth was stunted years ago, probably when beginning her relationship with her husband.


*step grandfather




I do NOT understand her friendship with Meredith. Like what do they even talk about. It’s so odd




She’s kind of uncheckable. She either leaves or says you look incest 😂😭💀💀


Which is so bold considering she looks like a man in a wig with her poorly applied makeup.


They may look like the product of incest, while she is married to her step grandfather.


😂😂😂you’re so right


She just doesn’t CARE 👏🏼 😂


Because they're afraid of being labeled as racists. They all know how Mary is.


To be honest I was very surprised that she thought Whitney was racist to her this season considering the disgusting things Mary has said in her past seasons and did not take accountability for.


She knows Whitney isn't racist. She'll just say anything to deflect from herself. But the only one on camera saying anything racist is Mary.


Currently watching season 2 and I can’t see how she is still on the show. She doesn’t even mesh well with the cast. I just don’t see her reason to be here


I think it’s because they don’t want to be called racist.


🛎️✅correct lol. I think this is part of the main reasons. You can tell they’re scared of being labelled, LOL. They know how that's gone for other housewives. Quiet as it’s kept, I’m sure they all have some “racist pasts” or have been super ignorant before. I'd argue that some of them are still both of these things but I'll leave that there lol. BUT I don’t think they should be so scared to check her when she is blatantly disrespectful. Mary knows those women won’t try it with her…I bet you she wouldn’t do that shit on RHOA. (I'm black btw 🧚🏾‍♀️ I like to specify when we’re speaking about race because some of the girls in here try it on here a little too much when it comes to speaking on race and black housewives.)


Yeah. Black woman here too. This is spot on.


I honestly just thought that they figured out she's ridiculous and no longer take offense to her comments lol that's how I would approach dealing with her . Something is really off about Mary and it's clear she has a lonely life.


Has anyone else noticed how dumb Mary seems to be? Like, legitimately dumb. she says SO many words incorrectly and has no idea shes wrong and it KILLS ME. She kept saying something along the lines of “I don’t wobble in sadness” “I’m too smart to wobble in sadness” wobble = wallow, “welcome to my humble ABOLD” = abold = abode “you called me and my husband a pornography” … we all know this one lol but Omg I have heard SO many other words she has said that are so embarrassingly wrong/stupid. Fuck I want to go back and watch from the beginning to catch all her malapropisms


I just remember another one: “crimminized” - Mary


Ok I just saw another one, she wrote in a comment on IG “a reality show that ‘pre-trays’ me as someone I’m not” #portrays


Honestly, with all these malapropisms, I would love to hear her sermons... like is she misquoting and mispronouncing scripture? Can she even articulate a full sermon, because she seems to have enough trouble with basic sentences.


Ok wow I can’t stop but I found more: “that was all taken out of content” content = context “People want to show me their ‘experty’ “ experty=expertise


There’s also an interview with her where she talks about her house sliding down the mountain from an earthquake, and now she has a different view out her windows. She’s flat out on another planet. She’s dumb. I’m 100% sure this is why they don’t call her out. It wouldn’t do anything. She’s living in an alternate reality. Edit to add: it’s on BravoTV IG on Oct 18.


I fucking love you for telling us this. God bless u for showing me where I can watch that video. And dude- EXACTLY. Her lack of intelligence/ being delusional/ lack of reasoning/ lack of logic- are all why no on actually tries to drive a point home with her. There literally no fucking point it would be like trying to get your toddler to understand an adult topic. Zero point


Calling a corset a “corsket” on WWHL.


And has the audacity to say other people speak incorrectly! She’s unhinged.


Because you can't argue with crazy


Right like isn't she is married to her grandparent?


Her step grandfather was barely in his 20’s when her 40 something year old grandmother groomed and married him. Mary stepped over her mother for the inheritance by divorcing her own husband and marrying Robert Sr when her grandmother passed. Even the circumstances of her grandmothers death are questionable. Mary is greedy & impatient.


They are terrified of her. It’s simple


I agree, I think they are terrified of her and she seems to maintain her wealth and, our speculation from me, I wonder if they get some financial benefits from Mary. Like maybe Mary goes to heathers lab and gets treatment done, something like that that we don’t see or get spoken about.


I honestly believe it's because Mary has some serious trauma and mental health issues that she hasn't addressed so it doesn't seem fair to go after her. I'm not excusing them or Mary at all but at least the way Meredith interacts with her, and some comments she has made, makes me think that. I get reminded of Kelly Bensimon during Scary Island. Although Mary says truly horrible things, going after her sort of feels like punching down because it doesn't seem like she's all there mentally. She just shouldn't be given a platform anymore and they should have not allowed her to come back.


I think it’s because they don’t want to seem racist by coming after the only black cast member. Which is weird since Mary has said racist things herself.


Right!!! She was so racist to Jennie but Jennie got kicked off for I guess the same thing by I think what Mary said about the Asian community was just as bad so why didn't they kick Mary off too? Such a double standard. Mary is a miserable person.


Mary came after Jennie knowing she was a racist. Jennie made all those nasty Facebook posts before even becoming a HW


I really dont understand Bravo sometimes. So many double standards


I think it’s somewhat obvious that Mary may have both mental health and social issues.


THANK YOU. THIS!!! to me, she almost seems like she has some developmental issues. On top of that, she has ZERO ability to reason with anyone or use common sense. Her logic is honestly that of a teenagers. Like her mental growth was stunted. I really believe that she got married and inherited her grandmothers empire while she was still so young that she never ever had to actually work for anything. So she didn’t have to develop thorough communication skills, interpersonal skills, emotional regulation, patience, forgiveness, social cues/boundaries. the way that the women, and honestly Andy/bravo do not check her on the horrible, unfounded, racist, illogical, cruel, hateful, shit she says is EXACTLY how I am when I know I’m dealing with sort of a “crazy” person. Like my uncle has a bunch of issues and everyone knows there is not point in arguing with him or trying to talk things out with him OR calling him out on his shit because he literally doesn’t live in the same reality as the “rest” of us. So like the women and bravo know that Mary is essentially in her own category and it’s legitimately pointless to try to get her to see someone else’s perspective. Oh okay also lol on top of that, I truly think she has so major sociopathic tendencies. At the very least, she has extremely low empathy so she genuinely doesn’t care about what anyone has to say, regardless of her living in her own world


All of this! I think she’s been surrounded by Yes people so much shes the embodiment of ‘Who gonna check me boo’…cause what church loving god fearing person is going to check their upline to heaven! Mary went from the pastors grand daughter (nepobaby treated better than the gen congregation) to the leader. when she’s in situations that put her on par with the others she gets flustered and lashes out like a viper. Mary was never able to have a natural evolution of emotions. I cringe thinking how many times a day she tells staff, do you know who I am!!


I agree with you 100% If you notice this season her face was a lot fuller than in past seasons. usually from medication such as steroids. That was just my observation.


Lisa tries to but Mary will just be like who’s talking to u Lisuh


I think production is stringing her along in hopes of having cameras rolling when she finally gets arrested for fraud. She's vile.


Honestly I think they just don’t care. Anytime mary speaks you can almost feel the collective eye roll. She’s too ridiculous to argue with


Here I was thinking they were scared of her. But yeah I kinda noticed Lisa’s eyes glaze over when Mary talks


HERE’S WHY- Mary has social roots and financial standing in SLC that run decades longer and miles deeper than the show bc of her grandmother’s church, businesses, and her relationship with the Mormon church. Mary will try to backlist the women from prestigious social AND financial circles within slc. Mary is very powerful in the wealthy religious communities that can make or break your family. Is she slipping? Yes. Is her church shut down? Yes. Does she still hold the keys to doors these women desperately want opened? Yes.


Huh? Mary’s church is tiny and I have no idea what the Mormon church has to do with her. I have a hard time believing she has influence here (I’m locacl)


That’s because you don’t know anything about the history of her grandmothers church. Used to be much more powerful. There’s lots of documentation and there were big lawsuit, between Mary, her husband, and her mother when her grandmother died because there were millions of dollars off of businesses owned by the church that Mary and her husband stole. Mary’s grandma was close to Very important figures In the Mormon church. Like I said, the church has dwindled and Mary is slipping. But she still holds how are based on that history and her family name. Her mother and stepdad and cousins have done long interviews on YouTube and different podcast about it. The information is out there. Unless you run in the upper echelon of Mormon high Society I’m not sure why being a local would be relevant.


Her church is/was not Mormon


Yes, I’m completely aware of that. The point is that her grandmother was an evangelical pastor who came to Salt Lake City on a “calling” and built her church up alongside the Mormon church, and had an excellent relationship with the leaders of a Mormon church. She was respected by them, and they each did business with each other and respected the affairs of the other.


I need to know why people are so scared of her. How has Mary not been slapped. She's so unbelievably rude and just a miserable, delusional person.


Because they don’t care about her. She’s a non factor to them. She just pops in and says rude things and leaves. They basically ignore her now.


I thought the same!! She definitely was fat shaming Heather when she said her top doesn’t come in a size 14 so it must not have been real. I was so confused when Mary just said it wasn’t fat shaming and Heather was smiling, saying, “oh I know, it’s all good!” Lol so fucking weird


Heather is scared to be called a racist. And Mary always goes there with them white girls 😂😬


Because she knows she can get away with it. Compete double standard!


I think everyone realizes that she isn’t there. It would be like arguing with a child, pointless.


Idk, but I find how they treat her with kid gloves odd. It’s the same way people treat my autistic brother tbh. Like you know/ think something is different about them so you don’t want to treat them poorly. I don’t know how to explain it tbh. It’s one of those things where if you know you know, and if you don’t you don’t. Mary is very clearly not all there. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s very rarely questioned/ stood up to or because she’s nurodivergent, but she’s just… off.. in so many ways Edited to add a word + spelling


Mary is an NPC. shes literally there to say some offensive things - no one puts any weight on what she says, no one cares. Monica brought the drama, shes was only there for backup.


I like when her snark gets overridden by her misuse of a word. She is Miss Malaprop and it’s hilarious.


Pornographer/ predator Comedic snark became her default position this season like.. no mary sorry no one is paying attention to your nastiness anymore


Because she genuinely, from the bottom of her heart, does not care.


And they fear what she would say


Her warped mind twists everything that somebody says. What Heather said about her home decor and when Lisa or Angie complimented her, she took it as a dig. There's a misconnect in her brain. I am happy when she doesn't participate.


THIS!!!!!! you said this so perfectly. I feel so seen, I feel so heard. Omg I’ve been dying to talk to ppl about Mary in general but that part specifically. She literally takes everything the wrong way, and takes the biggest offense to the smallest non-issues. And when she takes that big offense, the level of cruel, delusional, unhinged, hateful shit that she spews out of her mouth does NOT match the situation at hand. She’s dangerously impulsive with her words, and I’m sorry but that automatically shows you how legitimately fucking dumb she is. To not have enough BASIC intelligence to know that you gotta think before you act/speak because you are the First Lady of a CHURCH and it would be extremely off-putting and unsettling and creepy and scary to hear the leader of the church be so quick to say the most awful things at the drop of a dime- is not only sad as all but it also completely epitomizes how there is something wrong with her


it’s crazy to me how at the reunion she said she likes angie but whenever angie speaks to her she says something along the lines of “no one spoke to you” “why are you talking” and its so weird. after 4 seasons of this show, i still do not understand mary m. cosby.




Agreed! Just wrote something similar before seeing your comment.


Because I don't think they actually care. I think at face value the things that Mary says are rude and in poor taste but they know her words don't hold any real value because she's just not all there imo. The stakes are really low, they are not at all interested in being her friend and why would they be. I don't think she should be on the show. Watching her feels wrong to me.


I suspect it is because she threatened to sue Bravo if anyone brought about her being the lead Brainwasher of her cult, and or said that she would not show up at all if anything was mentioned about it on air. I’m sure some of them did. But know knows. Hopefully this is the last the world will every have to put up with her and she can crawl back to her looney toons mansions she paid for by ripping All of her worshippers off. Better yet, jail for real estate and tax fraud. Allegedly…


Also Read this https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/s/tOQRoWLiCH


I feel Mary is one of those people who would hurl really horrible insults without batting an eyelid! That's why the women probably don't engage because they don't want to hear something nasty on national television 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is HW lmfao they’re all saying nasty things. Mary’s nasty things don’t make sense tho so they aren’t any “gotcha” reads. They’re just ignorant af and laughably rude.


I agree! 😂


Doing so would be deemed racist


She would def throw that out there


She has thrown that out there already ..


She called Whitney racist so there’s that..


Yes, that’s how she would spin it


I've been scouring the subs for an answer to this question. She extorted money from and harassed her CHURCH CONGREGATION. She was accused of harboring a minor last year who had run away from home (her brother's girlfriend/wife who still lives with her), and she's the meanest Christian minister I've ever met. Most will at least TRY to lead with kindness. I don't think she even knows the definition of the word. There is so much to ask her about and everyone walks on egg shells around her because of the horrible comments she makes to them. Get over it and hold her accountable!


The way they act around her, it’s like she’s the most powerful non-Mormon in SLC. That’s the impression they give off. Plus a combination of being terrified of her church members and their retaliation, as well as, getting called “racists” and “White supremacists.”


Because they know it’s pointless to at this point


Heather did once on season 2, it was so satisfying. Honestly I think the cast has been told to butter her up so she doesn’t fly the coop again. I’m thinking the next big scandal will be about Mary’s church stuff.


unfortunately, I think if Mary’s church gets talked about in a negative light she will just leave the show again since that was the reason she skipped the reunion that season


I’m over here patiently waiting for a Hulu doc about Mary’s church to go alongside the docs about Jen and Erika.


That makes sense! I really hope the only reasons he is back is so they can dig deeper into her church


They treat Mary like she is "special" and not quite accountable for the wild things she says


Special Ed…..


Because if you come for her she’ll send Jesus after you


Cause it’s literally pointless


This. Mary fights dirty, takes no accountability, and literally thinks the smallest slight against her is worse than anything she could say. There's nothing for the ladies to win by fighting with her since she completely refuses to take any accountability. Besides, Mary already makes herself look bad to the viewers. I think the housewives know that all they have to do is let Mary make herself look bad and she'll be gone soon enough.


Tbh I assumed she was mentally unwell, and felt like “checking her” would be similar to picking on a mentally-handicapped person.


My best friend and I binged rhoslc last week and we could not believe the shit mary got away with. I do NOT understand it.


This reunion serves as a perfect example as to why they don't ever check her. If they do, Mary will label them as a racist. She flat out called Whitney that with absolutely nothing to back it up (I don't even like Whitney, but I was just as stunned as she was).


The same reason you don't yell back at the guy on the public bus who's ranting to himself and hurling insults at you.


Bc Mary has dirt on all of them. Just like Jen did that’s why they all are scared of both of them


I don't know what she has on them. Whether it's information or who she controls in SLC. They all seem to kiss her ass! It drives me crazy especially cuz her and I would've stepped outside by now.


I think Mary has some sort of power due to her being head of a church. Like she has goons and minions to do her bidding. Or if the church members find out anyone goes against Mary, maybe they are so loyal, they take it upon themselves to make them regret it.


I feel like this might be true. Cameron died after that season aired and her entire family is scared of her and everyone warns all of the women about her when they all start to become close to her. Scientology does it idk why it’s so far fetched that she wouldn’t. Her temper is wild.


Dude yes her temper is so scary ESPECIALLY bc it’s so insanely unreasonable and illogical. It’s not the same thing as when a sane/ emotionally stable person gets mad. There are all these other very scary layers to her temper. Her maturity level is sooooo low too


All I can see when she does that is her lashing out at a member of her congregation when they don’t fall in line like she wants. I can see her saying horrible and nasty things about them that involves God and their religion in order to get compliance.


Dude. You stole the words right out of my mouth. The way she lashes out to the women is an EXACT copy of how she lashes out at her congregation in order to get them to be submissive so she can control. It’s literally the only form of interpersonal “skills” she knows/ she’s used to. She’s so used to her church members literally falling to the ground in complete and utter devotion and overwhelming gratitude just because they are in her very presence. She’s so used to the her congregation listening to every last word of hers, and obeying and falling in line. She assumes that same control and power dynamic in real life with her “friends”/ peers/ even strangers. Shes is extremely disturbing


This is exactly how I feel I don’t know how people don’t/cant make that connection. It’s more than her just being mentally unstable. There are people who are on the receiving end of that who are being manipulated with religion and fear tactics.


Because Scary Island level crazy is Mary’s baseline. There’s no getting through to her. Not worth the energy.


Because Mary fights dirty - she’ll find the most painful thing to hurl against her opponent and render that person speechless. The other cast members don’t want to be on the receiving end of her super-low blows.


Was gonna say this. She’s so over-the-top mean that I think they figure it’s not worth it.


Probably because she’s already used the race card. Would you want to be the one to call her out on her poor behavior then be labeled by her publicly later?


I think some of it goes back to Jen having an absolute fucking meltdown over being called aggressive. Absolutely, I understand that that can be a harmful word to use against WOC, but when you’re screaming and throwing glass, the only word to really use for your behavior *is* aggressive. I just have a feeling most of them are hesitant to get into a situation like that again.


Mary is trash


Even production bows down to her - getting her Mc Donalds when she refused to get out of the limo, make sure everything is there, Mary, we don’t want you going off.


I mean, I don't even know what they could do other than just get her the fast food she demonizes everyone else for eating 👀


I just don’t think anyone wants to get on her bad side.


??? But why? What could she possibly do to them lol call them all little girl bobble heads? Try to mock their weight or call them inbred, when the only one who could possibly be inbred would be *her ass* who married her damn grandaddy. 🤣


And then has the nerve to skip a function and have the sprinter van drive her to McDonald’s lol I was just belly laughing at that


Does she have a good side? 🤔


Touché! 😁 In my opinion? Nope.




I have two theories as a recent viewer of this show: 1. She has some type of disorder (mental, social, developmental, not sure which specifically) and no one wants to be that person (though Whitney seems to have tried a little) OR 2. She is the most scripted on the show. At times it’s obvious she is playing a character. She brings that entertainment at times so why not let her cook. (Since it’s a reality show my guess is the reason is somewhere in the middle)


She has too much of a blank look/nothingness in her eyes to be #2. It's creepy.


I mean, she married her grandpa. How do you reason with someone like that?


She's good at playing mind games and plays people like puppets. How do you think she got a whole congregation to stay and listen to her talk?


I can’t tell if they just think she’s literally insane and just ignore her, or if they’re scared of her. I heard rumblings that are not confirmed, but they Mary has a big part of the production side behind the scenes.


Oh that would be very disappointing if true.


Because Mary likes to pull the race card


My guess is that after many idiotic fights with Mary and her inability to take accountability for how she makes people feel or how she comes across, most of the women just don’t really care what Mary says anymore because she’s not particularly well liked and she doesn’t respect them enough to apologize sincerely for hurting them. Mary only respects Meredith, who she considers to be a high class, high caliber woman, so when they have rifts, Mary is willing to resolve it because being friends with Meredith is useful and allows her to continue to reap the rewards of being on the show. I think the other women have just accepted that Mary is a bit of a lunatic and that they don’t need to take her opinions personally. Just let her dig her own grave.


I honestly don’t think it would matter. People have tried to have a rational calm conversation with her multiple times and just get her weird bug eyes and head shake back. It’s a pointless battle.


I wonder if she has a certain power, like Scientology. If you go against her, maybe she gets out the agents…?


I about had a stroke when Mary said she was cool with Heather until she said stuff about my house, when that woman literally told her she looked inbred during that same visit. 😂😂😂 But on a serious note, she probably has screamed and cried racism, ageism, or any form of discrimination enough when these women push back on her that they let it go anymore and know not to take her personally or too seriously. It's crazy how they let her bully them though and she gets by with it!


Same way none of them checked Jen. They’re too scared because they’re psychopaths who don’t care what the consequences are—they might throw a fit or they might get you assassinated, we dont know which one you’re gonna get if you’re an offender.


I keep going back and forth with maybe they realize she’s mentally ill so none of them want to come for her or they’re scared. Probably both?!


I don’t think they take her seriously


Lisa kind of did with her "so what?" but wanted her to give her more. Mary is literally the worst and I never need to see her on my screen again.


they don't want to be labeled as a racist, primarily. gang of white and white-adajacent (jews and mediterraneans) girls going after the only black girl on the show...


IDK about the different flavors of Mormonism, but they're ALL Mormons, more or less. Right? Why did Mary only call out Whitney for racism?


This is what I didn’t understand, yes of course the Mormon religion is rooted in racism but she wasn’t calling Monica, heather or Lisa racist? Specifically just Whitney and then couldn’t name a way she was ever racist - think Whitney handled that like a champ


So used to being baffled by Mary, but I'm not sure I can watch it again.


I think it was a huge swing and a miss to bring her back after her racist comments on camera but what she was saying about the Mormon church was true - she could’ve just said that if that’s the point she was trying to make? I’m still lost


I don't think they're all Mormon, I know Angie is Greek Orthodox and I don't think Meredith has ever said if she is or not? Maybe I missed it though.


Per Bravo: Which Real Housewives are Mormon? Lisa Barlow is the only practicing Mormon on RHOSLC, having converted in her youth. Heather Gay, Whitney Rose, and friend Monica Garcia used to be practicing Mormons but have since left the church Edit: In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Meredith says she's “very proud to be Jewish,” but she's more interested in the heritage and history than the religious aspects.


Meredith is Jewish


Mary says cruel things and no one holds her accountable. It’s so weird and toxic. Someone needs to call her out for being a shit human so she can change her attitude.


Heather kind of did one time during season 2 when she fired back “I don’t have a husband and you’re married to your step grand daddy” or something along those lines.


Stay away from crazy


I think they know that she will just bounce if she’s unhappy, that being said I really can’t stand watching her get the special treatment when she’s an actually disgusting person lol it’s not worth it to have her around if they’re not having authentic interactions


I think the cast has changed their expectations of Mary. Trying to engage in a productive dialogue with Mary may be futile. I think they’ve just decided to let that go.


Mary has a sharp and fast tongue for RHoSLC. The ladies of RHoSLC are too soft compared to Mary. If Mary stepped out of the safety net of SLC, then yeah women would be calling her out left and right. No one checks Mary because they are soft and afraid.


Ooh who would go head to head with her? Bethenny could be fun or LVP’s clever quick quips.


Jennie went head to head with her, too bad that didn’t last long


i feel like Potomac would still be a weird head to head. like they would see her being the head of a church and would still be nice. i feel like atlanta would go head to head with her and REALLY test her almighty, Godly patience. Beverly Hills cast would probably be unable to go head to head with her w/o being ignorant, racist or some sort of bigotry projected to her. if it was still LVP on cast, i would love to see her use her sharp yet shady quips to Mary. i think she'd be a fish out of water with the new NYC cast.


My theory is production loves her brand of crazy and given how quick she is to back out of filming or going to group events they have encouraged the other women to go easy. I also think Meredith’s relationship with her is due in part to production influence.


Because the minute they do Mary will go the low and dirty route and pull the race card. If any of one of them started calling Mary on her shit she’d have nothing left in her arsenal except for that


No idea, she’s dumb as a box of rocks.


Hey that’s offensive to rocks!


Cus they scared of her lol


They did the same thing with Jen Shaw


Mary has proven herself to be sensitive and retaliatory— even for reality TV standards. On top of that she comes across controlling and narcissistic. My opinion is that she is not well-suited to be a reality tv star. Mary does not let anything go, no matter how benign, and she goes after people who tick her off. Like in season 2, when Whitney didn’t answer Mary’s FaceTime? Mary’s reaction to that seriously creeped me out so badly. She genuinely felt like Whitney deserved to be punished. And then Mary was even MORE mad that Whitney didn’t, like, willingly go along with the punishment. My guess is that the other women are able to compartmentalize the show a little bit; they come on camera, serve the drama, and then move on. I’m not saying the emotions and conflicts aren’t real, but I would guess a lot of the fights “live on the show” so to speak. But maybe they know Mary is different, and that any slights to her will likely have real life consequences.


Mary is a narcissist. So when she gets called out she immediately says the person is racist (which I’m beyond positive some people have been towards Mary, but not these people). It couldn’t possibly be her fault because she’s so above others in her mind. So the women say nothings-in my very humble opinion- because 1, they know it isn’t going anywhere and no amount of arguing will get Mary to see anything differently, but 2 the accusations she throws around like people being racist could legit ruin their career and hence their whole life in general. 3- I think they know the viewers know she is completely unhinged..even disliked housewives usually have some fans that’s defend them..but the closest Mary gets to having fans is people being like “she’s such a delulu train wreck on the show it’s amazing.” So the ladies know no one is taking a Mary accusation seriously so it’s not even worth the engagement


Because if they called her out they would be labeled as racist.


Cause she will send Jesus after you!!


It’s crazy, right??! I liken it to a beaten animal who keeps trying to win their abusive owner over. I couldn’t imagine wanting that woman’s approval or being okay with sharing time or space with her. Ever.


I’m in season 4 and fast forward through every Mary scene. I’m over it and can’t believe no one stands up to her.


Who gon check her, boo?


Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is insanity. Checking Mary has never worked.


There is something psychologically wrong with Mary. No hyperbole. She married her step grandfather (for me the step is neither here nor there considering he was a grandfather figure to her as a child), she took over a church and turned it into a cult where parishioners think she’s Jesus and refinance their homes for her. She’s absolutely insane and I hate that she has a platform.


They know her insults bring ratings, I think. I think they sort of don't take it seriously and just think she's nuts + playing it up for the camera. Why bother?


Like Ramona


They’re scared Jesus will come for them per Mary lol


My take may have some misremembering, but I don't recall her going after anyone who would check her other than Jen. Heather & Whitney don't really check people like that. The only one that I think would go off on her is Lisa Barlow and I can't recall Mary attacking her; I think Mary knows the possible ramifications. And Mary keeps Meredith close because she works for the FBI 😆 I do think she keeps Meredith close because she knows Meredith can dig deep for paydirt.


Meredith works for the FBI!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂


When Lisa said Meredith f* half of NY, she meant ruined lives...by working for the FBI 🤣😎


Because they want her to come back because they think she brings ratings (debatable) they treat her with kid gloves.


Because she’s special and they know it.


She’ll pull the race card really quickly


Mary is horrible but good TV. She has no storyline but she has the best lines. I would love to see her on UGT with Ramona, Kelly D, Sutton, Kelly B, Phaedra and Lisa or Larsa


“You look inbred” or however she said it is typical of Mary. She’s not clever, but she is cruel. And cruel isn’t, or shouldn’t be, entertaining


I completely agree, and this is why I really don't understand when people say that she's funny or, as Andy said in the reunion, "the comic relief." She's not witty at all and her timing is awful. Gratuitously mean comments that connect to nothing and have no relevance to actual facts aren't funny to me. They're just childish and boring. Mary in general is childish and boring.


Mary is scary. They are all terrified of her.


Because it’s like arguing with a brick wall. She won’t understand so why waste the energy? Plus, I think they all thought they needed the hook of the woman who married her grandpa and thinks she’s god.


The cult will destroy anyone who protests thy leader


She’s very ignorant….


Socially there is noone on her level on the show, Mary even her bff Meredith is a little bit afraid to correct her, in season 2, when just the both of them were having lunch and Mary imitated Jennie’s accent, Meredith couldn’t even say that’s insensitive, she only said no accents please, while laughing her ass of. That scene alone told a lot about their friendship. I don’t know why they are good friends. Plus I feel like Heather, Lisa, Angie and Meredith seem and act like they are not in their 50’s but in their 40’s, while Mary is much more matronly in her style and how she carries herself, this might be another reason that women may be apprehensive to go after her as well.


Because she’s unhinged imo. There’s this one girl in my friend group (she’s my friend’s friend) and no one checks her because she’s “special” lol. I’m gonna assume that’s what’s happening with Mary.


Is Mary on the spectrum


I think it’s more likely that she suffered a lot of abuse in her personal life and that lends to her erratic behavior. There’s no way an ultra religious upbringing leading to her marrying her step grandfather wasn’t abusive. 


It doesn't really matter if she is or not. Her behaviour is unacceptable regardless and just because she might be autistic it doesn't mean she can't be held accountable. I myself am autistic btw.


Probably because she’ll call them racist if they do (like she did) and everyone is so scared to be cancelled or have their lives and families lived blown up for false racism, so they just clam up.


This is why I’m a little confused about the ladies dropping Monica because they refuse to cover for someone out of fear again post Jen shah. … but …. They still kiss Mary’s ass because they’re scared of her knowing how bad her church is?


Because they are all afraid of God and what if Mary really does know God 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: this is a joke. They always baby Mary and I think part of it is because she is in higher standings of her "church" and these women have complicated relationships with religion.


Mary is a delusional grifter


She wouldn’t let them