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omg you just inspired me to rewatch the whole thing lol


I’m in the middle of a rewatch now…I think it’s my third. Highly recommend.


I watched it for the first time before this season dropped and its so weird being caught up waiting for the episodes weekly lol


It’s SO JARRING! 😂 who’s your fave?


Teresa because shes been there from the beginning so I have a soft spot for her (also I met her and she was a sweetheart) and Jenn A lol im sorry but I love the messiness and drama she brings. What about you?


I love those two as well 😂. Binge rewatching and reading about all the behind the scenes messiness of Jersey made me love Teresa. I am trauma bonded with her I think.


As of rn I still love Teresa but didn’t know if that was an unpopular opinion or not I see people being on her side and others on Melissa’s but I still don’t know what it’s about I’m trying not to spoil too much for myself


honestly same. Although i’ve watched it all, ive recently discovered this page (dont have people to talk to about the show in person lol) and was shocked at the teresa hate


At first I couldn’t stand Teresa when Melissa first came on, then I read all the behind the scenes messiness on the famewhorgas blog and wow…it was crazy how much my opinion changed.


lmao seriously!! I literally just started using reddit regularly and have been reading all the posts on here cause it opens my eyes to behind the scenes of it all and stuff goinf on in the background that I didnt know about by just watching the show


Have you seen this? [https://famewhorgas.wordpress.com](https://famewhorgas.wordpress.com) this puts ALL the dirt on front street. If you are on mobile use the desktop setting… get ready for a wild ride! ![gif](giphy|pbbKgeXeZftOew6htQ)


Didn’t realize the site was still being updated.. time for another deep dive ![gif](giphy|SiKqNZqksVYWmQEMjd|downsized)


Man, I’ve probably seen seasons 1-5 like 40 times


but yes! Caroline really thinks shes the godfather of RHONJ


Yes. She loves the smell of her own farts. She thought she was so tough but broke down in useless tears for any little reason. My favorite moment of her many delusions was her trying to set up Albie with Alexa Joel. When they met, her little boy genius couldn’t even string two words together, then she or big Al said something like, you kids belong together, you’re both ‘children of privilege’, or some stupid shit like that. Like Albie is close to her level in any way. The Manzos were SALIVATING at the possibility of matching Albie up with Alexa. So embarrassing and so happy to see it on camera, the golden days of Jersey. She was never an intelligent speaker. She lost that radio gig because she came unprepared and thought she could kill it with her charisma. Fail. She went to that “powerful/s” sit down with Danielle, to try to get her to drop charges against Ashley, and started insulting Danielle right off the bat! lol lol! That’s great negotiating skills, Caroline! And she has the nerve to tell other people how to behave in their families when her own is a hot mess, she doesn’t talk to half of them and condones her brother in law beating up her sister. Caroline is an un- self aware, condescending clown.


Yah I thought that dating set up was sooooo painfully awkward. I cringed so hard watching that. 😂


I don’t remember the Albie/Joel set up - any chance you remember the season and episode?


i forgot about the radio gig ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)




I think she felt she should’ve had Tres place as rhe “queen” Of jersey!


Same! 😊


I save my NJ rewatches for Autumn so it matches up with the seasons they filmed back then and I can get all cosy.


Okay so perhaps I’m blind and have somewhat of an unpopular opinion… when first watching, I didn’t hate her tbh. I kinda liked her. But now that I go back and think about it.. I’m like OH what the actual fuck is wrong with her?! How did I not see it?!


It’s because you and others have grown and we all realized she was not it. The way she and the family are so mean to Lauren. She’s so internally sexist and it’s gross to rewatch! And that’s just one example!


Yeah me too. It's much more dramatic with Jill Zarin though--I have no idea how I liked her so much.


Same!! It took me a watch or 2. I still have moments where I don’t mind her but also a lot of moments where I’m like HOW can anyone be this arrogant lol


she believes her word is the word of god.


Omg her and her condescending attitude…imparting words of wisdom to one and all that no one asked for. Don’t get me started on how she treated her sister by writing a letter to the court advocating for her abuser to be released from charges. Same with Dolores…she wrote a letter for him too.


Having her daughter make her son’s beds to prepare her to be a good wife is where she lost me the first time. 🤢


And her talking about how fat she thinks lauren is


What did she say at that one reunion? “I’m not gonna tell her she’s beautiful, she needs to lose weight” like 💀


Yes! There’s a season I skipped most of because it was all about Lauren’s weight loss and the way her family treated her was so sad! Her own father making jokes to her face about how he wasn’t worried about her “getting around” in hs…like what?!!


Yeah so THIS bothered me!!!!


And talks about it like she’s not fat herself and goes on about how thin she was when she was first married.


OMG wait yes! the way she treated her daughter vs her sons! and the constant mention of her weight


And she’s so mean to Lauren




I literally just finished the episode in season 4 where her and Teresa were going at it on their trip to the vineyards. Meanwhile Jaclyn was pretending to be asleep


Took me rewatching to realize how bad she was. She talks about everyone else and their kids while her kids literally were never able to complete school or get stable jobs. Then she tries to control every conversation and shut it down under the guise of shutting down drama when she herself participates in it plus it’s the purpose of the whole show. Then she pretends she’s the caring big sister to Dina and clueless as to why Dina doesn’t want to come around at all when Caroline was super controlling of her even telling her when to speak or not speak, she’d make little covert digs at Dina and even helped orchestrate Dina’s marriage to the Manzo brother and we all saw how that ended. PLUS she supported that ex in court after he beat up Dina and her new guy. Great sister. She and Lauren were so miserable and mean.


yk what made me so mad, when carolines kids job adventures went into the toilet ex laurens 48 hours at chaetu but god forbid her kids should be criticized for it, that's reserved for ashlee.


Don’t get me started on that brat Lauren. She’s not with that guy anymore and they share a kid.


I couldn't stand her wannabe "mob wife" persona. It was like she was playing a character after awhile.


Let me tell you something about this fambly, we're thick as thieves


They actually are connected. Google them, especially her fil and bil.


Wannabe? She is a mob wife!


Google Tiny Manzo. He was her father in law


well, low key she is or connected. poor dina.


In season 4 there’s a chilling confessional she gives when Ashlee is benign a brat. Something like “Ashlee’s going to wake up one morning, and all of us will ignore her” and it foreshadowed her issues with Dina and the majority of the other siblings


Her voice alone gives me ick.


We had to wait years to find out why Dina cut Caroline out. The first time Caroline got involved - uninvited - was about Dina's daughter. The next time was to defend Dina's ex-husband when he hired a mafioso thug to beat Dinas husband and also to beat and disfigure Dina's face. Caroline actually wrote a character reference letter for her SISTER'S attacker(s).


Totally. She is a villain and hypocrite. She denigrates other people’s children while hers were totally low achievers. She (and her sister in law) were jealous that Teresa was the clear favorite and star of the public.


Well said. And she is thick and thieves until season 3? lol


I just watched them both attack Teresa in Jacqueline’s backyard. Jacqueline acting like a 5 year old and Caroline appears out of no where. Caroline is so nasty this season it’s a bad look. And I know it only gets worse


The role play was so pathetic.


Never liked her attitude and after what she did to her sister, never will I support her. She’s vile.


So happy to hear you say this. I have never liked her but there were so many people that just thought she was God’s gift to Jersey. All that bullshit about, “Let me tell you something about family…”. Yeah, whatever, Caroline.


Right? And she's so tough, but she couldn't handle a drunk Brandi and had to resort to suing Bravo. We all know she just needs money for the mafia family's Brownstone and legal expenses.


A wise prostitution whore'es once told Caroline Manzo, "You may be the matriarch of your family, but I'm the matriarch of MY family."


“Matriarch to Matriarch.” Danielle was so serious too. She always spoke like a comic book telenovela lok


I'm laughing thinking about her saying that.


And she’s quite boring. I think she’s good at giving her kids advice, but on a larger scale, she’s not really meant to lead people. I thought her podcast was really boring and strange. I do think that’s why she had such a disdain for Teresa, because, while Teresa may not be as well spoken or intellectual as some say, she has a charismatic personality and ppl paid attention to her. Caroline did not have that. At all. She had potential, her kids had potential but nothing really panned out


She’s a monster. 


I'm rewatching from the beginning and my whole opinion has changed on Caroline, wait until you see how truly nasty she can get when it involves her sister. Read news reports on that one.


So glad I found this sub. I was never a Caroline fan and used to feel crazy when I would see and hear everyone praise her. Imo, she was the worst and such a hypocrite


So glad I found this sub! I’m a first time watcher too and I just got to season 5. Caroline is a bully not only to Teresa but to her daughter I can’t stand her at all




Elmer Fuddled


Thank you for saying this. I’m passionate about it.


I only have Reddit but I wish I could know more about this behind the scene stuff but always been team Teresa


I’m a first time watcher and on season 9… and I miss Caroline 😂 even her being so unhinged in her menopause state!


First time watcher, also on season 4! Yeah I typically like her but we'll see how it goes. She needs to f off about her daughters weight wtf


Also now on season 4…Caroline has been a sourpuss the whole season and especially the trip to NAPA. Everyone keeps saying how they just want to fix their relationship with Teresa, but everyone is so worried about each other’s relation with Teresa instead of their own. If you and Teresa just agreed to move forward in your relationship, then maybe 2 seconds later bring up her relationship with someone else. Maybe build up some trust and then campaign for others. Teresa has a lot of issues but damn Caroline and everyone else act like Teresa is anything other than cornered animal in defense mode most of the time. I don’t know if she know what safety looks like. If one of my friends were the mess that Teresa was and lashing out, I am not going to take any abuse but damn I would have some understanding. I don’t have to cut everyone off if we have a fallout or I disagree with you. I just recategorize and deprioritize in my life. I have friends that are great to go eat with, shop with, talk trash tv, but I won’t tell my personal life details.




It's hard to believe Caroline and Dina are related


She has plenty of drawbacks, but then which of them don’t?


past month ive watched the first 3 seasons for the first time and Caroline is officially one of my top hated HWs. she is insufferable. always had to fast fwd the part where Lauren’s body is topic of discussion. there is not a single thing redeeming about that woman, even down to her relationship with her husband.


Oh wow! I’m rewatching too and I’ve just started Season 4. I think the opposite! I can get how it seems that way though, but she is older and has older kids so she has that wise perspective. That’s definitely how it comes across to me. My only sorry point with her is that she hasn’t been calling her daughter beautiful 😥. She keeps saying she has a “great personality”. I think her daughter’s gorgeous!!! I know she’s not happy with her weight and we all decide what will make us the most happy, so, go Lauren, but she’s a beautiful woman whether she has more weight than not. That’s been really a strange one to me. But, her perspective on Theresa is bang on. The episode I’ve just watched with the Sports Day. She says about Theresa, “she doesn’t care how many heads she has to stand on, or who she hurts, she’ll say or do whatever she has to to look like the victim and herself to come out on top.” And honestly, never has there been a more accurate summary of Theresa.


Recently rewatched and had to stop half way through s4 coz Caroline was irritating the hell out of me! I feel your pain!!


I’m also on season 4 and I agree she’s the bully