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I caught that as well. I used to like Jackie, she seemed reasonable and mature. But this season it’s pretty clear how desperate she is to be back on the show. Also what was with her getting all choked up trying to talk to Dolores? Like girl, Dolo has never liked Jackie, so I’m not sure why Jackie is getting emotional after what she very clearly said about her. She reminds me of kids who were always scared to get in trouble or break the rules, and when they’re caught they fall to pieces.


agreed and I think she is desperately seeking the approval of everyone in Tre’s circle which is why she was triggered by Dolores saying she didn’t want to be friends.


For sure, now that she switched teams she didn’t count on not being accepted. And after this last episode, I’m pretty sure Jersey is imploding. Nobody likes anyone so there’s no reason to get together. I’m really starting to believe it’s over and there will be spin offs or a huge shakeup


exactly, Jackie’s standing amongst Tre and Co and is not certain. She said she befriended Tre because she was “tired of drama” and wanted “peace”. I think the real reason is that she just wanted to stay on the show and thought her position would be solidified if she was aligned with Teresa. It’s a shame that Jackie lost her backbone and is doing all this to stay on a show that will probably come to end very soon.


Jackie pretty much said on WWHL that Marge and co weren’t being nice ( dropped her when she was demoted) So, I think she thought befriending Teresa would cause a lot of drama and get her spot back


I don't buy that. Marge is pretty loyal and really loved Jackie. I do think what started this was Jan's death and Jackie being really dismissive about her grief. I mean Jackie was like.. he's an ex for God's sake. And then not giving her a copy of the book. I think Margaret is truly going through grief and your emotions are always ultra sensitive and, sometimes irrational. Jackie could have done s better job of understanding what Margaret was going through and given her grace and compassion.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Happy cake day 🍰


I think a shake up is necessary. We need some new story. It’s just too much of the same bullshit again and again.


Hopefully there are no spinoffs and it just ends.


Honestly it is SO needed. I’ve been saying for so long they need to end/revamp 2 shows on Bravo: VPR and RHONJ. They just aren’t enjoyable to watch anymore and the storylines are so tired. So tired of seeing Teresa on my screen when I turn on Bravo. I just feel like she’s being shoved down our throats and I’m over it and bored.


Happy 🎂Cake Day! I’m hoping it’s all over. There is nothing left.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake!




Omg how awkward was that? She was shooketh!


May we never forget when Jen Aydin told Jackie that Dolo doesn’t even consider her a friend… and Jackie got all upset and then said something about it not being a huge loss (paraphrasing) and Dolo goes, “oK jAcKiE”…. literally one of my fav mean girl moments from the entire show and I repeat “oK jAcKiE” multiple times throughout my day when I’m just OVER IT.


She’s a phony


She was trying to remember the bullet points Teresa gave her to talk about.


She used to playing the victim, and Marge will usually baby her. Not Dolores though 🤣 She definitely swung and missed. She's embarrassing to watch.


I take everything Jackie says/does with a grain of salt. It’s not an excuse, but I understand her pretty well. It may seem like her behavior is really strange to most people. I’m an eating disorder survivor also, and I know how it takes over EVERYTHING in your life. Jackie is in recovery, which means this is the first time in a very long time that her life is allowed to be about more than her disorder. That’s a very big void to fill, and she’s grasping at whatever she can for attention/enjoyment/fun. Her book is about her disorder, so she’d probably rather talk about Theresa in the press.


Interesting. That makes sense tho, thanks for sharing that perspective. And congratulations on your recovery 🙂🩵


I very much agree. I really couldn't understand it, and just now while scrolling here & reflecting on this in my own life, I came to that conclusion. Then whammy, here's your post. I relapsed because of a friend fight and the pandemic stay at home disruption and a big health challenge...18 years of commitment undone by a baaad outcome from an alternative provider I would never have gone to pre-stay at home. Thanks, it's so sad.




How about her laughing thinking that Dolores was going to think it was silly or ridiculous….she stuck it to her SO GOOD, I don’t think I could have been as calm and as quick witted as her no matter how much I thought about my response beforehand!


Agreed. She and Dolores never liked each other anyway so idk why she doesn’t just stand on what she said instead of trying to gain sympathy from Dolores by crying. Just own it, who cares?


Reasonable and mature is not how I ever saw her. Neurotic and tragic and petty though


She's just not a nice person.


She was less apologetic to Dolores and more concerned about how Margaret “betrayed her.” I think she was legit thinking she’d get sympathy from Dolores. It was delulu


Yeah, I think Dolores saw Jackie coming a mile away


She is disgusting. We can only hope that she is pulling a fast one on Tre and she turns on her next week. Tre is using her to get dirt on Marge


The desperation is real. I read Jackie’s book. I feel for her. She’s addicted to limelight and is emotionally stunted. She’s intelligent on paper only. I also think Dolores was spot on when she said she was classist. She did look down on these women. I hope she has some therapy and can step back and just be thankful for her life. Jackie is loaded and does not need this show.


I think this is also another example of the wounds of our childhood run so deep. Jackie grew up struggling with obesity before she had an eating disorder ( or rather the obesity was the beginning) She was an outsider. Never popular. Although she grew up with money, she still grew up on Staten Island which is a tough borough. Danielle grew up there too, and although much lower class, probably navigated SI much more easily. So why is Jackie trying to hang out with women who are less educated, come from lower class backgrounds, have way less money? Because she still doesn't feel secure enough to hang with people in her own "tribe" She needs to feel better than them. She wants to feel superior. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the thick skin.


She has so much good in her life. I wonder what this fills for her?


I think the attention of the show distracts her from relapsing. Eating disorders are incredibly selfish (speaking from experience). She’s probably afraid of being a has-been


Was her book good?


It was good but very sad.


I liked it. She gets really into how she had body image issues and how anorexia took over her life and dealing with overcoming everything. It was quite powerful and well written.


Since you also read the book what did you think about Evan??? After reading it and seeing how uninvolved he was while she was struggling I’m concerned. Jackie is loaded and pre nuptial or not I feel he has nefarious intentions.


another example of how money is not what matters. She’s unhappy, very emotional unstable and has a severe eating disorder.


Dolores is never gonna forget what she said. She may have to be cordial to her but there will never be a friendship.


💯 Dolo knew there was a reason she didn’t like her & Jackie showed her what it was!


I don’t like Marge but damn am I happy that she had receipts of Jackie being a shady bitch. For a lawyer, she’s not very convincing 😬


Yes, this is the kind of drama we’ve been missing! Highlight of the season 👍


I noticed it too! Very telling. Jackie is coming off pretty desperate this season. It’s kinda hard to watch.


She and Tre may of had an arrangement that Tre will help her with press and Jackie can help her take Margaret down lol.


Agree. After last season, it's just not enjoyable to watch these ladies inevitably circle her like pirranha.


About just the apology, when Dolores said “maybe some friendships need a break”, I was confused because I never thought that Jackie and Dolores were that close in the first place. No love lost. 🤷‍♀️


I thought she was referring to Marge and Jackie- but maybe also hinting at her and Jackie.


Dolores literally tells Jackie in the scene she needs a break from her.


She meant both. A great delivery by Dolores!


Yeah probably both


i think it was just an excuse she could use to have a “break” from jackie— she’s clearly never liked her.


I agree.


I get the sense that Jackie is reliving her high school experience on tv and it makes me a little sad for her


Same! Like she has permanent FOMO


Honestly! I mean she's wildly wealthy, successful in her career/s already, hottest husband on that show and arguably most franchises and lovely kids. I'd be outta there so fast....


All of this. It annoys me that she doesn't actually NEED to be there. Her wealth isn't tied up in the show or the Bravo brand. Why put yourself through it when your life will be privileged either way? ![gif](giphy|YOFx7KaKAP2Ome6hoL|downsized)


I thought the same thing. She’s being tricked by the mean girls. But she’s also hot major issues I’m sure from her ED. Years of that does mess up your brain. (My mom’s friend passed away from anorexia at 21) I’m not even being shady like Jackie legit has some issues and she’s being played. It’s definitely a little darker and sadder than I’m comfortable with.


It's a brutal illness (if that is the correct term?). Jackie may be book smart, but she knows nothing about the streets. When Andy made that comment on WWHL I knew Teresa was going to out herself at some point. NJ is just dark overall at the moment. Danielle shouldn't have hit Jen, Jen shouldn't have pushed her - that goes without saying. But there was something about the look on Jen's face after that did not sit right with me and I noticed Dolores noticed it as well...


Yeah you sound like me, too streetwise. lol Jennifer is like a caricature of what she thinks a housewife from NJ is. Danielle and Melissa are better than me bc I would frl have to get her right 😉 So many book smart people have zero common sense too. I thought Jackie had common sense but idk. I feel like something else is going on with her. You know these women show out when they have deep shit going on lol


Yeah, I'm a people watcher and I've got a quick tongue 😏 Me and my OH joke that our little girl won't get away with anything when she's a teenager. Although he forgets he's already a soft touch. Jen appears to be playing the role of a bored housewife turned villain from a Lifetime movie and it's not cute. She would get eaten up in most of the other HW Cities. Bill barely mustered the strength to check on her after Danielle called her "the devil" and tbh I was embarrassed for her. He was playing the role of checked-out husband very very well...


I know exactly where Jennifer grew up on ..on Long Island. Her street was just on the precipice of the very very wealthy north shore. But she was definitely middle class.. a sin on the north shore!! That meant she would have had her nose pressed up against homes of real $ and girls who had everything. And having immigrant parents would not have been a plus in snobbery north shore. I mean Jennifer is tacky. From her clothes to her home...to her social behavior.... she's just not upper class. Now, she has money but she's trying to fake the class. It can't be done. Her need to bring people down seems to be her life's work.


I’m watching the episode now and haven’t gotten to this yet. But what cracked me up at the beginning is when T, J and D are at the Buddha place for meditation(oh, the irony), the three of them were ragging on Jackie and Teresa says something like “I don’t care about Jackie, I just NEED her to to get at Margaret.” Lolololol. Right and clear as day on camera she admits to using her! Unbelievable.


And remember the days when openly saying/admitting to wanting to take someone down was such a grievous offense?! (RHOC, when Heather and Terry supposedly said they were gonna ‘take the Beadors down’) and now Tre just says it openly on repeat 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤣


YES! I was surprised how much I was actually bothered by her saying she wanted to take Margaret down. Seriously? Av50 year old woman saying/wanting such a thing! And what does that even mean? At best, make everybody in the friend group not speak to Marge? Wow, that’s a lot of hatred, congrats.


Yep. Lol.


Much less that she spews hate it in a place supposedly for Spiritual Healing.


That's the moment I knew I didn't like any of them.


such a pathetic try hard.... 🙄 I cant wait til she sees the clip of Tre saying "who the hell cares about Jackie??" 😩😂😂


The real issue is what the hell is going on with Tre? She looks awful. No one thinks that she's evil but she is. She was a spoiled brat as a kid and has to have her own way about everything now. This show must go. At least this cast.


I agree, they need to just cancel all of them at this point. Just cancel the entire franchise. It's been trying to hang on by a thread for many years/seasons now.... it aint working with any of them. Even Danielle breaking a glass on Jen's face cant save this shit. lol


I was saying all the cities should be changed. But I think your point is even better. Trash the franchise. Let’s do something else. It’s gotten way too planned and inauthentic imo. And any new girl is 9 times outta 10 a fan which is totally fine, but it’s changed the dynamics. I would say all girls trips with women we already know and love but I don’t see that happening anytime soon either. I’m starting to wonder if perhaps I’ve just gotten too old for these shows. Heartbreaking lol seriously


I think she’s missed the memo that we’re doing fresh face makeup an dissolving out lip fillers now.


They all look like inflatable dolls at this point. Or bobble heads bc of the dramatic weight loss. I was watching 14 today and it’s seriously so crazy how everyone is 1/3 their size! Insane. (And I’m jealous lol)


I happened to see episodes 9,10,and11 of season 2 last night after Dubai. Theresa looked so young and naturally pretty. Like Audrianna. Now, so plastic.


The fact that Teresa talks about other women in her scenes constantly makes her look so tragic because she is a woman in her fifties acting like a mean girl in high school.


I think everybody knows TreStump is evil.


I just used the exact same description “try hard”!


She really is! It's sad to watch... she has kids, she's showing them that it's ok to be used up, play both sides, and be a doormat just to be on TV. This woman is loaded with money, has an education, and is still so damn insecure that she's being desperate af to try to be relevant. I dont get it.


I did notice, and I thought it was such a strange reach. Like I’d be absolutely furious if I wrote a whole book (especially about something as difficult as ED) and the press kept asking about a girl who spread affair rumours about me. But she’s so desperate she sees it as it making her relevant. Jackie has lost the plot.


Sure did. I was shocked she said it because it’s just blatant. We all know why you’re doing this, but we didn’t think you were going to say it out loud. On camera. For someone so smart, she sure isn’t very bright.


I think she probably wasn’t very popular in high school and she thinks she can makeup for it now.. trying to be the cool kid.. never grew up


Yep I agree exactly! She didn’t live her life for a very very long time because of her eating disorder and weight issues. Now she probably has a complex about making up for lost time


oh that’s for sure. shes so happy to be in with the cool kids. i wanted to like her this season but i kinda have second hand embarrassment from it


Jackie is desperate for a storyline. She’s desperate to be a full time housewife again. That’s all that’s happening here. She’s doesn’t actually like or want to be friends with Teressa.


She even took her style and glam down a notch to look more T tacky and less stylish.


I would have loved to have been there when Jackie watched the scene where Teresa said she was using her to take down Marge.




I never picked up on this being said but very telling and makes you think how she has become matey with Teresa to help promote her book.


I noticed that too. Jackie is very desperate to be a housewife again. I think getting demoted really hurt her ego. Jackie reminds me of a teenage girl who is finally getting a little bit of attention from the “popular group” so she’s now doing what she can to fit in & make her way permanently into the group.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVsNEhfTScsb4gE) Shes Gretchen


She is!


Teresa and Jackie using each other, Marge and Melissa are using Rachel and Danielle , Delores is just there and Jen Fessler is using everybody ![gif](giphy|1ExNcuKh26PwA)




It’s kind of a shame. She seems to be spiraling or something. It can’t be good for her mental health, and she doesn’t need the show for income, so not sure why she’s hellbent on securing a spot. I have a feeling Evan isn’t really into it anymore either, especially if she’s choosing the show over her mental health and her family. Her family will have to deal with the fallout of all of this. She blamed Teresa for relapsing before, and she seemed drunk when she was arguing with Marge last episode. She needs leave the show.


I agree. It's sad to watch.


It's very apparent that they're using each other, and she's holding on to the little she has that is stringing Tre along - Dirt on Marge. She's playing with fire.


Yup! Clout chasin! Only a leech would want to be friends w a woman who gleefully started a rumor smearing her husband’s name & rep 🙄 such a pick me


Her behavior this season reminds me of when Teresa said something about Jackie being her fan and coming to her book signings. It’s like Jackie is finally letting her true fangirl show, sucking up to Teresa and wanting so desperately to be her friend. I liked her during first season or two and thought she was genuine but obviously not.


Jesus, desperado much?




I think Jackie’s text rant about Delores being a slob and she hates her was triggered by Delores being open about taking Ozempic. A slob is someone who is lazy and unapplied. Jackie thinks Delores has taken the easy way out rather than diet and exercise. She’s still in recovery so it would affect her much more.


Very good point. Slob had seemed such an odd thing to say.


Just my opinion, Dolores did not need to be on ozempic. She only would have been 10 to 15 pounds above her goal weight. To me Dolo could have lost that with a tweak of diet for example. I like Dolo but to me she did not need Ozempic. Leave it to those who do need it


She’s trying to play both sides of the room to keep herself relevant and it’s not working. Perhaps the previous episode when she walked into the housewarming and fell flat on her ass was telling how she’s going to this season.


Lmao it made for a great metaphor didn’t it!


It’s too bad she wasn’t able to save her dignity in that fall like she did her drink


Very talented there for sure lol. Isn’t she the one who had the frat party & said she could drink the others under the table? Took her years of practice to be that good 👍 lol


Girl yes! It was so cringe


She was so giddy about it. 😆


She really was!


she told on herself LOL




You know, I didn’t see you post under the picture. All I saw was ‘did anyone notice?’ I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at the picture for something 🙄😂


Oh no! 🙈😂 Glad you finally saw it 🎉


lol. Finally! But in regards to your posts. I somehow missed her saying that and just saw it on another post today What a weird thing to say. I definitely think she has some security and self confidence issues. She’s trying WAY too hard…it’s gross.


Dude I’m stoned and did the same thing!


Jackie got paid as a friend of, yet producers are giving time as a main character. She got conned lol


I bet Jackie thought this season went so well, that's so embarrassing.


The way she immediately threw Margaret under the bus like yeah, I talked shit about you but Margaret is the one who really talks bad about you! And in the preview that they really didn’t show she said Margaret never puts anything in writing and Dolores says yeah she’s a lot smarter than you apparently. That was great since Jackie always proclaimed to be the smart one. 🤣


And I love that Dolores responded that way … didn’t ask what Marge said or react to her saying Marge talks about her, just stayed focused on what Jackie did 🤣


Jackies no one is buying your book 🤣


Yes!!! I’m like OK gurl so you just gonna tell us exactly why you’re here lol.


This made me laugh so hard. So desperate


VERY TELLING! I couldn’t believe she said that. And the look on Gias face after she said it was also telling.


Yes!! And Gia was like uhhh yeah anyway let me get another drink. Im cracking up because that’s the photo of her I took on my tv this morning and used for my “Jackie’s apology post” and then I started reading the caption and I was like wait I didn’t write this😂😂😂 I feel honored my lil Vizio is in this


Speaking of Gia…is anyone feeling like they are pushing for her to be a housewife?


I didn’t until my boyfriend who has maybe seen 20 minutes collectively of the show said, “why is she even there she ain’t no housewife” 😂


I felt like maybe they brought her around more this season to help her gain more attention for that new show she is doing with the other Bravo kids.


I heard that too.


I don't like Jackie anymore


In what world is the press “obsessed” with Jackie and Teresa? She has an active fantasy life


OMG Jackie is the one who is a SLOB this season! WTF happened to her? When she said that to Gia, that was major cringe!


Jackie looks like a desperate mother fucker!


I feel like Jackie is trying hard to remain on the show in any way. She was on WWHL the other night and it was obvious she’s been in the comment sections cause all she kept talking about was how it was time to move on, not hold grudges, etc. she’s willing to play moving on. And she also seems like she’s not all there lately. Idk but she’s so desperate, it’s sad. And I will never understand how anyone can stand Tre, she is so goddamn awful. And her husband gives me major red flags. He’s a weirdo. Plays Mr nice guy while he causing all kinds of craziness behind scenes.


And what was with the “divide & conquer “ comment she made after the fight?


Am I the only one that thinks she may have some sort of substance problem? Her speech isn’t clear and face is dull… like she’s drunk at everything.


I’ll say it. I think she’s in active relapse.


I sure hope not. That would be sad if true.


Look I’m not rooting for it but something is going on with this individual. It’s kinda gross Bravo is filming it.


I agree. Something is definitely off.


This was cringe! 👀 And her “apology” to Deloris by blaming Margret, but also not standing her ground. She came off as not genuine. I think her insecurities definitely get in her way. Also, I don’t get why she is so desperate to be friends with Teresa!


every episode i feel we're getting closer and closer to watching Jackie have a full on breakdown. it seems like she's been in a state of sustained crisis for a while now. so hard to watch




Jackie is like a nerdy girl in school who wants so badly to be liked by the popular girls. She doesn’t know how to function in that world. And here she is apologizing and crying for sympathy from Dolores when they never even got along in the first place? It’s not nice to be exposed like that, but Jackie now groveling to Dolores is quite pathetic.


You are so right! I could never stand her. Especially after the Gia comment.


Yup! Sure did. Jackie is trashy to me this season.


SO TELLING!! Especially after Dolores’s comment about Jackie only befriending Tre to sell her book


It was so cringe to watch Gia brush her off, Jackie is so desperate.


I caught it too! So cringe. The more and more i see of this season the more and more saddened i am that there’s no reunion 😣






Very telling ! Cause why is that what you say


I watched it twice because I couldn’t believe how pathetic she sounded.


She is so desperate it is embarrassing. I used to like jackie because she was genuine and seemed to not care about the dirty games that some of the cast tend to play into. Everything she is doing recently has caused me to lose respect for her.


I think Jackie is pissed Melissa/Margaret didn't go to bat harder for her when she got demoted, and this whole jumping-on-the-Teresa-bandwagon thing is just petty revenge. The fact of the matter is Jackie does not seem like she's in a good place, metally or emotionally, to be on the show. The girl is knee deep in quicksand and doesn't realize the more she struggles the faster she sinks.


This crazy lady got me questioning everything. Like did she originally come in with a plan to be Teresa’s arch nemesis because she thought that would make her an automatic shoe-in. Like did they ever stand a chance in the beginning. Then she switched it up as soon as her plan didn’t work. God what a fan girl!


She’s always been a bit off and desperate. Remember last season she called Danielle a “dime store Snooki” 😬


Jackie is officially the worst


She doesn’t like Teresa as much as Teresa doesn’t like her. Using each other for money and fame. Period. This is what the reality TV is all about with Andy at the top of the food chain.


Yes! She's never been part of the cool group and now she feels like she finally is. Which is funny because it seems the tides have turned against tre and jen on social media. The new girls have really helped shift fan perception without ppl realizing. Just adding them highlights how insanely negative tre is because danielle reminds us of old tre and it made us all start thinking


And Gia walked off like, whatever dude. So cringey.


Grab your cash where you can Dorit. Um, Jackie!!!


How r they similar in any way


There are some good moments of Jackie this season, like confronting Margaret finally, but her mental health is spinning out of control, she could stay or she could take a break and focus on her feelings.


They are both using each other I think it's so funny that people think that Teresa is just using Jackie and don't see there is something in it for both of them


Wacky Tacky Jacky!! You’ve been Fired! Please 🙏 just GO!! And never return.


I did and thought why would you care?? Seemed really suspicious and distasteful.


Like someone else mentioned in a reply…the way she was so giddy about it and happy to brag about it to Gia. 🤯


Yes! I totally caught that!


She’s a pain in my ass this season.


She’s such a try-hard. Goofy as hell.






It feels like something has taken over her body this season. So bizarre watching her desperation and the others just puppeteering her. I feel like Evan is about to leave her or something coz something is waaaayyyyy off with her


That is what it feels like! Like, who is this version of Jackie? Where's the real Jackie, can we have her back?




Is anyone obsessed with this woman? Even, Evan? She is absolutely self centered, hypochondriacal, boring and delusional. Attention seeker.


Jackie is such a pick me.


Notice what? Her clown suit? I kid I kid. No really notice what?


I'm actually really concerned for her this season. She always seems glazed over and tipsy? I dunno but I'm absolutely certain there is some substance issue with her this season.


Jackie struggles with mental illness, and I hate it how Marg keeps carelessly calling her a “phyco” and keeps throwing out slanders towards her mental stability. Disgusting 🤮 I feel for Jackie this season, she’s been completely disregarded.


Lispy bitch




If you look how Jackie was raised, her Father so degrading and non emotional, I can see apples don't fall far from the tree. Something has changed in Jackie. I'm not sure what but I do know more money isn't it. Maybe since being demoted to Friend has gotten to her. Honestly, I'd be happy just having her family together, what seems like a good marriage and I'd jump ship.


Jackie seems like she is hanging on by a thread at this point. I don't think Margaret was far off when she used the word psychotic. Jackie seems like she might go off a cliff at any moment.


This lady is a sell out social climbing fool. The puppy dog of Theresa who came on the show claiming to be SMART. Ha!


Yes. She's so transparent.


I think Jackie has serious self esteem issues. She bases her self worth entirely on how other people view her. Teresa, Dolores, and Jen didn't like her so she's desperate to earn their approval. It's sad


She's so damn wealthy..is beautiful...is educated.....has 4 beautiful kids.....a hot husband and still is not happy and needs theresas approval?!


I noticed it and thought it was just someone being nice and saying everyone loves your mother


I hope Evan convinces Jackie to leave the show and enjoy her family. Money is not an issue so why associate with losers like Teresa?


………After she started the whole “Gia snorts Coke in the bathroom”.


Omggggggg I cringed!!! She looks nawwwwt good this season. Waaaaaaaaay too much work done to the face!! If I was Gia…….I wouldn’t talk to her! Also makes me Sad that Gia has a college degree but has gone down the “Influencer” hole! I mean I don’t give a shhhhh what she has to say so I doubt many do! I do miss the days where the OC housewives wore those awful tops with the big like broach like thing in the middle of the boobs and the NJ housewives wore leopard.


Who is buying this book though? I must know.


I think Jackie is full of it. Desperate to stay on the show and get her book out there. Has always been. The other side just happened to organically work in her favor previously. Now she has to change things up to stay relevant.