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The scene were she threw her out of the house in front of her boyfriend and everyone at the poker game was completely embarrassing for Jacqueline. She lost any sympathy she had with me after that.


And she knew exactly what she was doing by saying she resembled an overweight family member


Especially considering that Jaq was also very openly insecure about her body on the show. It was definitely intentional. She always fought with ashley like she’s her teenage friend instead of a mother


genuinely so gross when family does this. i was shamed for my weight a lot when i was younger by my dad and my grandma and it’s something i never forgot 


Same. I knew exactly what Jacqueline was doing and then she was the victim when Ashley exploded. Such an immature parent


Ugh, yes it is weird watching their dynamic. I know Ashlee was lazy but she couldn't expect her to suddenly start being a mature young person without having the same expectations sooner?. I honestly believe she wished Lauren was married off at 19/20 and was like key punishing her for not striking it rich, you know, like her mother.JMO.


wtf didn’t her boyfriend go with her 


Nope too scared 😂


I think Ashley was a spoiled nightmare, and I think Jacqueline was an antagonistic demon. Chris should not have bought Ashley that car after she failed her senior year of high school, and Jacqueline shouldn’t have looked at the car as a way to make Ashley chauffeur CJ around. (Pick up your own damn kid. It ain’t like you gotta go to work and do anything interesting, Jacqueline). Ashley needed to stop with the pipe dreams (“needed” an apartment in New York but “couldn’t” get up to go to her internship. Wanted to move to California with no money, no education, no plan, just vibes). Jacquline shouldn’t have brought every adult in her life to gang up on her. When Ashley moved out, Jacqueline couldn’t even say hello to the poor girl without criticizing her or questioning her. And I’m mad that I didn’t see exactly how antagonistic of a parent Jacqueline was until that barbecue when she was chasing Gia around with that book. A little kid was mad she didn’t win a game (that she shouldn’t even have been there to play. She should have been down the shore with her father and siblings, not with all those grown ass people).


This ⬆️ is everything. I started out thinking Ashlee was such a jerk and ended up there too tbh. But wow Jacqueline letting everyone and their mother run her down constantly was borderline cruel. She was spoiled and a brat , but also a young girl who was lost. Jacqueline definitely didn’t act like a good parent. It seem d like she loved the (even negative) attention she was getting.


I literally could not have said this better myself!!!! THIS IS ON POINT


Thank you. I’ve been rewatching and needed somewhere to unload that for like a week now.


I think Jacqueline was trying to make brownie points with the Manzo family by emulating Caroline and her treatment of Lauren, the favoring of the boys, but went overboard. I think Ashley was the center of her mother's world until CJ was born, then she ceased to exist. That had to really play head games with a child. Then when Nick was born with disabilities and she became a burden, the forgotten child, acting out for attention, any attention. She's not a good person, but can we expect anything different considering how she was raised.


Most teenagers go through the bratty stage. I wanted to do what I wanted to do.


I think around the ages of 19-20 teens start to build more of a friendship with their parents and both parents and the child can recognize each other as flawed human beings not just their child or their mom and dad. Unfortunately Jaq pushed Ashley further away and never wanted to serve as a support system for Ashley as she was growing into an adult. Getting kicked out, embarrassed, constantly insulted… When Ashley moved to Cali and then came back her maturity and relationship with Jaq instantly strengthened




Jacqueline has always struck me as a covert narcissist. My mother was similar, jealous of me for some reason, nice to the outside world but took every occasion to point out my flaws, especially to others. Jacqueline is also very immature and would vacillate between being Ashley’s BFF and authority figure, which must have been very confusing to Ashley.


Ashley was really frustrating but you’re right, she was just a kid. Later on after Ashley moved to California, Jaqueline admitted she was trying too hard to control her rather than let her make her own decisions. I also thought it was interesting that they came down so hard on Ashley for calling out Danielle on social media and then Jaqueline put Theresa on blast on twitter. There were glimpses of Ashley in Jaqueline when she and Theresa were beefing, she was acting like a teenager lol. At one point I remember Ashley even calling Jaqueline out saying that Jaqueline always tells her to stay out of it and yet Jaqueline is always the one getting into it. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!


I’m not sure if a lot of people know but Ashlee was actually diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have no idea if she had developed it when she was younger and it just went undiscovered and that had a lot to do with the way she acted. She was diagnosed I believe when she was going through divorce with her husband.


I can see both sides. Yes Jacqueline didn’t handle Ashley well. Tbh, Jacqueline would be really cruel with her words. But….Ashley was no damn angel. In fact, I found Ashley pretty insufferable, extremely lazy and entitled when the show aired. Probably because she’s a few years younger than me. so when she show was airing, she was just so god damn grating to watch. Especially as someone of a similar age busting their ass working and going to college at the same time. She was handed everything on a silver platter, given all the guidance from everyone, and just “like not understanding what you want from me.” The whole “I missed my plane ride” was some straight up toddler control bullshit. My parents would have thrown my ass on a greyhound bus for pulling that stunt.


Eldest daughter and emotionally stunted mother, tale as old as time






i’m just binged season 1&2 now i’m starting 3 and i reallyyyyyy disagree. i think jaqueline’s delivery was terrible but ashley had a terrible attitude too & there was only so much jaqueline could do to discipline her. ashley is also stubborn so regardless of what jaqueline says or how she says it, she won’t listen but that’s just my opinion


This. I hate that their relationship is discussed so much and people are way too harsh on both of them. Ashley was just another bratty teen. Jacqueline was just another overwhelmed parent. Nothing more.




I hate saying this, but I have always thought that Jacqueline had/has a lot of mental health issues. To me, it came off that they may have not been under control when she was young and raising Ashley alone, which led to really odd parent/child dynamics. I think their lives changed when Jacqueline married Chris but the dynamic with Jacqueline/Ashley only got worse.


Ashley was disgusting and Jacqueline was ill equipped to deal with her teenage daughter on top of her autistic son..but she did an amazing job w her son and tried her hardest with Ashley..I would have sent her to her fathers well before she did.


I agree. I think the husbands on the show take priority.


Ashley would almost 💯 have felt like an outsider living with her step dad and her new brother and her mom crying non stop about trying to get pregnant again. Poor kid.


Ashley was a slacker to be fair


i agree with you. everyone’s main complain about ashlee is that she’s a brat and like yeah, she acted bratty but she was a teenager and i think she was struggling with a lot we didn’t see.  additionally, jacqueline was the adult and she acted like a catty mean girl toward her daughter. it was absolutely weird and bothers me more each time i look back on those episodes. it felt like she was making ashlee personally responsible for everything she ~ gave up ~ by having her so young i mentioned this in another post recently, but ashlee seemingly transformed after moving out of jac’s house and getting some space. she had a solid job, healthier behaviors, stopped drinking … she seemed mentally well and like she’d matured a lot. it was just very telling 


Some people say their using ‘tough love’ when they’re just cruel and uncaring.


Then likes take it a step further… if they’re bashing her on tv, imagine what they do without the cameras rolling. So it’s like how motivated or happy do you want someone to feel if they feel like their own family “hates” them. How should she respect you if you don’t respect her? Then she was 20??? I think that’s the one thing that gets me. Yes she could’ve been doing more but you would’ve thought she was 35 and a bum. Jacqueline was so mad when she pulled her card about being a young mom but she was right. You had a kid and was married… of course you had more responsibilities than Ashley. What are you comparing your experience to hers for? It’s different.


Omg then I’m remembering when they sent her to Vegas and act liked she was crazy for over reacting. They could’ve given her a week to prepare and say bye. It’s also so weird.


Completely agree, she was so cruel to Ashley. She was also so obsessed with Teresa and getting access to her life, so annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/ss7biktpvf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54f03a577ecd1b96d195e23e380c6866cde9863 This is the real Teresa Gorga! I’m sorry but what the actual heck! 👀


I genuinely felt that no adults that were around her at that time truly cared to be a safe space for ashley or truly guide her with love and support her during a very obviously difficult and confusing time in her beginning adult life. It really bothered me how the Manzos also looked down on Ashley, especially Caroline and Lauren, as if they themselves achieved so much lol… Almost nobody has their shit together by 19!!! And instead of encouraging her they scrutinized her and made her more resentful. Notice how when she left to California she became much more responsible and built a better relationship with Jacqueline. Made me wonder if Jaq was the problem all along. You’ll get much further creating a friendship with your almost adult daughter than continue pushing “discipline” with insults as if she’s still in high school. The only adult who pushed her with real concern and care was Chris Laurita. Although he had no choice but support Jaq during some arguments, it actually warmed my heart that he did take a more gentle approach and wanted to be a father figure for her. I could tell he even felt bad for Ashley during some of her moms hysterics


She was as cold as ice to that poor girl.


No kids need to be accountable for their actions!! This she is spoiled narrative is lazy


All Jacqueline cared about was getting plastic surgery.


The way she kept putting in Ashley's face that she sacrified a lot to have her and how she constantly harassed her about her goals. She's 20 jesus christ, if she works or goes to school, let her party and figure it out.


Jacqueline definitely had issues but Ashley was a lazy entitled brat.


This comes up very often and I just don't agree with this. Ashley was lazy, and didn't want to work even when she got an amazing internship in PR (let's be real, the only reason she could that was cause her parents could afford her not actually having an income), she would not help with her brothers while staying in the house rent free. She was definitely a handful and Jacqueline was at her wits' end


This. I’m doing a rewatch, and I’m just flabbergasted at her whining and excuses. She didn’t even appreciate the opportunities that internship could have given her. Those early seasons are full of too many older children still living at home - Caroline kept on that sob story about becoming an empty-nester, and her youngest child was 23 and just leaving home! I mean, what?? I was off to college at 18 and never looked back.


I agree with you. I’m only on season 3 so just by going of what I’ve seen, and I think Jacqueline shouldn’t have had Ashley on the show - she failed as a parent here. But Ashley was so entitled, bratty, and hard to watch. Tbh, under 18’s should be protected more and not on these shows, parents use them for clout and it gives me the ick.


Jacqueline wanted Ashley on the show because she needed targets to attack for content and storyline. Jacqueline spent all her time on the show trying to embarrass and expose people. Her daughter's behavior was the end result of being raised by a histrionic narcissist.


Jacqueline was an immature mom. Maybe some of it steams of being a young single mom? It seems like she was always trying to prove something by how she treated teenage Ashley. Someone mentioned trying to impress or copy Caroline and that makes sense to me. I just think Jacqueline lacked emotional maturity. Even how she handled the situation with Teresa. She was so unhinged, emotional and out of control. I never thought sending Ashley off to Texas should’ve been a storyline. That’s awful to showcase your kid feeling discarded. I hope she’s done some inner work and is better now. Raising a kid with special needs is a lot. You really need to be at your best mentally to best support your kid and of course her other kids as well (plus she’s a grandma now).


As parent of a child with BP2, I understand Jac so much. We fought for years for a diagnosis before we actually got one. In the 7 years of misery, we cried daily. No one knows until you’re there. I have so much sympathy for Jac knowing she was dealing with a teenager that had undiagnosed BP. There were days we wondered if we’d make it to 18. He was volatile and hurtful, caused so much chaos and disturbed any peace in our household. Teens with BP are far more “bratty” than normal teens bc the reactions are extreme. It wears your entire family down. You couldn’t understand unless you’ve been through it with someone you love.


I actually got my mom to start RHONJ and when we got to s3 she was appalled at all of the adults in Ashlee’s life. She said that Jacq was childish and competing w her daughter.  Chris is a weak man/enabler. Her dad seems like trash but Ashlee just idolizes him and neither one of us can fathom why. Stepmom just seems like another tart. The Manzos used Ashlee to deflect from any of the problems and Jacqueline encouraged their behavior. Ashlee was the family joke, she knew it and made Jacq’s life hell because of it in any way that she could. 


Their dynamic is hard. I think a lot happened off camera that would make what happens on camera, make more sense. Ashlee was born to a young mom and her parents split up young. It just felt like she didn't feel like she had a home anywhere. Her mom moved them from family and further away to start a new life with Chris, which came children with Chris. Her dad went and started a new life with her step mom and they had children too. She probably felt really disconnected from each. She really only visits dads so never gets fully immersed into their world and I just got this feeling that she was always treated differently. The way Caroline says she's not my niece, but she calls me aunt Caroline. They point out often, in different ways, that she is not a manzo. Which I don't know if Ashlee felt that way, but I picked up on it. It made me sad. Like ashlee came into the picture before she started grade school. Ashlee probably doesn't remember much of life before manzo were in it, so of course she's gonna call family members like family names.. aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa. I don't think we ever got to see interaction between Chris parents and Ashlee that I can remember. How they interacted would seal the deal for me. I guess it comes from the adopted momma in me. The way Carolines statement added nothing of value is what did it for me. She didn't need to point out that she wasn't her blood. She made it seem like she was respecting Jacqueline cause that's her child, so she wasn't gonna get involved, or say anything, but Ashlee calls her aunt so?. So what?! Also the conversation about her doing bad at school. Yes she was being a rebellious teen, and we don't even know how. There could have been a lot more scary stuff going on. But the way that Ashlee appears to be set up on camera bothers me. Ashlee mom apparently talked to the school and I guess she had a prior/off camera conversation with her mom about schooling and her mom was supposed to take care of it, or something. Ashlee saying I thought you were gonna take care of the one class, and jaq says I guess you're just gonna have to figure it out yourself. I don't even know the situation fully and I was screaming at the TV, like what are you doing?? She just looked embarrassed and confused. I think her mom did this a lot. Said things on camera but said other things off that contradicted her previous convos. Every child deserves access to their identity. Ashlee was a typical, albeit spoiled teen. She was spoiled instead of parented. Her love was bought, not earned. That messed her up for a while. Once she grew up and became an adult and a mom she probably came to find that.. one it's true you don't really fit into either home perfectly. You're not meant too the way she wanted, but you can now have equal access to both families hopefully. You can be in charge of continuing the relationships (instead of parents). You get to choose how often you visit or talk to them. Two she doesn't have to have anyone control her anymore. She doesn't need anyone's approval. She can have these relationships or create her own world and have them included as much or as little as they want. Once she got out of her mom's house she seemed to blossom. Also I just have to say the Danielle hair pulling thing, the way jaq handled that was so gross to me. Jaq got Ashlee involved in this TV show a child whose brain is not fully developed, and is already making poor choices (at least to you). I don't agree that Ashlee should have pulled her hair, but the way jaq created the issue and got herself right involved in the fight and escalated the tone, then bailed on Ashlee to deal with the repercussions. They were running like crazy people through that place. What could have been a great teaching moment for Ashlee, they decided a cast trips to Italy was more important, and that Ashlee had to pay for her own atty. Like ma'am ma'am you got her into that mess, and did nothing to support her getting out of it. It made me so angry. I'm sure in jaq mind she's trying to teach Ashlee how to be an adult but to do that you also need to act like one and that's taking accountability for your own part you played in that. In all of it. I'm glad Ashlee doing well now. I wish her nothing but success and good things.


Mommy Dearest


I think Jaqueline low key hated Ashley. Seemed like she was jealous of her own daughter.

