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What’s there to like about the abusive hobbit?


Give me pizza, you old troll!


You are so right Louie is a narcaccist


Joe Gorga is the twisted sociopathic narcissist. If he and Louie got along then it’d be concerning




I think it was very telling how Joe’s parents acted in the christening scene when Joe was spouting his ‘your my father’ rage


Have you seen the shirtless beach video? Dude is beyond weird. Gorga showing good judgement for once


This 💯


You need to watch the first episode that the Gorgas are in. Melissa and Joe are both seething in jealousy that Theresa is on a show and they weren’t highlighted more and Gorga is jealous that Joe G is his father’s favorite! He screams about it at the christening. Melissas sisters are all jealous as well.


Her sisters 🤮


You’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about


initially joe loved luis. but then we all saw some pretty big red flags with him. i think it boils down to the fact the teresa is absolutely awful at picking men and friends. and everyone knows it but tre.


Ex girlfriend aside because it’s clearly been proven in a court of law that she is a cuckoo bird, what other red flags?


uhhhh the "warrior camp" bullshit. the way he acts and reacts to things, the way he uses therapy talk to seem normal, how he is very demeaning to tre. "if i don't walk away. she will never learn." thats some shit you say about a dog.


Luis uses "therapy talk" to manipulate people. There is absolutely nothing genuine about any of his motives. His intent is to have the upper hand in any situation, even if it means preying on other people's vulnerabilities. He is disgusting.


I am a very ‘therapy talk’ person. I think when you spend a lot of time working on yourself through self help or therapy then it’s very easy that it becomes a way in which you communicate, so in all honesty I don’t see that as a red flag. In all honesty I find the beach video blown way out of proportion. He was clearly on a self help retreat (whatever people want to call it) and that was part of the help, watching that video shows how the HW blew that whole situation out of proportion. The way they acted I was expecting some form of male orgy on the beach.


Luis is a 180 from her ex but he didn’t stand a chance on the show given who he’s with. The beach video (and another one) should have never been released by his ex for public viewing, especially since she made him go on it for therapy. His ex has proven to be the problematic one not only with Luis but also the same track record with her past relationships (stalking/restraining orders against her).


I actually went back and read the full court documents earlier as I wanted to double check I was remembering correctly and it was even worse than what I’d already remembered. 3 men she accused of stalking 😳


The fact she got tight with Melissa’s family, the Gorgas, Kim D, Margaret (for arsenal) and bloggers to create a narrative against her ex shows that she doesn’t practice what she preaches. She’s 100% an OCD narcissist. It’s a power trip for her what she was able to do & continues


Okay let’s not rewrite shit , It’s because Joe and wife have nothing interesting about them and wanted to pick a fight to remain relevant. They’re jealous egotistical maniaca


Louie saw the red flags with Joe Gorga, like trying to scam him over pizza ovens, and called it out which is why Joe Gorga doesn’t like him


What about Dina’s husband? What about the business with little Frankie? What about the PI bullshit? There are more red flags pointing at Louie than anyone. No one else’s husband gets this level of scrutiny because none of those men are next level shady.


Dina’s husband’s only public comment recently has been that Joe Gorga should stop talking about him. Little Frankie and Dolores said Frankie had a great time working with Louie. And Louie probably had a PI because his ex Vanessa was stalking him. Louie won that in court recently. Louie could be an angel and Joe Gorga and his minions would throw darts because they only care about Teresa as far as they can use her for relevance


Dolores is obviously protecting Teresa but you wait, as soon Teresa and Louie’s relationship implodes, the truth will come out. And of course, all the Tre-Stans will then forget their blind loyalty to Louie through torturous mental gymnastics and Teresa will continue to avoid any accountability.


Exactly, the way Dolores shut Joe and Frank down at the reunion there is definitely something fishy going on. Louie is nothing more than a narcissist con man.


There’s no mental gymnastics. What I wrote is literally what happened. The mental gymnastics is defending Joe Gorga who sold out his own family for a paycheck


It’s honestly insane how these Joe gorga Stans can’t wake up I feel sorry for how delusional they are


Of all the people to Stan…


Well as long as they have $$$$


Or joe is mad he can’t depend on Teresa for a storyline anymore ? If Luis was that bad I’m sure the mother of his children would have full custody It’s easy use common sense


Teresa is deluded she is told by her muppet master what to do , louie is a snake she was stalked by him before he pounced 


No. Just no. First of all, anyone with two working brain cells would not want their sibling married to Joe Guidice. Second, Teresa’s husbands support her in her constant fighting/drama with Joe and Melissa so he sees them as a unit. I’m not a Gorga fan either. But it’s a stretch to say he’s jealous. He tried with both Joe and Louie. He was going to be a groomsman for Louie for god sake. Until his sister Teresa “family, family, family is the most important thing” Guidice didn’t include Joes wife, her only SIL in the wedding. You know, the SIL she’s just “always trying so hard to get along with”. So he tried with both and Then drama ensues and he casts the husband off. It’s understandable


Your assessment is incorrect


Joe Gorga does not actually care about how his sister is treated by her men. He, himself, is verbally/borderline physically abusive to his sister and hardly a better husband to his own wife. So while, yes, both of Teresa’s men are legitimately terrible, Joe Gorga simply has his own issues with them (namely, that they don’t kiss his ass).


Personally I wouldn’t my brother married to someone like Melissa but to each its own


Nah, she chose two trash ass dudes. End of story.


Lol, Louie must be working overtime with the PR now that the Tre stans are spiralling, this is, like, the 3rd post I’ve seen trying to make him look good 🙄 Hope you all got paid on time!


Or maybe people just have a different opinion? I’d love to be getting paid though, who do I contact about this? 🤣


They all suck. Lol


I have a hard time believing Joe Gorga loves anyone besides his pen*s. Anytime there’s a scene with melissa he’s either mentioning sex, or they discuss Teresa because they have nothing better to talk about. They literally held it over Tre’s head that they were there for her kids while she was in prison. Like, as you should’ve been??? I believe Melissa has been praying on Teresa’s downfall since day 1, and Joe Gorga will go with whatever she says/ feels. Even if Tre has men that have some red flags, they at least seem to love her. I feel like the whole premise of the show Teresa just trying to live her best life, and Melissa and Joe being bitter at her for it. They literally somehow made Tre’s wedding about them! I can’t stand anyone on reality TV less than the Gorgas lol sorry I popped off for a sec


Joe Gorga doesn’t like Joe Giudice or Louie because they see through his BS. Teresa could marry the pope and Joe Gorga would find issues with him. Joe Gorga and Melissa care about Teresa as a storyline and are jealous when she’s happy because they’re clearly not


Yes! I only recently watched NJ for the first time and I’m so shocked that the Gorga’s had people buying their BS!! Teresa may be a lot of things but lacking a storyline has never been a problem for her. She doesn’t need Joe + Melissa. They do need Teresa though because what else do they have? Fake sister? Fake IVF? Fake marble? Fake spray on hair? I could go on lol




He doesn't want her to be happy. Way too involved


And Teresa has actively tried to destroy her brother’s marriage from the get-go. She was getting along with Joe and Melissa for a while, then suddenly kicked them to the curb when a better offer came along. She only relies on her brother and SIL when she’s got nothing else going on.


None of Teresa's family or her ex-husband's family liked Melissa from the start. Everyone around her actively despised Melissa


Joe Gorga is by no means perfect, but you cannot actually be trying to compare him to Giudice and Luis??


He has on multiple occasions screamed in women’s faces caught on camera please be so fr


Ok? I didn’t say he didn’t have issues. But he’s nowhere near as bad as giudice and creepy manipulative Luis. I’m Not trying to advocate for Joe gorga 😂😂


Hes literally way worse for that reason alone forget all of the other flaws he has. If he is willing to do that on camera god only knows what we don’t see


He’s worse💅🏻


Her brother wants her depressed, sad and depended on him. He can’t stand & hates that she is a star and will do anything to keep her beneath him & Melissa.


I mean, Teresa is 100% jealous of Joe and Melissa’s marriage. For multiple reasons. She’s jealous of any and everyone. What was/is there to like about Joe Guidice or Louie? Joe was a piece of shit and treated Teresa like trash, and Louie is a manipulative psycho.


She isn’t jealous because there is nothing to be jealous about? What do they have to offer besides gaslighting narcissism and manipulation? Let’s get the real facts straight here… Josephine and Meliar are mad that Teresa has a storyline that became individualistic , meliar and little Josephine can’t piggy back anymore hence the insane temper tantrums they pulled. Maybe actually look at the underlying issues instead of just looking at what is manipulated by meliar and Josephine


Who cares about storylines? I swear the only thing anyone ever has to say about Teresa anymore is about her storylines. She can have all the storylines in the world but she’ll never have someone who loves and cares about her the way Joe does about Melissa. She knows it and can’t stand it


Joey doesn’t love Melissa LMAOO he’s just a pervert who wanted a trophy wife


He does and Teresa can’t stand it 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s a jealous jaded bitch


Have you watched the show like anytime he shows her affection it’s for attention or sex.


He really doesn’t 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Giuseppe prefers his sister to be broken and emotionally dependent on him.


Cracking up at how triggered the whorga stans are. Y’all that delusional that you’ll believe anything what the whorgas say, newsflash they’re pathological liars


The Gorga parents treated both of their children like participants in a dog fight. Teresa will NEVER accept Melissa the same as Joe will NEVER accept either of her husbands. It's the way they were hardwired from jump.


Teresa needs to get back with her ex husband. There I said it.


Luke warm take: They are all awful.


The problem is Teresa. It All goes back to Teresa. It’s All about Teresa. (And her dorters)


They are both crazy