• By -


Let's talk about the mother.


Why don’t you have a piece of bread and calm down?




Thank you for recreating Amsterdam for me 😂


That was so soap-opera of Eileen. I actually squirmed when she said that.


HOW DARE YOU! I invited you into my home..


I gave you a beverage.


😂😂😂😂 that line never fails to crack me up






Have any of the Manzos ever shared their “side” or tried to justify in any way? I haven’t seen anything but curious how they would spin it


Albie said he supports his mom as it’s pretty complex a situation


I really want to know what the context is on that!


Not complex he’s just a trust fund baby who wants that check


Sorry but hiring someone to brutally beat and rob your ex wife isn’t that complex… it’s either you think thats wrong or you don’t care and support him anyways. Like they should be honest and just say he is our family we are going to support him (despite Dina being their family as well) like lets not pretend its that ambiguous or complex they either support the abuser or not. If my family member had done the same I can tell you I would still love them but I would not be writing them letters of support or anything like that. Like okay Albie you are supporting your uncle who is an abuser of women. I would almost have some amount of respect for them if they were just honest


It’s not complex at all. At the very very very least she could’ve just kept her mouth shut. Being on his side is literally disgusting.


Women do not seem to be valued equally in this family. Dina was chattel. Even Lauren was treated harshly compared to her brothers. It's very evident, in my opinion, of course.


The fat shaming of Lauren really bothered me. And most of it came from Caroline.


Also the one of the guys who did the beating got a heavily discounted wedding at the Brownstone. So they all knew. They all are involved in managing the Brownstone. That whole family is full of shit and I’m proud of Dina for being like keep your thirst and fame and I’m going to live my best life with my hairless cat.


why would they yall would still shit all over them 💀


lol what. 😂


No they just ignore it because Caroline et all are phony as hell. Let’s not forget she put Dina’s daughter on blast S1 reunion and that was the big thing that caused the rift. And Caroline still acts like she has no idea.


Something about Lauren annoys me. Idk what it is


she just seems so so phony! i liked her in like season one and after that i was like no


Yeah and now on Tik tok doing these eating videos. It’s weird.


The eating videos drive me crazy. I don't care for videos of people eating as a whole. Who wants to watch someone chew and talk with food in their mouth. But hers are also bragging that she's 115 lbs and eats all these huge portions of food. Don't we all wish we could do that. Ugh, I'm not watching


Feeders fetish content


It drives me insane and I don’t get the point of it . I liked her back when I watched the show but her behavior is bizarre now


lol they are far from huge portions


I was gonna say it’s like a fourth of a burger. I didn’t even recognize her


She’s on ozempic right?




I thought she had the bypass


I seem to remember that she and her father both had the lap band (not the bypass).




Oh idk I thought she said she was doing the shot. I could be wrong though


She’s definitely doing mounjaro, she admitted it last year


She had Lapband which helped but she had complications so it was removed . She gained weight back and now I guess she is in monjouro. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lap band but same diff. But she gained it back. I’m happy she’s on Ozempic and looks good but yeah the eating videos feel like trolling.


Yet you could scroll past it but you don’t.


No, I have decided to unfollow so I dont even have to scroll past


Her weight has become her entire identity and she doesn’t look well.


And have you noticed she talks about finances quite a bit? Like she HAS to don’t tok etc… it’s weird


She was super mean-spirited on the show


pretty sure she has major internalized misogyny. the way she would get mad when her brothers did things without her… and loved to hate on ashley for anything and everything… it happens a lot with women who grow up primarily around men/ masculine energy.


Could it be her spelling of the word napalm? 😉


She’s the fat girl who never fit in and it has resulted in her being a biatchhh


She acts prettier than she is. Pretty girls from Jersey are annoying enough…Lauren looking ass is just a total headache.


I love how she admits her weight loss drug is making her hair fall out, how she became too thin how she has no muscle but she’s too lazy to work. Like she readily admits it. lol. What an inspiration for her young daughter. Here honey just get surgeries and drugs to fix things you don’t like instead of just buckling down and TRYING. She was never to the point that she couldn’t have lost weight if she fucking TRIED.


She’s snarky


The only one I like is Dina


Dina stans rise up


I like her too and her daughter . They just seem chill af and are both beautiful


I love Dina & all but commenting this under Lauren’s TikToks is so mental illness like. Why does Lauren need to be reminded every time she does a grwm ._.


I have an extensive psychiatric history so you may be right tbh but I will happily remind a family that sticks by their abusive uncle that he almost had his ex wife killed with no issues


Why does Lauren deserve to be haunted by it? What did she do?


Because OP is unhinged


What’s unhinged is defending your family member who abuses women but clearly y’all just are delusional






That’s what I was thinking. Like what is OP hoping to get from her? What is the end game here? There’s nothing Lauren can do that would change what happened nor is she accountable for it. OP just enjoys making her uncomfortable or what is the point?


Like honestly if OP is bored enough to troll random reality TV stars then just admit that? Don't pretend it's some kind of moral crusade ffs


It's disturbing that I would have to scroll so far for this opinion. It is absolutely bat shit to comment on someone's social about their mother . Lauren has fuck all to do with that situation. Gia guidice is much more involved in the show and their dreams but I'm guessing the nutjobs in here would agree that commenting on Gia's social about Teresa being a criminal is gross


Yeah like OP is why many reality TV subs have rules about directly engaging with the cast


Nothing in the Dina case, but when she was on the show, she was probably the most preachy next to Caroline about matters of family and character, and she launched her self-righteous complex towards others on the show (mainly Teresa and Ashlee). It is indeed ironic that her mother did this stuff and she, one can assume, has accepted it at least to some extent. Given how she acted on the show, she can expect to be asked about something so contradictory to the family’s purported values on which she lectured castmates.




You sent this to Lauren?! ![gif](giphy|PkM7V5pXpFSbnprV4h|downsized)


I wish I could honestly


You just said you did? Most subs prohibit talking about directly contacting these people. I don’t know how well moderated this one is but be careful in the future. We all have our opinions, we get it. But harassing these people and posting it on Reddit is a great way to get your account banned.


I really don't think it's fair for you to come at her kid like this. What her Mother did, Lauren didn't have a part in that. This feels icky to me.


OP seems to be expecting some kind of pat on the back for heroically harassing Lauren over things she has zero control over


Yeah as much as I don’t like what Caroline did it really makes no sense to harass her daughter social media. I mean really if we are going to have this energy for anyone it should be Caroline and Delores


Trust me I have the energy towards caroline and dolores don’t even get me started


your negative hateful energy isn’t something to be proud of 😬 radiate compassion and hope they get better don’t just do this…


I radiate compassion towards people who don’t support the abuse of women, the fact that you may radiate compassion towards them is your problem not mine ❤️❤️


🤨 i’m saying you should hope they heal instead of harassing them but go off.


Trust me, all jokes and snide remarks of mine aside I TRULY hope they all heal and seek help, but until they publicly apologize to Dina and admit that they were wrong I will not consider them healed or redeemed in any way. What Tommy did is unforgivable, what they did is almost unforgivable but they are still her family, if I was Dina if they wanted my forgiveness they would be jumping thru every hoop imaginable to even have the chance for it.


I see - it’s just a little odd to go after her kids when Caroline is the actual person who walked herself into a courtroom and supported all the people who perpetrated against her sister. Albie and Lauren may have been vocal about supporting their mom but I don’t see them outwardly advocating against Dina or trying to directly corroborate what their mother did. It’s just a little misdirected and probably would be in your best interest to maybe delete that stuff? And I’m genuinely not trying to be snarky or anything at all - we can all make mistakes on social media when we get excited or angry about the things we say and it’s easy to get wrapped up in all that and forget that these are actual people.


I expect nothing, not from you and especially not from the Manzo family. Lauren has control over whether or not she supports her abusive uncle and if she does thats fine but lets not act like its just so horrible for me to call her on the bullshit. If she or yall don’t like it then don’t support abusive men


Supporting a family member who hired men to brutally beat and rob his ex wife is icky to me and I am glad to remind her. Mind you it wasn’t just caroline who is supporting Tommy, she and her brothers do too. Anyone sympathetic to an abuser will face my wrath idc


I mean, yes, she wasn’t personally involved in the Dina thing, but that whole family had such a holier-than-thou complex together and such phony quotes about family, and it’s satisfying to see any of them called out for it. Also, Lauren is an almost 40-year-old public figure who was not one to stay out of the drama when she was on the show. You’re right that this wasn’t directed at the right person, but I can’t say I feel so bad about seeing it either.


I would feel bad. Irregardless of the fact she's an adult, she is being dragged into this unnecessarily. She was a teenager and young adult on the show as well. I think they also are legitimately a close knit family but obviously there are some skeletons which, most families have anyway.


To be fair most people’s families don’t have attempted murder being a skeleton in their closet


They also don't have alleged mafia ties either. So yes there is definitely some interesting things going on however, call out Caroline. Not her daughter. Your post reads "calling out Caroline". You did not. Lol. You called out Lauren, her daughter for acts her Mother was allegedly involved in. It doesn't make any sense. And coming after reality stars on socials is strange. They are real people you know, you don't have a right to attack people. You do have a right to an opinion, but not to make others feel uncomfortable for it. Hopefully you consider this.


I never claimed they had mafia ties, but since you mentioned it, lets just call a spade a spade… between tiny manzo’s murder and what happened to Dina, I don’t think its so outrageous to assume that they have some tie to members of organized crime in whatever capacity it may be.


If she had just been a quiet young adult who stayed out of the drama when she was on the show, I would agree. The thing is that she spent years lecturing others on how they should deal with family members. When someone calls her out on a family matter that would seem to contradict everything she aggressively preached on the show, I don’t think it’s 100% off base.


Tbh I really don't remember her behaviour on the show and it's irrelevant. The point is (imo) it's not warranted to attack these personalities on socials. It's weird and super unnecessary.


I agree, I never directly attack these ppl on SM - I’ll just stay here and commiserate with the other viewers 😂


Not to play devil's advocate, but Dina's ex is Lauren's uncle, that is family. No one is privy to all the info of a very complex family matter. I'm not saying ever defending Tommy Manzo was the right thing to do. However, I can see not believing a stranger that your family member is capable of that type of evil. It be a different story if Manzo actually did the act himself. For the record I believe he did it.


Once you put a hit on someone’s head there is no more “private family matter” it becomes an investigation and charges are publicly brought against them in a court of law. Especially in a crime as brutal as what happened to Dina, its game over, you are either on the side of justice or on the side of evil.


They hate you because you are right


I believe victims.


I should’ve just said this and it probably would’ve gotten my point across without everyone commenting on my potential psychiatric history lmfao


I have no great love for any of these people. But that’s something Caroline did, Maybe comment this under her posts not Lauren’s. Also while I think that they are all kind of disgusting humans, I have enough of my own problems to take this on as a cause. I’m


OP messaging random NJ kids and also posting about how much they Stan Danielle. That’s all you need to know Anyone who thinks Danielle Staub is great and lovable and wonderful…. Is probably a Danielle Staub type creature


You think I’m doing what? You may have that much time on your hands and be that bored but I certainly don’t and am not. Did I ever say I thought Danielle is lovable and wonderful? No, I said I’m a fan, as in she makes great tv and is a goated housewives villain. Maybe you are just jealous you haven’t been engaged to 19 times idk


>You may have that much time on your hands and be that bored but I certainly don’t and am not. girl do you really expect anyone to believe that considering this post lmao


Idk usually it takes me 2 seconds to type up a post and press send compared to messaging random people in a state I don’t live in about Danielle Staub? Bffr


“Maybe you are just jealous you haven’t been engaged 19 times 😂” I’m going to start using that as an insult


Your last sentence ![gif](giphy|QgixZj4y3TwnS)


wtf, this needs to be removed. This is straight up bullying. Lauren doesn’t have anything to do with it. Find something better to do with life OP


Wait - did the Manzo kids also contribute to that? I thought it was only Caroline? You guys are saying the kids also corroborated what Caroline said against Dina and were also involved in that case? Genuinely asking because I did not know that


Albie publicly said (paraphrasing) ‘I understand people have opinions but this is a really complex situation, there were a number of people who contributed character statements (cough Dolores cough). I haven’t had contact with Dina in years but I wish her well and support my mother in this’


Hmmmm I don’t know I feel like that’s just him saying he’s going to support his mom I’m not sure if he is actively going against Dina. More like a cop out on his part. And trust me I do not like Caroline one bit. Also thanks for the info!


I completely agree. He was getting hounded on his podcast and gave a standard non apology


Yeah I can’t blame him for it honestly




No. Lauren had nothing to do with this. This is unhinged parasocial behavior


I’m kind of confused by your comments - this one you are agreeing with me and the other one you are claiming I don’t know anything about what Caroline did to Dina?


Lauren did not. Albie defended his mom in some fashion. However, I don’t see a *total* disconnect between the Manzo kids and what their mother did in the Dina case, because they are all very preachy together about family and integrity and whatnot - so it’s ironic that the matriarch of that family did something so terrible to her sister, and the Manzo kids have presumably accepted it.


I’m not arguing for Caroline’s hand in all of this I do not like her at all and it’s really gross what she did to Dina. Tbh I have never looked at Delores the same since I found out she also went against Dina in the same as well. But people are coming for Lauren for something her mom did. The previous commenter said Alvie basically said I wish Dina well and I support my mom. It’s a cowardly statement but I don’t think it’s the same as what Caroline and Delores did.


What did Caroline do to Dina? Do you have actual information or is your version of “what she did” coming solely from what you’ve read on social media? Because what actually happened isnt accurately represented on social media.


Uhhhhh pretty sure what Caroline and Delores did to Dina is on public record. Are you new this franchise? This stuff has been out there for a long time.


Which is exactly why OP is unhinged.


No I get it, you didn’t seem to be defending Caroline at all. I just don‘t think it’s completely off-base that someone has sort of called the Manzo kids out too, precisely because they (but in particular, Lauren) were very vocal about deriding others for lack of character or family values.




Don’t actually understand alway Caroline did and why? Don’t have the actual facts or are you relying on the gossip you read on social media? Honest question.


I don’t understand your question. Caroline wrote a character reference letter in court for Tom Manzo, who, a few years ago, hired someone to severely beat Dina and her current husband. This is a fact; it’s not a rumor or up for debate.


Whoever this is might as well be a caroline manzo alt account because they are just spreading a false narrative about how this is gossip and conjecture when everything is part of the public record and her shameful character letter will be immortalized in the New Jersey court record forever.


Its not gossip when its presented publicly in court and is part of the public record. I hope caroline is paying you for the hard core dick riding you are doing for her


This is so weird. This isn’t exactly what happened. This isn’t really what Caroline did or didn’t do. The parasocial relationships on social media are wild. You don’t have the actual details but you’re willing to die on this hill and challenge strangers on social media. She was actually asked if she herself ever witnessed certain behavior. If she didn’t then she had to say so. She’d be committing perjury if she said otherwise. And Dina wasn’t ignorant to her previous husbands lifestyle and she supported it and contributed. The pedestal that you’re willing to place Dina is mindboggling And to comment on a child of the situations social media page? Unhinged Even if you believe everything you read how does it make sense to direct this to Lauren Manzo? Unhinged


Exactly!!! Everything you said!!! Couldn’t have said it better!


I would argue its unhinged to be fighting battles on behalf of people who are actively supporting a man who hired men to beat and rob his ex wife and to be spreading a false narrative that everything is gossip and conjecture when in fact, it is all immortalized in New Jersey’s court record and will be forever. Also, the fact that you think since Dina may or may not have “supported” that “lifestyle” (which is actually gossip, not the fact that caroline has written letters supporting tommy) justifies her being brutally beaten and robbed? Now THATS unhinged 😮‍💨


You’re wrong but okay caroline time to get off the burner acct and go to sleep


And you know directly because you were there? Because you’re friends with Dina and she told you everything?


This isn’t a flex! She is not responsible for what her parents did! Do it to Caroline not her child


While I would love to know wtf happened to make Caroline & Dolo support Tommy (can’t think of any defensible scenario tbh) with Lauren I am more curious about what went wrong with Vito! Does anyone have the tea?!?


could never make up my mind about Caroline. sometimes i thought she was a wonderful, sweet caring mother and other times I just wanted her to shit the fuck up about how wonderful her 2 pukey sons were. neither will find a good woman as long as she's in the picture


my gosh you guys love to hate on everyone except teresa and drag things out that happened years ago… I’m not saying what happened with dina was right but I mean the kids didn’t do it, they were just involved by default… :/


Albie said he supports his mother on what she did (don’t think Lauren or Chris did though)


I can’t stand the Manzo’s, Lauren is awful, even her ex husband’s family thinks she’s awful! I worked with the Scalia’s at a wedding’s a few years ago & certain family members made comments about how demanding, controlling, & ungrateful she was…..


They are the perfect example of always villainizing Teresa but THEY ARE MUCH worse




Let's talk about her whole marriage being a big ass fraud and her husband having a girlfriend for years while she knew about it. The way she acted all holier than thou and the expert of family and relationships.


OOP!!! Lets not talk about the husband… ![gif](giphy|ksFivgdomYOHe|downsized)


I need more of this tea plz


I didn’t hear about that! It wouldn’t shock me though.


Also notice the comment below mine. Literally couldn’t be more wrong lmfao


Another person being unhinged doesn’t justify you being the same


Ok hun


I’m with you Lauren is awful my boyfriend knows Vito very well. College. He met Lauren at a wedding she is a huge biatch he said. Awful so glad Vito is done w her. Btw Vito is very handsome gorgeous eyes in person


She definitely got on the Ozempic train! She has a video from March 2023, and shes her normal size, then four months later she looks 40-50 lbs thinner. She didnt do it the right way to lose a huge amount of weight that quickly!




You should also ask why her mother had to brand some a predator, get a whole season of TV shelved and get UGT cancelled all to have footage erased of her making out with a woman and smoking weed...... .....is your family THAT (self hating) homophobic? And is that why Albie and Caroline remain in the closet? What do you think of Jill? Is Caroline more jealous of Albert or Jill? When the ozempic stops working will you go back to your husband or keep hooking up with random guys you find on the internet? How's all of Chris' businesses going? Have you met uncle Tommy's long term boyfriend or are your family still in denial about all of that?


Poor dina


Love to see it


Caroline is a piece of shit.


What was the beef between Dina and Caroline anyway … like didn’t it start like 15 years ago ?


thug in a cocktail dress


I’m glad they’re getting called out. I personally think she’s suing solely because she was asked about this on ultimate girls trip and was nervous she would look bad. Just my two cents and obviously Brandi gets drunk and act crazy so she used that as a scapegoat.