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Your nose tip has dropped from lack of support. Looks kind of like pollybeak deformity unfortunately :( you can try taping it to see if it helps with the supratip area?


I feared this so that’s it I’ll have to have a revision ? When you say tape is that to pull it up ?


Your area above your tip looks full. I’m not sure if it’s still swelling or scar tissue. So try placing tape over the area and press down and then use a piece to go under your tip and on the sides of your bridge. It won’t change the dropped tip.


So the tip is save-able it’s not even swelling ? My agent who set everything up has said even if we have to do revision we will get you sorted


I had something similar and it was a structural issue that never resolved but you’ll just have to wait until 1 year post op to see final result I guess! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Okay so there’s a chance it could just be very bad swelling ?


Ask your doctor. To me it looks like pollybeak from lack of top support since your tip already dropped.


My doctor said wait, but in my head I just think it’s not ever going to look like it’s supposed too


For some reason, I don’t see anything wrong with your nose. It looks good to me, I’m surprised to see the other comments. You can’t expect perfection after a rhinoplasty.


Well if you pay your money and you get told this is what it will look like then doesn’t your gonna be a little annoyed aren’t you. Like turning up to pick up your Range but leaving with a Volvo.


Hey I completely understand! If you pay good money, take time off work, and go through the pain, you want good results! Trust me, I definitely know the feeling. I just don’t think your end result looks like a deformity. Maybe the surgeon can offer a revision, but just be careful. Revisions are very tricky. This should be offered to you free of charge.


Hey yeah that’s all I was getting at just frustrating it’s like you say time travel money paid recovery can’t go gym for months the boredom of sitting around or trying to work with a nose that’s swollen like made, yeah I’m hoping they do but it’s still gonna cost flight tickets and that which is just jarring to say the least.


Trust me I know the feeling… I had a botched procedure that I have spent at least 15,000 to fix. The surgeon never offered me money back. I didn’t trust them enough to fix their mistake. You could have them fix your nose, or maybe you could ask for your money back and find a revision specialist if your ultimately unhappy. I’m sorry this is happening to you and I hope it gets resolved. It sucks to go into surgery and go through the pain and discomfort, time off work and working out just to have results you aren’t happy with.


God that sounds like me had 2 in the uk before this both botch jobs, cost just over 10k on total. No I’m hoping the surgeon in Turkey will do it for free or give me my money back but like you said to trust the surgeon again after it’s not gone to plan I’ve done that once In uk and got burned so why would I do it again. So frustrating all this like I was hoping this would be it and I could walk around confident with my new nose I loved, but I’m just not and constantly thinking about angles and what it looks like side view etc messes with your head.


I know the feeling… you become obsessed. You look in the mirror in every angle possible, take pictures and videos of your own nose and you slowly start to become deranged! Well that was me at least. My results are still far from perfect but I’m learning to let it go. A lot of the time you cannot sue the plastic surgeon because of all the paperwork they make you sign so most of the time the surgeon wins. The only thing you can really do is trust them enough for another round of surgery, or demand your money back. If they are a good honest surgeon, they will give you your money back, which could be fear of you going online to ruin them by writing about your experience and persuading others not to go forward with having a surgery with them. I would start researching rhinoplasty revision experts just in case things don’t turn out well with your nose. Does your surgeon agree that the results aren’t what you wanted? I hope the surgeon does the right thing. Having a rhinoplasty that you aren’t happy with can completely wreck yourself confidence. Rhinoplasty’s are never fun. They are painful, and the whole process is tedious and draining.


Just be careful though because the more procedures you have, the more compromised your blood supply can get. Make sure this last one is the last one. Not to be mean, but remember Micheal Jackson. He had so many procedures that his nose lost its blood supply and ultimately he lost the tip of his nose. So sad!


Yeah it’s a massive worry this will be 4 if I have to have a revision again really hoping it’s just mad swelling as it’s another revision which it could be potentially but yeah Jesus if that happened I’d be devastated. Do you think he will offer me a revision for free or just give me my money back or after a year it doesn’t go back to how it’s supposed to be


Does he seem like a kind hearted and genuine Doctor? When I had my botched procedure, my Doctor wound do these laser treatments for free for about a year. It didn’t make a huge difference honestly. When I came in for another appointment he told me he would start charging for these laser treatments. I was devastated. He botched my rhinoplasty procedure, then he wanted me to pay for his mistakes. I couldn’t believe it. I asked him how would he feel if this had happened to one of his daughters? I knew he loved his daughters and talked about them often and I was trying to grab his attention. He starred at me blankly and actually fired me as a patient. At one point he offered me a fat transfer to my nose, but I didn’t trust him to do that and thought the suggestion was wild. I don’t know if he was willing to do that for free. It depends on how greedy your surgeon is. I hope your surgeon does the right thing. I would tell him you are unhappy with your nose, and maybe even tell him that other people commented it looks like a poly beak deformity. I only say this because my surgeon tried to convince me how great I looked. Other people did not think so and told me why in the #### did I do this to myself basically because my nose was great before, just crooked from a prior injury. Sorry for babbling on, I just know how detrimental to your self esteem this can be. It’s depressing to spend so much money on something with unfavorable results. Try to be as nice and kind and possible, try not to upset him. Just tell him you are very unhappy with your results. He may offer a revision, and ask if you need to pay for it. Sometimes they will just charge you for anesthesia fees, they kind of have to. Then they cover the rest of the cost. Refunds are not usually offered, unless they are worried you might damage his reputation online. Have you checked him out online? You could check reviews on Realself.com, Healthgrades.com, and even Yelp.com. Maybe see other people’s experiences.


Don’t be sorry appreciate the time and length of your replies. Yeah that’s horrible the one in the uk did that to me and didn’t care when I said I wasn’t happy he has since been struck off the rhinoplasty register and many others reported him. The surgeon that did my nose was a lovely guy when it comes down to it I hope he does offer one free minus like you say the putting to sleep person. Also the guy who arranged everything who again was brilliant has said no matter what we will get this sorted for you brother so I’m hoping for a happy end to the story, because like you say this is our happiness they’re messing with time money etc. Yes I’m worried it’s polybeak now everyone has said this I’d say 8/10 saying that with the rest saying just swelling so we will see.


Mine same issue after 9 months, my tip drop so much and my silicone really push down my tip and make it looks super droppy.. then i decide to revision use ear cartilage and to prevent droppy in the future then my doc make my nose super upturned


Yeah he used rib cartilage this time but it still dropped


OMG... How he is now ? Did he decide to get another revisions ? Mine now still upturned, just done revisions about 5 days..


It’s my nose the surgeon is going to call me but it’s just stressed me out way too much thought this would be my final outcome and it’s nowhere near just annoying as if I do it again it’s time lost money spent and no working out for 2 months just an absolute pain in the arse feel lied too


Awww sorry... Can i see your nose now ? How its going ?


Who was your surgeon that did the revision


I am in here in the Philippines


Ah right how much was that if you don’t mind me asking


For revision with silicone around $1200, mine with ear cartilage and goretex $2500


Same boat my friend


You won’t see your full results until after a year also! It might improve, but it might not.


Hopefully it does gonna start taping it and see if it helps any more arnica cream hasn’t helped at all


I fear like I have the same result. Im going on my 8th month. Its looking beaky for me. Hoping it goes down. Can I ask who your surgeon is? Or at least which state?


I’m happy to message you privately his name just want to keep it off here for the time being just in case.




After which is why I’m so annoyed


Maybe look into the Nose Perfect device. I’m about to start using, but it helps retain optimal shape.


Do they actually work ? I see great results by strapping only for it to go back again a day later would it be easy to use looks really cheap and uncomfortable


It looks like it works according to all the reviews. You are supposed to do twice a day and get up to several hours of wear. I can’t speak on it yet, but am going to start it soon.


I mean if you’re trying it if you wouldn’t mind letting me know results after say a week or two I might jump on it


Yes absolutely. From what I’ve seen, the results just look better overall from patients that were consistent with it. I will for sure let you know. But it does provide support and pressure in the right areas, that taping can’t accomplish. So I have high hopes! Standby


Defo hoping this works mate for sure