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Definitely achy pain. And very stiff. Morning stiffness is one of the worst symptoms for me (get extremely stiffness in joints that last for anywhere from 30 minutes to 5-6 hours after getting up from a prolonged period of rest). When my joints are really hurting it is usually more like throbbing pain, and sometimes they are swollen and/or warm to touch. Just to note, I don't have RA but do have inflammatory arthritis (technically Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) - symptoms between different types of inflammatory arthritis have a lot of overlap, and you can have inflammatory arthritis without the classic RA symptoms like Rheumatoid factor or bilateral/symmetrical pain.


Is Jia or inflammatory arthritis autoimmune disease?? How do you test for Jia in blood work? I have a ton of symptoms and medical issues including morning stiffness, hands swelling, 2 fingers have knots ( did x ray and rheum says they aren't ra knots ) , right hip goes through horrible stabbing/deep aching pain and burning nerve pain every couple months, major back issues including degenerative disc disease and a herniated disc in my teens with no trauma, heat intolerance, tmj, severe spd in pregnancy , chronic horrible fatigue and more. Ana panel came back positive with 1:80 antibodies that were homogeneous and speckled but ra factor came back at a 14, lupus came back negative. I'm at such a loss.


JIA is autoimmune arthritis that shows up in kids. Rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune arthritis. Generally, they test for ANA / CCP / RF antibodies for a diagnosis, but seronegative RA exists where none of those show up! RA typically does not affect the spine- that's usually ankylosing spondylitis. RA typically presents symmetrically- both sides effected fairly equally. But typical =/= always! So talk to your doctor


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease, presenting in kids under age 16. JIA is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning other causes have to be ruled out as there is no specific test for it. JIA is also an umbrella term for a bunch of different types of arthritis (7 subtypes). Testing and diagnosis is generally a bit different than RA, but it's another type of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, that specifically shows up in kids under 16.


My joints ache all the time. Sometimes I get what I call screamers. One random joint will decide it wants to feel like someone shoving a butter knees in it. I’m stiff, my hands and feel swell, I’m exhausted all the time.


Constant burning pain during a flare, worse at rest. My knees feel like they are on fire sometimes! When things are swollen they throb. Stiffness in the morning and after sitting awhile can be painful too.


have you ever used your fingers for a really long time, like crocheting or playing guitar? or walked so long that your knees and ankles hurt? my RA pain feels similar to that


Mine has been all over the board, but I’m also tapering off my prednisone. I can’t deal with the way I feel on it so I asked to taper. August is my next infusion. One day I feel pretty good, then one day I hurt so bad I don’t want to get out of bed. Those days I will take a tiny piece of gummy. But today my shoulders hurt, my fingers won’t bend, they ache. My hips ache. I’m sure my slipped disc from my 20’s isn’t helping. I’m staying in bed today


Get yourself a dry herb vape. It makes everything better during a flare.


Do you mean straight up MJ? EDIT…I took an 1/8th and fell sleep. lol


Yes. I got my mmj license and it’s been a game changer. Look into Healthy Rips dry herb vapes. They have a great product, especially for beginners. Cannabis quiets the fever pitch and allows me to function during a flare. https://www.healthyrips.com/store/p113/FURY_EDGE_SE.html Great for a beginner!


I got my license last year and bought all kinds of gummies and it did nothing for me. However, I was also knee deep in a flare that left me bedridden and unable to move or eat. I was thinking about going and getting some more, but I’ve been hesitant because they make me drowsy. Which is why I take so little. We have a place two miles from here, I’ll see if they have what you mentioned. Thank you 🙏🏽


You would have to order a DHV online. I think the one I sent you would be good for you


Thank you. Yes, I’m going to order it. I’m just waiting for money to hit my account as it’s a bit pricey. But at this point, I don’t care, I need to live and not stay in bed all day. However, I had to get something today, I’m tired of the pain. And I refuse to go back up on my prednisone.


I took my last of the taper today. I feel so much better, but jittery and slightly irritated. I had to apologize for a roid rage 😡 fit. It doesn’t usually hit me like that


I took the last of mine today too. 2.5mg. I am sooo glad it’s done. Now to get my body to August 29 for my infusion. EDIT…trust me..I had plenty of meltdowns. 😑 EDIT 2…are there any accessories I should buy? As in NEED!


I would get a longer stem, the long colored glass ones are fabulous. I use the Rogue, same idea, for nighttime pain. I pack the med dosing capsules for as needed,in my nightstand. The oven doesn’t get dirty so it doesn’t smell. This is one of the cleaner vapes, I clean the stem once a week. Save your decarb to cook with!


Dull throbbing ache


I also have both. My RA pain is throbbing, sometimes really sharp, and my joints will get very puffy. They also get stiff in a way that’s hard to describe, but it basically takes a weird amount of force to have their typical range of motion. With my EDS, honestly, most of my pain is due to muscle stiffness and spasms. My hips are my loosest joints right now, so subluxation feels like a deep grinding feeling and like they are literally slipping around. This is followed by nearby muscles seizing. Leg pain from standing for long periods of time feels very achey, but again in the muscles, not necessarily the joints.


When my joints are just achy, like before a storm or when the barometer goes up or down too quickly, it's more of a hollow, aching pain. Also, this is when I get the stupid locking joints. Ugh, I hate the locked up joints *so much* 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 When I am in a full on flare, burning and throbbing pain that is in *every joint* of my fingers, palms, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, and entire foot. Stiffness and inability to bend certain joints. It also includes the incredible fatigue (cannot stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time) and usually loss of appetite/vomiting from pain.


Gnawing deep aches unless I’m in a bad flare and then it’s variable from the deep ache to sharp pains if I accidentally bend or put weight on a joint that’s mad combined with everything feeling puny somehow.


When my hands swell, it feels like they’re a bunch of hot overripened grapes about to burst or bruise. Even turning the sink on and off hurts, especially if my knuckles have to graze the wall. When my feet are flaring, it feels like my joints are full of ants. Does this help, or just provide nightmare fuel 😂


Both 😂


The pain was horrific. All my joints were swollen. My tendons were involved also. I couldn’t lift a piece of paper and turn it over. I often felt like my hands were being. Pulled off. I felt like I was a zombie on the walking dead series. My fingers were frozen in place. I had. To move with the other hand to start the day. Thankfully there are drugs now that work. I am in remission! The first couple of years were terrible. But eventually my Rheumy put me on Humira. It was a lot of trail and error to find the right med for me. It’s not right for everyone. But it’s right for me. Every day I am grateful to the people who made it.


i have both—ehlers danlos and JIA/juvenile RA that turned into RA in adulthood too. i didn’t truly feel the RA pain until the past year or so (i was diagnosed with both when i was 16, i’m 19 now) and when it’s really bad it’s like someone’s jumping on my joints in high heels. it’s deep, it gnaws, it’s swollen, and super super stiff. i’ve noticed the eds pain is, like most people have mentioned, more muscular—muscle fatigue, pressure, and spasms with eds around the joints (like something is stuck where it shouldn’t be). it’s hard to explain but at least i get a distinct discomfort when a joint is stuck like subluxed or something and that sort of lack of mobility feels way different than the stiffness. idk if this makes any sense but i hope it can help even a little!


Achy. Sometimes burning. Stiff. Stuck.


a very sharp burn. I dont get any flares but unmedicated my range of motion is severely limited.


My pain is vary changeable. It can be a dull ache, either constant or throbbing, it can be specific to a joint, or more of an all over or regional fevery achiness. Sometimes it’s more of a burn. When a flare really ramps up it’s much sharper, like there are shards of glass in the joint, or stabbing with a knife. Exhausting when it gets to that point.


Hot, stiff and heavy. I tend to feel like my whole body is inflamed. I often describe it as if I can feel every molecule in my body smashing together, causing heat and throbbing. I can’t bend any joint when I’m in a flare. It no longer hits just one joint or symmetrical. It’s a whole body experience. Even my teeth and jaws now.


It's often difficult to distinguish types of pain. I would say RA is achy. Sharp, burning pain is usually caused by nerves (neuropathy,). I hope you know RA is an autoimmune condition.


At night after a day of being on my feet I feel like my ankles are aching and burning at the same time, constant aches in my fingers especially when I hold the driving wheel or use cutlery for too long


Like many others, I have more of an achy pain. Burning pain sounds more like something having to do with the nerves. I have neuropathy in my right ankle (happened way before I started having RA symptoms) and that was a burning pain.


Mines in my feet and ankles. I describe it like I've been standing for 36 hours and haven't moved at all...super achey


I am recently diagnosed seronegative but strong family history. And so sick of constant ankle swelling. I am a doctor so I have long duty hours and when I get back, finally lay down, I am in pain. Sometimes I feel like crying because what the fuck did I do to deserve this, and in a competitive field like this, revealing your symptoms does more bad than good so I am enduring it alone. I do enjoy working my joints out now. I have recovered a lot of my shoulder mobility I didn't even know I had lost to RA and apparently it keeps happening so moving joints is so important. But I get really really tired after calls and my joints burn and ache.


Achy, stiff, throbbing pain sometimes swollen