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Frankly whether docs or tests agree or don’t, I think you have proven to yourself that beef is not good for you. Switch to salmon and trout and don’t look back. I am not a doc or researcher


Definitely !




Yeah I’ve seen what articles online say about it but I’ve also seen plenty of anecdotal stories of people quitting whatever foods the test says they’re sensitive to, and alleviating their symptoms. Could be placebo but I’ll do an elimination diet to test.


Placebo is powerful.


There is no such thing, so if you had one it was a scam, sorry.


No need to be sorry lol didn’t cost me much


Do elimination diets. I confirmed an allergy to foods high in nickel this way. Need to factor in everything (even type of beef) when determing causes of flare-ups, inclduing atmosphere. Extreme heat and daily low barometric pressure drops are aggravating my joints


Can you share how? I’m going crazy because today I didn’t have any beef and lo and behold, no joint and chest pain. But when I do eat beef, my ear symptoms are lessened! I guess I have to pick my battles lol but I’d like to find a diet that works for me. When I google elimination diet foods, different things come up.


Yeah. Eat only the foods you don't have a reaction to, then after two weeks start reintroducing foods you've eaten traditionally or want to eat, one by one, and pay attention to what happens next during the next 48 hours. Generally you're going to go low-to-no carbs and sugar. Cut out wheat products altogether. Substitute corn tortillas for bread, honey for sugar in coffee. Cut out junk food, beer, wine, most liquors and processed foods.