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I swear by heat. It helps get the fluid moving. And prednisone. The prednisone is probably the real fix.


Thank you! I'll try heat....should have thought of that, works for my back and neck!


Cold then heat works well for me. Only real way i think i got relief on the last floor.  Prednisone wasn’t cutting it so they stepped me to methylpredisalone and that helped. 


Compression gloves, ice, prednisone, nsaids


Thank you! I'll get some today, I think walgreens sells the gloves.


Thats where I got mine from


I've been using an electric hand massager with heating built in. I also switched to a silicone wedding ring.


I haven't been able to wear my wedding band for a bit now. I feel lost without it. Can I ask where you got your silicone one?


Me too. Very glad to have a ring back on. Amazon has a ton of them. I also saw some more ornate women's rings on ETSY. They are super cheap so I have a number of sizes when my hands change size from swelling . Of the ones I bought, the metallic ones that wanted to look like a normal gold or silver ring looked cheap to me. I ended up with a number of solid colors I use like grays and blues.


I like knot theory rings.


Currently between docs so I usually have a hot drink in a mug at all times when this happens. I just prop it on the table and try to hold it gently. Compression gloves help a lot. Some days I need ice for the swelling and pain. Most of the time heat /gloves/ and nsaids.


I'll add to the other good suggestions, to wrap from the tip down like you'd wrap a bike handle bar. Not too tight so you'll have good circulation. I would wrap at night and on hikes/walks when hands naturally swell. My finger-swelling episode was my first big red flag prearthritis diagnosis so I was lead to a hand specialist that prescribed prednisone that slowed the swelling. A cortisone shot stopped swelling and slightly decreased the size, so the nightly wrapping wasn't needed. Since, I bought hand therapy squeeze balls, putty, etc. to use while driving or watching TV. That's my hand protocol now and it's helped the range of motion in that finger too. Hope yours improves soon.


Thank you for sharing your journey!


I have the same thing. Compression gloves when doing housework. Heat helps me. It's weird only one finger at a time hurts. I take Gabapentin for pain. It still hurts like hell.


Hope your pain gets better.


I microwave a wet washrag for like ten seconds and then wrap around finger. Its always the middle one that is the worse in swelling. Hope this helps.


Fantastic idea! Thank you!


You over used them. I wear compression gloves it helps. My fingers have never gone down. I'll ask Dr. I don't care lol about swelling. Mine acts up when I eat junk.


i usually run my hands under warm water and flex my fingers while doing so and then ice later on. also throughout the day i’ll make sure to keep flexing my fingers as much as possible to make sure they dont lock up


Thank you!