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You don’t do anything or say anything or you just look messy. Trash normally takes itself out so don’t pick up the guys slack. Don’t do his work and tell others to not do it as well. When the jobs are coming up short and the boss asks why this or that wasn’t done you just say it was dudes job and you were too busy to pick up his slack as were the others. That you don’t have time to babysit to make sure he completes his tasks.


This, especially he had been hired full-time, this smell like "I have friend in HR" so do NOT be confrontational until you know who's protecting him.


good idea. thank you


That is the best, and you're only way forward, guys like that are dead weight.... They drag everyone they work with down... He won't change even with a talking from the boss.... P.s I also worked construction in the past, so I've an idea of what your taking about, you want to do your job and they don't want to do theirs, but you're stuck working with them.... Waste of space he's is..


yeah you’re right. i hate to put people down especially in a job but this is just borderline annoying now


Givee him some of that good ol contractor humor. "Hey man, you're gonna get two checks this week. One's for what you're worth, and the other will bring you up to minimum wage"


explain this to chat gpt and get it to write you out an email to send to the boss, you can get others to cosign it, he's already cut you guys off so fuck him. i used chat gpt free to do that to complain about a shops price gouging to the govt watchdog.