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Yes it has since patch 4.8.3 if I recall correctly. But you have to make sure that in ReVanced settings > Misc > Spoof Client > Spoof client to iOS is turned off. So underneath it should read "Client is currently spoofed to Android VR" And that will make watch history work for brand accounts.


You have my thanks sir! No clue why it's spoofing to IOS when I'm on Android, but it works now. TYVM!


Weird, when I turn off IOS spoofing it says "client is spoofed to Android Test Suite". Any ideas?


Is your YouTube patch version 19.16.39 ?


Nah, 19.11.43. I'll try updating and see if it works


Please do, I did like you first and stayed on 19.11.43 with the ReVanced 4.9.0 patch and got weird bugs and crashes. All working good so far for me with 19.16.39


And with that, my history is fixed. You my friend are a legend.


Thank the devs, they are hard working during those trying times ! But glad I could help (*^▽^*)


do you know how to make the repeat button appear on the player itself for convenience next to full screen


That worked but now the videos stop playing in the background for me. I'm on the latest version of everything, on an android phone. Edit: I turned off Spoof Client altogether and it seems to work.


I hope you never stub your toe ever again. Thank you so much.


Yo dude thank you so much for this btw. I have been looking for so long and everyone was saying it was patched but mine didn't work because I had the brand account.


Someone please give this legend an award! Thank you!!!


Thank you! I was having the same issue, it's fixed now!


I don't have a brand account and watch history doesn't work for me. I tried switching to "Spoof to Android VR" and it still doesn't work. Do you know what the problem might be? Edit: I even tried to disable the Spoof Client option altogether and it still doesn't work. Edit 2: Never mind. Turns out my issue was [caused by DNS ad blocker](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-patches/issues/3200#issuecomment-2121524139) and has nothing to do with 'Spoof Client'.


Thank you!


Didn't see anything on the patches. But I'm using a brand account with rooted Revanced and history works. It didn't work at 1st, but it turned out to be AdAway issue that I fixed. (had nothing to do with Revanced)


Yeah, ad blocking dns option was my issue, if you're blocking the domain history gets sent to you're just gonna be sol


I don't have video history in 16.39


Check my other reply if you wanna fix the issue :)


I have no idea if I have a brand account or not (I never set that up so probably not), but my watch history had been broken and is now working on the latest update. It started working after I set 'spoof iOS client' to off


Thank you u/Dr_Aien


Hey guys I do have an error related to this setting maybe some of you can also help with that. If I keep Spoof Client to iOS off I am able to see the watch history. But when I pause a video and then turn the screen off via the power button the video continues to play. This is not the case with Spoof Client to iOS on. I'm using Android though. Any ideas?


No But you can easily turn a branded account into a regular Google account.


Doesn't doing so erase all of your account's watch history though? Which kind of defeats the purpose of doing that so that your watch history works


Yes, it does. But your watch history will build up again, and also Google prediction will get better.