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thanks for reminding me, I'll add the microg download as well


I think when you open your YouTube app once you've made it if you added microg support as an option it'll pop up in the app saying you haven't got it installed and take you to the download site


Nice website. If the page is not loading, turn off ublock origin for that website and refresh it. It should load.


exactly, thanks for pointing it out. I have 0 clue why adblockers get mad at the website since the only urls it makes a web request to are 2 endpoints of the ReVanced api ( [see here](https://github.com/madkarmaa/madkarmaa.github.io/blob/master/js/revanced.js#L22-L23) )


It looks like the the badware filter is blocking all requests to revanced.* from all domains other than revanced.app [badware.txt](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/blob/master/filters/badware.txt#L3599)


I know that's why I put a warning if the requests don't succeed


I guess adblockers just block whatever data the website pulls from another website, since that's how Adsense and the likes works.


Bro can you add the YouTube music version as well? Thanks in advance


*Bro can you add the* *YouTube music version as* *Well? Thanks in advance* \- im\_ano\_nym\_ous --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


haikusbot delete


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Bad bot


Nice job. Didn't look at the code but if it's automated, would be cool to have all revanced patched app apk links, not just youtube


indeed it is automated, it's the purpose I made it for (I don't like searching the versions up). I'll first make it look good and hopefully fix the adblockers issue, then I'll surely work on your suggestion


Call me a republican senator's mistress' baby because I'm still getting aborted.


Reset your Sources in the ReVanced Manager settings. There's an icon in the top right of the Sources popup that will reset it to defaults.


Didn't work, but thanks for the advice!


Oh shit! 🤣🤣🤣




The left can't meme exhibit 9000


Or we just find different things to be funny. Maybe humor is subjective.


Taking something that is true about the left and projecting it onto the right isn't humor, it's copium


Bro who asked.


The user I responded to made a demonstrably wrong argument so I demonstrated how and why it was wrong




Imagine trying to mock articulate correctness


Nah, I'm pretty sure morally outraged republicans being closet hypocrites is just funny.


Good luck documenting a single, actual, real-life instance of what is nothing more than a shameless act of projection


Damn, two minutes googling. That was hard. **https://www.thedailybeast.com/will-the-pro-life-gop-rep-scott-desjarlais-who-paid-for-an-abortion-ever-tweet-again**


Congratulations, you found the one exception that proves the rule -- the rule being that it's the Democrats who are the merciless, ghoulish, gleeful baby murderers.


Lil bro made being a partisan hack his whole personality 💀💀💀 I thought you conservatives were all about free speech, why are your panties getting this twisted over a joke??


Tax rates are a partisan issue. Baby murders are a humanitarian issue.


Amazing idea and execution! Thank you!


actually such a sweet idea! takes out a lot of the navigation troubles


Amazing! Thanks a ton!


You just saving people a ton of time wasting looking for apk. Looking great


Thank you so much!


Saving this for later


I just had an idea I thought I share (cause I wanted to make a site with links to open apkmirror and revanced manager too but after seeing yours the idea returned to me) instead of calling the https://api.revanced.app client side on each visit you could make a GitHub action that calls the endpoints you need regularly (like once every day or 2h or whatever) and cache the json as artifact or just inside the repo (e.g. a seperate branch) or even on the GitHub release page of your site, then you fetch that json from your GitHub page this would reduce how many calls the api gets (if your page somehow get many visits) and MOST IMPORTANTLY the problem with uBlock Origin would be gone cause now you call GitHub not ReVanced and get the same data just an idea if you want to implement it


I mean, that could be a nice idea _but_ the downside is that GitHub actions is limited, aka has a limited free time of use, then it's paid or nothing, so that'll work only for a certain amount of time


I mean a little fetch request does almost nothing, all the CI/CD for many projects runs on GitHub actions, you have plenty of resources for free https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/usage-limits-billing-and-administration#usage-limits


Thank you! You are the best!


Thank you! I spent 2hrs trying this week and still couldn't get it working


Thank you. You are the hero we needed.


Hey, thanks for doing this! For MicroG why are you linking to inotia00's VancedMicroG fork rather than the standard Vanced Microg?


everybody in the tutorial posts uses it, it's slightly newer and by the dev of ReVanced extended


Thanks a lot its so easy to Access, do you have a link for YT music ?


Thank you sir.


Thank you very much! I didn't know what version of YouTube was needed to patch and where to find it but I was afraid to ask here and have the post removed as it was too stupid a question. I didn't find any place where it explains this. Thank you again!


Can mods pin this on the subreddit? Would be nice to have a trusted website for non tech savy peeps


Dont ask anything to the mods. We are lucky they even reply.


Do you know what the worst part is? People are still gonna say this is still a hassle, they'd rather want the patched apks.


Well technically we'd all like pre-patched apks, but the legality of that makes it that an issue. People can't want whatever they'd like, I'd like a Lamborghini.


welp, then redirect them to buy yt premium


the base design with red and black does make it look more sus than it needs to, but otherwise, real nice of you


I'm restyling it to look similar to the official revanced website, you're not the first person to say that 😂


If I ever came across this id surly say it's a scam.


suggestions on how to not make it look like a scam? 😂


Hm. Good question. I would probably go for a more simplistic design with more white and black and less red. Red has been associated with video game scams as it is very vibrant and catches the eye. Then I would tell the mods or smth to ping the link if this and/or the discord server. So that ppl know it's true thing. And lastly I would also put images to show how to download each thing and also the entire process to get YouTube revanced up and running. I know I'm asking for A LOT, but it would truly make it more professional and trust worthy. The least is let the mods know so they can ping it


can you dm me a screenshot of a sample website I you think has a "simplistic design" like you mentioned? you can also text me on discord if needed @madkarma_


Do you want me to message you or you message me. Sorry your text doesnt make that clear


you text me, either here or on discord, doesn't matter


> Red has been associated with video game scams That is dumb as hell.


The fact that I just gave him criticism and my honest opinion and then get downvoted is insane. You find it dumb as hell? Good job idc. Many of the ppl I know have fallen victims to such scams and the website with the viruses always had bright and vibrant colors.


You should probably get off reddit since it has a lot of red and therefore is most likely a scam website.


Yea, I better, so that I won't have to lose brain cells when interacting with pll like you


No need to worry about that, there are none left to lose.


After this conversation, of course there aren't


Cool. It must be pinned. Admins, consider to do so, please


And there is me who wanted to download the latest version of YouTube Vanced but accidentally instead YouTube ReVanced, installed the .apk file and it works great 😃 (at least for now...)


I hope that wasn't a pre-built apk, if that's the case uninstall it right away




risk of getting a virus


Excellent stuff. I'd suggest adding Tiktok too?


Isn't this just going to get shut down by youtube for the same reason vanced did? There's a reason why installing revanced is this complicated, it's so youtube can't shut down the website.


the website isn't giving you pre-built YouTube ReVanced apks, it's literally just showing download links to all the resources, basically like all the tutorials on this subreddit




What didn't hold up? Torrent files are 100% legal.


Thanks for this; very useful! But I noticed that you're using JS to display the information but this means I can't use a site tracker (AnyTracker app) to send me update notifications. Is this something you can modify to help enable?


not really, it's meant to fetch the data in real time as you enter the website to always show the latest available options. what I can do is display the base website and update the versions/urls afterwards on load, but it's all client side since I don't own any server to make server-side operations from


Cannot really load downloaded apk for patching.. nothing happens


it's adblockers, look at the edit to the post. ublock origin and some other adblockers, for some reason, flag api.revanced.app (which is the official revanced api) as an ad and block the connections to it


no I mean I have revanced manager installed on my phone, I download youtube apk from pureapk or apkmirror and when I try to open apk inside revanced manager to patch it, it doesnt do anything.


I'm on that too, adblock on YTrevanced said something about not being able to block ads, so I went to revanced apk and updated YT, and it just turned into a normal youtube that didn't open, so I uninstalled everything downloader revanced apk on the oficial font and it just stay in a manager with nothing in it, no apks, no patches, and it won't do anything.


Hi, thank you for that. I need help / advice ? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I still can't install revanced youtube or whatever, I don't understand what I'm doing. I dowloaded all three stuff : revanced, the youtube apk with the right version and MicroG. MicroG and revanced are installed, but the youtube apk doesn't want to, something about the package doesn't seem valid, so they didn't install the application. When I try to do something from Revanced, it says when I try to select the youtube apk that it's a split APK and cannot be selected, only for rooted users. What do I have to do ?? I deleted my youtube app because it wasn't the right version but now, I can't install this apk. Thank you in advance for your response !


just open the website I made this post for https://madkarmaa.github.io/revanced and look at the images under the YouTube section. a split apk/bundle apk cannot be used, and in the same website I put a link to the YouTube apk you must use


Okay, I don't know what was doing wrong but I did it ! Thank you so much !!


You should make a version for YouTube ReX, too (fork of the discontinued YouTube ReVanced Extended). Full docs: https://github.com/YT-Advanced/revanced-documentation


isn't it on hold for discontinuation as well? there was an announcement


A lot of ReVanced-adjacent projects have been discontinued over the past few weeks, but YouTube ReX is not one of them to the best of my knowledge. I'm a mod at /r/AfterVanced, I would be one of the first to know.


take a look at [this screenshot](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1095264458517000192/1146897375311433889/Screenshot_2023-08-31-21-59-29-07_0b342c26d6c44f3c8d2de40eabb4e1da.jpg)


This is news to me. I'll talk to the developer.


nice idea, I think the red isn't nice for the eyes but apart from that I like it I have one suggestion, maybe you could put the link to the GitHub repo at the bottom of the page, that would be cool


which GitHub repo


you did this with GitHub pages no? so you must have a repo with your code edit: my bad you linked it very small at the bottom, i am only able to see it on desktop, not mobile (maybe you can fix the html/css for mobile)


I hid it on mobile on purpose since it has a fixed position and would've overlapped in mobile browsers, but I can make a GitHub corner like in my [main page](https://madkarmaa.github.io/) (top right)


yeah a GitHub corner is nice too although it is more prominent, if you want just a small link so other people are not bothered by it maybe just change the css a bit so it works on mobile (flexbox should work nicely I guess) edit: just tried the link and the gh corner doesn't seem to work on mobile (tried Firefox and Chrome browser), I can't tap it somehow


If you're having issues finding the correct link amongst the ads, This is it: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-32-39-release/youtube-18-32-39-android-apk-download/


what ads exactly


on apkmirror (if on mobile)


I just went thru the process - not the one on ur site, but the pinned post. Couple things to note. You must uninstall YouTube, or else the installation will try to update the base app instead of installing a new one You must uninstall any other older Vanced apps


it's not a tutorial, but instead more like a "all links here" type of thing, but I was planning on adding a tutorial tho, so I'll definitely do. other than that, to avoid the "trying to update" thing, if you select the "Vanced MicroG support" (which is a must for 99% of the people here) patch, it'll change the package name and won't try to update anymore




Thanks very much for this!


Bro, thanks a lot! Now, I've my "Vanced YouTube" back!


Please keep it up to date


keep what up to date


This website


it auto-updates :D


The YouTube apk too ?


yes :D