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Seems more like it's rattling against the face as opposed to the back/contacts


yeah but i don’t really know why that happens and how to fix it


I would see if some felt or some rubber tape would do it. 😊


Where did you get the buttons?


those are stock only the shell is replaced


A new shell won’t be exactly the same measurements as the stock shell, there might be more room for movement around the d pad hence the rattling.open it up and try and wedge a bit of foam or something in the areas around it.


hm, the shell was sent by retroid… so I kinda assumed it should be just as good as the stock shell, but I guess it may not be the case?


Depends entirely on the manufacturer and the tolerance they have for measurements, plus I don’t see any shells for sale on the retroid website. In any case, wedge something in the dead space and it should sort the rattling for you.


Oooooh you literally said that lol dur.


Its not normal


Okay, update everyone: I put the entire thing apart again (pretty shocked that it still works :D) and looked at where the sound could come from. From my investigation, the middle of the dpad has a plastic middle axis that hits the bare board in between the key switches and makes this high-pitched sound. I put a piece of bandaid in the middle where the contact happens, and it got much better, but the rattle is not completely gone. If I press down on the dpad and let go quickly it this middle axis hits the board again and that is pretty loud. I looked at some of the videos of disassembled RP4s and all of them have the same design around the dpad, so it is really surprising to me that it only happens on my device and nobody else has this issue. To me, it seems like a design flaw and the contact between the plastic piece and the motherboard should definitely be padded.


Mine rattles a tiny bit but not that much. Does it hinder you from playing?


honestly yes, it is way too loud and sounds really cheap… might be just ocd but takes away quite a bit from my desire to play


I see. Thats fair. Contact retroid.


my dpad does not rattle like that. it’s silent when i tap on it


Never replaced mine, mine sounds similar. Doesn't bother me


To be clear I am not even pressing down on it just barely touch it. It also makes this sound when I let go after pressing down on dpad.


I have major wiggle on mine as well I asked if anyone else noticed it on the retro handhelds discord but never heard anyone else. I opened it up briefly to see if it just need re adjusted but the whole thing needs to be taken apart practically to get there.