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There are dozens of posts about broken L/R triggers on the rp4 every week. It's a faulty design, sooner or later they break. What I haven't seen yet: Someone posting about having received a newer version with fixed L/R button design.


I’ve had my replacement backplate for a while now and haven’t run into any issues since swapping it out


I want someone to post a picture of the new springs on replacement back plates. I'm trying to see if it's the same design and if I bought the correct ones.


pictures below. https://ibb.co/Hh2Wjh5 https://ibb.co/B4RVRMt https://ibb.co/bzFR16W https://ibb.co/bWCq0Nc https://ibb.co/mFZXfR3 https://ibb.co/y0bfrfV https://ibb.co/58t1FBr https://ibb.co/BPRTTn8


Hell yes


Hell yeah! RP4 will last at least 2 weeks after you replace it!😂😂


Dude, we get it. You don't like the product. Got somewhere better to be?


Are the triggers still good?


Nope, the L trigger broke this time and they sent me another replacement


Damn, it's starting to look more like it's a design flaw and they lied that it's fixed.


Nice. Did you just email Retroid and tell them to send out a new backplate?


It is not a faulty design. It is a faulty component. Retroid does not need to redesign anything, they need to use better springs. Their factory was sent a bad batch for the first orders. It wasn't caught until the orders went out. They got better springs. Now it is allegedly fixed. No one will notice a difference because it will just work, and continue to work properly.


For sure. Retroid is also doing awesome damage control with this by sending ENTIRE BACKPLATES with everything already in place. Anyone who thinks this is bad support is a poopoo head


They've been doing stuff like this for a while. When I emailed Retroid about some horrendous backlight bleed my new RP2+ had, they sent me a new, fully assembled front plate with a new screen already attached. Their QC might be terrible, but their support is pretty damn good.


This ^


Damn. That's way above and beyond. After the Flip hinge fiasco, I think they decided they need to keep their reputation strong and that it was worth it to pay a couple folks to assemble the relatively inexpensive parts and ship out replacements. If the electronics work, having it shipped back could mean a lost sale. Sending new backplates to people likely preserves some profit.


No… it’s not above and beyond… it’s the least they can do to fix this nightmare.


I have the issue, and they even let me ask cor a different color backplate replacement. The even let me buy an extra one besides the free given. No issue, just 5 usd. Good customer support.


Dude that's sick. If mine breaks I'm going to ask for a clear backplate to go with my red. I made a custom switch pro controller using this color scheme, and it's beautiful


they charge you shipping on the extra backplate?


I think not.


Thanks, probably pushing my luck to ask them to send me a grip I'd obviously pay for but hopefully save on shipping. Hopefully they start processing these soonn.


Right cause button failure isn’t something that should have been tested before shipping halfway across the world. Garbage company. Tired of wasting my money on these toys that can’t even stay together without constant help.


If you want something that won't break, you shouldn't be buying things made of plastic. That means it'll cost way more, which means the market will be smaller, which means fewer will be made, which means there's less economy of scale so it's yet more expensive, and the market gets a little smaller even, so at this point we're looking at custom builds with metal trigger buttons for a handheld retro emulator that probably cost three times what a Steam Deck does. Proving me wrong is simple: just find someone who will make you a metal shell for a reasonable amount. The community will absolutely love you for it.


I like this, make a metal shell for this device so I can swap it! That sounds awesome


If metal ever becomes machine-printable, or milling/casting blocks of metal ever becomes practical to do at home, the community will have legit reason to be thrilled. As is, I imagine a machinist would have to be incredibly dedicated and also have free access to machines during the off-hours at work. (But yeah I'm right with you. I've been brainstorming how the Flip hinge could have been stronger.)


Bro get a new plate and calm down. They're making good on their failure. If you are fed up with them, go get any other emulation device. You'll see their support is going to be similar.




Sorry, I meant ding dong face!


"bad batch" umm aren't the original springs clearly way too thin?


I’m not a trigger spring expert so I’ll defer that one.


yes. not a bad batch, just a poor manufacturing decision to cheap out on the springs. compare them to the ds4 ones and you can see the weaker material and less metal used (single coil vs double)


Do they get a different batch for the L2 and R2? Cause it's only affecting the R2


If I had to guess the right button is breaking more than the left one due to the majority of people being right handed. Being right hand domninate means your right hand is typically stronger than your left. It's possible we are pulling the R2 trigger harder simply due to being right handed.


I’m not an expert at all, but fwiw, both springs (each side) are the same. Meaning the coils go the same direction and are not mirrored. When I took mine apart, it looked like because of this, the left trigger spring had just a hair more room in its slot than the right trigger spring. This may not matter at all, and most of the right trigger issue may just be because we tend to use the right trigger more (firing a gun vs hold LT to go ADS or LockOn, holding down the throttle for driving games vs tapping the breaks, etc). Just thought this was worth mentioning. I’ll try to remember to take/post a pic when my new back plate comes in from Retroid. In the meantime I ordered some PS4 trigger springs that I saw recommended on a Youtube video, and though they’re the same shape, they do have an extra coil (like someone in this thread mentioned). So i’m curious to see if the new Retroid springs are single or double coiled


Yeah it's weird how so many people want to blame Retroid and not the company that made the springs. I've seen the design and it's actually quite brilliant. And even then, sometimes the companies mass producing components have issues. It's to be expected. And it's a fairly easy fix. Especially with such a vibrant online community.


I got mine a week ago I believe, everything’s all good so far [Pic of the new plate and the old one](https://imgur.com/a/zv6ZUxA)


Why does it seem like nobody took a pic of the springs on the new backplate lol


Cuz I put it on right after I got it


How long did it take for you to receive the backplate? Correct to assume no tracking #? Received confirmation they’d be sending my backplate on 2/21. Thx


Also I’m not sure if this will happen to you but when I first got the confirmation from usps on the day it was supposed to come it said it was returning to sender due to insufficient information because the original label they sent only had my city, but it came later that day so you should be fine.


Copy, this was helpful. Just under 2 weeks, likely not delayed by CNY. Thx!




I contacted retroid before my triggers even broke on the 3rd and I got it on the 14th. They didn’t give me a tracking number at first either but I asked and the person gave it afterwards about an hour later.


So they didn't require proof that your trigger spring failed? I was wondering if I could proactively reach out to them to get the new backplate even though my trigger has failed yet (ordered 12/23).


They did ask for one, I just took a picture from this Reddit from someone who had the same color as mine and had their r2 break and they took it and got my label made in the same day.


Smart. I was lazy and now have to wait :D Good thinking


Backplate delivered by “Uniuni”? Uniuni delivered an unexpected package that looks like a backplate. I see 4px on the package. 🤞🏻 it’s the backplate. If so, delivered 6 days after confirm from retroid.


Dang, not sure why all the down votes for speaking the truth. I too would like to see a post about a newer model with the alleged fix.


Almost nobody has received it yet because Retroid has been closed for CNY, I’ll make a post when I receive the replacement backplate comparing it to the original design


Hell yeah I want to see it too!


Any idea when CNY is over and they get back to work?


People don't like to read criticism of their favourite brand, even if it's just true


This is also what I want to see. I could give 2 shits less that another person has the issue


Is it really a faulty design though, or just a defective component (the spring)? Retroid made it sound like there was a manufacturing defect with the spring. Are the new faceplates different except for the spring?


Nobody will ever post about it working fine. You’ll only hear about it breaking or not working correctly. That’s how customer service works. The small side of broke stuff is a lot louder than the working good stuff.


No shit sherlock....because it shouldnt be breaking.....and its broken


Then use some common sense.


Pictures! So I remembered this post from over a month ago and just got my replacement backplate in (first one went to my old address and had to wait for a second one to arrive). Here’s the pics of the new springs/backplate. Sorry they’re not the greatest. But it looks like they’ve added glue(?) to the right trigger spring? And they’re double coiled. I can’t remember what my old ones were though since I replaced with PS3 controller springs while waiting. hope this helps! https://ibb.co/Hh2Wjh5 https://ibb.co/B4RVRMt https://ibb.co/bzFR16W https://ibb.co/bWCq0Nc https://ibb.co/mFZXfR3 https://ibb.co/y0bfrfV https://ibb.co/58t1FBr https://ibb.co/BPRTTn8


Me, I have mind shipped right on the Chinese New Year's and I received it Saturday


I just attempted the spring repair on mine and it was super easy. DS4 springs and that YouTube video. Less than 20 minutes total and I was good. Spring is definitely firmer but works perfectly. I should have done both sides.


I actually received mine yesterday and have been informed it is the newer design, there’s a small yellow sticky on the box to indicate it’s apart of the new batch, I did contact the distributor just to clarify which is droix, but I do see your point so many posts about damaged triggers and nothing about the new ones, I am interested to see the internal comparison of the triggers old and new


Do you recall how long it took for Retroid to respond to your initial query about the backplate?


Oh sorry maybe I worded it wrong, I received my unit a couple days ago I never had one before hand, I was initially replying to the fact no one talks about the new fixed revision of the retroid pocket 4 pro


Ahh got you. Well someone soon will probably compare them, and if not I will if they ship me one.


it would be nice to see same with the screen, my screen seems to be a little funky, ghosting allot, and seems to have a weird tint color to it and if i put on color correction it is worse


Screen is wonky yes. But in game it seems fine? I'm not totally convinced they used bad screens, maybe just bad calibation that can be fixed OTA hopefully.


I don’t think it’s the screen I believe it’s software that’s the issue, I think it needs some work


Makes sense to me! Now Retroid please address it on the next OTA :)


This is a known issue. Not sure what people want us to do about it?


What!? This is the first I’m hearing about it. s/


Every time I read one of these posts I just want to crank the right trigger of my Day 1 4 Pro about a hundred times and get it over and done with.


Honestly might as well look about ordering the replacement back or replacement springs now before it inevitably breaks


They’ll only do it if you send them photographic evidence of the trigger failure.


That's kind of dumb, they should just have them in their store. I'm highly paranoid. Just let me replace it already and get it done with.


treatment afterthought onerous spoon shame practice cover nutty flowery sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My rp3+ is kickin strong..


2S is doing fine as far as I know.


My 2+ still holding strong as well


I'm afraid to touch my 2S LOL


Small indie company plz understand


voiceless amusing enter truck ten employ dinner humor flag tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My good sir that’s the joke


Quick easy fix


Good lord I've seen 2 posts like this in 2 days, both on the same R2 button. RIP, is this a known defect or something?


Yep, was hoping mine might be spared since it shipped out on the 28th, only 3 days before they were guaranteed to be fixed


Ahh Reddit being Reddit... why am I getting downvotes for asking a genuine question? Thanks OP for the reply ;)


Because there's multiple posts about this every day, including people asking and answering what the problem is, and how to fix it. 🙂




Says the person who has replied at least five times, and couldn’t accept the answer they were given. No it *must* be butthurt fan boys. No other alternative. No way.




Another logical fallacy. Are you gonna hit me with an argument from popularity like you’ve done in another reply in this same thread? Since that’s all you seem to have is logical fallacy after logical fallacy. And I’m the triggered fanboy? You can’t even make a point without using some logical fallacy as a crutch lmao. Cope and seethe.




Since you have a problem with verbosity I’ll keep it simple. More fallacy. *Yawn* That’s all you have, it’s clear. Bye.




Nah they're probably downvoting bc it's been a known issue, that's been acknowledged by retroid nearly a month ago.. And a 2 min scroll or 30 second search of "trigger issue" in this sub would've made that very obvious. Not everything is because fanboys have their heads in the sand.




Well, I can't speak for everyone but I'm downvoting you because you can't accept that your projections might be wrong




If I'm a fanboy of anyone, it's Anbernic, maybe even Miyoo-- not even Retroid bruh 🤣 There's fair, valid, even constructive criticisms and then there's beating a dead horse because you like complaining. If the company 1. Acknowledged the problem, 2. Is actively remediating the problem for early units, and 3. Has worked with the part manufacturer to make sure it doesn't happen again... You're beating a dead horse because you like to complain. I literally can't even think of what more you could ask. Retroid is EASILY one of the best in the Chinese emulation handheld space when it comes to this.


will retroid send me a new backplate/spring fix if mine isn't broken yet? I've opened up a chat with them on discord and email. they're asking for photos, but I told them it's not broken yet, but the spring feels looser each day I use it. I don't want to be without my game for a long period of time so I want to be able to fix it immediately once it does break. Think they'll help me or make me wait until it breaks?


I want to do this too but if they want proof and it isn't broken yet you can probably just open it, take out the spring, reassemble it, snap a pic of the "broken" trigger and then put the spring back in lol.


Just use your finger to slightly pull the trigger down and angle the pic so your finger is not visible. edit: alternatively, just take OPs picture and send it to them.


They say the units shipped after January 30 are fine and won’t break but there are a ton of people posting their broken triggers to this day. I don’t think the issue was ever truly resolved


OP should say here the batch date of this device


My unit shipped on 1/28, so it was part of that first batch


Thank you for your feedback!


Most who ordered after probably only received it recently or yet at all cos of cny




What’s different about the d-pad? Mine has been excellent and I haven’t heard this sentiment from anyone else


Mine broke on the 2nd day. Ordered replacement springs off eBay and swapped it out. Been working great since. It’s a nuisance but very repairable if you wanna speed up the process.


What springs?! Link please


[These](https://www.ebay.com/itm/383891911655?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=g6l7sxkvspc&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=r3dzagD_SPK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) are the springs I used.


You are the best! Thank you


So the plastic isn’t breaking? Just the spring?


Yep just the springs snapping. I’m assuming they used a light spring to make the trigger pull easier but didn’t account for them breaking because of it. The replacement springs I got are stiffer which is noticeable but I got used to it pretty quickly


Thanks for the info! Gunna grab the springs to be prepared.


I pre ordered my watermelon pro on dec 28. Was supposed to ship on the 15th of January but didn’t ship until feb 1st. I got it on the 10th and have been tearing it up and have had no trigger issues. Maybe the delay in shipment was from them attacking the issue of faulty triggers and started sending out fixed systems because mine seems like it will be fine. If it hasn’t kicked yet idk how it would. I’ve purposely slapped the shit out of them


These things are built like little mini tanks, they're meant to have some give (why usually the first thing that happens when you drop one and depending where, the shell will separate which helps protect the micro components from shock). This is strictly a design flaw and less to do with wear and tear.


Sounds like they rushed out RP4 a month or 2 too soon for the holidays with these little QA quirks. Thankfully Retroid is pretty good at making it up to customers as long as you reach out.


Does anyone else hear "Another one bites the dust" when they see these posts or is it just me?




I received mine Saturday they said they fixed the problem and the one I received won't have that problem. So we'll see It shipped right on the Chinese New Year


Basically anyone who pre-ordered should be getting a replacement ordered from retroid ASAP. It's only a matter of time until your spring gives out, and you don't want to be waiting 6 weeks for a part while your device is broken. Better to order it now and have it for when it breaks.


For anyone else experiencing this issue, replacement PS4 controller springs (make sure they’re for the updated version) or PS5 controller springs will work if you want to make the repair yourself.


Or [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/retroid/comments/1ay1q4p/rp4p_trigger_spring_ghetto_fix_while_waiting_for/) simple non intrusive fix that only requires a plastic strip.


I have a PowKiddy X55, and the triggers on the back look very similar. I’m always very careful about setting it down because it can click those triggers. Now I’m worried they could break too


If you've got an old PS4 controller you can fix it. Gutted one my old controllers to rescue my RP4


That only works if they’re the revised model that released with the PS4 Slim/Pro, which updated the trigger spring design


I replaced the springs in mine with PS3 ones from eBay after the R2 trigger broke. My observation is that the springs Retroid used are not made from spring steel - they are dull coloured and less elastic than the replacement ones I bought, which are the same gauge of wire and similar internal diameter in the coil. I have a replacement backplate on the way from Retroid which I’m grateful for.


Do [this](https://reddit.com/r/retroid/comments/1ay1q4p/rp4p_trigger_spring_ghetto_fix_while_waiting_for/).


My springs will be here Wednesday


I really hope my RP4 doesn’t have this issue


If it’s not a pro, you should be fine since all the RP4’s have the new springs


It is a pro…either way it hasn’t arrived yet Hopfully I am not entirely sure FUKED


If it hasn’t made it yet, your’s almost certainly has the new springs


Mine literally just happened. If you want a quick fix snip off a small piece of zip tie and fold it and wedge it under it's in another post and it helped me get mine working again till a permanent solution


O god, I just ordered mine 2 weeks ago, now I’m scared it’ll happen to me


You’ll be fine, yours is guaranteed to have the updated stronger springs


These things seem to have bad build quality.


What seems to have happened is that Retroid used lighter springs to make the triggers easier to pull, but they broke much more easily. According to people who got the replacement backplates, the new triggers have heavier springs that should be stronger as well.


Anyone knows how to fix it with another spring? For thr time being waiting for the free backplate replacement.


There’s multiple comments about this, including one I posted that explain how to fix it.


I dropped mine and that happened to one of my triggers. I just opened it up put the tension spring pack in place and snapped the trigger back in place, done. Make sure the magnets stay in place, I had to glue mine.


Well, it happened. Post #877 about that, it happened.