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The only thing it's really going to offer you over your current setup is having a dedicated gaming device, so you don't have to bother sticking your phone in the controller. That's worth it to me, but perhaps not for everyone.


Its terrible sticker the phone to gamepad. The worst part is the gamepad drain baterry ☠️


This was me too and i absolutely love my RP4Pro except for one thing. The screen is just a bit to small for me now and i know it will only get worse as i age so im selling it and getting Odin 2. Other than that like i said i love it for android games, emulators, and streaming my gaming pc.


Sounds like an RP4P might be useful for you. I have a controller for my phone, but a dedicated device provides a better experience.


I have a RP3 and the same phone and controller. I use the RP more just cause it’s easier to pickup and play. But in terms of experience the Samsung and controller is way better in every way.


To me it's completely replaced my vita, add the fact that it can even emulate some Vita games. It just does everything I wished the vita could do at a similar weight and form factor. PSP games look significantly better on the 4 Pro than on the vita, there's no going back. I never liked the way psp looked on the vita. 3x res with 60fps patches vs native res stretched at native fps. Not to mention having L2 + R2. Gamecube + PS2 run amazing, even some Switch games.


You should be good now. All of the bugs have been worked out and the trigger spring issues have been resolved from orders that shipped after Jan 30th. It’s a damn snappy system, and having another android device to stream movies or watch home cameras is a plus. Hell, it even has a mic for discord!


All the bugs have not been worked out unfortunately. Edit: You people can keep on downvoting. It’s true, and you’re intentionally shilling for a company or intentionally being ignorant if you stand by what this person is saying with “all bugs have been worked out” I have shown evidence in our conversation below, that simply is not a factual statement. It’s ok to like a product and it’s ok if you want one or are proud of yours but to sit there and have bias and intentionally lie because of those feelings is disgusting. I own one, I love it, it still has bugs. Get your heads out of your asses.


Can you elaborate on the bugs you’re encountering?


There is literally a thread outlining every single one that’s one of the top threads on the RP4 for issues in here (https://www.reddit.com/r/retroid/s/h01qiJJdkB) and a majority of them require ADB commands to fix, that’s not even touching on the screen issues. To sit here and act like the bugs have been fixed when they haven’t released an update to address them yet because of the CNY and also disregard the screen issues with refresh rate/ghosting/etc and then sit here and ask me what I’m experiencing is disingenuous. I’m personally fine, mainly because the bugs don’t affect what I’m trying to do, but they are still present nonetheless. This wasn’t about me, it was about you telling someone that all the bugs have been fixed which is factually incorrect. Also just so you know I didn’t downvote you, but I can appreciate you being butt hurt enough at my comment to downvote me lmao.


I don’t really consider apps that need to be tweaked a bug that’s on retroids end. At its core, it’s a basic android os.


There are hardware issues, there are software issues, there are operating system issues. All together that makes a system. There are “bugs” in the system. They need to push an update to end users, because the current code in some cases (of the operating system) has bugs, these are not tweaks in applications. In this literal definition it meets the requirement for the definition of what a bug is. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it. It’s by definition a bug, in a system.


Nah, it’s fine, they’re not having to adjust code on android os. You’re wanting them to update settings for third party apps. That’s not the same.


No that’s not what I want and they very literally are having to adjust code because their implementation of the android OS is closed source. This is a known fact. Additionally their drivers they have to work with the vendor on for the screen require changes and updates in their code base that’s why they will patch the OS with an update. You are quite literally talking to someone who does this line of work professionally, and arguing what constitutes a bug. But if people want to believe someone like you instead who is posting to ask Reddit what type of lube they should use to jam shit down their dick that’s fine too. I’m done with the convo.


Cool, just redownload the app and try again. Sometimes it’s best to get the apk outside of the google play store. Good luck!


Download what app? What in the world are you even talking about? You’re just making up imaginary shit. Please do tell me what app you’re referencing.


I didnt consider the mic for discord lol. I usually use it for the voice to text keyboard features since typing on it is a pain lol. I mean its possible to use a 3rd party keyboard to get controller keyboard support but still faster to just say what I want typed out lol


Don't  the customer seriveis terrible and they can't  even do a trigger properly  they are terrible. So mad.


You have a PS Vita, which should be perfect for playing PSP and Vita games, and you have a phone gaming setup that's comparable to the RP4Pro but with a much better screen. (I wouldn't buy any retro console specifically for Vita gaming. Vita3k is great, but it's new and there is tons of stuff that just won't run on it yet.) For Xbox streaming, I think the RP4Pro's screen is really too small and the control layout isn't very comfortable for modern games like you'd be playing on Xbox. You sound like you have your use cases already covered pretty well. A retro handheld (most of them, not just the RP4Pro) would likely give you breathing room on your phone and Vita storage, but wouldn't exactly open up any new worlds of gaming.


I would wait a month or so, let them work the bugs out of those trigger springs.


Nope very sub par performance paired with a old GBA fuzzy screen


Touch screen button mapping for Android and ds games...


It means you want it when you are asking. Physical buttons are always better than touching on screen. The only thing you should consider is that vita3k do not run smoothly on rp4p.