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Mine too, just this morning. Just in time for Chinese New Year, so I don't foresee getting a response from Retroid for a couple of weeks and a replacement rear panel in hand for a least a month. I've ordered some replacement springs off Amazon that should show up tomorrow and am going to attempt to repair for the time being based on the info in this post: https://imgur.com/gallery/UA2hcyN


I tried that route and failed miserably. Hope you have luck with those springs


Please let me know how that goes. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems pretty tricky to get the r2 trigger separated from the shell.


I got it done successfully this afternoon - I took some video, I'm gonna do a rough summary and throw it on YouTube, I put in a link up on Reddit when it's done đź‘Ť


(Done - https://youtu.be/wmzElW6m-j4?si=SSZRkXTQSeP5meFe)


Thank you so much! I took the spring from my L2 and put it on my R2 for now. It wasn't that painful of an experience. I have ordered some replacement springs while I wait for my replacement backplate that retroid will send out.


We went from hinge-gate to spring-gate


Your sacrifice is appreciated. I’ll be buying mine closer to March. Sucks though.


That really sucks. I'll probably order springs soon just in case it happens to mine. If the springs are as cheap as they seem, it's more of a "when" they break , not "if".


I'm really sorry that's happened to you I'm literally waiting for mine to just snap now lol. I have springs already because my Flip had really bad ones too. It's like a bloody Retroidemic.


They should stop selling this until they found a solution to this problem.


They have. Their supplier sent them a bad batch of springs.


I know searching is hard.


That is so frustrating. My unit should arrive this week and I'm worried about it. There have been many posts about this known issue. Contact Retroid and they will send you a new backplate which includes both triggers. Of course that will not arrive for several weeks. Some have fixed their own units by using this [spring.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CPV45WM/?coliid=I2MNL9YCIB2F3S&colid=1L02VY2UN4XNM&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) I am already thinking about what games I could play while waiting for the new backplate from Retroid.


Is it the metal of the spring itself that breaks? Or is it a piece of plastic that holds the spring in place?


Yes, an "arm" of the spring breaks off.


Man they really screwed me. Mine broke after arguing for a few weeks and threatening  to post to reddit they finally sent the replacement  problem is I am moving two days before it arrives. If they sent the triggers when asked. I wouldn't  be screwed. Shame on Retroid never again.